The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-01, Page 7a WEDNESD•A.', MA' '1st, 1963' 'TfIF, LUC ogs, Eggs, Britten, Rural Development Discussed 8y .Bruce. F. Of ,A.. Directors . A Board of •Directors meeting . ' of. the Bruce ,C'ounty,. ,Federation of Agriculture was held jn. Paisley on April 19th viit; •,37'. persons . in • attendance, The • meeting was preceded • by a sup- per catered JO' by the, Paisley united .Church • wOmen. ' Presi- dent, Harold Wolfe, • wele.ormed • .ttrbsepresent. -Wallace iBallagh, president of the' 'Bruce County Hog 1P.redue, ers, ,explained • the -hog'. quality iniiprevement program, now in operation end ,being well eeceiv- ed by .producers in the •Ceenty: One , of the objectives is to, in- -crease the percentage of Grade A' hogs. produced -in Bruce Coun- ty;..and also, to ibe able to pro- duce them at .a ,profit. Everyone is aware that it is: ,possible to Make metre Ipigs ;into Grade ',A hogs, by keeping them. until they • are 7. or 8 months of age,.. but this does not necessarily; mean more profit. ' Under, the :p agrarn there are several' Glasses in which, •a producer may • enter,: • :both monthly and . yearly , con- tests with, cash prizes and they are also offering' ,V0.00 for each Of the 'first '10 :goverxrtrient pre=. • GARAGE CARS- TRUCKS = TRACTORS` LAWNMOWERS -WELDING • onium .boars. ipurch'ased Eby' hog producers in the County during the project year, Manch 1st to December 31st, $10.00; is also be- ing offered 'to each participant who mill ccrnpiete a'set 0..f cost accounts showing feed. :costs,. grades, •feeding methods,, etc. for .this year, Bruce• Nears Objective Allan Halliday, • ''chairman, of Br..:uce, County FAME Commit-. tee, .reported briefly ''He paid tribute to. the, 'Bruce Federation for the support given FAi'tE, He slated that ` progress .is going ahead favburaibly in the este blishinent '.of the VeME plants. and in 'o'btain'ing share capital.' To date the producers of • 'On- tario have -Subscribed . approxi- mately 11/4 million dollars in share capital. Bruce with •$104,:. OQ0- as., its objective has raised .07;000 •'or 93%u of its o+ljeative.• Mrs: James Sinclair; reporting on behalf of the Bruce County Women's Institutes, expressed appreciation to. the Federation for sending :her 'as a delegate to the.. Ontario Rural Leadership' Forum at Niagara 1Falls this ,past winter and gave a •brief ',report on ;the, program, The, W.I's are working .,with the Farm Safety program to •. promote ,better safety on. our ,highways and are sponsoring a 'safety: poster and a' . safety • sereeebook again this'. year. 'with cash 'prizes 'awarded fon`'•the. best 'entry., • Explains Hog 'Marketing Eldred. Aiken, reporting',ore behalf of: the 'Ontario 'Hog Pro deicers . Marketing Board,. stated that; /the (burning question today is,. what's wrong 'with. the hog. 'prices?. Seine 'people apparently. think that ,when. we have aeMar kering . Board' that. ,they, should a'.ways keep, the !price at a pro feeble level. This .•can. ; only be accomplished • if •you have con- trolled ;production. •The function. of :the' Bales division of. the Mare" keflmg Board is . tee sell each lot; of hogs. fdr the best: price ob- tainable:. at' that particular mo • .meat with „the/Tight' tO make iio sale,: if the :sales staff eh•ink they can get .a better Price at a;, latera : niornent. Marketing have :'been 14IDAY I,N:FUNF generously' endowed with. For your pleasure 'Ontar�o'is lakes and fine beaches. Countless:varietiesu Shimmering , f the cool lakes, rivers and streams. Yd game fish abound in the time of your life swtmrn ng, boating and relax and:have .� fishing In fun -filled Ontario tt•1is summer+: : ' r SEND FOR A0. PAGE, Fl)LL'COC OUR . FREE . BOOKLET, ROAD MAP, ETC,. ....��...��:�...�..�...�.�._..,---- . , DEPA'RTMENT 270 '• .• 1 ONTARIO. TRAVEL ' ._., • Td 2'�ONYARIO : ,, 1' PARLIAMENT BulLDlnGS, 'TORONTO ► • 1 I NAM 1 ' ADDRES r.. --- 1 `Ty... _, . hRov, ..�._--�--, is ' �ENT'OF TRAVEL AND ,PUBLICITY i ',ONTARIO DEPARTMENT Minister ceete 1 . Hon. (3ryan L. Cathcart, - - r-eiI' �5TTER • KNOW •SENTINI L, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN exceptionally heavy lately, Mr. Aiken brought', the 'meeting up to date .On hapieeniirgs at the Provincial annual meeting, Which was quite successful with a very good attendance coming ,from Bruce , County. The swbject Oaf condemned hogs .and arthritis in hogs is.'still a .major•and .conten- tious problem. Mr, Aiken stated,, "The buyers don't 'feel they should have 'to pay for deceased. fo, which. they can't the Iblemed don't think a producer who ,inarkets a hog - knowing something is wrong should get paid for jt, if it is ,condemned, gut the. producer who: has. .one condemned. that` apPeared in good. health, has .mY sympathy; ,this can happen as arthritis is `a ,big offender •-e• 371/2%• of all con d'emnried and is hard' to detect. If insurance .is carried. for this, it 'only , encourages carelessness on . the part of the producer, •A. billof lading'. is' now .being de- vised which 'will cover the eon dition of .hogs • ,hauled from the farmer.' to_ assembly yerd.oand' ;to ''buyers yard , which is • .hoped; willhave 'the farmer and trans- porter . usebetter care` in .the handling •of :hogs;' Tremendous. Results • Mr. William. Nicholson .of Port ,Elgin • was . introduced *to : the meeting. He was. .the 1st presi- dent of the Bruce .County Fed- er,ation. and ars, spent 14 years on the ‘1700.,,Board of 'Directors. Be• was representing Bruce (Go -op Medieal' Serv..ices and said they have been: • getting ' tremendous results ,from 'their recent .blitz' for members. • • .• Egg Marketing Vote Allan Wedow, ',Zone Director • • of the Ontario' Poultry :Produc-' • ers, reported 'on' the.•annual meet-. ing ,of the Poul:try Producers 'held on April' 3:m1:at .which. .time the go .ahead. signal. was given for the calling of an egg market-• ing 'vote. • 66% of those voting yes to: : carry 'the vote. Cost of operating • the', plan to foe` ;approxi- mately 1/2 cent or less per dozen. The selling ,:system will be along' the ' limes of the.. 'present Producers; :Marketing ip1!an. He stated \t'he. egg prices .are. 'higher than 'cne year ago,. but the chick hatch is down• •8.�9% across C'an- 'ada. . .Agree • To Darker Color Louis Davis reporting ..;for the •dairy'•industry, .stated• ,it •is, .to ..be rhoped that the .1Zc per 1b stub- sidy .for butter will '!be.'continued as the trend. has shown ',a larger' 'consumption 'since• this* has '.been, in effect.: Tremendous ;pressure' was put en' to hive:the Colour- ing :put. in �margarine.;to be ,the utter :The • dairy. industry -took • the stand . to allow. a darker ,degree of yel- low than is, presently set 'aside for .: butter; weeich• follows the present.' legislation, in .effeetin Manitoba and: Nova .Scotia, Jack ` MacGillivray, 'reporting for" :FA!ME. announced •that plant location for_t!his area has' '-naw- been decided upon pending` ap- proyal 'by ;the. Ontario• Water: RRe- sources . Commission;• .It is to be in Grey •;Co,unty, 2 miles east of Hanover; This brings the num ber - of ',plant 'sites to'. four, ; • Junior Farris Loans Harold . Wolfe, President, brought the membeers' up•'to date on ()FA . activities. and on'the last merrkbers meeting and the resolutions .. presented at that time, .He -stated . that, the . Ontario Junior .Fariner, Loan ,program has ',been reinstated and extends the maxis rum loan '.from..$15,000 to ;$20,000 and lengthens the re- ,payment Period from '2�5 to 30 years sand increases' the amount c•btaina,ble ;rain$5%. Of•,the value, of security' to 80%. He also an- nounced that the 'Federation .In- In- surance •Cernmittee ' have receiv'- ed the, •5,000 policy plaque: `tram CIA: . Rural Developinent Ken Graham, OFA. Fieldman,' was present 'who introduced the subject of ' rural development. He gave ;t�h•ebackground of.ARS DA and.the, OFA stand eamd feel ,infg.s towards this �prograt i, The. number of farmer keeps going ,down and the •per .farm income .gracl�u�allygoing .pup. Even with: the • recent ,farm subsidies, ,goy- ernment 'bills, etc. we ..hatre 'not �beerr, able to keep they small • • MONUMENTS 'For •sound•• counsel and a fair pace on rrronyment • correctly *signed from quality ' material,. • rely on $KELTON MEMORIALS Walkerton Pat O'Hagan,, Prop„ Established` Over Sixty Years. Phone 638-w Orogenic CroIt 11 Trust Trust Investment Certificates 51/4% TERM, 4 TQ S YEARS 200 .Queens Avenin • . LONDON farmer. Don Middleton • of . the :SOFA. Properties • Department. said that unless you carr make • the small farmer into • a profitable opera tion . yoxz will not be doing any- thing. • ny•thing..' ''9 i • have.. le convince ,,people, that AIWA can do 4 job for; the indieidual. He • asked, `Ilol v- ninon do you ;know about ` Bruce County? you • know : how many organizations there are in Bruce?." "He stated' that it would, probably frighten you to know : how many': or..ganizatioris there. are which are 'gall s ipposecl to . be:helping- the people• • of, Bruce. County. • The important thing to ` remember,. is that ' un der.. , this oprograrne the: people' concerned mel e the decisions •ds to what they twant. .Once we have the answer; to the: question asto. What have we got .and. what do we.. need then ' we care go- ahead with ` plans: • ;George`— Gear,. Bruce County Agricultural. Representative, �fa ted :that while ` Herb Crown/ of. ARRA Was not Present, he inti .,'hated; that :if ,a •committee .was. set .up '.'Mr. Crown would Be glad to work , witth them, There' are more than just ' community tures.. to ''ARD+A; '1he: -said,. but •if People . think , of: ARIDA as- such 'then' we sho:ild • be prepared to ;'work on this... . eAernminittee of Ernie 'Biomes, Cameron MacAuley. and. Jasries Powers 'Was : set up. to work „With ARRA.• • Adopt . Resolutions.. The'•folleaving resolutions were ;presen't'ed and 'carried 'py the meeting: • 1: 'That we request Tdwnship,-- C-ou-nty aid Proelne al. sriowfence removal 'crews' through their re -spective; head offices to practice greater'.p.recaution• in•,eiicking up loose wire and pickets . Many farmers have been suffering financial • losses in ;machinery break downe from debris left on their ,property after snow feric removal.: , 2..' That the ,Provincial and. Federal. • governments' ibe asked to, adopt: e '�policy for' milk dis t'riibution to the :.public schools. Today there are many children• growing up. without their daily quota of .milk,' which is of high nutritional value,. and ?with' the .Many central ' schools. 'low` be- ing • built, distribution is'li- tated, 3.. Requesting legislation forc- ing alJ. bottling coriwanies to use some less destructive material for beverage containers .than ' glass, In 'the winter, Maintainers .and heavy snow 'blowers and. tpldughs often deposit • such.. dbroken glass. and betties into' the fields along the - hig'hways' which has quite often damaged farm machinery and rubber tires and has alsd been known to ibe .swallowed by livestock, either grazing• or' eat ing baled straw or hay,, 4, ,Supporting the dairy Pro- ucers in the ;adoption of Mani- toba l'egislatieti for` the colout�-. ing' of margarine. _ • ' Hear Address On Growing Mums (Intended .For Last Week), Forty members attended the Friday evening .meeting . of .the;" Lucknow and District ' Iiorticul- tural Society. Expressions,: of. thanks . Were received from .the various chur: cher •In., which. the ' Society :had placed ;taster lilies' on Sunday, April 14;th. :In .all 'instances the gesture " was • appreciated and in some eases the lily; Was passed. on to:a shut-in ,and so' continuing njoyment• of the flower. A violin solo, by Mrs. 3o1in Irwin With piano .ec�om�paniment .by Mrs. Gordoii" 'IVIontgpmery (was enjoyed as Were; two selections on the ;electric guitar by: Patsy Iskaxriott. _..:.Mrs, George Whitby Wes. chairman for the l rograen. i and 'Mrs.. ,lack -MacDona•ld. was. !. program convener and introduc- ed the gguest speaker, Of the ev ening, Mr. Frank •Dellowe He is• a member• of ` the newly 'formed Ohrysantheniu nI ..Society formed. for the: 'purpose of growing and Propagation of the largeexh•ibi tion and shower varieties. 'Mr. Del - low illustrated his • lecture, giv- ing Many .:details for • the ••: g:rowvr k • ing of :the early •l •ngliele varieties of mules A.t th•e close of his talk he •answered questions abeet`. ti e taking of cuttings, rooting ,them, disbudding and .other :details' of grow reg ',of show mums outdoors in our oven' gardens. ' A.;1, details Were. • covered. and.: Mr. ; Dellow made the growi_n : of mums, very: tr'tei eking. Atthe time of this meeting: the Society has T Seplt nemibers and 40 : junior •mernber,s, ,Miss Ada Webster is conveiei fog` the j•un= for work and:plans to meet • with: °them in the :near' fut•t:i e • and give, ' out ,the .spring, se'ed , !and bulbs, , -Convention reports .were idle- duled ,from the delegates :for this meeting tett time rare; Gut '. and ,these 'will 'be given at.: the June -meeting..- :Mrs. Gordon Kirkland, Mrs. Frank Ritchie and'. Mrs'. Will air;►: G. Hunter are 'convener,; ,for • he May 17th' Spring . Flower Show Prize lists will be going out ,soon in the meantime follow: last'' year's list , as .,there 'hive ,been very few changes. Mrs. ,Welling: ton. Henderson :will. judge the en tr+les. The • Soc'i'ety is looking for- ward to another • ekecel.lent ex- hi'bition of Spring 'Flowers. A ,floorw.alkertired of his iob gave it up and joined the police' fo'ree. , Several • mor•'t.hs later his friend .asked hint how !lie liked tieing a (policeman. • . . "Well," he replied, "the pay and ,hours' are only fair, but one thing 1 like -the customer is' al- ways wrong,". ' .a • 'You areo only l ' • ' tn•g y. �. � Y on � e. "k�. tt • ycu can ,'stay immature ' indefin- itely. p" cit • e