The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-08, Page 11aNffE•DNESRAY, MAY,, 8th, 1963 •, - 1'1 I.UCKNUW- SofTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1 onna---—ansum®nIPWM Ill 0.* foe your .kitchen •with: • Lovely semigloss. finish r Beautiful decorator colors Excellent for plaster, woodor metal WILLIAM MURDIE and SON .Lucknow► Phone 528-2906 1 • MAGISTRATE. SPOKE .ON JUVENILE . • DEL NQ•IENCY• •Otto 'McClevis Who: has ' served for ' 1.8:years •years .'as' Bruce. `County Magistrate,, 'recently addressed a .married couples. Meeting in the Coun;ty. ° Town. He ... p'oke. on "Juvenile ,be7. 1'inquency;" ' which is. on the Jn crease, and. in •part he. had the following• to say; "The main reasdn. eri le,s get., into 'trouble : are the . parents;. , suCh•: • stemming. ,from broken. .'homes.,' -drunkenness the home, children not attend-. ing, Church and "Sunday s,ehool, andsloppy. dress. ° delinquent 'has 'no respect for older; people, or : public. and `private' property." The',.`magistrate concluded' by. saying,, ".we still do have matey good girls and' boys, +sho life good, . clean,.. respectable lives; who dress ,properly- and .who go to 'church and •Sunday'. school, who; do not <dfink, : smoke' .and '-who behave. themselves ibec ingly." , _ .• ' 'This .-year , Were go rug to list the goverri;nfent as a • dependent and. ';see' twhat happens. for this one -hand , : ase -o erated gre p with each carton of 60 ... Esse MP Grease :;Ca edges . d al uSEW$��'PISTOU,.AT.• A high-quality, one -hand operated grease gun, complete with 12' .flexible extension hose. ow, Esso'retail price of $8.25. • Yours now ata saving of 45.25 when you purchase one carton.' of 60 Esso MP Grease Cartri ges !.The sure;economical way to keep your equipment in. top worig • condition= Get one neon fro .. m your ,.y erial Esso Agent. NEW Esso CHAINSAW TW NLUBE: The first and only, chains'sit' du purpose c.hai�nsaw oil 'iu Canada that w�do boh jobs in yoUr .,. ! 'GRANT CHISHOLM.,' 'LUCKNOW Phone Collett Dungannon 72-r-1 AOENT1S111GHTWITHTHSTliA . I. f '0.4 R i' A. IIy :01 off. MI'Is E NEI VEWS' BRIEFS' FROM{ NEARBY Wingham Council recently heard a representative of the ,Department of Transport outline steps required . and.- regulations for the establishment, of a licen- ced airstrip., • Wingham Town Council ..has ,hired a.:` third member on • the town ,police force Fergus merchants ' met recently to discuss store hours and means of ,attracting' more, 'business to that • town, A' questionnaire ' is being • sent out .to all' residents of the Community requesting re- plies to about 12, questions . as. to what +they;, would like done ,1y y * * oftt e � merchants and towa�sfolk • .A n.eet ing is. being:.held- in. Clinton with' a view to organiz ing a Chamber of Commerce which will work toward bring- ing industry t`o . the town. The move . °is being spearheaded. 'by "Red Garon; who is "miffed" at the. lack of interest shown (by ..the• .town council in' this 're- pard, In an effort to stimulate con- struction of •snore all -electric residential and • ,corm ercial establishments, Clin.ton,P.0 C. ' is offering ,a special incentive dis! count 'on . hydro billings in this 'connection, ' for • a six Months period. Trimble •Baillie of Cargill, who. is Bruce. County ',Probation • Of- ficer,. has 'purchased . a• building lot in Walkerton' and .has com- menced 'construction bf a ranch. type home.: * * *. .Goderich Town • ,C:ouncil is amending its dog Eby, -law; Tequir ing' that pets now be fenced, tied, or : iheld ;on • a leash . for 12 inonths of .the year. Dog, licences' leave (been upped to $5 .for male or.. speyed females and .$i0' for females. The , ' Radford, Con'struetiozi Company` of 'Blyth have been awarded;.. the largest contract.. they have , ever under -taken rebuilding of the highway, 'be tween 'Walton .and Seaforth . preparation 'for paying::- * • Elmer • CourtneyOf ' ',Ripley., suffered- a brokenright leg 'and knee injury in an' accident at Ayr,:, where she was:1ielping. load - farm • implements.: A: ' :binding chain`. snapped, allowing a 'earn 'planter ..tu' fall .off the. trunk::' ..Chesley Kinsmen are •present ing. a cheque •$1,000. to the Chesley Artifica.Ice Committee which it' is. expected Will focus attention; on the fund which pre-, quires , some $8,00 ,-to complete the project. • 'Blyth voters will ballot' ' on June 27th on the question of beverage. roo,rns,, cocktail bar. & dining"/ lounge' • licences.• The last. vote- Was ' in ,June: oaf' 1060,. 'and' when the : plebiscite- results; re- jected. beer and liquor outlets' the. Blyth Hotel was- closed and :boarded" up. `It 'was. 'purchased .a year, ago ,by' a' Shelburne resi- dent; who re -Opened the, hotel. PURPLE GROVE Miss Eva ;Culbert, :Mrs. Wm: Eadie, .'Mrs. Jack • McIver, Mrs. Victoria Smith " attended a 'shower for' Miss Gladys. Graham. Mrs. Frank Dore, Nancy, Roni-' nee and Dianne 'were Sunday 'Vis- itors of, .•Mr. anrs d M. Louis Misch, ',,Walkerton Jimmy and Cathy `Dore spent Wednesday with Wray Thomp-,. so • ils 1Viargaret ,Robertson spesit Tuesday afternoon with Mrs.: John Taylor, Hanover.. ' Purple Grove Institute met at' .the home. of . Mrs Francis Boyle on Wednesday , afternoon. • Mrs. Frank Dore,` Miss Marie Hayes, Mr, and Mrs, Gerald, Brindley° spent. Monday, in Lon- "don, ; ,, P AGF ELEV,EN. • oe•oo••••••o••e•••a••••••leoo o•• • • . • • introducing The . • • COMMODORE` TYPEWRITER • i• • i ' • . • • • ' • 1. • •.. • •• .new Portable Typewriter New Price -`$54.95.. (including carrying_ case) � •Y. sr— • • • :i • •••• • • • • • •. •. • • • •• • • 2 A new : lightweight portable typewriter, only 9 pounds • in weight, wider. 3" in height. This standard model 4 incorporates all the standard features of . a large i • machine; quick -set margin, paper holder, half spacing •• • and 84 character keyboard. • • •. • • • ••See It: On .,Display At l i. LUCKNOW .I SENTINEL • • mws••••••ee•••en••n•••ean••n•en•••eae••••4n•e••g • • • . .•, Some ladies.atiended the :Meet-. ing: of United '.Church Women in Pine. River' C•huroh. on Monday evening.. Mrs. Harvie Thompson,: Bob' and Joan alma. Ronnie ' Dore rspent 1Tli'ursday in. Kitehener. •. •Mr. : ' andd • . Mrs.-. Claude _Dore (Jr.) : spent. Tuesday in London with .Kenneth Dare. With, spring. work .on. .the go hired :'men with, 'M r, . and .Mrs.. Francis:Boyle is Arnold Cain::' of. Springhill, , Nova . ••Scotia; with Mr. and, Mrs; Gordon •Pat't�erson is Jim McPherson: `of • Westville, Nova Scotia; with Mr; . Murray" -Campbell fs onald—Power ., of Red Lake, Newfoundland whiie Russel Valid• is • helping: .for : a Couple. of 'Weeks' ,at. Mrs. Frank :Dore's Miss Mary • Anne McCosh, ayld. Mass. , Annetta; Forster, Toronto,: spent. the •:Week.end at tiheir :homes. • • Nir: zC.ec i ,Sutton was weleom- ed' as the new : elder ', into' ' .the .. session' of Bervie United Church.. on Sunday. . Mr. and:/Mrs.'•Ben .Scott, 'Mr.. Morley ` Scott Mr. and Mrs.,.1~iaT vey.' Nicholson, Hugh and Mary. were guests of Mr ' and 1VIrs '. ' Clayton: Watke; 1VIr and. 'Mrs. , Donald Mc - Cosh, "Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Patterson; Mr. Jim 'iMac:Plier. son were, Sunday guests Of .Mr. : and Mrs,. °Walter ..Forster. Mrs; Victoria Smith,: Mr'.; and :Vlrs. • Gordon' XacDonald attend-, ed' the weddin of Gladys C',.ra-.: and am ,u MurrayyTuck in SOutii. Kinloss Church on Saturday. Mrs:: Donald • McCosh spent. Sunday evening 'with Mrs. John'• f ot�Weh, . T Mr. Norval Stanley, Mrs. :H'el en.,,,Swann and ..,Mr. Milton Stan- ley; were Sunday -guests of Mr, and 'M'rs•.. Glenn. Stanley. When it comes to •homehea:ing, there's nothing quite as carefree and comfort- able as safe; dependable Esso Oil heat. We have a wide range df oil heating equipment to suit: every" budget.. LOW BUDGET TERMS Up • To Five Years TQ Pay ROY HAVENS Plumbing And Heating .Phone 52$=3012 Lucknow ESSO OIL BURNER SALES And SERVICE ` w HOME HEAT SERVICE •