The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-17, Page 13• WEDNESDAY, APRIL' '1" 1963' ,. 1111 1.111. ROY I. BENTLEY pO.B.Lic:,. ACCO ' ._., l� NTANT GODEitICH, ONTARIO Boxc 478. . Phone J;Ackson 4-9521 A. M HARPER �►N•D COMPANY Chartered Accountants • 33 ,Hamilton $a: GODERICH, ONTARIO Telephone 'JA •4-7562. . JOH NSTONE'S FUNERAL : HOME Modern and Convenient • Lucknow,' yhone 528-3013 Day or Night • . . Serving All Faiths 'According. to . Their Wishes. Moderate Prices; ' •Established:.1894 ` ►L: D.C.,' 'Sp C.._ Chiropractor Physio and Electro: Therapist:. Wiingham'Phone, .00 (Orfice located; on John St West ' :next to Toronto' Dominion ,Bank') INSURANCE FIRE, . . WIND, CASUALTY 1 . AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE' To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack ` Today.. J.' .A., McDONAGH. Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 STATE FARM , MUTUAL AUTOMOB I LE• I NSU RNCE Investigate . Before Investing REUBEN WILSON. RA.', 3,.Goderich. •_ ...Phone, 84-r-8 Dungannon • R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor, LISTOWEL, .ONTARIO' IN. LUCKNOW. Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in. the Joynt Block • Telephone: • Office 1.35 Residence' 31-.1 S.. tiETHERINGTON, $.C.' Barrister, Etc. Winghaiin and 'Lucknow IN LUCKNOW Monday and Wednesday • • Located in Kilpatrick : Block • 'Phone Wingham' • Office. 48 Residence' 97 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for: prompt service, and quality produOts; ' • contact: CARD OF THE LUCKNOW S,ERTINEL, LUCKNOW, .. ,ONTARIO THANKS Earl Ct ans ...._ • ton '.wishes , to ex press sincere thanks to all. ,who so kindly remembered "shim while 'he was . hospital zed. Special thanks to Dr, M, H, Corrin, the nurses: 'and the Post .Office staff.. MacKenzie Memorial Chapel , FUNERAL , •SERVICE' Services' conducted' ,accord- ing ,to " •oa • wishes at ,yotir Honie, 'yuur Church or at our 'Memorial 'Chapel at no, additional charge. • •Lucknow, Phone .528-3432 Day or Night ' . ;V1/INGHAM.• _ MEMQRIAL.SHO:P .. We Have . Been Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven Years; Always Using THE ..BEST GRANITES AlongWith , " .. Expert Designing; and Workmanship. • Prices Most. Reasonable Cemetery Lettering,a. Specialty R. A. SPOTTO N :Phone 256, .Wingham,' Ontario.. G. ALAN•.WILL1A'MS ,,Optometrist: - Office. on, Patrick St., just - . off the Main St.. in WING.HAM • Professional Eye Examination Optical Services• a • ` For appointment. Please Phone .770, Wingliam' K• INatN KENZ.IEit , 0 D. .� 1 Optometrist, • NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY, Office Hours 10:00 ' a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Phone Roy MacKenzie, Ripley 96-r-24:, for appointment. R. W. BELL . OPTOMETRIST -=- G,ODERICH • F . T. Armstrong Consulting Optometrist The Square '(Phone :JAckson u4-7661.) • LUCKNOW , DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC. w ` Lucknow, Phone' 528=2125 ' . TED•.COLLYER•. Registered Master Electrician. ISLECTItICAL CONTRACTOR S eciali�zing in p Electric 'Heating, ;Electric Wiring ,and Repairs and All . electrical Appliances , I , _ Lucicnc w, ' Phone 52.8-5182 1 Gavil Ier, :McIntosh' 'and Ward � • 1 CIIART>C?R r) ACCOUNTANTSy GRANT curisit0Vvi• .csic1Clt Partner,- Phone collect Dungannon 724,-1 , ..FL Kennedy, or 10 • Lucknow I' •l�,tsiti,iozit Office "Always .Look To Imperial I Plhotie 881-1.171 : Walkerton APPLICATIONS • ',,,,... `. _ APPLICATIONS will be - receiv- ed. ,for the ; .11owing positiori— EMERG 1_11ICX.. MEASURES -OR»IINATOR FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON Salary range — $4,000 --: $5,000 per annuxn, "Applieatians: Must ibe auwbmiitted on forms provided and may be s•epu,red from ,bhe undersigned; Applications to close at 5:00 pan. Wednesday, April' 24th, 1963,. • Lowest • or any ' ,a+pplioation not necessarily. accepted. • -John G. Berry%. Clerk Treasurer,' County of IEuron, . • • Court House, ; . Goderioh, Ontario. Tenders;' GRAVEL TENDERS TOWNSHIP • OF KINLOSS .•• Marked sealed tenders Will be received by the undersigned i to • 1:30• p.m, April 22nd,1963 for. the ..�crush+ing .,and delivering i on 'Township roads, .. of 10,600 yaards. gravel, ;crushed 5/8";squiare or 3%4" : round, 7,000 . yards to 'be on • roads Iby August list, . 1963 and the : 'baanca+s • required iby the • Road • Supt ' .. Tenders .t& be :accornpan'i ed by marked' Cheque, for 10%, of teri- der.. Lowest ' or ` any tender not necessarily accepted. • : ' G. Hi' . Wall, .: Clerk R.R ' 3, Holyrood; Ont. -:: aN C'y_' °` �qC4, TENDERS FOR Fence Erection` AND la .. Industrial Tractor., SEALED' TENDERS 'on • foraris and in envelopes available ,from •rthe office' of "the , undersigned will be received 'until'. 5:00 'p m. EDST • On . • - .. .THURSDAY;. • MAY ..9th, • 1963 ' for tihe following: (a) " Contract HC -63119 .- . for. the . eredtior of approxi= mately ' `3,000 rods ..Of • wire fence': ,.on County ..Road, 12 from •'Hi+ussels .to • H•ig+hWay (gib)• :Contract HC763.120 0-- for the • supply of 1 •iirdntstrial +type 4 .Wheel tractor. with tnont-end loader , and rear mounted hydraulic backhoe ,--*no ;trade in .The floWest or. any . '!bid , not :necessarily:accepted. ' J, W. Bri,tnell, P Eng, County ,Engineer, . ' ` Court', House,''. . Godericli,' Ontario, I LRAM FARMS :ABATTOIR r..' HOLYROOD • • —..' Tlie home of 'choice • •meats; all GOVERNMENT NT INSPECTED, and A1' PROVED ,. Schneider's :Cured Meats WE ALSO DO CUSTOM ' • KILLINGand hang your meat in modern coolers as, long ";as desired. Pigs on'. Tuesdaysand cattle . every day. No• appointment necessary. 1tA`YNARD , ACKERT' Phone. 528-2132 CARD OF THANKS Mr*., Dynes Cai *eal • would dike '+to:'.thank all •those;• bO sent cards, Hackett's' U.C.W. • and for the many expressions of sym- pathy extended to h'er and .her y'bereave- ment family in their-. 'recent Ibex anent, - - • Mrs. Bert. Ward: would like to thank all :those :who remember- ed her �w,hile',in the.ihospital. ` All this -'kindness 'wa. very., much appreeiated. • • Once again we' would like • to.. thank ;our relatives .an+d friends for flowers,..candy, gifts, Cards, letters and visits while Stewart was a patient 'in Vitoria •Hos'p- tai and, since. coming 'bane. ,Spec•lal ithanks. ,to Dr. M.: H. Cor- rin, Rev. J. R. ' King, . Rev. W. Wright and to our relatives 'and neighbours who Ihe'lped out at: Thome during' Stewart's illness. Sincerely, • ._ Eileen, and "Stewart "Laois. IN MEMORIA MORRRISON' In loving metn7' .ory of a, dear• brother; Charles Munro Morrison,.who passecl. away One year ago, April 20th, 1962, Lovingly remeni,,bered, by sin-; ters Mary,•'••Acie,; Elsie, end. bro. ther . Murdoch, Realize • the . highest returnee for yourwool by patronizing your own Organization.. SHIP COLLECT TO Our:Registered Warehouse No,1, Weston, Ontario.. • Obtain sacks.: and twine without charge from -- Philip .Steer R.R. .5, . Lucknow:. or. by writing 'to • . - CANADIAN ••CO-OPERATIVE WOOL. GROWERS LIMITED• `• •. 40 St. Clair Avenue -. East, Toronto 7, Ontario.: LANGSIDE `Miss Ernma Richardson. arriv- ed • home last 'Monday rfrom- Wingghari . General 'Hospital, Here niece' Miss 1VMngaret' Moffat .of Toronto, spent this week :at home. Mrs. Broome isvisiting for a. few.. days ' with her daughter Mrs. Clifford Young. Mr: Ken Young.'of Sault Ste, Mari spent the• week - end -.'at the' home of his iiarents. ,Mrs Gordon Wall entertained' ' the ;members of ..the Missionary ;Society: at her hain'e on';.Thurs day , With a good ;attendance. Mr.' and 'Mts. Gordon Wall :at 'tended •the Wraith -Suter`' twed PACE TA,IlRT Igi .11,01 ding in . Wingham on. Sati•irday.. Mr. and Mrs John Crowston, entertained' an. embers of their• ,family Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.' Clarence 1Crowston,, Dale and .. Debbie . of ' - Chatham,' Mr. •and Mrs: Orland Irwin,'.: &teven and. - Fay' of Wingham, 1� r. and Mils. C1•ay,ton;'-Alton, •Ashifield and Wir, and Mrs,. Ivan 'Laidlaw, •Mrs. Gordon Wall ar,d Doug las visited with her mother Mrs. John Arthur 'in A;ubuTn on :Sun day; Mr; and .Mrs; Ron McGillivray ::. and family. visited • with, their aunt and. .uncle Mr.' and ,MTs, John Crowston and,his" parents, Mr. :and Mrs.. Ste*art ►MacDill= ivray, . 4Mrr.. and Mrs ' Eric 'Evans ,and family of -Hyde. Park; .M£r.' and ,Mrs, Ted• ,Evans; and Linda orf` .Downsview; Mrs. Edith Brown. and +family , of London , .visjited during the Week' end with their •: parents Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Ev- ans. Mr. •and. Mrs; Art • Hinachlber- - ger and Dale, -Mr. and Mrs. Hai vey Miller and . Allan Miller of '•Kitchen•er were week - end visii= tors. with •their parents 'Nit; and Mrs.,. Frank Miller. Mr; .arid +Mrs. Art- :Stewart. •of Bronte were Easter visitors with cher Sister Mr. - and. ,Mrs: Pat,'11iic- Milhan '' ' ss • Lois Conley ' Miand Mise. Doris Moffat of . London Spent :the • week end at their ,h•onses. `Mother 'Passed ' Away The • ' death• of Mrs; Sarah E.: Wharry, age '88, :widow. of James • Wharry;` :occurred ,:on Sunday at South• .Yarmouth Township, The' funeral •was on' Tuesday at St.; Thomas w+i:th burial . in . Union Cearetery.,William Wharry, unan ager of: Silverwood Dairies, Ltuck- now;.. is a' sort. Dead Sf9ck• Removal -:Seice We / are• 'licensed .to remove Cur• dead , or crippled farm animals for, sanitary disposal: GORDON YOUNG; Elmira ' P,one College to:, . ',GORDON TAYLOR .. . 528-5950 - Lucknow 24-hour service } .Licence Nos. 215063 and• 22R63 • Dead Amoral Removal For Dead ':or Disabled Animals. —r Call Collect' • Darling and Company of Canada Ltd. Clinton HU -2-7269' Dead Anirnal License No. 262C763 PEDLAR AGENCY . YOUR BARB WIRE Nro Order TO .5rnalI. BGG.' PICK -UI', - DEPOT For, 'Golden Glow. Requirein�flts h16, Order Too.: La,icge Terramycin Soluable.•. With 8 essential vitamins, : -broadens antibiotic- ..itself. Instantly effective in Available in A lb, .jars. Powder the 'use 'of, the drinking water''. Dairy Iodine disinfectant, detergent and sanitizer for clean. ing your milking equipment. 'Just, .1 Wiz.: tci"gal.' water does- the trick.. r KNECHTEL and SON LTD... • ' Lucknow Branch, Phone 528-4014 `tThereys A New Lae :Feed • For Every