The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-15, Page 2.1PAGE TWO. wariqmatroweinagaWMTION Tax: wwKNow torrnan. „LUCKNOWt. ONTARIO. WEDNFSDA7 ►. MAY 15th, 196 ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs. Albert B, Alton,. Ashfield Township,. announce •the • engagement of their laugh- ter, . Mary Louise, • ,to Mr. Alvin Richard Irwin of :Sarnia, son • of Mrs. Emmerson Twin of Clin- ton and •the late Mr.' Irwin, the marriage to take palace Saturday, June 'the eighth, at two o'clock at. Hacketts United Church, Ash- • . field ':Township. T'Retire AsMusica rvi so Su e r At ;the conclusion of ` the school, term Mrs. Duncan Bi?nA-• sort plans ' to' retire 'after ten years'' service as. supervisor ;off music Ian sevveral public schools in • this district. . This term: Mrs. Simpson; the former , Lillian Carruth, is. ;teaching music in thirty class- rooms nine schools. in -the district 'including Ripley and . .Kincardine. ' Mrs: 'Simpson commenced her • duties • as Music supervisor: • in .Ashfield Township when .there were some sixteenschools ,in, op *ration: , in ;the • Township. `. She took over . tight years ago .in ,Huron Township' .for Mrs.; Jean Carruthers, . who came to Lucknow to teach Baptized Eight Infants At family Day Service Mother's Day ,referred ''to • as Family Day in chuff;; h worship was observed in; the ' United: Church on, Sunday morning, with a • (baptismal service con- ducted ,by Rev. a. W. Strapp,:. who conferred ,.th,e sacrament of baptism 'on eight .infants. They Were: Ronald. Blair Al- ton', son of Mr, ,sand Mrs. Ronald Rarvey Alton; Steven, Douglas Atkinson, son ,of Mr, and: Mrs. Wayne . Atkinson; Deborah Anne Bolt, daughter of M. and Mrs. William; Bolt; 'Paul • Robert•. Fin- lay, son . of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Tinley; Deborah . 'Ann Gardner; daughter of. Mr.. and Mrs,James; Gardner; :Janice Lynn Hac- kett daughter of Mr;,, and Mrs. Allan , Hackett; ` 'Michael Larne Hamilton, son of Mr.' and Mrs,. Lorne . Hamilton;: Nancy Janet Thompson,. 4. aughter oaf' Mr. 'acid Mrs;' Donald Thompson.. Baptismal .-certificates were; presented by Wilfred I?rennah,• clerk of session. Flowers in the church were placed .by. Mrs. 'John Mowbray and Mrs; Wei ;M+acKint on in memory of their mother,' Mrs.. W. V. Johnston :, and ,by Mrs: Notice INDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Parents desiring to have a'child *attend Kindergarten: during the .:1963-64 School term :are: requested, • to register with '•.;Mrs. ' Helen Hall, at the Lucknow public School, on Tuesday, ' May .28th—from 2:00 to. 3;'30 p.m.' ',Proof that . the' child will be ` five:: years of age before December .:31'st, 1963, is re-.. :squired and the • child :should accompany parent at time of registration. ,. Tuition :fee = $15:500,, for non-resident children, :.payable, at time of . registration: • Trace :Hub Cads Stolen'.• • • 'From. • Car' 'Two • youths from Kitchener have ...admitted to the .Itheft af' hub caps from, the car of W. A. "Bud •I1amil,ton about ten days ago. A story in .last week's issue related how 'Bud had caught ,then 'in the act, pursued :theme and caught them, north. of Luck- now. At that time they denied having the hubbcaps,, and 'Bud returned home with the 1icence. number •of the car. ' • The twosome, one reported to be from the Kinloss area,` were traced Eby. police end admitted to ,the theft. They' took ,the police to a bush- at the edge of Kit-, Chener where they found Bud's hub caps and eight others,, W: Strapp :in memory of all' Mothers. • NEWS BRIEFS FROM NEARBY Yale. Rubber Manufacturing Co., which has operated :in Kin- cardine for .less. than ten' years, has announced it, is not ecanomi- cally sound • to continue Opera- tions in :,tie • Lakeside. town and. will. move ' their Plant and op- erations . to ' Toronto. The. shut down in, Kincardine will'.be com- pleted about the end of : vTune. It is. the . second' 'major industrial setback -for -Kincardine, the Circle. Barhaving moved' from there ' a.' "'few years ago * * * Any oar. driver can ' screech his tires, or. speed: along streets. and highways: ,No (brains what= ever: are required for. such Child- ish and: • crazy .actions,"", declared Magistrate Otto McClevis' during the hearing of a case in.Walker- ton. . police .. Court, involving . `a' -teenager' who had exceeded ` the speed limit on :village -streets �& roads' in .the; . Tara area. A beginner does everytihing. wrong.` without reason An ex=: pert can give... good reasons for his .mistakes: .. ' . DROWNINGS �In 1'962, one hundred. and 'seventy- five people in, Ontario lost their lives by drowning. Many /of these wasted lives were children ' under the age. of 15 --r ' •a shocking reminder of the terrible . toll that •occurs • : 'each' summer. As the weather warms : up, • : so the death count rises, 13 i May, 16%. in June and 2Q% in •July.. Asphyxiation by water. is one of the. most common ' forms • of ; suffocation, but live44 could' often , have been • saved, if: someone' on the' spot had known how to give artificial :respiration..: This is "save -a -lifer week" -where St, John Ambulance "focuses. attention :onfree life..' : saving'. courses ,which, this . organiza tion promotes and directs. 'In case tof 'drowning, for example, it is esturiated,.that 'if, artificial respiration ps applied' properly within one minute 'after breathing/ has entirely stopped, chances of the victim reviving are about 98 out''of 100 If • , there is even a four -minute lag before somebody administers artificial res piration; revival chances are about 50-50-, A few minutes later'_ — 'chances are in; creasingly more remote. You'can .apprec- iate, apprec . iate,' that it is 'virtually useless for. some • one to 'call . the fiife department •or other help for a drowning victim. Artificial res- piration must be started immediately , by whoever is right . at the scene, and' must be continued. ' without a: :breakuntil life Most people erroneously, believe that .drowning is caused, by the intake of water into the lungs,= .t eun This •, is, in fact, , quite g true, •: as ..there is generally very little, • " if any, "water in., the lungs of .•a • drowned •. , per ,cin. Drowning'. is . simply asphyxiation caused in this 'way: ,the Browing person will attempt to .breath in .the , water.. The ..water taken • in .will: come in' contact with the larynx (vocal 'chords) . These muscles, which, are normally quite ,dry; will ga in to are automatic• spasm at that point, and prevent either water orair from reach- ing the lungs ' If ;.the c1rowning person is .pulled from. the water 'at this stage, he will not ' he breathing and will naturally. y be ,quickly suffocating, to death.' Artificial.. TERRIBLE TOLL " respiration_ is a means. of forcing . the air into and .out of ' the' <lungs in such a way that the normal functioning of the breath- ing 'apparatus . is • restored. Artificial • respiration is also a life `. saver ' in . cases of electric shock, Some forms of poisoning, 'some diseases, and; .in chokilig : and strangulation.:. The reasons' for its effectiveness vary somewhat for each case, but in all cases it' is used. to. restore normal breathing ` that ' hadbeen suspended. There has been some controversy. about the . use of the , : mouth to mouth method as opposed to Holger-Nielsen. There is really no, need for controversy. Both methods are' effective. Proper app- licat�on of the Holger-Nielsen will:. permit. 500 cc. (roughly one pint) ' of air ex- change td' th e lungs.. " This is more than adequate • for sustaining`' life. The mouth to mouth method will, it ; i§ true, Move. three times' that• volume , of air which, of ?ourse, ' is ,advantageous. It is interesting to, . look back in. his- tory and discover: that artificial respiration, is not only very old, but has some strong ramifications. For example,: the early. Greeks, realizing that an asphyxiated per- son must have his breathing restored by.•.: some means, hit.'' on an unusual idea . they would place` the victim 'flat on his back and a bucketful;, of ' boiling pitch would be dashed on his chest! They be- Iievedhis gasp. of surprise would ' restore breathing (actually, many , did breathe again, only to, die from: burns and shock.) The Old Testament speaks of Elijah. plac- ing -his body onto that of an •asphyxiated boy, and then raising it again. Other me- , thods used • have included pounding 'a victim's spies with a ' hea°iry board, drag;-. ging him around pulled by a charging horse .and placing him over a barrel. The barrelidea :was about the closest to our present method, even though the reasons • why were, for many years misunderstood, •What. they were actually "doing.,was stitn- ulating fake respiration by forcing the rib. cage in and.' out. Stiff Of Eight At RipIyHuron Centra School, Official Opening:. 0� �une 21 emen common • wi�tIi other rural; school LaryMarch of this year "el in "the R ,le'-Huiron area. Lary school students from Rip, p •Y. , ley aurid several surrounding ru- Floyd,. who as presently teach ral _school sections, moved into ing 'in Culross,. has been engage a new and 'modern ' school in iri Ripley .as male 'assistant • ani Ripley; known as the Ripley- athletic supervisor. ' He was sel Huron Central' School. . ected'fr'oni, eleven applicants." •The official opening of the Miss Jean Campbell of Listo. school will be held on Friday, ' wel ,has ` ibeenappointed' rnusi Jure 21st, ,and plans for. this dc- supervisor. for .next .term, suc casion are receiving detailed latceeding' Mrs; Lillian' Simpson:,o tention:' A historicalbook, cov- .Ashfield, who is retiring, ering •a century or more of ed^ Including the music'surperviso ,ueational development .. in , that there will be a staff of eight a area, will be published in con-, 'Ripley -Huron, Central ` Schoo junction with the Opening, and next term, as follows: Mrs. .Mai each, school section; will have an thel. Wilson, principal; Mrs. Vio individual sketch . in the .book. let MacKenzie, Mrs. Isabel Mar Staff Complete tyn, Mfrs. , Eileen'• Mad:to: mac ' There will be 'one change on Mrs. Mary ' Stewart, Miss Ad, the 1963-64 stuff and a new Gawley,. Mr, StanleY rand `Mis music supervisor. ' Carnlxbell. Floyd Stanley, ,On of Mr. and • ' :. ,Mrs. Ezra Stanley sof Kinlough, Reeve. John : MacKenzie o has been : engaged rto ''succeed Bruce 'Township, ' in compan: Mrs, Betty Elliott. Mrs, Elliott is with Bruce County Warden ' Har teaching at Clover: Valley :which vey Palnateer and. County En section is inthe new ' Central gineer ..Eldon Yundt, , preserntea School area, (but tuition, continu an appeal .to .the Ontario g � • til the end of this term sten of hi hmiill in ung •ways, .for ,asses tans, at the. •,:Clover `Valley School, at.in.meeting . the • excessive . cost which time it will be, closed, in of '. snow plowing.. • iai,••l•lie•i/a•• •••s•••••••••l•`••••iregno1i LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP ANNOUNCES John Dodds of alds� Sheet Metal An Experienced And Highy.Q ualified Furnace Man Wiii Be Servicing. and. Inspecting. 11 Co-op Furnace Oil customers REI I. THIS SERVICE WILL INCLUDE: 1 Annual cleanout .and: conditioning service. 2 Annual inspection service 3 ` Emergency scalls' during heating sson., CALL JOHN DODDS AT RIPLEY:'33R or. • LUCK OW ,DISTRICT :co -or. 528-2125: DID Q • .. Lucknow Coup has a plan. to help you buy that furnace id est, and up to 5. years to pay. See yOi Co-op. • ."and ,.enjoy.. buying from y urself.:` Lucknowb, Phone .528.2125' iii******iuii* ****14406 400**** ir4*i**e,oto**1 t +res ��� �Y:W.�'y iii•. t ,: