The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-15, Page 13a± } w'EDNESDAY, MAY :15th,; 1963 . ROY N.BENTLEY PUBLIC_ ACCOUNTANT GODERICII; ONTARIOs. ° Box 478 Phone JAckson 4-9521 HARPER AND COMPANY Chartered Accountants•• 33 Hamilton .St.. ' . GODERICH; ONTARIO Telephone JA 4-7562 JOHNSTONE'S • FUN R, L OM ..;E A ...H E. • Modern .and Convenient Lucknow,, Phone 628-3013 Day or Night Serving All Faiths' • According to • Their Wishes Moderate Prises • Established ,1894: ls►. R DU VAL : 4 Chiropractor Physio and Electro Therapist Wing' ham Phone 300, • (Office located on :John St. West "neat to Toronto ,Dprniiion Bank) INSURANCE' FIRE, WIND; CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To: Protect•.Your .Jack,.. Insure . With Jack :Today. J.= A.. McDONAGH Lucknow, ;,Phone.528-3423 STATE.. FARM.' MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE : I NSU RANGE Investigate Before Investing REUBEN . WILSON'. RA. , 3,. Goderich' Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon • R ,.. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicit& LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW • Every Wednesday". and Saturday • Afternoon Office.; in. the Joynt Block Telephone: Office •135 'Residence 31J R. S. HETHEIINGTON, Q.C. Barrister;.-- Etc, Wingham and LucknoW • IN' LUCKNOW. Monday ..and. Wednesday'. Located in ,Kilpatrick 141ock. 'Phone Wingham Office., 48' • Residence 97 IMPERIAL OIL . PRODUCTS for prompt service, :. and quality products, THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO DUPLICATOR supplies, 'bond paper, mimeo paper, typewriter paper in pads and quantity, ink and master sheets, . duplicator fluid, hectograph machines and Supplies, if we don't stock your requirements, we will be, glad to order for ,you;.,, The :Lucknorov Sentinel, : ,.• 'contact: GRANT . CIHSIIOLM Phonecollect Dungannon 72-r+1 or 10 Lucknow 'Always :Look TO Imperial For • The Best" M�cKenzie Mer. �rial. chapel FUNERAL SERVICE. Services. conducted + accord- ing.:to your wishes •at your Home, . your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional. charge.. ' Lucknow,, Phone 5284432 Day or Night ww,rru ; WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP ,We :Have Been • Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven .• Years, Always. Using • THE, BEST GRANITES Along •With.• Expert. Designing and Workmanship. Prices Most. Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty. A. S POTTO N Phone :.256, Wingham, Ontario. ' o G:.. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist ' Office,on. Patrick St., just off: the Main St. in WINGHAM Professional' Eye Examination ' Optical Services For appointment • Please Phone ;770,' Wingham MacKENZIE, O.Q. Optometrist . ,a NOW 7N RIPLEY' EVERY • WEDNESDAY 'Office Hours- 10:00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Phone Roy MacKenzie, Ripley ' 96=r-24: , for appointment: •R:'W.:BE LL OPTOMETRIST' - :GODERICH, F. T. Armstrong Consulting . Optometrist g The. Square (Phone. JAckson' 4-7661) PPLICATIONS • LUCKNOW DISTRICT. ' CO-OPERATIVE INC. ,Lucknow, Phone x/528-2125 TED •COLLYER Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL . CONTRACTORS.• Specializing' in • ` Electric Heating, Electric Wiring • • and Repairs ,,, and All electrical Appliances Luckt1ow Phone 5'28-518.2 GaviIIer,.Mclntosh and Ward CHARTERED' ACCOi1NTANTS °. Resident Partner, T. E. Kennedy, Opp6site Post. Office Photic 881-3411 Walkerton POLICE CONSTABLES Applicatidns will be received y the KITCHENER ' (POLICE: DE PARTIV1ENT. for 'persons inter- ested in :a ,police .career. .Appli- cants must be: ' . Canadian • citizens or British • subjects, • • Between 21 and 30 years; • Not ;4aess than 5'10'! without 'shoes;. Weight not less than 160 labs.• Land not more than 200 lbs.. Have at least bwo , years Thigh school;. '• q Be of good .:health and • P`hysique, Be of. good . moral. character and habits. For `further ' information .• as. to salary, - working • . ;conditions, .fringe. , benefits and ,application form, write or contact: Chief Constable,.. Police Department,: 134 Frederick Street, Kitchener,'' Ontario. ' • .POLICE CADETS Present Slate Of Lions Officers. The 1963-64 ' slate •'of ' officers of the_ Lucknow . and: District Lions Club. was approved, at 1Vfonday night's' meeting. This term's meetings, end in June. The, slate for net term will be as ' follows: past, president, Lloyd Ashton; pres., Bob4Mein- 'tosh; 1st,. vice, . Bob •Finlay; 2nd• vice,. V: A, Mowbray; 3rd price, Omar Brooks; • directors; Blake Alton, 'Donald MacKinnon, Alvin Hamilton,; Gordon', Finlay'sari; ,tail. twisters; Cam MacDonald, K. C. Murdie; Lion tamer,' '•'Raynard Ackert; treas., M. L.• Sanderson; sec., Harvey. Webster.,. The club is entitled to . six delegates to the • p. rovincial con- s vention <in Cornwall this 'manth. M. L. Sanderson and V/ A. Mow- bray are delegates to •the •Inter= national at Miami :in, June. Applications will be `•received by the KITCHENER POLICE.. DE- PARTMENT, for young male. persons interest; in. a police. career, . Applicants .must be: Canadian, citizens or • British subjects, Between 1.8 and 21. years, Be not less than, 5' 10" Without shoes; Weigh not fess .than 150 lbs.. and not more. •'than • .160. labs. Have at. Least twoyears high school; • • Be in•.good health, ,Be of good moral character � � •vend habits Forfurther ; information as ..to salary;• working . conditions, ::fringe benefits, +and". application form, write.. or :pcontact Chief Constable; Police •Department, 134 Frederick Street, Kitchener, Ontario. SERVICES •CUSTOM'; :BUTCHE G' Reef and pork sold.any quantity:. , Custom butchering' in Government licensed abattoir.' Pigs every Tuesday; Beef from Monday through Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT_' MARKET -- ' President Lloyd Ashton • con- gratulated Pete •.Bissonnette en ;his election • as Deputy District Governor, and he •'received .the. Lions ;.roar ,Commencing in the. fall • Mr. Bissonnette said' would have 13' official vvisits. ,to make and :Would appreciate be, ing . 'accompanied by Club Mem,- berg. em=berg. Gordon' Montgomery ;and Gor-. don Fisher, represented the! Club at the 'County Crippled children's ineeting oat Clinton recently. The Club' passed payment to the Arena Committee of .$100.' SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic tanks, cess pools, .etc.,; pumped' and. cleaned with , mod- ern. equipment. " •All, work • guar- anteed. Lours Blake, . R. 2 ' Brus sels phone 442-w-6. AUCTION: SALE • Allan Maclntyre Licensed. Auctioneer Lucknow •Phone 528-5304 CARD:OF:THANKS We Wish to thank ,a1I those who `assisted . and helped in any way :at' the time of our recent. fires, With special. thanks ' to those who sent' clothing for the boys. All this kindness will 'long. be •.rememibered. ' Beth and Eldon MacLennan and .boys. Plan Egg Marketing Vote For Fall (Huron Co. F, of. A. ,News) ' R.... W. • Ca•rbert, •. secretary.= Manager • •of the Ontario Federa, tion of Agriculture makes the announcement of the appoint- anent -of • Jat'tes V. ' (Jirn) . Ross .to the position of Director of Inforrnaton ' kr. the SOFA •effec= -tive May 1st,' Mr, Ross• assumes the ;positio1 which 'became va- cant when a-cantwhen Mr. Ca'iibert was' .nart- ed ' secretary -manager. in Febru- ary of this year, and it Will' be his duty to coordinate the in:'-• formation andpublic' relations programs of• the OFA, •and its m�erx l?er organizationar Thoy feel .•veryfortunate, in .haying. made PAGE Dead. Stock Removal Service Ye are licensed to. • remove_ your- dead or' crippled farm; ' . animals for sanitary disposal. GORD.ON YOUNG, Elmira Phone Collect to:, MRS. GORDON TAYLOR '528-5950. -- Lucknow. ' 24 hour service: Licence Noss; • 215063 and 22R63 • thil appointment ; and as • Jim Raa is well known . and a areal "down-to-earth" . writer and (broadcaster they: are pleased to have 'him'. join their staff. . Egg Marketing.. Plan F meeting' al t the recent .annu g' the 'Ontario . x Poultr � Produc- ers: roduc ers: \Association approval Mras given :tic the general outline .of a . proposed. marketing . plan. for Ontario eggs. The Board. of Dir- ectors. ',of -, the . Association was` directed. to proceedwith the job .of, working out :Otani of both. the plan, and its . egulati9is With. the Ontario- Farm 'Products .Mar.- keting 'Board,' With, the .objective of:a'producer plebiscite in either late October . or early November: The :proposed plan Which calls for the eventual .introduction 'of a • teletype :auction" system for Ontario eggs, and: the implement–. atipn of a stabilization fund to be : used in. price :stabilization was introduced' iby OPPA Presi dent Tom ..Robson of Learnington; M•r.' . •George• :McCague, Chairnien of 'the Ontario Farm Products Marketing. Boardalso addressed' the meeting and emphasized the importance 'Of starting:. a anew marketing plan off on the right foot.' He sugtgested ' ghat :thie first jab after •a :successful .vote; .had been : obtained Would ibe. to hire a com;petent manager whose job. •it would 'lb& .to work hand in bland •:with producers •.a.n,d the tfade in ironing •oulr immediate problems and '•working, ,toward the eventual establishment of .a plan; than: would . benefit .a11 con- cerned: rental 'for the 'Hamilton am:ilton Jr.' A.. • garne, $57.00 for ice time for minor rental for' the h. am hockey a $ � The Committee in . charge of . local Red` Cross .supplies is V. A. , Mowbray, Howard Agnew, W. B. Anderson ,and S. B. Sto, there, Omar. Brooks reported, on the 4-H Tractor Club, which was recently. organized under,, .Lions. Club sponsorship. He and • Jack MacKenzie :.are leaders. WON LEGION'S BINGO JACKPOT ' . THURSDAY : 1Vtrs: -Lawrence McLean of Kin-..� oardine was, the big Money •win-' .ner ;at' the Legion ;bingo .last Thursday evening:' She received 'the :$75.: jackpot (prize, plus the share -the -wealth ,dividend for a total, .of, .$99.00. .There are four -share -the weal- th games 'with the .jackpot : in- cluded in ,each game., •As a' re' sult. of her. win on .=the third game, the jackpot this week will''• be $65.00 on 56 ' calls. .FATHER TO ORDAIN HIS SON AT LONDON Rev. Charles , Robert Town- shend,' Town=shend,'' of Huron, one of .13 carr ' didates. for .the Anglican. priest- hood and deaconate in ;Western ;Ontario, will be ordained. by his • father,. Rt. Rev.. W. A. Town- shend, Suffragan Bishop :of Hu-.: con, May 19, in . St. George's : • Church, London. Or:May 23rd, Rt. Hon. a N. Luxton will. • ordain. several priests. • Deacons to.. ±be ordered that day include Orlo' H:; Mil- . 1'er. Pinecrest Manor NursingHoge Member;: ASSOCIATED NURSING,, HOMES Of Ontario '24 -Hour .Supervision of A Registered . Nurse Considerate :Personal Attention For Elderly ,,and. Convalescent Persons. Excellent Home -Cooked Meals Box 220, Phone 528-2186• LUCKNOW, ONT. PEDLAR AGENCY YOUR BARB WIRE EGG PICK=UP DEPOT For . Golden Glow Requirements . No Order .Small --, No Order • Too Large • Terramycin ::SoIuabIe Powder . With 8 essential 'vitamins, broadens the use of the; antibiotic .itself..'Inst'antly' effective in drinking water. Available • in 1/4 lb, jars. •• Darcy: Iocude Iodine disinfectant, 'detergent •and sanitizer. for clean- ing your milking eglupment, Just 1 oz, • to 4 gal.. water does the trick. ° KNECHTEL art ...Lt knovr.•Braticii, Phone/ 52$' b 1.4 "There's A Nov' Life. Feec'1. For Every Need"