The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-24, Page 4s • • .,c • - PAGETOUR , THE LUCKNOW SENTTNET.,, WC OW. ONTARIO ONTARIO. • WEDNESDAY,, APRIL' 24, *1083 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES -- Firat Insertion 2c per word, minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, 11/2c per word,' ,minimum, ..50c.1 Notices, Cards of Thanks and Coming Events, minimum: 75c. In -Memoriam%` minimum $1:00. 25c extra for -replies to The Sentinel. Billing charge of 10c ' for eachbill, rendered. FOR SALE SPORT "JACKET -.' for sale, size 16, wool, irrr good condition. Mrs. John W. Pritchard, • phone:' 528-5351, Lurcaknow. JERSEY COWS AND. HEIFERS for sale, due soon, herd regist-. ere',• accredited and listed. Har- vey .Culbert, 'Drungannon, phone 15-r-2, Dungannon. • FOR SALE 2 -unit milking •mriachine' pipe line .(nearly: new) • Apply Hamilton MacKinnon, . ,R. 4, Ripley,. •.Ont: ' •: FOR SALE- . quantity of good seed peas; also quantity of :baled' alfalfa hay, Bob •Pur*es,' R.R. 2, Lucknow, phone 528-5855. NTED WANTED 100 -acre 'grass farm to rent, Contact Bill Button, R.R. 3 Lucknow, phone 5282 2604., FEMALE HELP WANTED — •mature w einan for eare. of' el- derly, to ;commence . work at once, full or' 'part time.. Phone Lu' cknow 528-2136 or • 528-2186. NVANTDD =- :Picket or slat fence suitable for fencing lawn play area for children, Don Thornp son;. • phone 528-3516 Lucknow., WANTED four head of .cat, tie for•, ,,pasture. James Falconer, Lueknow. . MEN ,• EARN . FDR SALE= Registered Here- ford bull, 3 years ' old.: '; Ewart' MacPherson, R.R. 1 ' ' Lucknow, phone . 5284493:. GRASS FARM' tor sale 100 acres, lot 19, concession 4, West Wawanosh, two mules ' : east of Dungannon, .;good; water supply,' Wilbur Brawn, Dungannon, phone •Dungannon 4-r-6. FOR SALE = :500 bales of mix- ed hay.: Jack MacKenzie, R.R. 3 Lucknow,'r phone • 65-r-1. Dungan- • non.. " •. • extra money rin• sipare tine, Should . make ,,$3:00 per 'hour, de pending on ability to learn,, For details . write .Rawleigh's, . Dept, D-271-17, 4005.. Richelieu,.'. Mon treat..' EVENTS NEW CASH BINGO • Legion Hall, Luckno.w, every Thursday ...evening; 15. regular games—$10,00 each. 4' •Srhare-The-• Wealth., !games .with jackpot in, -eluded .'in each game;. ; Jaekl this, •week $65.00 on, '.56 calls: CADET INSPECTION'.. The Cadet •rnspection< at Luck-• now Distrie,t High"Sc hool, which Wal .to have 'been `held Thurs.- day,. h *rsday,• has been postponed. Watch for 'future .announcement. FASHION SHOW The annual Lucknow District• High School ,Fashion 'Show will be ` held . at the school auditorium on Wednesday , and, Thursday, May 15th and 16th. RECEPTION SATURDAY ' A reception in :honour. 'of • iMr; and' Mrs.. Rodnwell Wraith (Inge Suter) will be 'heldin the •Le- ,gion• Hall, Lucknow, this Satur- day . evening, April 27th.. Boyd'•s orchestra. 'Everyone welcome.. INION SALE Cornplete Dispe)'sal . ,... 35, Head of PUREBRED HOL- STEINS selling at the farm of .Cooper, Lot 21;, , Con. ; , WestC awanosh, •Friday, Apri11l 26 IT- t 1:30 p.m. 'Sale under cover n • case of - Abad . weather. H. C. Doper, prop.,, A. B. Brit - baker, auc NOTICE NOTICE Having (been, appointed ,agent for the Huren ° Gounty. Medical Insurance C o-cp, I .ain ,new Pre- pared to ..take care of all your medical insurance needs,. Enquir- ies appreciated. Gordon Kirkland, phone. ,69-r-11, Dungannon.' SEED FOR SALE Government :graded No;. 1, per rbushe1, Ontario 'grown Alf- alfa $33.00; Red. Clover : $24.00; Sweet Clover, white . r -yellow; $14.00; Alsike 'Clover 16.00; Per' Certified' Climax Tiinorthy 43 ` • ir•,,R t., Trefoil 70c; We carry. acomplete: line' of Clovers : and grasses for all... hay' .and, pasture; Purchases. Mixed' 'free • right on the jab. Seed grain of all*varieties. Seed cleaning ,byappoirntment,; 'over: our special •.machinery. • ROY ; CRAM•IVI & SON: Sewers, R.R. 1, Greenock, Ont. SeedMerchants, Pinkerton, Dial .Cargill 366-2494'.' TE/CH ER cunt .Timothy", � ..p Y 20ca . 1 ANTED BRUCEHAV•EN• SCHOOL, for Re- tarded Children ,in Walkerton WANTED live ;poultry; also requires for •.Septem;ber, 1963;• new• and used duck "'and goose teachers with ;professional. ele-:i feathers. 'Best prices' at ' your mentary school. qualifications,, dear.. Phone :or wtrite A. Brown, Salary • in keeping ;with :quali- 181 Kincardine:: fictions Arpply to. Mrs. James FOR RENT FOR,'SALE 4''' un. York ..GRASS FOR RENT .70 •-acre Yo . ,grass farm, lot `7, eon', 1.2,' W.D.local's; . 5�/z norirths •old: ApplyNOTICE OF APPLICATION Ashfield Townshbp.. Mrs. Eliza- J.olhri MacRae,:. R:R. 3, Lu�cknow,: , ,i The . Liquor Licence : Act Aherne Ripley .1644-14.. beth Mothers, Lucknow. Licensing D•istriat Nunbber, 2 . a BRIDGE •�TA'LLIES, euatre, APARTMENT FOR RE NT_east TAKE... NOTICE TICE - that' .R oya`l Can - :court whist ...and bridge '.score side of duplex,,,kitchen,. adian Legion, Branch 309 of the eards w • avarlableat The i ;n.grom sun 'garage, Wage af Lucknow inthe County Lacknow. Sentinel, pne 528_ 3-pece,•babhroomyarid two bedof Bruce:Atrilmake`'appleation , 8134. .roo'm's .upstairs. Unfurrbished ex- 'at a Spec.i�al" Meting 'orf the Li l cept:for • oil burner , •l'iv�ing qi or . ' Licence Board; of Ontrario • CORN FOR SALE — Kiln dried : room". . Avallar} le on : June 1st. to be held' at andthe. Canadian : Leg - . Cob' corn froth .' o the_ Ridge= '•Mrn John :T, Ca+rruuth�iers, '�a�'. ion, 4'8' 'Onta�rio;Street,• Nortih;;in" 'town -Chatham- Area in 5 -ton & 173, Ripley, phone 141-1Ripley. the City oft' .K:itohener, ih:. the -truckload lots. Jim : M'acEwan, County of Waterloo, on Friday the..lOth• day Of May; ,.,1963, at NOTICE' FOR SALE—. Pmt,; hole angers and: ' manure loaders,: made to . order .,for any, make . or model of tractor. Order now 'before the spring rush.. • Morford W. Mac War Surplus Values AT �naidsGeneraI kay, Welding and Machine 'S�h'o!p, • Sti � �l R.R. • 2,; `Ripley, • phone � 6-r_ 8 Rip . ,,ore, Ki:nta . , ,the 'hour of 10:00 . o'clock. D.S.T. in the forenoon forr . ,the issuance :of. •a CLwb Licence/ '(Restraeted)•. for the.. sale and consu'm'ption of beer. •and 'wine. with, 'meals. and, 'beer Without 'meals in an est-. •aublis?hment 'cclassified as a Club; ;for the ' following ,iprenuses:. Roy= ley, 01 :Canadian' Legion, Branch 309, s o c n:w . Dunt: Men's Fatigues, . (Army Pants) • slightly used, good condition, & sizes • 32 34 only: , . $1.95 pr. Cotton Shorts 50c pr. OATS' FOR SALE— X,000 bushel.; Garry 'Oats. ` Jack .Button, R'.R.. 3, Holyrood, +phone' Ripley' 128-r, • 'Rain Capes, • slightly used, INCOME TAX RETURNS mrakes .a: 36 sgft ,taip,. $1.9.5 ea. S: J: Pymm Public . Accountant `. since 1944. P O .;•Box 74,: 'Lucknow, •'Ontar..io • Telep lone .528-23, 90 FOR SALE girl's light ,blue coat, onenavy dress, one red dress, both ' .with smocking, ' all ',size 6: Apply Mrs. ' .Jim Mac Naughton, Licknow, phone . 528 Experience is something that ;when 'you, finally have • :it, you're too 'old •forthe job: ''. Villagee. f L k , C y of Bruce. .A one -storey ;frame :build=' ing .located : on .Village Lot 263 on the East Side: :of Inglis. Street in ;the Village • •of Luicknorw. Any: person resident in the lie ensing district m ay olbject to the Railroad, Picks, in '. (Pick && ,handle), application,; .and 'the grounds. of p 2 feces • $'2.35; ea.. 'objection. in .w'ritin'g ' shrill •: be ., ,filed with,Mr. R. B. Troitt, Q.C., Screw -Type Jacks, 4 -ton, unused the .deputy reegistrar. 'of the tic- sensing . district; `whoSe address is Du.nker• Biu ldii g; -Suite '402, '.251 King Street West, . Kitahener, ` at least ten, days 'lbe f ore the meet= before inig at;which the application is to be heard. DATED at • Goderich ' this .9th day of April; 1963." • Royal Canadian Legion Branch 309, Lucknow, Ontario, By Jos- eph ,Moir King,.. President, R.R. 2, Teeswater,", Ontario. .with- '5' handle .. Smelt nets, 6'x6' :. ; 1.95` ea. Phone ,12-r-7, Dungannon DUPLICATOR' & supplies, •bond: • paper, . rriimeo, paper,; typewriter paper in..pads and quantity, ink and master sheets,: duplicator fluid,' hectograph. machines . and supplies, if we don't stock. your requirements,. •we will be gladrVif to order` for you. The Luckno Sentinel, phone 35. • Lucknow. MaltingBarle.y. Contracts r`» , *A, •Full Lime Of, SEED . GRAINS, CLOVERS and 'GRASS.: SEEDS Seed ,grain cleaned and 'treated, Clover and Grass Seeds cleaned.: Elliott's Seed Mill G. B. Elliott; Lucknow ° Phone, 528.3500 'There • is •no ,disease in Ythe world•. ,for, ,which. alcohol is . a" inure." :.. Vacant' lots and . vacant minds .usually become•••durnping *grounds' ,for much rublbish. .�■■B momiu ■ wil uuuruul a a 1 ■ • • .'■ a. ■ Ingham Office Phone: 357=.3840 i' ■ • GERALD (Jerry) WALTER i. Member of the Gre :-Bruce Y ■. i Real . Estate Board • . s ■ Ask. One Of Our•• :Agents <a/ a•; How You. Can ,,List Your. ■' • Property As,* A Multiple• •'' Listing ' : ,a'. ▪ "We Sell Rural Ontario" �■.: ▪ Special For Fishermen .. ■ For. onlry , $3,500, 'you can.; have your own private ' ■ ' ■ trout stream .when the is•h- ing season opens May 1st. ■ ■ Over 60 rods ''of the ,finest trout producing stream in-' RD OF THANKS Mrs Ronald Forster' •wishes express sincere, thanks to el who SQ .kindly 'remembered her. with flowers, gifts, cards and phone -calls while 'she was a 'Patient in Wingham . Hospital. Their, thoughtfulness' was' deeply .appreciated, • Pinerest Manor Rug Shampooing with the, latest modern equipment. FOr Expert Service' : Call FIiI�y..D�corators tLucknoi .l?ihone 528'3434 uiiuutu■:uuuuu Nursing Home Member ,ASSOCIATED NURSING ,II'OMES of Ontario , 24�Iiour. Supervision of A Registered Nurse Considerate Personal Attention For_•Elderly and Convalescent Persons. • Excellent Home -Conked Meals Box 220, Phone' 528-2186 LUCKNOW, ONT. i Bruce. County meanders -At twists it's* way' across this ■ 100 acre retreat, just a few miles' fron'r Lucknon+►►y • 'There are numerous suit, • able ' locations for spring. ■ ,fed ,ponds, an ideal: ;gravel ▪ ,knoll to .erect ,..Your cabin, u ■ and Over 60 acres of ,bush i, -land• abounding in srnarll '� ■: game. You must see it to •■ 'realize.the beauty and pri-'.■ '■ 'vacy • of this. property, and a j it can'be .Yours ' tor this low,. .price as the elderly ■ ■ owner • is anxious to' ,sell, ■' Make us •an .offer now and ■ ▪ be ,ready for ,trout°• fishing n• May 1st, 1.063. , • ■ • ■ ▪ J. Everett Pennington ■ l' R.R. 2,' Teeswater, Phone 392-6064 ■ Local Agent For: . • •■ ■. PAUL S. STARK, & CO. a Limited ■ ■ ■ ▪ .. ■ o. ■ .The• y Everett F':a�mil ` . of the late Errington wish to thank friends and neighibonrs for. • all their kindness during :their :bereave- meet and for floral tributes re- ceived. • ,.Their thoughtfulness. was deeply appreciated. . • • Mrs, Glen Baldenby and Lea Anne would like to thank all who, remembered them in any way while they were in the hos- pital .and later at .home: • The. ,kers 'family Wish 'to ex press deepest gratitude :to: their many friends for expressions. of sympathy °in the loss of • their dear brother Allan. • W; `'thereby ;.•Wish to .express "Our. s :.ncere thanks to .ourneigh: bogs and friends; and to ;Blake's Church for the lovely ',presents. given us for, .our. wedding. ,,Lona and John' Johnston; Toronto, •Ont. IN. EM�$IA QULBERT - In loving memory cif .a dear another and grandmo-j cher, .Mrs; '.Rachel Culrbert,• who 'passed away .five . years ago; •April; 291h, . 1958 . . A. cluster 'of 'beautiful .meznorie Sprinkled' ,with , love and tears, Are: ih a :book of memories ' Of a mother we loved so 'dear. Sadly .Missed' and lovingly . ire- Merrimbered by ",Eva ••••and Lorne' :.Culbert, Ina and Bill Eadie and Family, Edna and JaCk ..Peter- baugh and Family, • DRENNAN In Irving rnemory of a dear '. husband, father and grandfather, : Ellwood . Drennan, who passedaway April 28, '1962. Fondly, loved and 'deeply mourn- ed, . Heart:'of my heart, I 'miss you so; Often My darling, Thy tears will flow • Dimming your ipicture ,,where'er I' go;: ' `ns'••sad but true, 1 wi 11 ,abide Until' some.. day 'we'll be side by side. • Dearly loved and sadly Missed by his ,Wife, Isobelle. and.,:fasnily. SERVICES • SEED CLEANING SERVICE. Have your grain 'needed for 'spring .'planting cleaned early. We. have 'for sale: a ,full: • line Of grass seeds and also.•'handle feed grain, GORD N\ JOHNSTONE, ' Lucknow, phone .52843719. AUTOMOTIVE ; , Mechanical and. body repairs, i• Wheel alignment 'and balance,' ■ ■ Window re lac . , p ement; - Ftadyato.r' repairs. Protectagainst rust with. Und'aspray, ,,; DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8 Hwy. Phone JA 4-7231 Goderich, Ontario Hanover. 870• ;upuw�lfiar~au.Ii u■u ■wilt eau CUSTOM BUTCHERING• Beef and pork ,sold in • anv'I quantity.. Custom...butohering tri' Government licensed abattoir. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from Monday through Thursday .BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET, SEPTIC TANKS; CLEANED' Septic tanks,:',cesspools, etc.; pumped and cleaned" with mod• ern. equipment; A11 work guar setanteed,. s,pl 'one Louis442 Bl-wake,6 ,R, 2' Bruw • UCTION. SALE ' Allan Irilitelfittyte. Licensed' Auctioneer Lucknow Phone 10-r-10 Riplei • .