The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-15, Page 151 e r 0 ts' t-. ir••• iy P-• 11. •.. • • • • • • •• , .• • •• • ▪ ' • • • • • • • • • 4 MO • 1. ' • • • •••• . ,•• • . • • ..• • • 0. • •• •••• • • • • .• ••••. a. • • •• .• • •• • •• • • o ••• •••• •• 4. •.. • ••• • • •• •• • WEDNESDAY, MAY 15th, 1963, • • .%11$ LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNQW, orfrAttio • v PAGE' FIFTEEN: 1 / • New Transport Wilk. Butter And Eggs . _ TS, Francis . ItenrY Visited .on ' SuAday, • . , : Sunday at the home of her son, ,. • Fro*, Local Plantin Accident At Zeila• nd who ,4 01g siiverwood. vart„,, , . vRosse, wi4 and ari,r.ily of Cedar • . , lams Irene, patm of Wm\ham steep embankrrient. 'at ' the Zet- .* Otrt of Landon liolleCi d'o'wd" a . ' • - • • D spent the. week -end at. the home KINGSBRI GE of Mr. and Mrs. Jack ;MGee 4 land bridge on Wednesday of 4 ' ' ' . ' • ' .1e.ileils1.:ting Mr. and Mrs. Char1e4 • last week it set m ;motion a er ies of recovery operations that Grosse Pointe, , , s ent the their son, Tom, teacher At, Park- •S- Dr . and s . J.:A. Kasper, Fowler for the week -end were - took, all afternoon to get . the week -end cwith Mr; 0 O'Con- hill and friend, - Miss Ilene Vin••• vehicle back on' the highway nor. • ' • t aga.M. .Ma' 'of .rand "Send. • Mr. an Mrs. Ray Dalton; • Mr. ;and -Mrs. Frank. Glenn .on- • The tractor van trailer...with •a Kathie a'nt'Terry visited: rela- Sunday visited at the home .of. 4 4 b ' below ,zero refrigeration unit, twes .an Pic rine and Toronto their son,Mr. 'Oliver and 'aVirs'. . was brand new. It had gone only recently. Glenn and family of Lucknow. . 410 Miles. It made a...trip,. out of ;Mr. and rs. *J.. C. MOSS -Of, 'At a Baptismal, service at the, London with ice cream • for the Woodstock spent the week -end . Dungannon :Uriited ,Church, Rev.. Lucknow. plant, , arid was en-, 4,t,, their cottage. • . . . , •N:\ L. Gostonyi Performed the • route back te London, with 200 Mr. and -Mrs. Chas, Brinker e ' boxes of buttgr: (about six tons) and family of •Detroit spent the .cThey were Donald Alexander, 'and 38 cases of eggs. week -end with Mr. a4Mrs. -son of Mr,. and Mrs. Harold El - Earl. Drennan.- , liott; Karen Brenda, daughter o Mrs. Genevieve. •Kinahan, St. Marys, visited; relatives and Mrs. Arnold Stothers; here. •on IVIKerily Lee, daughter of Mr.and Sunday. , . Mrs. 'Jerry Weavtr; Simon Ed- •Congratulation.s to Danny Dal- . ward, on of Mr. and Mrs. Perk ton,' on . being .croWned king of L.0..,,,.wgtenb.; Lucknow District High sehpiol at b Shelly ' „Kathleen, clainghter of Mr. and Mrs. -Ivan the school's annual spring forrnal, Rivett; Jeffrey Scott, Son of Mr. dance.: ; Misses Betty, Lo• u and _Eileen and Jack AltOn•;' Barry.Win.,_ son of. Mr. and • Mrs. George Wasselle: of Detroit • spent the • :week -end with their Parents. • Mi'. 'Thomas Wallace, Mr. end Mrs. Clayton LecIdy• spent the week -end. in. Flint, Mich. . . -•Stopping on the .light at the •approach to the ibeileY bridge .at Zetland where construction •work, is in progress,: the driver of the • van disoovered th; road !break- • .ing away...and his vehicle start - ng to slide cloWr- the steep em- •"lhankraent. . He .stayed at ;the • wheel. The van rolled. over and • , came to rest On its .side with wheels facing south on. a new culVert that had been 'built at • this .Point. From. there it was • removed .0 the 'river bank by. a. • . crane owned 'by the bridge con-• • tractor and then righted.. .A 'bull- dozer made .a road .•up the steep bank and the "cat" hauled the van up it, to get it back to the highway: 'It was about. •.., . . • •. Seven.Babies • Biptiz • when,' the •Mishap 'Occurred and: 1, ; . , • it was • about 5:00 o'clock that i4EWS) , afternoon,. before the "rescue" (DIUNGAN14014 . • , • Job was 'finished. The. van' Was ' • --..7.. • ' - Mr,' and .'11VIrs'T . OM. Cantwell • battered up rather badly,: but it• ' and family of ,•StauffVille spent considered repairable. The driver • the :week -end .with Mr. and Mrs. . escaped injury:• '. ' • rea ChaPlain To e Anniversary pea er Sunday H.AnniVer,sary services will be ,held in .Lucknow Presbyterian .Church on Sunday, .at 11;00 •a.rri. and' 7:30 p.m. 'with Rev.; Major. •.J: M. Anderson, M.C.. ,and Bar, C.D„ ,as the: guest 'speaker- • at. both services, • • ;•• Major Anderson ,has p;had. a • clistingtrisiiecl riilitary career in the chaplaincy .service and since 1958 has been at London as area • Chaplainof the Western. Ontari&• - • • • tpon , graduating ,,frorn. Knox College he was Called_ to •Port Elgin Presbyterian Church in • .1941,, In. the fall of 1942 he re:. Ceived ' his appointment ' as chaplain in the'Canadian A,rtriy. ' He was .attachect to Highland /..Light Infantry and, landed in Normandy. On "D" Day. He was' ,the only ;chaplain to receive the. Bar to the Military Cross for. • • gallantry. In .1954 lie.,:was senior. Protestant chaplain • with • the* Canadian Brigade in• Korea:. • HackettAnniversirY. Anniversary serVices,. will al:. so: be .held at. Hackett United j:!'k Church •: in .Ashfield with 'ReV.• Heiltry )F nge' 'pf Londes.bora as guest.CPreacher • in the•• morning and Re. Kenneth „Griffiths • of Brussels in the 'evening. ,Mr. W. A. Culbert, rho had been on the sick lwen :t !wet Wirigham Hospital en Tuesday Of laSt week forx-rays and ob- servations whiclestilted fav- &rabiy. On 'Thursday, M. and Mrs.: Culbert visited'their :daugh- ter, Mrs. 'LeOnard Crawford and her husband who•is also recover- ing • nicely from- illness. • .• Smyth. • •. • Many happy returns of the day *to Mrs. Ahner Morris who hada birthday. on Friday, May '40th, but the day of celebration was, mil Sunday, May 12th, Mother's Day.:A family reunion was held and those conihig. home ;were her son, .Charlie,,Petroit; daugh- ter, Mrs. Anderson • Mugford of London' and Mrs. Betty Knight and family of Detroit, Mr and: Mrs. Russell , Drennan ; and sen 13.rights Grove,. Mr. :and Mrs, Len ,Christilaw, :Nile arid: 1VIrs. Ken. Morris and Brad Van!, stone of. '.Benrniller,. I• A -fine evening •of.rniSiien en- terprise :was ;held in the.,,Dun- garinen United. Church on -Fri... day evening With. Rev. N. L. • Gostonyi.. conducting.. Amale choir of' seventeen‘ vpices 'led in s.s• the singing • of miionary.• hymns with Mrs. L. 'Stingel :presiding' -at the organ: Bev. 'Roy Jordison a returned Missionary from, • Trinidad gave an' • illustrated lecture . on his' work aidthe People from that, country,: Com- mencing !With' maps arid showing, Ithe location, following with Col; .one; Coffee•and, cookies.. were ba.rio of jordiscin. :rnade• the rounds .a friendly spirit talking to •each group. .,• . ••- . ' •. We are :sorry to hear.' of the • „illness of ;Mrs. • James Petrie • (tidy Reed). at •Tills.onburg Gen- . eral Hospital with a,heavy hea•rt,' , !attack: Mrs. Wilbur. Brown and 1 ;.111:s.,''' Anne •• Linklater, ' sisters, Ivisited- with her last week: We nope to , hear of improvernent • ,Visitors en Sunday with- Mr. and' Mrs Wilbur Brown were, Mr. „kid Mrs. pill" Reed and family and'. Mr. and Mrs. Jaques of. Wingharn, Anne Link4 later and 'son. ;Roy of .•Saltf,ord. -and Mr. 'rand Mrs. : Jack Petrie' of ' . . • • NWilliIT.' end Mrs. arn .,‘Brad- ley • and. daughters piviaa; and Alice cf Goclerich and Mrs. J. J. Ryan of. the Village visited On. Sunday . with mr. • and Mrs.. Thomas- Webster: • , _ • Mrs; Margaret :Moran Spent the week -end With her son Frank andMrs. Nrorah :Ail -raid.. Mr.:•and Mrs. • E. RCAFt Clinton,' Who is taking'course of preparing trade boards. at Camp Borden for, two weeks, was home - with his wife' and fan -lily ;for the .week -end. ; Visitors with MrS: Annie Bere were -On Sunday ;her sons Eldon and Harvey, their wives and f a,- rhilies, south ,of the .villake ane: Sen Laverne, ,Wi.fe .and falilily ,of Goderich. Also visiting. re- dently• were Mr: and.11VIrs: Hew-- era Brown and Mrs., Lily •Ro-," bertsen of Kincardine. Visitors. With Mr.' . and ,MrS. Glen ,Weayer for the W,epk:;erid were their';son Jerry; wife • and little ,daughter Kelly', Lee and ,on Sunday,. Mr. ;and. • Mrs. • Rollins and'Sen 'Jack, all Of London. . Mr, and • Mrs:' Harold Chase and :family, and:•Mrs.,Alia,Mpore bi Goderich visited Mr..and Mrs. Fred young and family. on Ored 'slides and explaining, each `,\ . • • • •••••••••••••••0••••••••••••••••••ipoo••••••••• ' • • WALKERTON KINSMEN • • • • • • • • • • • • • •At The Walkerton Curling Rink : Wednesday May 22nd And Every 2nd Wednesday Until August 28th • . • 15 Regular Games $25.99 2 to • 1 $200 Special' • 2 $100 Specials 1 Share The Wealth / • Admission$1.00 Time. 8:30 p.m. • • Special And Extra, Cards 25c Each Or 5 For $1.00 f• olisibe•••••if#0••••••••1141)•••••••••••••••••••••ir Lions Donate Second $100 To Summer camp. , For The . BIi.n A. take.Joseph At • 'Monday's meeting the pressive, .interes-ting and :eduipa- Lucknow and District Lions Club tonal. •. • ' • approved the recommendation of ; Mr. Kennedy stated that there the Executivethat a $100. done- are 7,000 registered blind persona ' tion be made to the Adjustment in Ontario.' There is ccommoda- Training. •and Holiday' Centre, tion at the Camp' for ;130; with • officially'opened in 1981 at Lake camps of one and two-week per- ; • Joseph. near .1VlatTier, north-east io.a4held throughout the sum- , • of: Bratebridge. • ' • The Lions Club had Previous- ly ;donated $100.,,an4' in addition to - Monday's second donation, pledged further siippart to this proj eat . •. ••• • Guest 'Speaker ,at this meeting was Wallace Kennedy, :assistant fieldinan for: the 'ICNI13 at Kit:. Chener. • Mr. Kennedy iias him- self beenblind tor 15 •years. He,• was introduced by Bob MacKnzie,' as a married Man •with five children; with' one of his' hobbies ;being ;:rniisic,' having been a church soloist before los- ing his eyesight. • ••• Mr: Kennedy showed slides:of the St. Joseph •centre, builtat a •cOst- of 4240,000 of 'which Lions Clubs pledged $350,000. . The' 'pictures' of this centre for the -sightless' people «of On - • •. The. training, and holiday. fac- ilities, specially designed fer the enjoyanent -and ' .relaxati'oh of sightless ,perSons,•emphasizes the relabilitation; residence, research and 'recreation.: •4 • • The weeklY fee ds $27.30,• but none is deipriyecl of the ,use of this camp' because he or she, 'or, • • . • children. 'can't !afford it, • . $25.00 Donation . • 'Gerald. Rathwell thanked Kennedy for his interesting pre-- . sentation and commended the - work of the • An unexpected- • preseritatiOn• was made. to Mr. Kennedy — checine. for 425.00, for .the ' -Work of the C,N.LB.. The cheque was: . presented by Blake as proceeds from, the hockey. game last whiter between' Belfast and.. all :ages, were most irri-• i '• • • • • n the. baserrient• and .Rev • • saimmoommalaiimimOmmaimpliammaa00110111,iimmlimilmall • • , , • , • d •• MinorInjury As Car Wrecked Ross •.Irwin Lucknow be "strung UP" for ;at least. three Weeks. with a 'shoulder injury . from an .accident that might ANNUAL MEETINIG ••- • • , very well have taken his life, •• . ' '•••• ' " " '•• ' ,A8 Ross was en route from Stra,t- • , • . m . • 4 m , • , a , IN it • ill ford to Lucknow recently and • . ,,• .• • • B i . '• • : his oar went ont of c•ontror on the Huron County Tuberculosis • . Base Line; ,between Clinton and in AI Aubn, •He knocked off some • , ' • guard rails went over the 'end • ' Association ' '. . . . ' . , . ,.. of a culvert and turned tile ear i, • , , . • , 11 • end -over -end, coming .t;o'• res.t on p • •• ' . • . •I i • O ' ' III . ,,, . Hall, •cra. .b k . .. .. . , 1 E its side ' • . a :•• : Community ' Ha ' n roo . Ross could,sme 1 a.ncl taste gas • 0 in the c;ar which' had, landed in. ; „ • __, • 0. about ':'. t� feet of water. tie '• • • .Thursday,- .30 - at 60.45 m •. • . • • • • • It • ▪ • -,,,•C•,•• • . • • • .. . ••, • „ • j• GUEST SPEAKER OR, g. HAWKINS ') • • 1 • 014 • Superintendent of Freeport DAtinatormin, • Kitchener Ontario • • climbed out of the wreck, which .111 more .than torn ligaments in his shoulder'. Ross was alone at ,the • 1 time and !Cense of the actident : he sold for junk, with 'nothing , :ivas thought possibly to be a• steering defec.t. I : '7"" .'.1;.:‘,.i.C1:111 I., E.' 1Viekitiley, •Z u..r"it. h i 1. a' Russell Seaforth 0, , • tetter . that your ,inoney. i.goes M_s. . . , , • '.''''' 11. ' ' President:. • , Executive.. Secretary. • a to the tal, collector than to your .44 a• ';;' • 1 • \ ' . . . . 4 ILI head.•' „,.: • ,. • ,. ,4 imilikillimliiiiiitiiiissimusaglimilliniiiiiiiimilliiiiifilliiiii,i,iiplit O ,,.• .•,!. • , 0.110 , • • ik IP • • • , 1982 CHEV BISCAYNE COACH, just over 13,000 miles, like new.. ' • 1961 CHEV, BISCAYNE SEDAN, a one owner car, . 1960. CHEV ."BEL AIR" SEDAN, a sharp One. 1961 CORVAIR. 1/2 TON PICK UP, as new. • / ' • . 1959 OLDS 88. SEDAN, .a AleautY: 1958 PONTIAC, automatic, radio etc., 2-1957 . FORDS coach and sedan, new motor in •• coach, • , 1957 VOLKSWAGEN; a good one. 1956 • CHYSLER yvilvDsoR skt)AN, one owner., . • • • Many More To Choose From. ALL RECONDITIONED! • r Phone 147 —u Kincardine , •