The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-17, Page 16PAS 'Wm THE of uoKNOW 5EN'I'INEL., Lu1KNQW ; ONTARIO.' Remember 0se Your Calico,Dees,...• From sheath and full skirt styles in laii► shades,;'' checks or floral, in crisp 'and fresh Patterns for Spring. Wehave a big selection in "Dan River" woven:: cottondresses styled by "IDEAL.". Fashioned/ in plaids blended ` with.fine woven' "Lur ex" thread or floral' and woven. check' Sizes -- 12; to 20, 141/2 to 241/2,; 9 t 19 AGENT 'FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS see Pick -Up and Delivery Monday '` and . Thursday Ladies' and Men's Scout : Paper ` Collection, Thursday,• 'April. 18 • Named Farm Forim Zone Director John A. Mc1VIutrc iy, :of Thiran. Township' Was •nanl$d `Zone: Dir- ector for the Counties. Of Bruce,. Huron and Perth at • the ;annual meeting' of Ontario ' O grin For, held in Toronto .Hast week. The iian+portarice of adult ed .1- catiati • and the :role played in • this by,Farm r , respect' • Forums was strP_s_sed. •at this meeting.. Emphasis was iadded r the re - ALFALFA SEED CERTIFIED VERNAL $48.00' per bu. CANADIAN. GROWN Govt. Std. No ' 1 ' . 536.00 per . bu. ARGENTINE GaOWN Govt. Std•. No:•1 $28.75 Per bu. D... FINLAYSON Lueki'iow ' Phone 528.2903 remarks .of F :G'osnell, CBC re- presentative, .ho pointed out that. on .a arairational''basis fanner'. . are rleav•ng:.bhe f ms,th. at SEE y The Sentinel • 'THAT lweekrend weather. condi- tions • sa+w ,farmers taking to ..the. ;handl in. steadily ' increas- . ing • .numbers andconsiderable seeding has .1;ready lbeen,done. ' The need• P. is ,for a, good THAT Mr, ' and Mrs. T O. An- derson of Dungannon recently discovered Some old ,recently tpers under the ,rugs in their thome...•One . issue of the Tor-. onto Globe of 1895 was brit- ole with age. but made Some, interestin reading. / THAT 'George Anderson, son • of Mr. and Mrs. W. B.' Anderson . ofLucknow;: is ;being !transfer- red 'the' • end •of 'this week to - the Monutreal office of '.Inger: soli -Rand, a 'theatvy. .machinery 'n mantrfacaturinigi..a company.. Geo. , has been. . With the Toronto: a. THAT Petty ';Officer. • First Class Joe Whitby is at. ;present talo ' •ing a stpeoial course. •at Halitfax. in Submarine detection. He his, ibeen in the naval service for .13 years, ' Mr. . and'. Mrs. Whit by, Who :reside at Dartmouth,, '`11,S.',. ;have two sons,: L.arry•.,.and Eddie:.• .THAT .this -fast winter and early springhas' 'seen 'bri(tit a .revtived to an excelitional..degree,with many 'Ladies of the eammunity holding both tafternoon andev- .ening parties. Tt ..has not been uncommon'' for Sameladies • to.� "1.rit" two panties on the same rate of '3,0.00 per month, as they, decide oto `'try.. soarething. el"se. It: is a matter. -of deep :concern for . rth+ose .Who are left to have a better understanding' of this' sltu'ation, Mr., Gosnell . said. Representatives at this • meet, ,ing were from various ..faiths, as wel+l''as heads of various faniY} nai ove en ' ga ztics • � a ns and •g (nun t de= en s' of co-operatives • and ph am + Commerce. Aniong, those in ' attendance .were Bob. Cairbert, Roger. Sch. w,ass, Art iMusgrove, president of the . Federation' of Agriculture. Stress was laid on informing government.' heads of rural. needs „sand opinions as an aid to formulate 'policy. Farm Fortnum is a night a week when the farmer can dis- cuss this problems, state this. views arid .present reconimenda tions, IDelega.tes• from this !district who were ,in attendance .at the annual rneetirng ',included Ronald Slade, fieldman for the Bruce County • Federation of . Agricul- ture, John McMurchy, Mrs, I: MacKenzie of Kincardine and Mrs, Kennedy' and ,'.vias, Pischer from. • TeesTwater.. , . est : is hoped there will be an increase this (fail' tri the rakim'ber of Fors ms so •t'liatt rural folk a`nay hear and diwuss what is on the horizon for /amyl • ow -Me, •. THAT car 'aerials. ,have been 'catching it"' Mately:' Thew van dials were : at work recently during a Lions Meeting. :They struck again. last Wednesday etwening. while the bowling ;banquet was .in progress bend- ' , ng off quite.•'a nuniber of these antennae. . . THAT ..Open' Hotise Will be °,held. • alt . iihe.' .I.4uoknow: Public• School on Wednesday :.evening of next• week- from 7:34 .to 9:30, When parent's, �and the pu±blic ...in ..tgeneral. Will have the ap •portunitty to 'view the students '(work andinspect the school.. Not the least of .the surprises be viiewing 'from the side the transformation ' retak- ing, • from ,the • installation of :/new .windows ;last year: THATadvance' 'tale—:tickets for '.the Minstrel shOww. • to. be +pre sen:ted -in the Luknow District • 'High :School, on Wednesday, 'May -1st,' Will' be° available this weekend at 'local ;business pla ices and . rural stores. The show is ' .being ,. sponsored • by ,,.,the Lueknow• Agripulture ',Society, and is being 'presented !by ,Kin - THAT. Plant• are underway for a fund raising earn aign for the Cancer' ,Society in Huron Count. r that'twill take iri the Townships of Ashfield and West. •Wawariosh,:� Details • ap • . pear.. in an advertiserrietit in this issue,,,Since iformirig a So- ciety of its own; Lucknow ,is no longer included ''in . the Huron Canvass, Details of ; a ' Lucknow canvass ,have: riot • been . announced :as yet, • THAT we .had. a 'note recently from Drennan "Slip'' Ma;cln: tosti, son of the Late Mr, and Ms. Prank MacIntosl.:Drennan, Who, started in' .tha printing . .business as •linotype operator at' The Sent:( ei, owns the Glengarry, Press. o.rt Woodwart# Avenue •in .Detreit, ' Mr,» and '•Mrs, Mactntos'h have•recently moved to a new `home at' 817 • Beech• Daly, Inkster, , •MVlich, Drennan's brother, Ewen and his wife Inose, returned the first of the 'month from three Weeks in Greece, , T WEDNIESDA. -APRIL 17, Ftuit YOUR MAIN INTERSECTION F40DLAND !Maxwell House COFfee ale, IlL 15 Tops For That Home Brew. Save To -12c. Choice Peas on Sale 4 tins 69 Culver House. 20 ;oz, A Real t Kerne Corn SuperSaie. : 4 tins 49 Garden Patch. 14 oz. Choice Quality. Save . To . 17c Discount Tea Bag Sale,. pkg. r '• 6.9 100 x 2 Size. Our Lo . Cup � west -.Price Ever. Soda, : Cracker Sale.; Y 21 Christie's Salted or Plain. Save To.9c' HEADQUARTERS FOR • ALL YOUR . GARDENIN NEEDS. 'DUTCH' SETS, VIGORO, ROSE BUSH VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS; •ETC, Phone' Lucknow Values Effective 528-3420. ' April 18, 19,•:20 Scout, Pape!LL Collection, Thursday, April 18 THAT ' ithe . 'fiver: papular' 'Calico Ball, sponsored• annually . by • the Kairshea Women's .1119U- - tide will :be. held ;in 'the Le-', Bion Hall ' ,thus Friday evening.. THAT the, family; of Mr. and ',Art. •,Kelso: •McNay beld a .sur- a arise dinner on Saturda ev- ening in honour of their. par- ents', 25th wedding- . ;anniver- •nary., . Guests' '+were present "from Parkhill,. London, Toron • to and ,Lucknow. THAT 'worth •and: •sunny weather was enjoyed oNer �the EaSter, week-erid, ' and! favored those with., aster finery. The ' winds continue' ohi•11y, however, .and this /is to 'bp. expected :.so long. at •least•as there `,is ice on -the lake ; — and there 'Was : still :plenty of it tto �be'•seen .at• the:. week -end. ; Ik THAT Mr. •;and', Mrs.. Stewart Lavis' . returned • ; to 'their 'borne .•here.` . the first of. the: week. Stewart was hoapitalized for' ,a • 'lengthy - Period in London, ,.his . 'i'llness ;. dating back over _ seven 'months. He is' progres sing ;favoralbly .: and,-: is now.. able . to be a'bdutt; 'and Out -of= doors.. - THAT :there was. ' about '$800.00 dm/loge done .to Allan Manto's ;scar. on . 'Saturday''. afternoon,', •while 'the • car was stopped at the stop, Light 'at the :bridge :at Zetland. Ronnie •►elan oto was. , 'with' phis :mother,. in. ,the car, when another v�etI ao collided oral,_ # call : with '. the � unto car. Y Ronnie lwas,;t'hrown, against 'the windshield sutferin •Cuts ,g. a his face and :head, and aftei. receiving .treatment ;:gas. kept. , • o'Vernigh,t ..in• the• ,hospital.. . • THAT - Mr. ' and Mrs Thompion (Violet , 'Said of • Holyrood,',:,.observed 24th wedding anniversary,. Good )Friday; `,April. 1,2th'' " 'I1HAfI' the Irouit, fishing sea • opens' .here on Aipri�l. 27th. 4' ends on September ler opening in other• parts the province •had caused . confusion at, to ;the local da THAT a°specialis£.an.ehrysan mums •will be the guest sp'e elo'att tthe. April ,meeting of Lycknow Hontiotilt}iral this !Friday elver( tY d! in y. mg Town , Hall. . • THAT. the ' Lucknow:. , • Pee team Was eliminated in. first �gaane of :tie' Gode 'Young Canada to .. ant i'� en''Goow� Il!'r da ; . when. ��i'e•t . n Y feared them 8=3. THAT • Lucknow • Public.: Seh Board• recently: advertised a. Male teacher' to fill' a''s vacancy. Applications rece`. are‘±ander consideration, but appointment :has. • yet b made. • • •THAT Dr, •.1rls ' B: Treleaven London •will • :take over duties as radiologist at Wi �h�am hospital on a one ' da week ibasis. This will 'contig to 'Provide the 'satne. sere ;as • rendered!, by the . fo radiologist • Who had ' found :in possible'' • to continue work .at Winrgham, PERSONALIZED --LABELS with .your'. name and address plastic dispenser, only .$1., Thompson, Lucknow. . Is. Your Subscription Renew ■ �i. ■ o In Misses', Ladies' and , Men's Styles•. ■ In Scotch and treatedrep dirt 8 pigskin o • el ;water and' d Brush clean in ta jiffy, and they fit. ■ . • Men's : 'Work; Shoes Cl oose: from our large range or brand name work ■ shoes, ' w ith. leather or composition 'soles, built for : fit •. and long wear. i,: •FREE LEATHER IF, DESIRED ■i.NI!uiu nI.utu.s/■■ul..auliIuu.•.uI ■u.Iili / Shar 'Chic - -Vent • Light You Might Even Forget They're On GREB HUSH . PUPPIES •N „ ■, RATHWEL S.HQE STORE Phone ' Scoot Paper Coileetion, -Thursday, April. 18 risee�eas�esaMi:weeia�aawerrearslsieea>rlseedaeaaeeat