The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-01, Page 15• '.W PI4ISDA' MAY 1st,,: 1963. DIJNGANNON: THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . PAGE FIFTEEN .• Mr. -& Mrsk Ken:'Phomas, Lyn- da and Wendy, Toronto,: spent the Week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Theme's Webster. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs.' Bill Bradley, Brenda, Faye and Al.,' ice,, ,Goderich. also • visited with. her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Sparks and Janice,, Port Elgin .visited their eeusins • Mr. and Mrs, Bob Mole •.and family on .Sunday,, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald 'King and family, of. , Dundas .visited with chis .brother Mr. Fred King, Mrs. King and Bill on Sunday, •Mr.. and Mrs,' ;Den'Walden,. Vicky and Monty .of Kincardine visited. Mr. and Mrs, •Bene :Mole and Mrs: W. ,ii. Andrew for the week end at their . homes.. •• ' Mr. and 'Mrs.' Chas Fowler and .son Tom were '. recent • `visitors with Tier .brother Rev. Glen Ball of Barrie ;who is ' in very poor health, •• ' Mr. and ''Mrs,' Fred King and son. Bili on Wednesday. •of ;fast week visited . Mr. King's brother Mr. 'Ernie King at .:a Hamilton. Hospital, who. is:making a. mar- vellous recovery ` from virus pneumonia. Mrs. J; :J. Ryan who spent the. winter at - the home: of :her :laugh-' • ter Mrs.. Gordon Kidd, •Islington, returned., home at .the week end., She was " accompanied,. by . Mr, • and !Mrs.1 Gordon '.Kidd and' their. family,' Ry..ari and Sheila: Little Lynda Thornes, ;daughter of Mr 2 and ;Mrs ',Ken Thomas,. Toronto, ; is . remainin'g this eek, with' her grandparents • Mr. and Mrs; Thomas Webster. , A large representation of local and surrounding ladies o:!. Auk- iliaries 'and :United Church .. Wo • men . attended the Easter 'Thank-. :offering :meeting.:. at the Dun- gannon United church on 'Tues- day afternoon of .last week. ,Mrs. K. K. bawson; , tpresideet,";was in 'the, chair, Mrs. :Cecil. 'Blake read the seriptur.e lesson.' Mrs. Gordon' Finnigan ; was: organist arid`' Mrs. N. L: .Gdstonyi ..led. in prayer. Mrs,' • Dawson spoke a few • words of Welcome..to the visiting ladies. .Mrs.' .hied - Dick-' son. and Mrs. 'George Westlake Of, Port Albert sang a`duet Mrs. Raymond. ,Finnigan. ;:introduced the • guest speaker ' Mrs McTag gart of Brussels • who gave a. spiendi;d tepip, on • •Where are we? • ;Mrs. - JohnDeer, and' Mrs,• Gordon Chatnney. sang a duet. During the offering a .quartette Bernice Thorrypseee Jean Stoth ers, Sussin Park and Anne Er-' rington sang "Hear the pennies dropping."' Mrs. Harvey' Alton gave the offering' Prayer, •After the 'closing ' hymn, lunch was served in the • abasement. The regular. meeting of , the, Dunganon Women's. Institute .nnet at the Ahome 'of Mrs. N. L. Gose tonyi, Current Events was the theme of the :meeting convened by, 'M"rs. W, Zinn. and led by the preside • •Mrsrl 'Blake. Twenty` member answered ..,t'he roll call' Eby payment of • fees.. Donations ' were voted to Care and Friendship, Pennies also py- jamas to, the Childrens Aid. An invitation from. Auburn Women's Institute• was accepted ..for May •2,Ist at • 245 ' p.m.. Plans were completed, for the; • District' An- nual to be held •May• 30th in Dungannon United Church. Re- ports were adopted from audi- tors and Standing• committee' con. venors. Mrs, Ivan: Rivett gave a well prepared. motto "Let ane give so much 'time to improve myself, that I shall have • no time' for . criticizing others." Mrs. Hugh McWhinney conducted the installation of 1963,64.• of f icers as follows. Past •pres.,,•Mrs.• H..Mee Whiney .pres., Mrs. Cecil Blake; lat. Vice, . :Mrs. G. Chozier, 2nd .vice, Mrs. Otto ''app; secy-treas., Mrs..Harvey Alton; assist., Mrs. Mary •Errington;. District direc= ter, Mrs. H. McWhinney; alter- nate,. Mrs •Est'her: Rivett; Branch directors, ,Mrs. • Wilbur Brown, Mrs. 'L. Ivers, Mrs. Graham Mc- Nee; ,pianists,,Mrs. •E•ran.k Jones, Mrs Willbur' . Brown auditors, Mrs. W.• •Stewart, ..Mrs. .BesSie Stewart; •press, :Mrs. K. Dawson; •standing : 'committee :con•venors, .Agriculture, Mrs. Raymond '�F'.in • Wigan,. ' C•andian '.Industry, Mrs. Lerrie.. Hasty," Citizens'hip, Mrs''. Fred . :Young, :Education,:• Mrs. T: C. Anderson, .Historical Research, of d Current Events; Mrs. ''War ren Zinn, .Home 'Economics,.iMr's.: Chester Finnigan, 'Hea'lth, Mrs.. Wilmer •R.'utled e, • Public Relee tions, Mrs ,Hugh McWhinney. Next 'regular meeting :tabe held, :May `:23rd.. A very infor,,fnative OIL BURNER;BR!NGS . —1 YOUR=FURNACE Maybe,' your old furnace does 'not perform the way it shouldt Let:uslook overyourequpment before you decide to buy.a new 'furnace: Chances are that all, you _need is a• new,/ efficient Esso Oil burner: ow Budget ,Terms Up To Five Yegirs To Pay ., ROY` HAVENS Plumbing. and ,'Heating, FSSO. OIL. BURNER Sales .and: Service R HOME HEAT SkE Yl'G • address. was . ;given ;by Mrs. N. L. Gostonyi onr. 'United Nations. Lush Was convened .iby Mrs J •Falls: • FERN ROBB 'PASSES • There passed away:' in Goder- •ieh hospital' on Sunday evening, Agnes ' Fern: ,Robb •. in ' her 64th year, • after . an l'11•riess : of only 24 hours from' a heavy..stroke. Miss Robb -' was; the 'daughter' ef'• the late •John Roble and .Eliz- a.beth. Fowler Rabb: She was -one Of a family of nine daughters and three sons. Miss Robb .had made.. her home home at D•ungan•r�ion for a nuneber of years before going to Goder ieh= where s•he Was :a rneinber of North '• St, United.. Church., •The _.funeral ',service was held at the Stites e.Funeral ..Home in • Wed- At Hacket Church. Saturday. PENNINGTON ' ALTON Hackett United Church,, at- tractively decorated with yellow and white . rnun?s and:. white candles, was • the setting for the. marriage on. Saturdey,..April.27 at 2.:30 p.m. of Elizabeth Marie, Alton Alton °(Betty), daughter. of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Alton and ' 'Mr. Roy Maurice T'enning- ton, son' 'of Mr.. and 'Mrs.. J. Carl .Pennington of R.R. 2 Tees water. The ceremony was igen formed :by Rev. G. W. Kaiser, Given: in anarriage by' her .uncle Mr.. Blake' Alton, the bride wore a floor length gown. of 'bengaline e•taffetta over • net, Princess 'line bodice efashionid with lily point' sleeves • and, scoop neckline of lace • and flowing skirt- with :lace applique. Her headdress was d coronet' crown :of pearls and ..fingertip veil. She, carried '.red ' roses .on a white Bible. • Miss Marjorie..`Alton, of Wing- ham, ingham, ,sister of the- ;bride, as maid of honour was dressed in..mint green. silk eerganza, With . bout - fent " skirt, `puffed• sleeves :••and scooped neckline. .She wore, a matching ' headdress, •over•> : the face 'veil, 'white.:accessories and c•arrzed a green .and .Whiteum- brella of rnums• ' The two dower girls were Lynn and • `Dianne Penningtone nieces of the groom,, gowned • alike in !mint •green nylon sheer over •.ta'ffetta with •lace applique. They.. wore crowns , , of white; flowers .and. 'earried,Annbrellas •of' yellow And white minis. . '•The.,bestman was Mr. Ray; Pen- nington,!, R.R.::2 Teeswater, tnrvin brother of .the.• groom. The. ,ush ers were. Douglas Alton . ;brother. of. the bride and Everett...; Pen= ningto; •, • brather', • of.. theg .room. 'Mrse Ray Pennimgaorn, R.R.:, 2 ,Teeswater • was•: o.rg:anist and; Mr. ;Lorne . Forster: of Luc-khow. was soloist, singing "0 'Per.'fect Love''. and ""23rd Psa•l;m. Rer• the receptions and •'dinner. which followed at Haekett's 'Church, the bride's •grandmother, Mrs. Aubert. Alton' •of ••-. Lucknow, •recei•ved • in.. -.ea dress±eof- bice figured silk' o:verlay.ed witch- ny eon sheer, ;blue and. white access sories.. and 'corsage .of . white , car- nations. She Was assisted by ,the: groom's • mother ':who chose: •'a .powder:: blue sheath dress, • 'em- ibroidered .powder .blue bombe - zine, white. accessories and• cors sage of pink carnations: For travelling. the bride•:wore bl'ue double .knit suit;.. white ,accessories and .white >mum Core ,sage. : • Mr. and Mrs. Pennington reside at R.R. ••2 Wirrgham. , ,Guests. were present ;from' N•a-., ,panee, Gorrie, Gode.ri.�ch, :Palmer •stun; , •Winghem,..Dunrfville, Lon- dons, Lucknow, Mildmay, !AU.r burn ,and TeesWater. I Goderich ori . Tuesday,: conducted: by Rev. W. J. ten' Hoopen, with interment. in Greenhill Ceme- tery, 'Lu.cknow. ; • . Miss Rtobb •s • sur.viVed .'by:: two sisters, Mrs. Ethel 1VI.ecDen.ald of Durrgannon, IVIr.4 Lyda .Ritchie of Luckriew. and a :b'r'other; . John Robb of liol'yrood., •.' • WFIIECHURCH ii and Mrs Walter. Brown of A.mberley visited on Sunday at then. heme 'of Mie: and Mrs. Charlie :Tiffin. .The. cor irnunity extends'.d:eep- est' sympathy to the, Patterson 'families on the sudden passii+ig. f Albert Patterson, '. . Mre Stanley Monro, • Michael andPeter. of : Woodstock, :,Mr. 'Leonard James and. Mr• and Mrs, Basil' Thom.pfion, of, Preston, spent,•, thewick end • at th;e h•otne Of Mr, Arthur Moore. Mr. and .Mr=s, Williare '-Culbert ,..•. .er. ;sited en Sunday of 'Kitchener .apt the home. of Mr, and M'i"cc,•• R Ssel. Ritchie, . Mr,,, and Mrs., Bill Parker of at the geetr visited • on Sunday home of Mr, and Mrs. • Ben iilc- :•Clatnagliere Mrs. McCletia'ghan returned home after spending a few'days with the Parkers. y' Mr: and Mrs. Albert Corilt es tied Diane viSited.:on Sunday at ri••••••uN••• .... . j:Si1ISHED? �# -- with the production of s � your; milking herd? s — with the percentage•0 • • • • . i ,.• • • • • • • 1- ..your hogs grading with the prices you for livestock sola? • • •. ▪ • receive i • • •. • • • Offices in Waterloo,: Clinton Formosa,Kincardine . • • Tara,' Palmrston, Arthur, Guelph.e' �' °i •••••• •••••o••••o••••••••••in•••••iron•sol•• • .• • • • • • • • • • If you're:, not, you should consider using: ' better sires :for. al .herd improvement. • Herd ' im- e provernent means higher in •, coirie ,more dollars. to. buy ..the' "extras" for .• , your family. ' To,, produce better livestock for • better., living,' join • the swing .to artificial breeding. Contact . ATERLOO CAT:LEBREEDING • ASSOCIATION• Phoning hours 'till . 9:30 an. .2 -YEAR-OLD. RESCUED (Continued Brian was,. branches ' sand stayed afloat drifted' .for . from.. page 1). • caught iri;,•;soine mir=aculously had although• he had distance.' He: • was. bi e 'but crying when J•a•ck .pul-• Med hi,.m•aut •of. the water. He' was taken to the Leader home:. just :as firemen, •summoned by the oalarin, . arrived.* Brian :Was taken.: to. the doctors and ,•anter examination 'was: 'released :with "a shot of penicillin:" ': Water was chest deep where Jacek. '-a-rrisl Yretrievedetheeyoung seer,. well .over, the head' of young Jimmy, Farrish• ;who' ;Was swimming gamely.. and bravely to 'the ''aid: of Brian Leader: Had the: ,youngs:ter drifted.:fur Cher, or disappeared.. under the water, ' it might :have been dif_. ,ficult: locating him ; as. the river enters the MacDonald mill pond aishort. distance from the place Where' be was picked, from the water. „ • the 'home o•f. ,Mr..ee Mrs. Wilbert Schwict'e•nberg- in Port Elgin. • Mrs. W R.: Farrier visited, last week .at the 'home .of .Mrs, Sam Reid in' LucknoW.. . ' Mr. >and "M•rs. , 'Russel• Proctor of •Layonia,. Michigan spent the Week end at the home:. of Mr. •and •Mrs •Russe; „Ritchie. .• Mr Wayne • Hnry' and. Mr Garry Willis of ' Toronto •spent the Week end in, .Wlitechurch at their homes. • Mrs. Irene :Paiterson, Mr. and :Mrs. •Gordon ''Montgomery. of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs,; Ralph Patterson of Kapusleasing spent' the week •'end 'at . the !home of Mr. :Charlie- Taylor, ' Mr, and. Mrs. Tom Reed 'vis- ited, over' the week end at the hotne of Mr.; 'and Mrs. ' Ewart MacPherson and visited on Sun day at the . home sof Mr, and ,M'rs..--Douglas 'Snell in Londs- bor:o. • . • Mr. Angus Gordon of Saska- toon passed away " Wednesday last after a .heart .attack. Mr.• .Gordon was in • his 432nd ,.year and*was the son 'of the :late• Mr, and M"rs,• Archibald Gordon . o,f Langside. He leaves to mourn 1 '%mother. James iGer.+don and two sisters Mrs, Duncan of Saska-• toon and Mrsk ,Jack McGee ' of Wingham, His funeral rias hold oat : Saturday in, :Saskatoon, • PURPLEGOVE•• K Boyle: and 'Wray Thom- pson °'started, to ; sc:pool after: Easter' Mrs. Frank Dore 'and Dianne 'were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W llia'irri ,Arnold ; and. Mr..La and Mrs. Gerald`. Brindley. •• ,and. Mrs .Russel' Hewitt •j r were ;Monday visitors With* MO. and Mrs.. Victor/ G'awley.• • • 'Mr '.and Mrs. • Goldie! Huston. spent Thursday with Miss .Mar- garet • Rober.tson.. anc4:. Mr,. Don' Robertson. Mrs: ',Gordon MacDonald en= ter twined friends at a shower• for Miss Gladys Graham on Saturday evening, ` • Itr, and Mrs; :Clayton' Wat'ke, Jeanette and, Mar•l.ene, Mr. ..and Mrs...Ardill Mason w'ere—guests of, Mr; and ,Mrs. Donald Mc - Cosh. • Mr. and .Mrs. Glenn Young and• V'ieki Louise were Suriday guests. `of ••Mr • and Mrs, Burton Colliri�s, 5. • • Mr. .and Mrs, Fred Gilchrist, Miss Winnie Wrightson spent Sunday with Mr. 'and .Mrs. Gor- don MacDonald. . Mrs.'" Donald M•cCosh, • ' itr`s. Herb Farrell, Mrs, Howard Thompson, Mrs, William 'Arnold, •Mrs. George' •«•Harkness,^ Miss 'Margaret Robertson, Mrs. Mor-:; ,ford Mackey and .Shirley;, Su- san .Colling were visitors- .with Mrs,' Frank"" Dere: • •Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold' and 'Mr..and .Mrs. Donald ••Mc- `Cosh were Sunday guests of, Mr. and Mrs Westey".4Ti11ey•'and Mr. Harold: Tilley, Cern-eon ''Sun- day. • Mr.. and Mrs. ,Clarence Me- Lennan and Beth; Mr. and Mrs. Russel: Hevr itt, Carl and Delbert and• Ronnie Dore were . ves tiers. with Mr; and ' Mrs; Claude Dore. Mrs. ;Russel: .'Collins :spent. Tuesday evening with ,Mrs.... thur 'Collins: : ' Mrs,• Glenne Stanley, Anna,• Marie and': David spent Sunday. with "Mrs Helen -.•Swann. WANT 'INTERMEDIATE. 'JCHURSDAY. WILL DECIDE, An • effort is ;being Made to arouse interest in an'':feg:ririedi- ,: :'ate •.. softball '..'team in r'huckn • ' s a ow `. this: sun—prier.) •The deadline for; entering a team • is May •4th ..A "manager :and spons.or" 'seem. ass= • siired, so it remains with enough players to ` show therR interest;;; follo :ed•.'. up: • by the backing .Of fans.:. • A. nu�rnber. of local boys played with Winmgham.. -last year, .and theym. fight° ibe e, pected. to form the 'back+bone of a team here this . summer , 'A • practise has .been called .for Thursday evening at 7;:00. o'clock in .the : Caledonian • P:eek_TherturnoutWnay well de- cide. ,for. .or :against 'a.. team, Bruce • M�st:FAME Shareholders . A Meeting of . ' the Bruce County FAME .of , was held in the Department of Agrii culture; Walkerton on : April „24th with the• roll call being ..answered • by fourteen committee ' mern bees Elson, Arnold,' Jack, Mac- Gillivray, . Charles M'izen,, • Me? White, Ernie Biernes, Ross Mee Rae, Elmer' Persch.bacher,' Joe' Millen.: • Walter Wiseman, :Imri Cunningham; Wm, Arnold,, 'John - Suth:erland, Joe'lliom:pson and . Allan Halliday, Allan Halliday :chaired the meeting. and, report ed • on the informatipn meetings held in March' at.Arkwright and Chepstow. • . Jack. MacG•illiv.ray, reported' on the. kcal ,:plant ! site. ',l•le said:, they have sites chosen.: near Hanover subject •to soil tests St Water ' Resources Commission approval,, He said Bruce County has noised :$95,330 or 91.6'% .of . their quota.Bruce• has•• the Most, hshareholders Of any County, e The next meeting, „:4 -:. to 0. be - called inmmediately.e following receipt of reports' of sail tests and Water .Resources. Cotnn # e .'S"itlr''t. � •