The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-01, Page 10S.; A a+. *AGE Taw *N1I1�A 0A6��111.10 I■11I1111■II1�1181Ael w lla �� liliailliliaMil/a■a ti■ 6"11.11■ : Took Wedding ,• �0.•At V,.9ws PLAN1N.ING -. • •f ■ ' - . McNEE--FINNIGAN , ■ In a setting of white Easter ii ' • lilies with accents of 'mauve 'and . ■ A . ■ yellow, the Rev. W; J: ten Hoop-- • is v , r g TOUR "' en officiated at the .candle -light ■; =, • ■, ceremony in North Street United wil ■ f z ..:.. ■ Church, ;Goderich, on Saturdayz { II -`. 'clack in■t ■ April' 13th• at seven o WEDDIIIG. when Sandra Finni-. : the evening became the bride :. of Allan McNee of Newmarket. ■ .; ; w ■ he bride is the daughter of Mr., • a t s ;: : and 'Mrs. ,Kitchener Finnigan of Tax LUCKNOW : sprru , LUCKNGW,,, ONTARRQ. . ■ . ...,�, ■ . 1,, , --,*, a1. e ' A . , ...- ,complete selection of ■ ulre ■ ments w ■ . Is available atThe LuCkn0w 1 ■ sentinel: ■ ■ • ■ ■ .■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ -■ •■ • ■ •■ •■ ••■ ■. ■ ■ ■. ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .■ ■ ■ ■ m.■ • .■ ■ Goderich .and the groom's par- ents are Nir. ' and Mrs. 'Graham McNee .of Nile, Soloist •'was Miss Marilyn' 'Smith 'a Goderich and Lorne Dotterer,,, Goderich, • pre- sided at 'the organ. The ' bride, : given in •marriage by her 'father, wore. ,h .floor= lerigt +gown of .silk organza , in sheath•.. design with redingote apron, 'panels. The bustle (back was accented with a large or- ganza rose.. Lace appliques, re ean;broidOed ;with pearls, *accent- ed the` fitted 'bodice wh eh' 'had ,a scooped. neckline .and 1' y point Sleeves. ;Her trifle -tiered veil ' of ■Australian nylon sheer net was • caught to an Elizalbethan crown ■ of seed pearls: and she carried , ■ ,a,bouquet . of Easter lilies, ye low - ■ Attending the !bride were ■ ''. ■ roses .and ivy..: ■FREE Miss Donna McNee ' of Nile, as FREE Maid ofhonour and.Miss � Marion �. ■ Sutherland -and Miss Carol 'Hind' -..6. • W • ■. ■ ride ordering invitations. or announcements at The Lucknow ;Sentinel, e year's FREE SUBSCRIPTION to the aper plus.: EE NGAGEMENT NCEMENT in t aper. a:. ■ ■ .:■ ■ ▪ .• ■ • • • ■ ■ • ■ ■ `■ ▪ . ". ■ ■ ■ a ▪ j. ▪ • • ■ ■ ■ ■ 44'■ r; ■ ..■ • es PLETE WEDDI a• INVrTATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, THANK -YOU ".NOTES,. SERVIETTES ' (Plain ;or printed ), PLACE. CARDS, • BRIDE'S • BOOKS, ' GUEST .BOOKS,' WEDDING TTABLECLOTHS PAPER PLATES, ' WEDDING CAKE BOXES, "•SHOW R INVlI'ATIOT S SHOWER SERVIETTES,. CONFETTI': ' ou are welcome to see `our sample. books our office• or you may take them :overnight to your home:. i •ilarshL • :both ', of . Goderich% as 'bridesmaids 'They were similar ly attired in short be+ll.shaped Igowns.'of •white, delustered satin• •with inserts;''of contrasting lilac :lace in. the midriffs and skirts Their •white '-headdresses, which; matched' the.. rose ' on the 'bride's gown, 'shad . 'civet• -the -face 'Veils and• they 'were White•accessories They ' carried lace -covered Bibles -the 'gifts of the 'bride, crested with mauve..*orchids and•.cascad ing lilac' and white ` streamers: Groomsman wase. 'Winston, Kerr of Waterloo and the bride's.. brother George .Finnigar and the groo¢n's , brother, ;, Ken ' McNee, ushered. • The' guests ` were received: at the . Club •',Grili by the bride's mother, who Wore a green' 'bro-, caded dress; with 'white ,mases sor'ies andf a pink: rose ' Corsage., Mrs:McNee assisted in a powder (blue; sheath; ;with ..:matching jac- ket and a corsage- of. pink •roses. `Guests'. from a ' distance were present from Newmarket, Tor- ontoULondon, Kincardine, Wing - ham and Stratford. For :travelling.'to *Vermont, .the bride changed. to a ' linen' suit of ' powder !blue • ' boucle . with .a Parisian. !blia.eu. tweed topper.• and white .and' blue accessories. :•IVlr. and Mrs; ` :McNee •will `take -up' .'residence in .Newmarket. 'WEPNESDAY, . MAY 1st, 1663 OLJV.ET.':.NEWS Mr: and Mrs, Russe11 'Scott t' '&'' Jennifer of .Toronto' visited.:` re'- curtly With : Mr's....�G.:'•°Scott. and Harry. •, - Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Black; ; well and Bab: of 'Cooksviile visit ed with.. Mr, •and , Mrs Garry : Blackwell• and family ' Mrs. ■ Blaekwell spent:Jibe •week 'here ■ 'Mrs.. • Ross .,Black and 'Ruth of •.Wingharn 'Were guests . 6f Mr, & Mrs. Walter Black and family. 'on Wednesday evening; Mr.' and '.Mrs. Harry Coiling. and. family visited. with , Mr, sand io Mrs, Harold J�ohnstoh of .Tees • i water on Sunday; ■• , /A number from' here attended ■ the reception for Mr. :arid Mrs; Aii Jack 'Kirkpatrick of Ripley, on :, .rriday etreriing, • ,Congratulations 'are in- order' :,' for Mr. and Mrs,. Harry Ohris.tie) ■ nee Betty Anger,,on-the +birt'h. • ,of a daughter;. Also'•to- Mr, and ■ Mrs.. Allan Gamble of the (birth ' Of a son, Mrs, ,Gamble is''tlie :for. : `mer Alice Brooks. ■ • Miss. Sandra M.abCharles . and" ■ Miss 'Mary' 13oulston " played 'the ■ church •organ' fir Sunday School ■■ and for the worship. ,service tip Sunday • PHONE .528-3 34 LUCKNOW •: ss .Phyhrs Cla'yto t t><f �Strat.. f d and. Miss Mary tWhit f .. ■ ngham, �slient .tike'. w c, • eelcertd at aa■msec.■a■a■eaa■■•■w■■■i■na.•.■•a■as■■■•illii teiif •aaa■ailwii �aa.F tbe1r thom,es here ��'ii�■aa�rrt . Buiki' line For- Nuclear Plant Construction of a transmission line • to • link the Douglas 'Point nuclear power station with . the > , ontar io Hydro • Power syst'ean near Hanover . is scheduled to, start early in May,. The" contractor is Patricia Transportation Co. 1,4d.- Cost of the contract;' is. appproximately $260,060 Agreements ' covering property right with approxi. ' mately • 100. property owners of •fected along the'. 31'-rnile route • • Were completed in April. , Three materialyards are be- ing. established along. the route' of the Eine and 'headquarters...A,re ' ' being set upp at iPargill,' some 10. miles northwest of Hanover, Completion. of the steel -tower, 230,000 :' volt line is sclieduded for October, 1663; • When •the Douglas; Point ' sta- tion .is. in 'operation in 1965, its. 200,000. kilowatt', output; will '.be delivered to the..provincial power. • • grid through ..the Hanover .Trans ,former Station.. •Canada's first • full scale •nuclear electric. ; sta- tion, ,the $81.5 ,anillian ' Douglas Point project is , :lbeing.built by Atornic Energy of Canada Ltd. k Ontario Hydro is co operating. in construction arid ' 'will operate the . plant on .its 'completion • in 1965:' The- ,plant is situated, on Lake • Huron, midway ' between Kincardine, and .Port E1giri:'. Observed .Their 55th Anniversary. • A baPPy event was . celebrat- ed on :Sa urda' ' Aka 20.t W t Y� p h, When, , Mr. and Mrs: Charles' ..Martin of • East 'W'aviranesl •Township,• mark- ed their 55th wedding .anniver .nary, A. dinner for the immedi ate family` was held at, Danny's '. Restaurant. • The '.couple 'were` married in,'To ronto on April '31d, 1908,E by - Rev. Jamieson :of that city: Fel- lowing thei-r .,'marriage ` they -re- turned to ' thegroom's farm in: East 'Waiwanosh, where he had {been. born. and raised.. They '.. have lived, 'in .the: .same 1horrie since ---that time. • 'Mr.. Martin is, the son. of . the iate' Mr. and Mrs: James Mar tin Sr , and ..Mrs 1 'Marti•n a daughter of the late Mr: and. Mrs John: -Gil'lespie •o. White ' Their farm was' .pure+teased Yiy Mr. !Martin's. grandfather .froirn;. the crown` in. 1854, when : 400' • acres ' were—cleared.It `.has been :• '• in the .rMVlartiri family ever -since:.' The'., present: `.farm 'home. ' .was built by Mr.. Martin's 'Mather: The', couple •'rememlbers .;thit. :their . Wedding . day was ' lova;,y, warm, • April' weather; •,and' the sfiowwas all.'., gone,., Mr. Martin believes that , the early 'days were .better,than • the pr e. int,. He thinks . eerything ;goes `•too fast, He remarked, "In the o'd days'. of ''horse .and' 'buggy,. ' whc n eu met your .'neighbour On the road; you stopped. for ' a chat: Today, •all you see o!f' 'tern . is. , a ;cloud' of durst.:behind hhis' Mr and Mrs, Martin •ha 'e three . daughters, 'Mrs. Ezra, - (Gertrude) Scholtz, .-oaf White church; Mrs Elroy. (Louis(?) ' • Laidlaw,, of . West Wa.wano011 , . Mrs;: Cameron (Agnes) Simmons., , .: London; 'There are ,five . 'grand,-' children and 'three, kreat'.,grrind- childrera Both .are - They are. in:gemhealthber's . of :they W1Yi eaYre xeh ' United Church: oodm NEWS. BRIEFS.y FROM. NEARBY Teeswater'town hall was, pack- ed for a concert'to tassis.:t in rads-... trig ,funds •foi': their newly . or- ganized pipe „band.: Pipers' and dancers .from Goderich '&i Luck now, and fiddlers from Ripley, added their';talen•ts to Teeswater numbers: vocal dance,. instru- mental, Highlight *as .,the :first 1'urbl'ie 'A'ppearance of Band 'Mier' sonnel,, first • on chanters and as a °finale on pipes and drums.