The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-24, Page 11ss. ce he h'e >el .es ed ,ss it- al. zd re lie er .1e er ly' 7s. o- e s- ly or' • • •: • • • ::. •.' •. •• • •` • • • . •.. •' •. • • •• ' 411, • • • • i,. • • • • • •. •— •' • • • • .. • • ••• • •. •• •• • •, •: •. • 1 D. • 1 1. 1. 1 1'. 1. 1 1 1. 1 1'. • Wn1~JNVADAY, APRIL g9, 1963 • ASHFIELD THE • LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN ' WH.IT:E(FU..RH Mra. Donald, Drennanand Da -Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Martin Yid and 4VIrs,:',M'acCullough .spent ,celebrated their 55th Wedding Easter .,week, at the-' Drenna• Tuesday, . n Anniversary.on Tuesday, April. farm., ' 23rd. The Martins were enter- ' Miss Audrey Ross 'Of London tained bythei I family with a Was +home'. for; two .days last 'dinner at Danny:s' Drive Inn week., near . Wingha.rh.,: Miss. Jean Macdonald visited . 'The Presbyterian W,M',S. snee. relatives in. Toronto in • the 'hol, trn,g. 'was held last Wednesday. idays. • . in the °Church .Basement. Rey. Gordon:. Fish of. Wing,h ; was • Misses' Anna and Charlotte. .s... speaker. .. MacKenzie .. of Toronto •visited : - r. Barry .Tiffin Waterloo • their sister , Mrs. Earl Howes, visited over The week, end at Held }'tinily .Night ' - ` the horse of his :parents Mr. and The W.M.S. 'held .'lts , annual 'Mrs: Dan. Tiffin, '• Paul Geiger. of Waterloo who. spent the week at the home of M. and 'Mrs.. Carl ' IV IcClenagghan' returned home with Barry Tiff Mrs. . Ben McClenaghan is' Spending a •' few •days• at the hoine . of Mr.' and Mrs.' Bill Par- ker in ' Exeter. . .Family .Night meeting :on. Thurs- day evening, in Ash,fieid 'Pres- byterian'Church. The ' ladies. 'of • Ripley W.M.S. and their hu`s- bands ,were .guests. .,Miss ,Sadie •Johnson, :Presklent, presided and • opened the' :meeting with the call. to worship. Rev. •Neil Mac- Comlbie 'welcom.ed the -visitors. ,Mr. and M•rs, Jack Coultes' 1Mrs. , Jack MacKenzie sang.' •a and Debbie' visited on ;Sunday e y solo` and Mrs. • Allan Macdonaldat'. the home of Mr. and 'Mrs: read '.the Scripture :and medita= •Mervin Pipe: . a • tion ifollawed by pra er. The ' r. . '. . y 1VI and-. lvlrs. George Thdmp-: '•Lowry, brothers sang a • duet;' "song and family_ .of Feversham The . Children of the Church spent •a few days'in''Whitec'hurch. gave, . the' offertory, prayer in+. visiting •with •Mrs and Mrs, 'Mil unison. • Rev, Nerl • MacComibie 'law ' Moore. . ,Rev. Robert .Watt spoke on the •text "Ye are.Holy and family of.: Toronto ' visited peppier and the Explorers group .en Wednesday at the home of sanig. A quartet, Mrs. Allan Mac= Mir ,`:avid Mrs. Millan. ••M;oore donald,_ .Mrs, Wan Macdonald;,, Joanne, :Paul and Jane, ;chil- • Mrs. • Wm. Johnson ' and Mrs, dren. •!of Mr. and - -Mrs. !Elroy • Donald Si•m'p.son, sang;. ''Laidlaw • spent a few ': days at After the service,. lunch• was the .hc.rne•of .Mr•.: and Mrs. Ezra. served.' •in „the abasement and; a Scholtz, social .:hour enjoyed. • Mr. Charlie Falconer• and farri-. ily of IGlamis 'visited on Sunday at• the home 'off Miss Annie and Mary Laidlaw. Littler Mary Fal= • toner returned tome after spen- ding pen-ding 'the week at Laidlaws. • s. Mr. Derwyn Hill completed his course .at :Knox' college in Tor- onto Thursday ' of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Angus .'Falconer of-.Streetsville spent, the week end with rel'ati've. • in' the • corn- rnunity, • Mrs. Maude. 'Hag•gitt :who- was spending a_' few months at the borne of • Mrs. Victor Emerson has returned to ,her home • in Brussels.: ' • ' ' 'Mr. 'Lloyd Gollan' is spending a few . days' at the home • of Mr.' and Mrs:.. Carl MOClenagh'an. • Mr.' James. Falconer and : Miss Lois ,Falcon'er' visited ,an. 'Sunday at the shame of Mr;' and Mrs. Tgn. Welwood at Caledon.. Mr. and' Mrs. Hector Purdon of Sarnia visited 'at .:the hotn'e of Mr. 'and Mrs, Alex Purdon in • Lucknow' and .other relatives in the Whitechurch area. Mir.. and Mrs;' Relison .' Payton-. ladies; A quiit.has Leen finishe and articles .for •mission supply were displayed by • the supply convenor- Mrs.' Hugh McWih.in ney, , The next. ,meeting will ' be held at 8:3.0,' D.S.T. A fall bazaar was planned, The meeting . clos- ed with the benediction. The. ,lunch was convened • by Mrs. `Ross Henry; Mrs. 'Howard .John- ston , and Mrs, Hugh McWhinney.. PARK McKETCHNIE' At. 'St Paul's United ' Church, Brampton an April 11 at 4 •p.rn.r Ruth McKetchnie, second.. daugh- ter of JVIr.: •and Mrs. Gordon Mc Ketohnie of ,Brampton was un- ited in '-marr'iage Witt Kenneth Park, eldest son of. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Park, Dungannon Rev. J. McDermott officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was wearing a , street length' -dress of. White satin with nylon ne:t,;• short sleeves, sweet- heart neckline and . matching el bow mittens, and flower head. piece • with . embbraidered net shoulder. length veil. :She carried • a nosegay of red rosebuds anti 'white 'carnations. The bridesma was •the bride's sister, Miss ,Jean McKetchnie 'who wore .a street length dress. of Acadian: sblue, nylpn with matching .veil and headpiece. ;S'he: carried •a. similar nosegay as the bride. Larry P•ark, ,:brother . of the groom was. ,gybes tman, A wedding dinner was • served'' to immediate' relatives numibering' twenty -:five at Bram. pton Orange all, For travelling the bride • re, .a toast. ensemble with beige aecessorres. Alter. a, short honeymoon spent: at..Dun. gann.rn, the young couple 'swill make their 'home' in Brampton. Visitors, , With Mr. • aid :Mrs; Cecil . Blake. were Mrs: D • 5. , Fines} Toronto, Mr. •Grant . Kil- Patrick and Miss Sharon. Thom}p-• son, . Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatriekt Agincourt. Forty-five was the, attendance' at' messenger service ' Sunday , morning. at the' United church. basement' during the church ser,, vice. An Easter film- was .shown.. er, spent Saturday at ::the' home ......4•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0•04 of , Mrs. Cassie, : Faiconer...Mrs, is Falconer returned with them• to � • Sarnia- for' a • few days. •. • / . , BUY BY THE HOUSEFUL . • • • SAVE BY THE ROOMFUL!. Vitsitors:nwrth •Mrs :Abner Mor- • ns for the , week end were her •• grandson .Mr, .;Charles Drennan I. and friend, .Sarnia, •••Mr.', and .Mrs. • . • Anderson Mugford, s London and i 2' Mr. :aria Mrs, Douglas Freeman', _ • Clinton. M orris with 'th „tha • S. . , • latter cou:p�le visited Mr,. and ••••Nf•f•o•••••••••••••••i••••••••••••••i•••••i1► .Mrs. 'Len •:,Christilaw of Nile. • • Miss • Clara .' Sproul • returned. , , • • •.. }n' 'Stratford ri iUfnnr9$is . after mit- • . o • •*.. ting , over Easter with her • sis. • • •tens. Misses: Nettie•' and .Retina. ;_•. O. : Sproul •, • • rMr. and. Mrs.' Glen ' Weaver, . t :; • r ;' ' • 'Brian, Glenda:and Donna : Egg- • • • • •. leston On Friday vi'sit'ed at ,the: • • •• • ' c ,IA •: homes of „Mr. Weaver's parents' •:.: •,. • : Mr • and, Mrs,. Lovel•l Weaver, • : Chobham an l .brother, Mr, and . •: • • • ,v.t -..v. ai • tc • . 2 Yt!, t , c?s y`� •0 1Vfrs. • Rosi • Weaver Ridgetown. t�...G�?: �1... yt.PU ria^: L -'tom bn.�11:t h tl' � .• ' •• ' The CGIT held the ,regular • -• meeting on Monday night. with •• • • fifteen ipresent :under.- the lead- •,: • ership Of: 'Mrs.. ; Herb Finnigan• • • •E 'OFFER YO'U' • ' • • ..', .and � 'Mrs IV L. ' Go`stonyi: The ;r ' • • Last Shipper 'was' :the ,..:....Easter or. • • .VeryBest__,:the;xne- sn asfilm • by.:P'ri'ces On •• Lynda Blake • • • • ' •.. •• -• • • • • • • ,• .41 • .4 ►ea 1, Made. by • leading' manufacturers, mons ar •; ' Many ; Pay •IRespects • • The ,funeral of the late Eger :' .ette George Errington was° herd •,• Tuesday ,• April' 16th' .at Arthurs° ' 'Funeial Horne, • Auburn ` .at :2 pan. with Rev N L. Gostonyi: • • • hi. charge of . the service A•' *. large concourse:.. of ,relatives and Sl1' friends attended and all during. i • ' eepm•aste.r • the ,wake. since his sudden death • Saturday -evening. .. The, number' :, •, • of 'floral• tributes and: cards •:for ' Three,. Rooms Of Furniture Bedroom Living Room, Kitchen, -Piece Chesterfield. ('Nylon ` Covering) ..Step: tabl, C �:ffee table ab e e, Suite��� • • •, • • • •.• • • • • 3• • • •• • ...000x>..-... _....` .. ;:y `: •{v :ic,`.S2•',:�Yt�:Yip:�i WE 'HAVE •'A LARGE STOCK FOR you' TO CHOOSE FROM • •r FOR YOUR SPRINGS • •: the., Heart Fund • showed,' ' the- 9 • popularity 'and sympathy• to. 'the ,4 •• bereaved 'family. The pallbe•arers • • were . Jack 'Park,, Harvey . Alton; •p • • Mel. Stewart, ' Fred • Young;- O. : iv ,Thornton "Eedy and Lloyd Hod ges. Interment Was, made in.. . '• • ' i, D�u'nganon'' cemetery. • j •• the Woolens ` Missionary So- • •• ciety ,of Erskine Presbyterian • • i • c•hu'rch• ' met • in • the, church 'on .• ••' • "' Friday, April ,1':9th, . Mrs. .Arthur • Stewart :p.resrded and opened the • •'• meeting from• the Easter Service • of Worship: with hymn and ,pray- • ' er Mrs, M. McAllister .gave the • • :Glad. Tidings -Prayer., • The re- • . sponsiye reading .vas followed:' • • •' by a hymn, The'meditation was •• •• taken ,by Mrs.. R. MacLeod. Four •• j of the Junior • girls sang as a: :` • . • quaifte te. Rev, R. MacLeod corn- • ' ,• mRook • ented briefly on the synodical V . ••,• at Wingham, Miss Iva' Carr: gave • • a short account ori the need.. • Chest • for increasing' the. Work of nils- • ' • signs, The, •roll call ,was answer • • 5 -Piece' Chrcme 'Seip` • •. • .• P •.• •. w • • . : 0. • • • • •• • • -••. •• e • .• :. •• amp.' bedroom Sute •w • • :. •• • . • .. .t Case Bed.: Double . Quiit • Top-.' Mattress .. Pair, of Dresser Lamps e •SRing • d by a oro qu tat' n on "Pisen" or • • ' • "Arose." Ziwenty=one 'were pre- • • ••• •.. sent,A •r.ran•gemen s weremade • N . • d -G NEEDS• for the 'bale fund, ; Mr: MacLeod4va 99 00 �� lue at� 4�,9�0 FLO�R�01�ER�N�(Not }� 11 � t �, •� .• • ,closed the +meeting with prayer: .. .. r h'11.n. ladies served lunch and .-i - n P:Ya(Y. v aC '1 ITC' YA P. we, }lave • • .. • • " ` lease •, •• d rico that will •p • herd a sale of 'baking in. '.the the pattern an P men w A basement, `,� •' • � •• .. � bu..._ • The 'church: osrren met J eau '� Mattresses'' • United • • ections • .. obligation .to y 1 0 • Tuesday evening with Mrs N • .. • Drop in and see ,.our • se !it no • • Dawson 'presiding,. Mrs, kvIel '• •. • Prices ��On • • Reedopened the n'ieeting ,•.. with • •' • F ITUHk ` •' prayer and a 1 loi ed' rn repeat• � tiRt d STORE •ons o tl ' l;.o � p �� - � C URN URN � MacKENIIE in g Te r s r T. r S. e- • . . • •' cif` Blake ..read. the scripture les-' •• •• an •Lucknow • _ • "'' son; A sift; Did you mean wvhat uc • Phone 528-5013 • � l�no�v' • Ph • Phone „..52834$2...... or you. said, was dramatized •by • +• a . • a 1 • Mrs, lel Rold, 1Vtrs, Berg ., 'in- • :Agricultural Society Minstrel Show, Wednesd ►yf, May :• •. •;- .. :, . �•..•N , ,., ,_ hovw. Wdnesday Nifty •, �, ,.. • y • igan and Mr•s. prod young. 'The . • Agrrt�ult+ura�' Socet 11?Xrnstr`e > •®asa•a•� � 1••••iii•••o•••�•�:�w�►is••a�•��s• •a•t��f ,: idol] call nwas answeted Eby 26• • 1