The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-08, Page 12fi
of aCNon; to take. to keep .ineured
1 you change jobs, follow carefully *the instructions
on the back of the Certificate of Payment, Form 104,
Which your group is mired to give you.
When youteach your 18th .birthday you are no long
certificate. Register
coveted bp, ,parents'your'Separately
insured. Forms are available
withint]bitty�days to keep
at hospitals; banks and Comnnissioa'of ices.
When you marry the Family premium must be paid. to
cover husband, wife and eligible dependants. Tell yon
group OR, if you- pay direct, tell.the Commission.
: 2195 Yong. Streot; Torvinto'7, Ontario •
Supplies In;
xse f Emergency
<By ' Lloyd Jasper, Co-ordinator,
Bruce County:»EMQ.) ,• •
•.A war .'emergency ' 'or a ',peace
tune :exrriergeney: will leave many
Peoplewithout" sources' of :food
..and without: facilitries to Prepare
st.. Emergency • feeding will be
needed by, many •people .initially.
evacuees casualties, and civil
defence workers::•
Because that .of ,the targe food
smites :in Canada are'located
in•: •our (Probable. target areas, it
pis necessary to plan for the !dis-
persal cif. essential'. food supplies
►rior' to or during an .evacuation
process; '& .*for the Sava' e of
p les after an attack:: Lt will, +be
ecessary. for bhe appropriate au-
1 horitries to 'introduce a rationing,.
system: &. other controls ',for the:
distribution of ifooc ' in any na-
tional emergency.
Reception .areas '.must Abe pre -
'pared to. feed ,;special :.groups
among the evacuees. Infants re-
quire �-Safe li4uids ; within four
tours ' othervinise they become
dehydrated and i11. Special facil-
ides, not .entirely.:deperndent on
gas and :electrical power, should
be earmarked for the :'rprepara-
- 'tion of infant *formula: Casual.-
rt'ies • in advanced treatment cen
tres' and 'in.:improvised hospitals, IS
Plan Bruce Co.
Centennial :1967
Centennial 'observations of.
both the Dominion • and Bruce
County will lbe held in Walker-
ton, the County seat, on the, July
1st week-ezd, 1967.
Initial plans were discussed.
Tuesday •night, at the .Chamber'
of Commerce meeting. The two
anniversaries staged in conjunc-
tion, mould result in the largest
event ever held in this district,
it was predicted. •
In 1867, , Bruce operated for;
:the first time. as a separated
county, with .the county site at
.' Walkerton. Previously, since •it
was opened up to. settlers in:
1850, it .was e apart of the united
Counties of ' Huron :and Bruce,.
Walkerton• 'has become the
first municipality •in Canada, ,to.
contact the federal government
on : celebrating' the Dominion
centennial, with the :decision to
hold :a large observance !here. A
federal' • ;grant will• be ;Made
available to -help defray, . 'costs..
Also' the Chamber may again
sponsor .a . trade fair, a project
Which wasdiscontinued ten
years ago: A committee of Ralph
Walker,' Clarence • Schmalz; Jas.
Kerrigan,` O para' CHOlrn and.
Ted ' • 1VIeCanne1 was appointed.
for thiss
Pt�Po e
—Wal.kertf3i`i.. ' Herald-Tirnes
as. well, as the 'aged and young
children in: institutions, may.
have. special'' feeding • require-
•It should be possible' for most
evacuees to the fed: in : the homes
where they are 'lodged. '.Those .:in
congregate '1' dging centres would
be' ;fed if +possible there, Or
means of other ,feeding facilities:
Howe ver,, r the ; rpo'ver and gas
supplies ,have' been cut off •i:n
the. area, mass, ifeeding 'front im-
provised Icookrng' facilities would
be necessary' for '. 'both the 'resi
dents :and . 'evacuees. ' Therefore,
every. area. 'should 'be. prepared
so ..that , it could provide mass
emergency .,feeding, an: the : event
of such : a situation.
Your Emergency Pack Pamlxi -.
let, available :from • Municipal
d • fence . *igen -Meas
urea Organization, Box 483, Wal-
kerton, Ontario.
MAIZE At Alexandra Hos
pital, Goderieh, : "on April 26th,'
•1963, ' to , Mr: and Mrs. • John
Maize, '; R.R. 1, •_- Dungannon,: a
daughter,`. Diane Elizabeth: ..
FRAYN'E. At 'Alexandra +Hos-
pital, '
os-pital,' :Goderich, on ' April 26th,
1963; to Mr. and°'. M'rs. , Eugene
Frayne,. R.R. 3,'.Goderich, '•a son..
Your' Subseriptif n . Renewed?
THE BEAVER is one of the most industrious of animals.
p! tails with Wiring caro On the construction of a home for his family.
• Beavers mate for 'life, and their homes
are built With a!i eye to permanent use.
When a man builds or buys a home, he, too, likes to
NeIthat it permanent For it is at home that develops roots
and friendships:Safeguarding the home for the family is but one.
of Sun'Life's Many services for the security and protection'
al yourself and those you love. Let me tefi`you'about 'these services.
l6tR. 2; LUCKNOW
Phone Wingham' •717, w-4
Attend Berwyn
Hill's Graduation
The • W.M.S.will 'hold .their
;nonthly. meeting at the hoe :of.
Mrs. ; W iiliann :: Orr Yon' Thursday;
afternoon: • .
The Children of the, church
held their first Meeting ..of the•;.
summer on Sunday' afternoon in
the school during church service.
• Russel. Young, . son of Mr. and
Mrs.' Clifford Young. entertained,:,
` his little:. o'boyLfriends on Satur- '. .
day' ' afternoon with- a belated •
• birthday.. party.. ,Russel had pre-
viously • taken the chicken pox.
Mr....and Mrs.,' Arnold.• :Scot.,
Mr. and Mrs.. Elmer ' Scott and'.
Mr—Gordon Wal-1--aLteirded fire
graduation service. of. Mr. Der.
wyn• Hill: at 'Convocation, Hall i
Toronto on .Tuesday . evening
April: '30th. His . 'ordination ,, ser , •'
.vice . is to take place, in Grimsby:
We extend sincere. " Cengrattilai.
ions.' Mr, Hill has been 'appoint-
ed o``'a• church .on the, outskirts
Of 'Sudbury at.. the close of the
-school--term;- Mr.. Gary :Morton of
Kincardine,. +who graduated ' also
and wh.o• hadd' conducted..several..:
services at . Lartgside, is. to be
posted. to Kingston.. . ,
We . are sorry to' have report_
that Mr: Angus' Strome •h ''d to
have `'his leg amputated, near the : ,
knee.. R. is. a. patient' in Win'
ham .•.Hospital
The - Ladies' Aid .meeting was
held' on Tuesday night at, the
home . of Mrs: •' Wes • Youngs.
Scripture 'was read by. Mrs. Eu-.
gene Conley, meditation given
by Mrs. Frank Miller and, pray-
er thy Mrs. Eugene Gardner.',Diir-
ing;' the' business, period it:' was
decided to •ibuy two hot .plates• '
for, the church. A'tee of ¢.
Mrs,' Wes .'Young, ;Mrs. Frank
Miller, Mrs, L, 'Moffat are •te i:•
meet at 'the home of Mrs, Wrri,'f
Evans to make - plots ,.for serving
a wedding dinner; It was voted
to 'give the. ,girls who ' attend
tamp at •Kintail $10.04 to , help,
with their expenses. Hymns. 494
and 212 were'stung . The meeting° .
closed With The I,ord's•. prayer,
The hostess served; a doings
lunch, The next meeting is to •}i'
held at the home of .Mrs, Lloyd ;
Mr. Charlie Tiffin and • M:.. '
Russ Ritchie were to London rr=-
, gently for pnothtr -check up for
Mr, Ritchie tfollnv,ring 'his Frrio r a. I
tion. {
Cornmun}on . , rrry , r s *wi:; • be.
held next Sunday, at Lan(wrck ,'
and'`-Whitecliurch with lirepara-.
tory•servi:.ce •at Whiti;church Fri
day. evening, Infant baptism will i'
,also 1be conducted at L ngSith
An ,expert is a- persr,n 'Whip'
:knows 'all - the :answers .if you t
"ask the right questions.'
wWNESDAY, *AY 0th,. poi, •
they, Mme.. Mae,: Hantiltoll on the
oevasion, af. her 'birthday, Guests •
Were ' Mr. Roy McGuire of Ripley;
et ,.and Mirchae . Theabi ,Tana
Mr. Alvin Harnilton,
onored . rthday
�gues•t speaker and special
music 'u were features of the Olivet
H C.W. meeting on Thursday
evening. Mrs Sandy •MacCharles
was hastess and Mrs. Herb..Cisy-
t.on as convener introdueed4 the
"speaker, 'Mrs. . Walf;'er Lock of
Ripley, Who brought a thought-.
'ful message' on the "Sacredness.
.of Personality.". Miss. • Nancy
McKay sang In ' the Garden."
Patsy • and Mary MacChar•le,i
sang "The ..Old • `Rugged Cross."
Mrs. Jack McGuire. gave a piano,
solo. Mrs. Gerald Coiling led 'in
prayer„ Mrs, Sandy. 1.>lacCharles•
'read,' the scripture.' with -com-
ments . by' Mrs, Clayton. Mrs.
Howard Henry read a letter
from a ,'.missionary,., Miss:, Edith
Patterson. Mrs: ' Doug Henry ex
tended the, courtesy remarks, A
bountiful: lunch was served by
the hostess and •eothrni tee' after
•Which a `successful' sale.•of things°
grown, sewn and • baked . Was
Following the service . in Olivet
United Church- ,on S9'day, the
session'' presented an occasional
ebair to', the retiring choir.'leader,
Mrs. 'Jahn . MacCharl-es. Mr:.. Wal-
ter °' Dexter read the • address
while: Mr. Herb Clayton and Mr.
Sandy 1 MacCharles made the
presentation. „Miss :Sharon 'Coi-
ling was organist this Sunday.
Mr;' and '12rs,' Ray Hamilton.
entertainedat dinner on Sunday.
honour of Mr. Hamilton's mo
•cafe, a.. beautifullly decrated
Angel cake Was the gift of
'Leonard McInnes,
Recent visitors, with Mr, ' and
Mrs.. W. T. Aoulston'. were Mr,,.
and Mrs., Orville Guy and L nd,i •
of Mitchell,. Mr, and Mrs.; Cyril
Campbell and Miss M. Pickering'
of Lueknow.. • •
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pennington
of Teeswater visited. of S
with Mks.• E. Osborne and STI
and Mrs. Robert Osborne,• ,, • .
Angus. Gordan . of .Saskat'oon.
and Broderick, Sask., passed;,
away ;''after an illne,ss of some
months. He' was in his 82nd
year, •and was the son of the,.
laste Archibald and. ,Belle Gordon
of Langside, in • Town=
H.e leaves, to mourn, one bro
ther,• ' Jannes.. Gordon,' and ' two
'sisters, Mrs. Belle Duncan' -of:.
Broderick and• . Mrs.; John Mc-
Gee of Wingham. O:ne brother.,
John; predeceased.bin-1 two years,
ago: The three. brothers had
lived. together at their ,horne 'on.
the *prairies, ;and had not, -mar
Interment was •from tiie',Pres
byterian' 'Church in Broderick •to
Saskatoon. Cemetery:
Happiness is, that ;pecul•;a;r
sensation 'when
You acel i -uir' e you;..
are too busy•.to .tbe miserable. •
MY 8ANi'
First find the car of your choice -then talk over :
a Fernily,Finance Paan Loan at your neighbour-'
hood'branch of the BANK OF' MONTREAL
• You deal on a cash basis with
the • dealer of your choice.
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$% ai rYika's: iJ.i•''i•,% IJ r. r:. �'J,•: rriY:+ifiifri:•: }• rfir.... rr