The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-22, Page 4• 1 PAGE "owe :' • TM =KNOW ' . sn ► L,U OW.• ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,. MAY 2244 L863. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: RATES "First Insertion 2c per. word, minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, '1 1/2•c per word,. minimum 50c. Notices," Cards.of Thanks and Coming Events,, •.min' m 75c.I. n Memoriams, minimum $1.00. 25c c extrafor replies' to The Sentinel.,Billing charge of 10c for each: bill rendered_ FOR SALE Coronado rang- ebte, 'good as, new. George Hun - ler; . Lucknow, .phone 628-3814. FOR 'POP SOIL, gravel and fill -.• • phone 523-371.1, or contact, Jack .Farrish, Lucknow. GOATS• FOR SALE 2 goats, • a nanny and a 'billy,. 1 year old; nanmy .Tn lking. For details. phone • :Dungannon 24-r-14. PONY SUPPLIES saddles, artless, halters and !bridles. See ithepn on display. at tbhe. Lucknow Co-op. • CATTLEFOR SALE . — Spring'- i:ng Hereford,. Holstein . cows and young • cattle, ,Irving :Keyes, Glammis, phone 1.14-r-4 Pais- '1:ey..• NEW • and. USED bulk or can types, of milk coolers and •ereain.. • separators.. Irving Keyes, Glare= anis, phone ' Paisley FOR SALE Moffat propane 4 -burner apartment . size .'range and `'':two- propane::regulator•., Wins. Dciitald Leader, Lucknow ,phone. 523-3714 before 2:00 P.M. ' FOR SALE .1962 Ford Galax - ie, duaa. range, .4' .auto iJatic, s • cy finder; 8,000 ;an'iles; 1856 Rideau V-11 automatic many' extras. TEACHER WANTED TEACHER ' REQUIRED for Grades .3 and, 4 at Kinloss Cen- tral Public ' School. Duties to commenee .September 37rd, • .11963. Applications to be in. the hands, of .the secretary .by Wednesday, May 29th. •.. ••:' • • • Allcister Hughes, • Sec, ,,.• R.R. 3, ,Holyrood, Phone .; 528-5.200; ' Lucknow:. APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONSwill be receiv- 'ed.:•to, Friday, May 31 for music >,teacher for North Ashfield Township four -room school. , Roy.' MacKay,' Sec; -tress. R;R: 3 Goderich. NOTICES NOTICE_ Finlay Decorators , will be closed • oil , Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday' and Thursday, ' May 27; 28,' 29 and ` 30th . fqr :the Lions convention. ' , RE TURKEY' • PIES . • . Lucknow Anglican Church Guild are '. now , taking orders for 'turkey pies 6 for delivery. en Tuesday; May 28th, . Co tact'. any. Guild : me n bei. Fred ' Emnberlin, Lucknow, .;phone 528-3202. BEST : PRA:xis .on tractor tires, cement and .fertilizer, quantities in ' stock at all tunes Contact Bruce MacMillan, Lucknow R. SALE - ' Springtime'; ,baiby, •carriage, and 'a bassinette, ::both in' xcellent • condition. Mrs.Ii�aro Gre er,Lucknow,+phone ' �. . 52.$-3810: FOR SALE Nash aluminum ..windows, doors; •awnings . and car 'por.ts,' free estimate, ' phone 528-3723, Oliver Glenn Lucknow. >. CEDAR FOR, SALE$5.00 a cord delivered .in town or to acottage. ' Apply Irwin's • Gar- age, Lucknow, phone 528-3428: .FUEL. AUCTION SALE !CLEARING :AUCTION •SALE — of .farm machinery .and houses' ;hold effects,: to be . held. at. the far.•n ' •of Clarence Essex; On - Tuesday, June 4; at' ti' o'oloek.'. Farm 'situated .'1/z mile w'est:.of Bluewater Highway at •Port Al- ert,b• Ashfield Township. ' • • ,Mraahi)ry consists :of , Massey Hartle 55 tractor an new' rubber, also motor completely overhaul:, ped; . case tractor on. rubber, 3 furrow tractor plow', threshing "machine • wibh straw cutter, . 4 section spring tooth cultivator, set.,Of f . drag ' .harrows,' fertilizer dri11, .'32 plate •disc, rubber tired wagon, .hay rack, mower; abuzz saw, ,Massey ' Harris binder, 150' foot belt, ' a good line, of ..house= ahold' effects and many small a'rf,icl'es too numerous, to men- NOTICE Having ' been appointed • agent for the Huron Conrity' . Medical. !Insurance: Co.. -pop, I am' now pre - pared to take care of 'all your medical insura'nce needs. Enquir- ies appreciated. Gordon Kirkland, phone 69-•r-11, Dungannon. • STUDENT REGISTRATION Registration for Grade. One pupils` will be held on •' Friday 'Ma .24th '.between 4:15 and 4:45 : at Kinloss Central 'School.' ' All -,pupils must be : 6` . before 'January' list, 1084. NOTICE • MING EVENTS NEW • CASH. BINGO • Legion Hall, Lucknow, . every. Thursday evening, ' 8:45 p.m, 15 regular games -- $1.0.00 each, 4 Share -The -Wealth • games with jackpot `included ' in each game. Jac'kp`ot this week $60,00 on 55: calls.. • TEA AND BAKES .SALE A Lilac Tea and Bake ..Sale at St. Peter's Parish • Hall on Sat- urday, June 8th . from 2:00 to. 5:00, Everyone welcome. :Under onsorship •of St Peters W.A. •PARTY';SATURDAY � CARD Card •party at. 'St, Peters. Parish • Hall on rt Saturday, . May 25th' at 8:00 p.m.., under sus- pices. :St. Peter's • W.A. Good prizes:. lunch. Everybody wel come.;t DANCE. FRIDAY: St. . Josephs. . C.W.L.; Kings- bridge,: are 'sponsoring: 'a d'anee in the. Luoknow Legion Ha11; •.on Friday, .May 24th. Everyone . wel. corYie. •Carruthers .Orchestra ryvill supply •music and lunch coun- ter. will be in hall . HAM and S o SUPPER A ham ,and •salad : supper 'will' he held �on •Wednesday, EMay 22nd in Nile United Church, sunder • auspi1es of the,' United •Churcl Woinen. Supper ' served . from 5:30• p.m., admission. adults $1.00, children '50c. • • ' GARDEN PARTY SUPPER, ' • The Lucknow' United Church Women will hold a 'Garden; Par- ty supper, featuring turkey and. 'ham,. on Tuesday, June, 11th. the Church from 5:30i to`' .8:00 .p.m Adults $1.25; Public School :children, 75c. F THANKS Lucke w Girl Guides wish, to. eipress appreciation of the reception ,,lthey received and 'the generous' support•of 'their Cook- ie Day- sales. They wish to say sin•oere+lY; ",Thank You," • Lane Gardner would like to thank. all those who remember, ed him with cards, letters and. visits while in. Victoria Hospital, London. All these 'kind reaneni 'brances. were very much ap- preciated. We• sincerely thank the Luck - now Fire Department for 'their promptness, and the' ` excellen t job they did' in' keeping the fire. under control,• Also ••our good, neighbours for thein, .assistance,. their thoughtfulness. . was 'most �apprec'iated. Carl and 'Fra Riegling. 1 • : 'GARDEN PARTY . ' 1 ',Reserve Tuesday, June 4th forthe annual. Garden Party at.. Hackett's United. Church.' Supper served- Jrom 5:30, Ad-' mission, • Adults ;$1.25, Children 6-12 yrs. 50c; ,pre, .schFool. 'child ren' free: . 'RECEPTION' and DANCE A reception; And' dance in honour . of Mr. .and Mrs. Roy Pennington wil!1' be held in the Teeswater Town Hall on: Fri- day; :May 31st...' Ladies" please': bring •,lunate: Tiffinls' ordhestra: Everyone Welecirrie., I ' In , conjunction with, National. Shut in Week, the :public, reTa ', tives and friends are cordially `invited :to attend Open:' .'House at Pinecrest' Manor . Nursing .Hoome, Lucknow, 'on Sunday, May 26th I from 2:00. to 4 0: :and '7:00 to 8:00 P.m.. • FOUNDATION .. GARMENTS , STYLIST'. for. Lucknow 'and district' for •Charis,' Betty Dear Smart form :foundation garments and 'brassieres. Elastic:, control and .full support • garments... Mrs. William ' Kennedy, F trick St: Wiagham, Omtario, loohone 357- '2116. HOGS FOR PROFIT (MEETINGS, Bruce County Quality Hogs for Profit meetings,' Special speak- , er peak,.•er —'Prof. R: Forshaw, De- partment of Animal Husbandry, 'Ontario; • Agricultural College; Gue1 ,p hy ,Meetings to start at 8.30 'p m.' at the following pla- ce.s — Park Head,Monday, ond.ay, Ma y 27th; Formosa, Tuesday; NaY 28th; Paisley, Wednesday, "May. 2916; Ripley, Thursday, May. 30th, ' No ireserve ,as .farm Chas . -'been 8eee■ee■n■■�ek■■eee.■■� sold. Terris cash. Clarence Es• sex, •..prop„. Emile- MacLennan, auctioneer s- • 'I•s Your, ubieription Renewed? Mechanical and Body Re pairs, Wheel 'Alignment and Halance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect' 'against rust with, Unda-Spray Davidson's ' Texaco Service No 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231• Rug. Shampooing with the latest modern equipment.' For Expert Service. Ca11 Finkiy_Decor�lors 1'.ucknov t • . ptihone `520.3434 4...111.■■■'rt161riN■.Il1■■■rr • Hees • I w•is.h to thank 'rriy friends and neighbours for' `the cards ar visits 1 received - while in Wing- haat , and. London,. 'sand, would. also wish" . to ' thank the Wood., *Workers , for 'there generous' 'box` Of fruit .Many' thanks to the WEBSTER— In m'em'ory of , ' W'illiarnz G. Webster, who passed. away five years • ago, May 29th, This' .day. •we do :remember Allov.ing thought• 'we give For one no Longer with us But. in our hearts' still' lives,. Ever remembered by wife and f arnily> • • BENNETT r— 'In loving memory of • C'hfristena 'Rutherford, wife of JohnBennett,. Port Albert, who passed away May, 17, :1857: The'• depths of sorrow . . : we 'can not. • tell, Of :the ,loss . of . one: :we': 'loved ..,.s6/..well; • And.; while she sleeps • a peaceful sleep; P . /fee, memory • we shall always tkeep : 'Ever. reme mberea'•'by her, -his- !band, two: sons. Bruce • and. Hugh, Dorothy and, • ,gra iddhildren. APFUCATIQNS.. Doctors, ;. ' nurses. in •Lucknow, Nurse-InChotgeNurseIn-Char Wi�n�gharn •' and •London: Ronnie; _ McQuillin. B .1 wish to •1,1 ank all who re-. rrierrbered m.e while I. was, a patient in Wing41 ham' 'hospital, all `w,h• •o' called :on me and 'all who 1entcad•sle tters• flowers ' or' 'sr•• treets •.Also those who helped at l horne in various ways. It will. ,be impossible' to .thank each• one individually • so .. please ackept this expression of, appreciation. These act ofkiEdndnessnaRwossit be remembered.. a : <dong time. • REAL ESTATE • 1' -storey, 5 • • •room • dwelling, • 'built-in. ,cupboards cuyb ards in . ki tchen; bathroom,/ closed -in veranda, situa•ted on a dou'bl'e lot. Priced • reasonable for quick, sale. 111/2 -storey, :7room• residence,, y o, ern, �a ose • o. own- town..l calf "ca h required:, t' .� s Several Lucknow district farms for sale • • , . Contact: • :WILLIAM S.7'REED ' Real• .Estiate Broker,. Dial • :. 357-2174, • Wingharri. • RECEPTION SATURDAY, A reception ,will be held in honour: of Mrand •Mrs. Bill Searle •-(nee• Johanna de :Jong). Holyrood Hall on Saturdtiy evening; May' 25th, 1963 • ,Music will' 'be provided.iby Elliott Car-, ruther's• orchestra. Everyone' 'is welcome;.. ,1'a�dies :,please' bring lunch., • WANTED. n. WANTED —, 'lady., for part time,. Work in • insurance office.. Apply Jack McDonagh, .Lucknow, phone 528-3423. ' WANTED live poultry; also ,new 'and used duck and "goose, feathers. Best .prices ` at your door. Phone or. write A. Brown,' 181, Kin• cardine. COTTAGE° WANTED. wish to obtain cottage at lake for either: •the first, third or fourth' week of July. Anyone • -having same for rent please. reply Eby • letter to Box T • Lucknow -Sentinel. ' HELP WANTED : TELEPHONE OPERATOR for the Dungannon Exchange. Ap- ply, in :writing to the Huron &' Kinloss gun icipal Telephone System, Box ..39, Ripley, Ontario. • ' • MAN WANTED 'With car, for excellent Raw leigh, • District in Bruce County.. Write todayfar ire -booklet that will tel you flow to start, We sUpply the capital you 'need. Write . ' ll,awleighys,' t pt. E-271` 12A, '4005 Richelieu, 'Mbrltreal, , ruce�ea Maven APPLICATI.ONS for the posi- tion Of ;F Nurse-ir-Charge..' 'for. Brucele Haven, the Bruce "Coup- .ty Home for the Aged, will' be received un to Wednesdayes ' d y, May •29, 1963. .Kindly • state quaLfica tions, experience, . age, and . fur- hish: •.'ref'erences. • • Apply. •to:- T:. H. Alton, . Sec>-Treas.; !r Bruce' County Home, P.O.• Box • 70,, •Waik'erton, Ont. Tenders TOWNSHIP .OF KINY,OSS•:. Drainage ' Tenders Wanted MARKED; SEALED 'TENDERS. will, roe, received '. the .under- signed .until 2:00 '�,pbysn.:' Monday,. June 3rd, 1963,' ;for •th•e.' cons 'ion, the Young -;Parrish Ex tension.,. and Stanley- /lVlunicipal Drains; a lineal distance of 12,31:5 ' feet of covered jirain, 11,435 feet ofopen•. drain and '15 catch •obasins:, Plans, profile and by-laws may ibe seen: 'at : ;the Clerk's Office, A.R. 3,. Holyrood, Ontario. A marked cheque. ,for 10' of tender to .•aeoonipany tender. Lowest or a•ny tender : not nec- essarily . accepted.. • G:. ,H.'-- Wall,; Clerk.. Phone /387 3840 • ■ . GERALD (Jerry) WALTER ■I• ■ II `250 ACRE FARM; Kin- ■, • loss Township. Over • 200 • level, acres workable, well', ■ ■ draiined, ' Huge 2 ' storey• solid..brick. house, alb ',mod . os ■ ern conveniences, nearly • m• new,' "L" shaped barn U ■ 36x56 &• • 36x46. '•23' cow •▪ ties; .loose housing•and •, ■ pig. pens, •Only •,$25,000. •. • Terms .available. No.. 3-416. • ONLY '$10,504 for 100` acre • n farm West Wawanosh,. 93 n ✓ acres .Workable, level • stonefree medium' • clay '■ loam. Natural gas , well on. w. ■ farm', 12 storey'' helm, is • •heavy .duty 'wiring; 6 • bed- ■ roerns,• Ba't+n 'is 50x50, hen- ■. : house • for .200 hens, drive- �. • shed, outstanding ,Ibargain. • • No. 2'398 • ■ .. - J. Everett Pennington s, n} ilxll; 2, Teeswater, Phone '302.6064 a■i aners®riilnOnnO11 ie■ TABLE CLOTH. Paper. in rolls of 100 '' feet ' longnd a yard wide,. suitable for banquets,. picnics' & •any catered, meal, The .Lucknow Sentinel, • WANTED Real Estate Agent, :MAN. Or WO1%I AN For Lucknow and District Ekperiencerpreferred,: but • not 'necessary. Ambitious person can make .ib eater bhari • average. .,.income, ,' Apply: ' Wilfred Mclntee. Realtor,. Write Box , 549 . Walkerton or phone 884270. ..