The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-22, Page 10• • .11 t L.UCKNOWSENT NEL :LUCKNOWP '•ONTARi0. M . • .ate -..... Photo by Ontario Dept, of Health Senior DepartMent of Health officials inspect a patient 'rehabilitation ' project in one • of the, Ontario -Hospitals. Dymond Discusses Health in Ontario ole of work ri abilitation` of the Mentally Article . II of .a Matthew: B.Dymoncli MD, CM. 'Ontario Minister'of Hoalth • • Patients , in mental hospitals are encouraged to. 'maintain contact tyith'the activities and realities of the community : life, as far as possible, through various social s n d occupational • • programmes, ,This' is an important part •of the. 'rehabilitation of patients back. into the everyday Working world Last week ; I 'discussed ,some patient occupational activities.per- taiining , to hospital :maintenance, such . as housekeeping, , food Pre- paration, gardening, laundry,, .etc. Work iii• these areas permits . the. patients :to be occupied' but 'some- :' timee: it is found. ;that there its .no °K incentive 'to relate. 4:bospitalt ♦ work programmeswith a.. return to use- ' • • fol • employment .in • the coo mni ity ;: Therefore, industrial,• activities have been developed , in ,a '•small , ray.at some .of. the Ontario Hos- pitals. • These work, programmes `are related 'to local .industry, . and though. still • carried on within: the hospital, :attempt; to, ,give ,the patient some feeling of the reality • of working conditions in the .com- munty. They also>. offer ;the staff an opportunity . to ;a's'sess;" ' the patient's progress and capabilities. There Aire three, s u'c,h pro- . grammes at .Ontario . Hospital, Whitby.. ' Industry. supplies the material, the patients 'form an in- dustrial: group and process the material, and for their work re- ceive some pay. In one project they salvage and 'sort small:metal parts which are again made avail. 2 Part Series able for.industry. Another ,group produce a special corrugated car-. ton which is'used in an industrial plant A third • group , are periodi- callyavailable for performing one of the. steps in' the 'manufacturing of cardboard producte..:A snore, recent 'project .was designed to. activate :some. of the regressed 'patients, and with sandpaper, wire brushes :'and: rasps, driftwood is fashioned into a 'piece of art, These : projects in the sheltered., environment of the.hospital.affofrd an opportunity'for the patients to develop 'appropriate' attitudes too=:' ward productive work, in the hope 'that it will be an incentive' to return to work in the rnunity: • Many:, patients after treatment.• inry'hospital do not :require• special .• 'assistance to return to •work. . How- ever; some younger patients -re- quire re-quire.further academic training to ; improve themselvea'•.Others. needvocational and •apprentice - eh p training. At Ontario..Hob-• pital, Whitby,. a ,programme• of vocational assessment through toe,. Department•... of Psychology. has. been developed and through tests. an, evaluation can be made of `the patient's- ability and=epti:tude for. various occupations. ' The prime step inthe patient's • rehabilitation hasthus been cov- ered and the .social workers and' social nurses.place patients°in the: couimunity,`in..trade schools; ap- prenticeships or other • job traiin:, ins . programmes, and eventually place them iii full time' employ- ment., • REFILL PROBLEMS ' SOLVED : waterman,: ` • sheaffer, v earever •.1V,ficropoint' ball. . point :pen re • fills " solve that "does . itfit" problem for all pens. They fit and µ1.83 other popular makes.. See for yourself;, unconditionally guaranteed, 49c at The Luckriow paper -mate, eversharp, scripto,: Sentinel,' phone 528-3134. ■■anaeo■seas■ea■■i.as a°aag1iaaamniai aee■a■ i rams ... ■ Au ANNUAL MEETING: .... ■ ■. ■.. Tobetc014tis,..,... Huron Count .... to Association . •... 'a• • : Community Hall, Cranbrook ..... E.:ThurSday, May :ia0,;.al....‘6,t41.$ p.m... 'IN. mb....t ($4. i.0...1.4,4 .w).....ir+Hiiamow.. <i4..ti ,•••t)0 tq • ■ 'GUEST 'SPEAKER ! DR,, ° S. J. HAWKINS. • • • Superintenndenit of .Freeport Sanatorium A • Kitchener, •.Ontario • •10` J• ' E McKinley, Zurich ,Mrs:' J, H. Mussell,. Seaforth President Executive, Seeretary situs'anlrsaataeaain■as�siaraaeawaea■aken�snNataa■ilia IEWS BRIEFS ROM NEARBY Few more than half the 3112 eligible voters cast their ballot in a recent :plebicite ;in Blyth in. connection; With a. Propose sew- age . system, . The plan was re.- j eeted 96 to 69,.. O P•P,' constables have been doing some }patrolling and had a 'radar trap in operation: at 13:lyth, " as an of festive way of curbing speeding in t!ha:t village.. Many' motorists were apprehend- ed. Residents of. the Port Elgin area' • 'were' incensed by 'the ac- tion of a trigger-happy gunmen. inthat community who shot a rare bird, . the wild whistling swan. • . * * Clintons dump . :has ' .been locked until . fur.ther notice and. council pare presently consider ,ins sorne 'sway, by, 'which the- premises will be. stnpervised• be. fore it .will be ..again, opened, sf or public use Tile 'decision re- sulted from• careless :disposal of refuse: • A 10.•-4nit motel is. being ' built' on'" theBluewaterHighway • at ,� Bayfield, • Huron. • Federation Debates Value 'Of Piowing. Match .. :T11e Huron County Federa- tion of Agricultu. re held an . in, terestiw, .dtiseussion into the- val ue the'. International :. Plowing Match" will ',have in regard 'to agriculture •• df . 'int comes .to. Hur-' on • as tentatively : 'Scheduled in :1966.. • However, at ' their 7' .iesday meeting, . they passed .al 'motion stating they mere in &favgur . •of . the 'showing .snatch even corn ins to B+uron; hut .the Motion also carried",; the:' stipulaution . that they were only. in favour of it' 'itf.it will ,he ' of an advantage to , ' the' : fanning: community, an the County. The . discussion was 'opened when 'president, Elmet . Ireland reported he +had been •approach ed' by • Roy Adair;:. W sham, -c,hairrnan of •.:,the .county i coon- ei�l's . agriculture committee, to- suggest. a site in Huron for the 1966 match:: Doug Miles, agriculture. rept; reseritative,. ' ,then. •asked for . a' discussion .,iby the . `members .to learn, :if they . •felt, the ,match' would contribute 'any :value to. agriculture • in : Huron. Charles Thomas,. Brussels, • a vice-president of . the :.F. of A, said he didn't think the match .would. do much for agriculture and .suggested it .was :tiow more of =a •trade 'fair than': an agr'i culture' ' event. • ' "Everyone sspends, irnoat , of their time in. • the tented city," W. .K.. McNay, Ashfield Presi- dent resi=dent'agreed.' . • George Grenier, Hay, replied that .'there. ' was little: 'interest, in, plowing, noting :if ' he had . 'to plow' 'as slowly' as the compet- itors ,,herl(1he Hive • years • behind in, his,. work. Means Work Mr. Miles .addressed 'the ,group •pointing out he :was • in' no ,pas,- ition tomake 'comments .as to whether or not Huron should have the Match, bit pointed out that farm people 'in .the ,county would have to do con- srdera!ble work , if . the Interna- tional was held here. . • "It will mean',frorri three to four weeks 'work foie a lot of people," he "sugge'sted, "and there has to be , inueh more eti-. thusiasm than 'just. to have peo- ple- say it's, a good thing." He alsci explained that the 1966 event would .be much dif- ,ferent than the One held near Goderich in 1946. In reference to, this he said the • budget for the: 1962 event 'Was $20,000 and he said someone .yin .Huron would have 'to collect .this arnount. The only eVeritue'cofning' =bac 1• ' WEDNESDAY, ;MAY' 22nd', 1963. Notice- NDERGARTEN.". REGISTRATION Parents desiring to have • a child .attend Kindergarten during the 1963.64 School•tertm are requested to register with Mrs. Helen: Hall, ..at ,the . Lucknow Public School, on Tuesday, May 28th—. -from 24.00 to 3:30 p.m,. Proof that the child. will be five years. of age before December .,51st, 1963, is re- quired . and the ` child should accompany parent at time of registration., Tuition fee $15.00,'. for non-resident.;. children, payable at time of registration.. • directly to the local •comm.ittee- in `,charge of ,the event is the proceeds' : from 'the 'parking. He noted as ...well that con- siderable amount ,of organza .tion would _ have to. be Looked •after•; hr. regard to police for the heavy trafP,ic, ,•gaud the 'vast number .af tractors • aneeded for the conpetiboz s, Mr°: Miles. admitted' that H,ur on was almost la certainty to get 'the match unless there was strong oppositign, but statod. that the local .committee would not have the .•say in, regard to the site in ;the . county = Clinton News Record' "What ails this country .is .too many workers who don't: thtk and too many thinkers who don't work." UCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP ' ANNOUNCES John .Dodds of • Dodds Sheet MetaI; An Highly Qualified �_. Furnace Man Experienced• And �d : - ... Will HBe ti S"ervicing ;and Inspecting • All Co-op Furnace OiI Customers FREE! T1-1IS SERVICE WILL INCLUbE: 1. Annual : cleanout . and conditioning: service. .. Annual•inspect•ipn ••.service. '..•' 3. Emergency : calls during heating • season. CALL JOHN DODDST . - A.. � RIPLEY .3312. or' L UCKNOW DISTRICT :.CO-OP 528-2125 PID LucknowYU KNOW. Co-ophas a Plan, to help you buy that furnace 3 interest andup to 5 years to pay. See your Co-op and enjoy bung from yourself, ° IMMO Lucicnow Phone -r528-21.25 s lit# e a nies••••osoioNoo•,•aoeoenies•ss oeo• know District Co-op