The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-24, Page 6( • 48 • .4 PAGE Six • tTHE .UOKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOW. ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, : A 'RUA 24, 46 KINGSBRI DG.iE (Intended For Lash Week)_ .': We extend 'our. .sincere syn- Vsthy to our pastor, Father Paul Sargewitz 'on the death of 'his brother.. Fr. Paul attended the funeral in MinnesotaQ11. MOriclay. • Sunday (visitors with Mr. and Mrs, VIalter Clare -were Father Lloyd Ryan -of Mildmay, Nir,; & Mrs ' Dan .:Ryan 'and .tangly ' of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs.. Phil. Ryan' and family of Toronto, Mr Frank Ryan of Ottawa and Mr and Mrs. Ed: King •and faintly of, London- . 'taster '• tvisitors with Mr and Mrs. 'John 'Kellywere• Mr. and • Mrs. Jim • Kelly and • son. Glenn from 'Sudbury, Mr. Dan Kelly end family dram Bridgen, Mr. & Mrs. Bi]1 • Hodgins - and„ farnily. from Sarnia, Mr,, Walter Kelly from London,' :' . Week -end visitor s • rite Mr.- & , Mrs: Blaise Martin were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Pauhl,' iMr. and Mrs. Joe Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Clar yence • Doherty all of ° Harnilton; and' .Mrs. Jim., Martin of don, Mr and' Mrs. Halloran, 7Lynn,. and-. Bud of Buffalo spent the, Weekend with Mrs: Edward Gil- inose. recent visitors•with' (Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fra ne Were Dr.'y Gil'bert--•Frayne aT Galt, Mr, and Mrs, Kraemer of .Hess.on, Miss Margaret 'Kraeaner, 'Elmira; Miss Joan Linsemari .of Tralee;: Mr. Lea ' Moei+beek : returned: home from • • Goderioh Hospital. We hope Mr. Moeribeck will en- joy 'better health. from now 'on. • • We wash to extend our sym • patty to , Messrs, '. Frank: and Pat• Sullivan on the death of their sister,' the late James ames Phalen 1 of Goderich; 9 Easter' Sunday :visitors with Mr, arid' :'!Mrs.' Mark 'Dalton ' and family 'were .:Mr. D,: Lassaline ' Mr.' and Mrs: Gerald Lassalin.e and family,' Mr.' and Mrs: Ar- rriono Lassaline and:fainily' and Mr. and Mrs.. Harvey Lassaline, all of Goderieh Sunday 'nisitors ,with Mr: and .• Mrs J Slin Van Osch :;were ' Mt,• and' (Mrs.' Maurice. Sherman Nand, family', ot.' London, . Mr:_ ,and:' Mrs, T.oni'.IVIiddlegaal and family : of ' Blyth: Miss .' Sharon • Courtney spent Saturday in London: Mr..'and Mrs. :Ambrose kart - :man and ' fammily:. of ..: Kitchener Spent the +week :end with Mr. and MMrsClifton ` Austin . Holiday visitors'` with iMr ;and Mrs: John ',Howard and 'f • `may ' were Misses•. Reta arid Patricia Forbes .:and their ►troth, er Eu- gene, Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Croak and• sons all of Detroit.: ...Mr. and . Mrs: • Carl . ,Rei'gling • : attended the closing . 'banquet at the • Agriou'ltural College; at flidgetcwn -, where • , their • ion' Frank graduated and spent a • few: days s nnisiting :friends in that vicinity, • Miss . Blanche Bilodeau of Ha Milton 'spent the 'weekend With. the Heffernan family, • ' • Mr.' Terry: Dalton of Guelph is spending the Easter vacation with 'his ' parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Ray Dalton. • ' Fay. `Hogan is spending the; •holidays in Toronto. ,, • •/ OLIVET NE Mrs: Ross. Black and Miss Ruth Black, R.N. of Wingham` and Mrs. H. Street .:of Kincardine were guests recently of Mr, ,and Mrs Garry BlackwelL During'. the evening a ,'.gift of money was presented to. Mrs. Black and Ruth on 'behalf of the comMu- •nity..by. Mrs, 'Melvin 'Coning, Mrs. ;Orville Finlayson and Mr. 'John' Colling. Mrs: Black and, Ruthhave been life-long resi- dents here until moving to Wing- sham a few weeks . ago. Mrs. Black has been. organist in the• United j,Church for many years and •both could Abe counted upon to help with all conisrniunity, acti- vities'. . . Miss Mary .RoulstOn was at the' console of •the organ on Sun- day afternoon ifor , the worship .erviee in. .the U•n'ted Church,: • • ger ton . by picking upyour fertilizer int bulk, � yaur pickup truck. See` �or phone ."Stuart" a# the' Fertilizer Plan#, 528-275, .ar drop in at the s#ore on Campbell Street. , C0 -0P -Fertilizer is under constant "Quality Control" through all phases of manufacturing. The result; :F ' you: get a bigger value a better fertilizer. • A Timm' er .:from 'here attended the `.`Young: ` ~Canada Hockey Tourament" in Goderieh 'Messrs Alex•�1MacTavish; 'Don- ald MaCTavish, `Walter Roulston and Jack , Roulston were among'- those 'seen on CKNX-TV Sirng-: Time.'.prograan' last• Sunday:. Ladys tOlivet (atended a\ shower•'(gsv�en .an: the Pressbyter- -ianChurch: • (parlour in Ripley,. ,honour of Miss Jessie iMaaCh•ar; les 'w'hose Marriage took' place on : Saturday. On • Tuesday: 'evening •Mes-: *clan*: Alex Ma. Tavish Donald MacTavish, Howvard Henry, Herb' Clayton, Walter Dexter,; Ray Ha= 7riilton .and +Osc,'ar. ;White. were. among those attending the tas- ter' Thankolfering meeting in Lueknow United Church. This cornm•u >ty ,welcD"aes'Mr. arid 'Mrs. Don Paquette' asd fa milt'. • to their new home,/on the fourth: . Mr.' and tiVLrs. Ernest-;'MacTa�v •ish of: London visited at "the liame of ' Mr: ••-and Mrs 'Melvin ,Colling o•n Saturday evening. , Mr, and ''Mrs, A, D. Gunvbert and Mrs. Frill of 'Hani.l,ton : Visit- ed. recently • with Mr,' .and 'Nita: W T. Roui:ston. • and . Mrs:' -Mao Hamilton. PURPLEGRO' kerton, while Lyle Alexander visits Bonnie Boyle: ' � 'Jimme .Y - Farrell' . JoColliris hn and Brian. MacDonald spent ..Fri- day.- and Saturday in 1.Goderich attertdingg Young Canada: Hockey week. They ''were runnersoup , in, Ontario Chan pionship Mr: and Mrs William England of Ottawa were guests ' of • ,Mr. and '1VIrs:• George Emerson. Congratulations • ' to. • Mr'. and Mrs. ,Jack 'Farrell on the arrival oma ; (baby boy.. • • ' Mrs. •Acrel . Armstrong Lynn, Dale and. Wayne visited Mrs: William . Hughes,, :.God•eric i • Mrs. Ronald 'Alexander of A'inkerton and Lorraine:. ;Boyle Of Lucknow.ivisited Mr, and'Mrs. Francis Boyle, ' Mr: and Mrs. Frank Currie and Brenda Were'sgundaywere guests sts of Mr: and MrsScott Walsh • of Carlsruhe. • Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Macon ald and Mary Helen '.`were. Sun - 'day. visitors .,of 'Mr. arid Mrs::. Joe Guest,/ T'ees•water. Purple Grove Farm . Forum. finished .the season with bowl- ing. and later lunch with _ Mrs. Frank Dore and family. • Misses Mary Anne' • McCosh, Annetta Forster; Donna :McLeod :an'd ,Marlene' Gawky of Toronto ,spent the week -end at . their homes, • k Mr:. and Mrs.' Eurton Collins and :Sandra ••and : Margie visited Mr, and Mrs Irwin Carruthers, Goderich on •;'Saturday. Mrs: Victor Gaiwley, Marlene and Gladys visited `1VMis- ses Ada acid Lettne G.awley. Margie Collins .spent a fenw days. ,with Cathy • Dore.. Some: folks attended the Calico Ball . in Lucknow or the Barn. Dance in Kincardine. Laurie 'McLennan, of Agin- court .visited Dianne . Mackay: 'Bryan Boyle, • spent Wednesday with Mr,, and Mrs: • . William Hughes; God,erich. Mr, arid 'Mrs; Frank, Colwell, _ (' Mr, Huston � o lvrell of Bervie, Mr.' and Mrs. Earl Zeigler •and family' of. Port -Elgin, Mrs. John Colwell, •Mr, Bill Robinson, 'Mr. and Mrs Gordon Patterson were Sunday ,guests of •Mr. and Mrs: Walter Forster. Visitors with Mrs,' Frank, Dore were Mr, and MrsRichard, Kidd Merritton, Mr, and Mr's y Gerald Brindley,. John, ;Bonnie rand Pat= ricia, Carl Dore, QV.Gr, and. Mrs,' Lawrence Fry, Betty, Loran. and Laura Mae, . Mr, arid, Mrs. WM: White. • Kerry and. 1Xeather Boyle are holidaying at.„Alexander 's,` PIM Congratulations to' •Mr: and Mrs: Bert, Thompson, Teeswater•,, ori . the arrival of a baby ,girl.• ,Ralph Thompson spent the .week with Mr. and, Mrs.' Gordon - Mac .Donald, D:arl.ene (Cur.rie holidayed 'with Mr.; ' and; ''Mrs. Clifford Scott `. of Waterloo: Mr, and 'Mrs.. Donald Gillies visited Mr and Mrs. • Kelvin' Henderson. ' • Bill *Ott,' Philip.; 'David• 'and. Blair Armstrong •.holidayed with: Mr.,. and: Mrs..Frarik 'Currie, Valerie. Gillies.:spent :'a couple Of ' days s wi • ,Mrs: `'Kelvin •'Hen - der on Joan ,Thompson.. was a guest. g of Sandra 'Collins, BERILEY Mrs. Laura McNain spent. Eas- ter week .'end with 'Dr•and4Mrs.' Stewart Sims of • Toronto: Miss Dorothy p o Dunlo ' .; f Mid- • land visited ;over the week enc with` her parents ,Mr, and ."Mrs Clarence Dunlop P.M se Dave McKenzie of Kin x card'ine; visited with Mrs. L. Mc, Na'in and. .Miss. Helen McNiairi or Sunday: Mr; and Mrs.Durnin • Phnli 'p shave' returned- to their cottag4 at Lucian beach after . spending the. winter'. °months in 'Florida Mr. • and •.Mrs.. Lloyd ;Courtney and' family':. of :London; spent ,tri( weeks end. at their 'cottage a' Lurgan. Master Bobby 'Rice +whc spent . the Easter holidays :wit} 'relatives,' `returned ".home. -wit} them. an Sunday,' Miss Helen IMcNain spent Eas ter' week.// with ,Dr:.. and Mrs tBtewart.. Strias;.• of Toronto. Mrs.' ,Sara; Geddes of. Ri'ple3 Was the ' guest; :of •Mr. and • Mrs John Blue, Mr: and;'Mrs. Willian Courtney and ,;other friends las week. Mr: and Mrs. Donald Biue (vis: ited' :with Mr:; and Mrs,. Johr Blue ''on Sunday. • FREE: HOME HEATING SE.RVICS: Now a furnace emergency costs you eO more than Si• phone call! Regular equipment• check ups nothing.at all! It's all part of the SUNGLO Heat= Package for CO-OP furnace fuel. oil Custofl ers. • FREE CONDITIONING SERVICE, Includes annual cleaning and inspection, of the furnace, smoke pipe, chimney base, burner • and oil tank, Heating unit lubricated and tuned -up for maxi- mum' efficihncy. ' • 'FREE INSPECTION SERVICE once ,during each heating. season to ensure top :porformance. , 1 • FREE 24-HOUR•SERVJCE Emergency calls ` • answered on a 2.4 -hour osis to correct anytem- orar ' failures of customer's equipment. • y p. y You• Pay only for 'partsand for work performed on heat. exchangers andcomtion chambers, Or for re. ' bus building. Motors; • ' You pay only for oil and replacement parts 'with SUNGLO SERVICE LUCKNOW DISTRICT C0.0PERAiIVE LUCKNOW, ONTARIO.. 8'