The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-01, Page 1• • for • sn �° Dennis (Ember .nr-sorr-off r= to and. Mrs; Fred Embei-lin: of Luc'k� n now, has returned after serving • •32. years: with 'the RCAF in tts : ' .Eurrape: Denny arrived home to .Trenton last Friday. ..••• 40 He • has, !been posted ,to Co - he'. `rnox, ` B C.,, and will, have about iits:two' weeks' before•herl'•has • to re-' port at B.C. Denny,:'who has been in the • service: six. years.; liked' Ni Europe,• and would ' like : to go • $3.00:4 Year In. Advance $1,00 Extra To U.S. A rmer Foun yst rious Tragedy struck " the Wh'rte church .area last Thursdayeven- ing avben•.' Albert Paterson .was found; dead, and •badly �bu.rned,• on the gangway of his ba flrames. destroyed .,•the barn. and " contents, The 74 -year-old• Mr, Paterson, a. widower, lived alone ':on his farm on the division line between (East and West Wawa, nosh Townshirps . with his farm located on the' • West • Wawanosh side', of :bhe: road,' just a few hundred yards . south Of High_. way: 88, Among the first to notice the Mire were' John Bell of; Listowel;. LUCKNOW, °nolo WEDNESDAsY, MAY '. 1st 1963 Single Copy .10e 1 16': Pgea ' Who •was. driving Eby on HighWay m•azs 86, . and Garry .. C'hapi of Whitechurch. Garry tried to .10 - cafe .Mr, • Paterson. in the house, barn as and 'finding'' the • house.apparent; ly locked, forced his , way in, Calling to Mr, ,Paterson in . the dark he. 'received no. reply and it 'was- later :discovered that the main box feeding the hydro was shut off:. He and a neighbour, J Askes, searched the home, up- stairs' and do.wristairs and . real- ized that: Mr. Paterson was riot in the !house, Checking at, the barn• .Garry found the. building ."beyond : en - •I FATALT)1 NEAR SAME ' SPOT tering,. with fire burning at the. gangway door,. • It- was • a few minutes . before . Garry 'sand a neighbour 'Walter Elliott . real- ized that the body of Mr, Pater= son was on .the gangway, just outside the barn door,, but by that time ;he was beyond. reach doe ''to the heat. of .the fire.' ' • Lucknciw Fire Department ar- rived on the scene arid by using a "fog" • of 'water were able to get • ,to. the body and • pullthe remains away from the ,flames. Mr, Paterson ,'was, dead. Mr. Paterson's body was ` lying (Continued on page 16) .Father And Son Swim To His Aid escue Brian': Leader, 21/2 -year -Old • son of Mr: and Mrs: .Donald . Leader of Luckn'orw, nmira lou - . , cu , , s ly esca'ped'drowning %about .four ..o'clock -Saturday ,afternoon be was .plucked' from. the .river on. Willoughby • St,, just 'west of Lucknow 'District High• Sehael. Brian and,:three-year-old :Sus an Kreutzweiser, daughter, of Mr, and Mrs, John Kreutzweiser, . had been playing at the Kreutz- Weiser: home just minutes. before, and apparently 'thetwo children wandered to The :river ,bank on the. south 'side • of 4he,..road' on. the' ;former Douglas •prorperty. • Five -year. -old' Wayne: •iFarrish, son of Mr..:.and Mrs: Jack Far- ▪ rich; was . at the Scene:: In some marine •; young" Brian ': slipped` Igo... the water. Wayne .informed 10 -year-old Jimmy Mat -Donald; son ;of .Mr '& Mrs.. Leonard MacDonald; .of the • child's ; 'plight Jin,rny •• summoned Jimmy • Parrish •and Bradley Parker 'with +whom he had 'been ,playing at 7 -Parker's on the east side of ;the .river.. Jimmy Mac: Donald Could ' not : reach the Youngster . and. nine-year-old Jimmy Parrish •palled. aft his shoes and dove into the water after ,Brian": • • In..the meantime,' ' Bradley'. •Parker .bad ,run 'to. the Parrish. home and summoned Jack Far- r.ish, arid ,•''Susan Kreutaweiser "had 'gone to her ' home and told *her Mother .and Stu Helwig,• dry cleaning salesman Who . .*as. Making : a call there at the' time: The adults all'arrived about the same time . with.. Jack Farrish 'plunging into ._the.. -river -`--and • res- cuing the youngster ',ills; about the ..time. his :son. Jimmyhad regiched him, -(Continued on page 15) • Returns Frorn European' $ervice • • • • • . • . • • .r A 1 1 1 1 1 i • • Modelled `; Clothes anday e s rains' o so' t music and with -a' backg:round'. of color-' ful•gei'aniu�ms, a group of senior. girls •from. • Lucknot=,• District High School modelled clothes, made ,frorn Simplicity patterns in a spring •bouquet of colors.' .Mrs.. Jie?.itt;. Home 'Economics—teach-= er, introduced the com,tnenta.tor, Miss.'. Dianne Johnston, educa-. tional ,stylist for'Sxmplicity pat - back. terns. part-back..terns. Crashed . Parked Car On Main, St • . The first' ' group, . 'featuring, ' shades' of yellow in..dainty fern.; in,n:e" styles, were modelled' by Donna Rintoul,, Donna Hogan, Marilyn Thacker, Ann Arnold... Casual' sports wear , chiefly; in green tones was worn by Mary Ellen Shielis, Sharon .O'Donnell, :Barbara Purdon;° and.' Beverley .R.athwell.' • Easy-to-rn•ake, outfits, 'featuring c: ecia1 ` tiimtiiixigs, were', model-' led bym Dianne Humphrey, June Ackert, `Cathy •Leddy, Mary. An drew: Dics.s and stilts in 'basic col- ours cif ,e l e • rbr'own and -beige bah, vele worn by Karen .:Carruthers, Joyce 'Thtirburn, Marilyn Hend- erson ,"Bead' Catcher" blue, tap: ,1a t0 t1 rilefor spring, was ,w or n ty,Bcvt.r y �alI,SSaron'West West, Beverley fathwell, Isabel Husk tu;re'wtas a draw . A special Sea for a • dress' lergth of material dtna;ted by 'rMr,' Lloyd. Ashton,. tt. Simplicity ,Patterns dealer. T is, won by Mlss Nancy This. wag, Cranston, :whose nanie Was drawn . tiy �. Miss Johnston, The flowers were by 4coitrtesy y -<,, : 'olorion's Greenhouse, e. .girls of the school and mo several .. Yhe :s 'found this a:, most inter'estirxg presentat�io i, Reginal'd,. Richardson, 18, of St. 'Pauls, in the'.Stratford-S:t. Marys district, willface charges as a result of a Friday `evening crash on Lueknow's Main Street. rtichardson, driver and owner ofa 1956 ;Ford, 'came.into Luck: now from the . East, ,reportr•Ydly` at an excessive speed,, 'Corning. ,over. the 'brow, .of, the ' hill at. the United •Chi. rch, he swervr'c1,' ac- cording • to ;police'. to 'avoid a rear end `collision and• crashed' a Parked car iii ;front of the 'Town 4-10 11 --ow• -ownt.01 ;by... A E, McKim .of Ltie•know, •1 Mr. MoKiin was in the l ibr'ar'y at the time ..and his' car :Was parallel parked, against the"curb. The lett front of the •IMe•Kitii eat` was crushed' 'in, ,arid' ;the left n Side of: f•ichardso�n's • ear was ,'" also basheds• in, Po] cYe rh•Art that the Richardson car car- • eeneddown-Main Street ,for. &rboti.t 'a block and a .half 'before it •wast , 'brought to a stop in front of fc'Masoni's Garago, ' Constable Alex 'Havens invest- igated, r:ive t- igated . • Sells Home Where. She Lived 53 Years MiSs, Margaret Pickering . Of, Lucknow. has sold''her home. ori Havelock St., south, to Mr, Hugh Sutherland, • :Miss Pickering is holding a private •sale of many items' of •household furnishings:* effects..„ "This has ' 'been , the Pickering home for 53,: years, and the •deoi-'• Sion to :sell ''it has not been • in easy one ';for, Miss Pickering the. ;last Imernber,_ of the faxnily1: After, .the 'death of :his'. wife, Mr, John . Pic-kerin g, do +en` daughters ' • Margaret • and Etta, & • his 'brother,, Robert,moved• " to Lt}cknow: They bought the 'home where ` Margaret has, since, • •resid- ed,: across 'the :. street from, :,the Dr. ,Tennant residence now,•own• - ed''by Cyril' Brown,. and • in. the bloc Smith o+f - :What was then the ''"Qld Town Hall.'..', The new Carnegie Hall +was ':opened that year 1910 :. . her Jas, : l ter :made-.- his-- 'home with •i a hs sisters; Mr::Pickering died 1953. Their. sister Etta passed away, in 1947 ' Hugh and lMartha•: Sutherland have been 'tenanting:; the "Mac. - Donald •;home'''• across', from G.er, •ald. Rathwell's- residence: QriglnaI; Church Burned In 1 • The rescue, on .Saturday of young •. rian Leader ,from the river at. the Willoughlby St" ' bridge, 'west of the • High. School, recalls' a • fatality Which occurred very near to -that spot 'seven years• ago. • ::.Lt was on May 1st, 1956 that Janice Reid, age 312.. years, lost her life;,by drown= in•g where. .. •. • On Saturday Janice's mo- ther, Mrs. Eunice Cunning- ham, . was among, .those to call it the. Leader ' home to 'ex+press .her joy in the rescue of the 'little ,lad. Buys. The Vi.rghcn,t 4 Fruit Market • ° George .Farris], who recently sold his `pool_ roam business irr~ Liucknow,, has purchased 'the' Wingham Fruit ` • Market • from Paul ..Purrpur , of Wingharn; The :business is located at the north end( of 'Wingham's main street :Opposite the .ball park and:. Mr, . and Mrs, Farris] bibtain- possession: May' lst, The food business is not new. for .George.. He forpierly ' spent ten • years with Dominion: Stores and Lob-: laws. as well as independent food'. Merchants: Mr; '' and; Mrs. 'ar risk ' also : dbtain: an; apartment n ' connection J with the stare,. School. Board Engages Principal from Arnprior, 3 Shiff Vacancies Principal Of' ,Lucknow •District High School next term .'will -be Mr, L. .E. Goyette of' Arnprror,. near Ottawa.- .He will succeed Mr.; Brian B. Howlett .who has accepted _'• a _principalship - at Gravenhurst.'• Mr.'. Goyette visited Lucknow- at the week -end. when . he. met with m •eun;>jers� , of the High School Board. Mri Goyette has:ibeeh on the, Arriprior staff since `;'1056 :and head' of the Agricultural de partment for lour .years, He has his Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) •,from : McGill Uni- versity in `19,51, :Master of Science. :from ' 'McGill in 1'95E. :Mr. Goye to has been active in various extra curricular phases .of • community lift, :arid' is an 'elder of ' St: Andrews Unit ed `Church Arnprior. die. is• 3x9: years of : ;age;:.:a .. married ----man' with four children and served in the RCAF frorri 1(943.45 'He had' +business, experreneewith Toronto, Elevators : ,Ltd. ';,'before 'entering the teaching .profession .Three Vacancies With the principalship: set tied; : to .the satisfaction of the. School Board, . they ' 'still have three vacancies • to fill', . AY G. MacLeod has` accepted a position' ,us senior chemist at Stratford-„,.. Collegiate Institute wrhich; : is. a . promotion ` of con siderable' nipor`tance: Mr, +Mc :Leo&hiS '.been .the Science•teach-` peri 'on ;the local staff.• Two • . previous vacancies. are those of ":the French ' and com Open House Held At...Public.. . School •,:Z'h ; e co m xnunity s interest in elementary education was evi- denced .ori 'Wednesday night of last . week when : score ' upon of•parentss and , others 'visit- ed : the'Lucknorw public School: The 'oecasion . was Open :House, when the teachers were ,ail on • hand to chat and, discuss edu- cational ' matters or personal •prolbler is. The classrooms were a "revela tion of the 'work. ,, done in. the various grades and ''work books:, and: , "place • taStik; indica,-e,d° where : Jilin and "Mary": Sat.: ' For .:many, today's • teaching:' methods - were ..a revelation • from •the. formality sand,- memorization work of the "sounds" and ' 3R's, ;There was actually , a strraiffic• jam in the vicinity' of the. school,. ;which ,was ablaze with light to emphasize the great • improve=• • • ment•'aceomplished• by the win- dow replacement' • pro ram Members of the .staff are Principal; S;ttiart„ ,Collyer,, M•is z Ruby . Webb, Miss. -Helen Thome-:_,_.._, son; Mrs. . Jack.,Fisher, .. Mrs__ James McTavish, Mrs, Norman • Taylor,Mrs. Grace 7ohnston aria Mrs.. Lloyd H'aIl. William Griffin, the school caretaker,. ...had the ' (building. "Sparkling." • rnercial teachers. Is Your . Subscription- i enewed?. Fire, discoveredshortly after seven' o'clock Monday evening,,. badly' gutted the interior of the Bethel United Church, located /; on Highway,.21, midway between Pine River ,and Kincardine•. Al- though a cornplete ,assessment of the loss had not been mmade, on Tuesday ` afternoot, • damage was estimated as high as $•20,000.` , The; _ Bethel ;church, with a congregation of ,abotit ;'1.40, serves about 48 families. Rev, Donald MacKenzie selves` the charge of Bethel and 'Pine, +River• United Churches, with. residence , at Pine .River. ' Heavy damage viva's done to an organ, ,which . was removed during the fire. About ''eight. r3i;erhori,al stained glass• windows, were damaged • by the heat, some More severely than others.' ry The interior furnishings; pews and . decorating suffered "heavily , from ,smoke,, heat and . water damage, The !pulpit, some forts - r tore• ;and the organ w re'e remov- ed ern v- o ed by ,firemen` and volunteers, Mr.. and ' Mrs.' Ernie Wald'en, caretakers`. of the church,: and who live . across the road,from the building, stated that -fire' had-- been -in the wood furnace for Sunday service's , and had been Tet out ,following the . sen: vice; 'AH was well when the church was checked late day 'afternoon. • • . Mrs.: Walden was advised' of the fire ;by' two. 'young men '.p -s= sing by shortly after seven Monday, evening," After sum- moning the; Ripley fire depart- ment she found it 'mpossible to enter the churc +because of the ,dense s e e make. rnie Walden had left for Ripley just a short time before and, had . not •ho,ticed the. ' smoke coming from the church, ' heavy - The -'rnoke made it The s. . difffw1't for Ripley fire ineh, tin s ,, der chief Gordon Scott, '.to.,fight the fire. The ;fire had apparent, ly been 'smouldering. for some, ti'tne • . arid: appeared to „ have started in.. the .furnace. roam• The furnace;: 'having' burned its self . through, ; cls op•ped'through ,.• the, floor. The furnace 'rooxri was the ;most heavily, damaged: ,Fire- Men : had plenty of water from the 'river which runsacross the. Highway, to :th;e : south of thechurch. They fc:ught the fire forr close to, four hours. The .. history of 'thee Bethel. ,congregation• goes' bask , 107`' •years to :1856.. when • the • first church 'was: •'built, on the .preseri•t site, only:a •'little to .. the:', south. • In ;1872 -arrangements were made to ‘build. a. new .,'church, . arid while the' new one .was being' built, the . old log church burned down, scorching one side :Of t r the 'new on 4 e, In. 1928, .i, woz•k �rx� done in remodelling, arid rebuild .ing the church. In .193;; ,the church 'was again` remodelled. Plans as to the future of Bethel church were iindefiite . a•t wril,ing, time Tues davY Repair .of the church would be a major-, expenditure; ; andwith i p d ,s lo- cation ' very close, 144 way 21, it' is anticipated by • sorrne that it would not be appro; ed. i •,by .the Depar,tmen:t of Highways hi l its present location. • •