The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-15, Page 12• • I` • PAGE TWELVE. u cxiiOw .SICNTIN EIt, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WFDNESD IY, .MAY lath, 1063: I 'visited a mental hospital re- 'cently. A couple of nights after that I watched television coma= median, Lenny Bruce.' Both ex- periences produced the : • sane . reactions: fascinatibn,' repulsion, and sadness, They also made me 'ponder the causes, of the ;grow - ng •neuroticism of today. w Surely a can't - blame it all • on The., Bomb. That's too easy. think='there are a couple 'Of-, ,Ingredients a. little closer to . home, .on which we can focus. If 'we eliminate. "them•; • we might even eliminate' The Bomb. • The two 'elements in modern' Hiring which are Increasing our population of nuts at •a • .frightener ing' pace . are speed and greed . Speed. is ,the deity of the 20th / 'century ;as surely as money.. was that of .the '10th,; reason that of the•, 18th. We worship it . cyni- :tally, 'but unashamedly, * * * . Greed Is the fat, slabbering lit- • tle -beast inside us • thatmakes pis 'repulsive if we feed it, •frust-. • r' ated if we don't, and., happy only , if : we : strangle it ab .:birth. Everythingis speeding •.up. When 1. was a kid,.people ; used • to • sit around on: their ' porches on 'a . May evening, "shooting,. the breeze, then , go off., to bed soon after dark, They slept all night. No, pills. ".If you• sit. •around • on your front porch nowadays, all : it. means . is that you're ' a bum, because if you were . ,any.'good. 'You'd have enough money so that you could either {be' chasing :• around the: lawn behind a power. knower,'; or sitting' inside watch ing television, like • a'' :decent .ci•tizen.„, Speed .has• ceased to be ; a means to •an: .end, . and 'his .be- come an endin itself, •though,We. refuse to admit it: We speed, '11P Production so . that We can. "turn out ,'the article more. cheaply,” :As soon ' as. • :the '' new method is -in •operation;; •the • price goes: •up "Higher overhead." We speed on • the highways • to save time, and spend six months in the hospital, when' we ; fail to make that curve.: We speed • housework' with new gadgets,: so the ;good wife ' ,*ill have. More leisure • time'. ' — to• . sit around with a • ibottle,, or -:.go oust' and play • bingo .High on the list of those latter - clay Satan who cater .tO, tempt, and urge on the poor ,ordinary slob in his worship -of speed and greed 'are'the advertising men. If that seems a little harsh, don't ;fake my .; word . for it. 'Just pay 'a 'visit to a' supermarket Shopping used . to •be a lei- surely,: pleasant - part , of daily life for . ,women: It 'was;, a ' hang- over from the , open market of less • frazzled times, At the grocery store, they met , their neighbours, exchanged. ' repartee with the • grocer, pinched the meat, tasted the cheese, squeez- ed the bread,' thumped. ,the m.61 - ons, 'prodded• the chickens, and sniffed 'the fish. And 'above all; theY chewed' the fat. • Today, shopping is • a ';fright ening, soul-destroyingordeal. The Only thinks; the. ladies can get - their hands ,on 'are the ire=•. getables,: and there isn't much joy/ •in pinching, ; thumping, or. taking ; a:,• bite out of a ,turnip. Where their grandmothers .dip- ped,' a' hand, into a .box. or barrel. 'to 'taste or feel, they worriedly read ' labels.. or ` anxiously peer into those vast, gleaming• mortu aries which . have ' replaced . the *old meat. counter.; • From every ..shelf, 'in every. color, they. are shouted at, to "hurry, • be . quick, • hasten,. grab Me, buy more," `and •harassed by "family, size, special deal; 'Wilt- ed time only, 10c off." No won= der they scuttle. about .furtively,: snatching up .packages. like ••hot. potatoes and throwing, . them wildly into their 'carts. every�t�h�in�g spells out speed• and • greed,rninu•te rice, : instant coffee, • pre-cooked sham, oven ready chicken, ready -mix cakes, quick-frozen fish. As a result,' they 'buy. twice as much as they need • in half: the timei,they should:. ' ' Then,• instead . of *a 'mutually suspicious • 'but friendly tallying• of- the 'bill with the grocer, they dive ifor '.a spot in,the lineup; , the grub is : whisked tato .sags, the cash. register. chatters its stac- cato song,: and they find them-: selves spewed into the." street, 4 vast bag in ` each' arm, and . only the, vaguest- idea of how much they spent. • • . * • ,* I'd like to. spend more -time. on -this :;'theme,-;but.you'-11 have to excuse 'Me now. 'I've got' ,to hurry and • finish: this column,. so '1 can rush down to the kit- chen My !wife want to know whether I want instant : coffee 'or jiffy' cpcoa •w, ith ,the, apiece of pie (instant fill, ready -mix crust) for my midnight snack. Got to , save time if I want . to read. 'my- :book digest :before I` go ` to bed, Think I'll have • a ; ,big slice. ofgorgonzola cheese With the pies Instan . ,dreams', ' you know. NEWS BRIEFS FROM NEARBY Blyth Council:' .is requesting' Provincial' Police to take neces- sary .measures to , halt the ex- cessive speed of . motor. vehicles through ' the village, ;. . A 'machinist who recently in Stalled a press at 'the Chesley Enterprise is a native of Latvia. As• 'well as ''his. native . tongue,, he sPeaks German and ,Russian,: and since coming to Canada has: 'learned to • speak ' English well. The fact that, . this machinist speaks four' languages, causes the Enterprise editor to suggest, in effect, that,,•we give this, some. serious thought, before •.. boasting about • our educational system.: * * * • Central'. Hotel at . Exeter, the last of seven which . once operat- ed in .that town h!as been sold. to British Mortgage . and: • Trust Co... as the site of a new, branch Genius has its limits:• Stupidity, hoviever,: is ;