The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-17, Page 6;•k tit• PAGE Six 'THE LUCKNO ?' $LN''INEL, LUCKNOW,, :ONTARIO:. 'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1. .unPe�pie Sunrise Service, (AMBERLEX NEWS) • (Margaret $e11) of Ottawa visiting; awltth .Mr. ' and Mrs. Rosa Shiells and •other relatives Sunrise service was th(3.1d • at Pine R+iver United Church 4n• Sunday with an•attendance . of over seventy. Young (people were present from ' Lueknov. r, Mrs. William Cox of Tinlaugli Rtipley, Luzigan and •Bethel.. The • as., visiting With her son-in-law ,p'resi'dent, , Ron Funston tied in and (daughter, Mr. and Mrs,• Jahn the responsive reading. .follawed 8cott of the fourth concession of with sprayer 'byMurray ezigiu li+tiron, ... on; The; scripture reading. was Miss . Louise MacDonaacl and given .by Judy Wilson af)ter Miss Marian Perry of Toronto ,whiah an address was given tby are ,spending a few days at Point Carl. Lowry, June Ackert and .Clark. • Karen C:arruthers' ,sang a • druett•• Mr, and Mrs; John 'D, McKay, „,which was enjoyed, .Mary Ellen Brian, Kenneth 'and Tan of Rip- S?hiebls was organist for the .ser ley spent Easter S:unlday .With vice. Kenneth Farrell and Gary .Mr., and Mrs, Art Courtney. Courtney were rushers. Breakfast Easter •visitors; with Mr 'and 'was. aenved at" eight. •o.'cloek in Mrs.. Art Smeltzer ,were Mr. and the Sunday Schaal room. Mrs: James •Mills of Weston. and MissJean . Geddes of Toronto Miss Ivan Srizeltzer of Toronto.' and Mr. Murray Johnston ' of .Miss Joyce Steele of Kitchener Sarnia .were. week -end . guests of spent the ' week=end, with -Mr. & Mr. and -Mrs. •Cliff Geddes.. ,. Mrs. 'Wilfrid Steele, Shirley•and, Sunday ,guests:: of Mr. and - Janis. Mrs. Ross 'rh etlls .'twere, .Mr. and Jr; and Mrs: (William England Mrs.Jahn Bell of Kincardine, • 'Seca•eeelwd•••••eee•anaieo•••••••••••nu•in••••• •• • • • • • i• A Collection • .: ThUrsday.1 Afternoon, Pickup in Lucknow arid • • • Mr. •and Mrs, William •England :of .Ottawa, Mr,, and Mrs,.. Mac Bell and family' of Lachine; Mr. sand Mrs. Andrew •Jamieson and McLean of Woad.stoek, Mr. and M'rs. Chester iCamplbeal and fa- rnily of London . Mr. and :Mrs, W. J. Bell of oron+to and Mr.. and Mrs. George Fannierson,. 3o+b. and Dr,, . James • En�,mersor of Charing -Cross,.. Miss Catherine Godfrey of To- ronto spent the • weekend. at her •$hone ,on. the sixth concession: Mr. • and Mrs. DougiaS Irwin . •and'.son. of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Baker of • , Listowel were holiday :visitors' with Mr. and Mrs,'. Bert' Irwin„ . The Easter .ser'vice. at Pine River United Church'i was well attended on Sunday" Many friends and r'e'lativeshome for the .holi- day enjoyed 'the service. A duett• "Were You 'There" was sung :by Carl and Lynn Lowry and the choir .sang an anthem.. : Mrs. .S.' R,. Lupton • , of.tincar- dine was hostess •for. •St. Lukes ' Anglican. Guild.. Pine River on Thursday of last week. • Mrs. Gordon , Ernmenton and Mrs, John ;Stott .preside.d fo:r the meeting w'hic'h opened 'with an Easter.' . ih+ymn The scrijpture reading. was +given iby Mrs.. Ar- tthiur Sz'eltzer .and was followed with the ; roll call: whieh was re-. sponged. to 'by ,paying •acentt'en. • inch for a u waist line rnere_m'en•t. •. An in,terestting' ,readin°g +waw given i n • T' A truck will be hi e Made Dunqannofl: ' +Dun inn4 n from 2 to 4 Pan - 1 Rural.. • residents. Jn-that=area:-are-reueste- o &n,;•their ' 'paper to Dungannon during this time. %• � . . ; , .. ' •• , If you wish wish paper , tied and removed h' e .. •• , . • . your P P n . phone . � • Scoutmaster George Whitby, 528-3813, in advance. • • • . Rural/ residents may ,f 'eave paper . at ' Donald Mac- • , • ` Kinnon's barn in advance of April 18. • • �• • •• 4OGNIZATIONMEETItGS • • 1WCKNOW 4-H CALF CLUB • •LUCKNOi!V 4-H TRACTOIt. CLUB � \ bUNGANN'ON 4-H CALF •CLUB at LucknowJown Hall, on Wednesday, April 24 at 8:30 pm. HURON COUNTY ' HOG 'PRODUCERS o 4-H • SWINE CLUB' • At Ontario , ' Department of, Agriculture ' Board Rooms Clinton, A rl2thMnday, 9_• . •' at 8 :30 n:m. •' ;. .•• All' boys. and girls ,who have: reached their . 12th : birthday by January 11st, 1963 and have not reacheri • their Hit 'birthday by December . 31st; 1963 are in • vited tci' .join a club of their •choice. . HURON COUNTY CLUB. LEADERS ASSOCIATION' • '• 0 0:. 0 • • a •, 0 i. e • •` • • •. • ..•,. i •. • ,• • • • was shown 'rh,ieh,dealt with ;the • ' problems of youth,. A ,poem ,w.as. • •g'roen Iby Mrs. ;.John• 'Ferguson, iv "Things which a1'1, 'h'earts .have .• :need:, of", 'The Evening; Unit :ser. • vet a tea in the Sunday School • • ' • room !which 'tables--rwere set :and decorations of, 'daffodils, ,forsy- ttvia $a• pussy !willows were in keeping writti the Easter season: • ' • St.. Lukes Anglican Church, • Pine River, ;:held vtheir Easter. • service on. Sunday 'With a good • • attendance. A number; of, visit - :ors• thorne for•the+h'o]iday" Were • • • .0 • 0 0 • • • by ..Mrs. • Reg Godfrey ,on history of Easter` Symbols„, Mrs. S--' : Luprton agave an E•a$er .reading which was enjoyed, Plans Were trn:ade' for '.a. ;to be 'held in the. "paris.h .'`hall. After ;the; Closing hymn and grace, Lunch Was. served Iby • 'Mrs. • .Reg, God- fret', and Mrs, Luipton.' A joint Meeting of ' .the. Aftter= noon and 'Evening Units, of the U C.W.: of `'Pine' River United .Cthurich •was ;held on Tuesday evening of: ,last .+week. +with, 43 ladies in attendance. Mrs. John Ferguson•'arid Mrs. MVM.urray Wal-. den presided .tfor „tthe. (business. period. Mrs. Elden Lawry and' Mrs. ` 'Murray " Walden: gavere- !ports • 'of the annual imeeting of the U.C.W. which - was 'theld '.at Ches •et' ' 'Mrs. Ross •&iiells was. convener for 'tthe ,program which, openedwith a +hyanri a;fter).which the .scripture -reading :was ; given by .Mrs..Cliff . Geddes followed with Meditations ,by Mrs. ':Mer-, ,vyn Hooey. Mrs: Mac .Boyd tied. in sprayer and an Easter 'reading. "uhf. Easter.; ,be not •true;" Was gv= en 'by:.:Mrs.. ,Donald Courthey.'cA' quartette consisting • of .',Esther Gibson; Phylis Bradley. and Joyce Thonburn 'accompanied by. Mary Ellen .Slhiells was given. A: show - of: toys for the nursery : Nvas well r'espondeci• to by Unit 2 The fiilm . «Th•e u Rirn. of Tom•orrotW welonetmipnl■ eeeeeeellr Aee eemmee elelimeeela aee ■: • r Now Is The',Time . To Install • NASH. ALUMINUM i : • . WINDOWS_ . and • 000R.5. ., II, Make your home' comfortable and more 'attractive .•br : installing, NASH; aluminum . , combination: doors ` and; ■' windows.. . . These units are • made of : heavy gauge • extruded. ■ . •aluminum. , ■ a Cut' Fuel Bills Up To 30% i' . • :WE .INSTALL. AND SERVICE • WHAT WE SELL -Alin........._.._. _.... Sales .. ,;,. STEWART'S.., • 101 Victoria St, ' Goderich Phone collect JA 44821 • a0000■ mommu■ommooaeaaseee■■.■anOmm.eee,U.aeriar• trate Glenn Hays. The 'stence will quit if they dont buy a new was for. wvlfwl idama a a.nd theft tire truck. Copt. R. Yates, charges. sppokessman, said that one, truek i Price recentl•. ,leaded' wilt 13 years old and the other is 21 to entering the-'Amberley dis-years ' old. A , new truck wool strict home of ,'Hector 1VCcLear ,' cost • $15,000,. Asthfield Township, on ' March 19, while ' the, occupants were away and .da•magrng contents , of ttihe 'house. He alsopleaded gui1- ,ty to stealing a hunting knife '&: a jack kriife, 'from Charles Bran-, don of R;R. '4,, -Clinton Price'scom�pardion. in the, March '19.Ibreakin -Robert Lind- say, 19, of St. Thomas, was pre- vi•ously sentenced to five months. determinate and 12 months in- 'rim -WC on the Charge. 1' •Evidence showed Lindsay, and,. ;Price entered the McLean. dots e, 'cat a section .out :of the, ;living. ,room rug, smashed' Valu-• Ole. china •piec:es and took an •axe . to several .alitique cabinets. •• •• •' i • • • . Brought ,to ,you as a ublic service. by °• • �.., • i. ., • • • Present. Among .hhem "were, Mr. and . Mrs William Collins, Carol, Lois, . Louise and Grant of Pres- ton, :During the serVVice Rodney, .1/avid and Jim Etn nerton sang and':an •,anthem by the choirwas also given, Mr, and Mrs. Williarn England sof" Ottawa are ,visiting with Mr. Mr. and •1VIrs. Ross • Shiells ' and other relatives: Mr. Eugene Blue of Detroit spent Easter. weekend !with h'is parents,' Mr, and 'Mrs, ,John Blue, Mr, and .Mrs. Elden Lowry .at .tended the Greenwood.'Brown •wedding •in St Jacobs ••ori • Sat urday.. The (bride was. the, for fner Pat Brown of this vicinity The couple,left 'by tpl;ane .for a• +h,aneyn-loon in N'assa'u; • .C•OMPANION SENTENCED' IN .ASHFIELD 'BaGi,1El,liIN i p+nn.ald E. Price Of Roc'kcliffe .. •. ,was sentenced at C�ad'erieh +t6•:°`3. • ;months de:'terr i#•l.a+te and r. 14 ' • ,r0omths' inn eterrnintate In ,the " Ohtani wr eforn a> cry 'by.' Iii gis'' til•sic•a�!•�`o!a•••a••o��"•roo•�or••rN .� Ontario's ,Silver and Blac'`Fieet) 9 NEWS BRIEFS" FROM NEARBY Walkerton. Fire Department• is •sponsoring a massive cammu-. nity ' display of ;•Fireworks' in 'the :park' on the evening. of ,Victoria • Days. s.• Magistrate Otto McClevis is .cracking' down on finotorists who :,drive.: winhi+le their 1"icence ' is , �re lvoked. He sentenced a Teesw.a'ter motorist to jail for 15' days for the offence and .in. addition . he received $50 and costs or,20_days in , jail •' on a careless driving charge, With his licence,, .cancel- led for, oneyear. In this case the .. •tmatorist ' had This licence sus1- •pended; on .February :14th and an March15th+was driving a car. which: struck a ''po'licecruiser in, Kinloss Townsff ip. Scott Brotherswill .shortly build 'an addition, to :theirpoul- try (barn ''iin Ripley. that will give an. an added capacity of °over '10,000 laying hens. • Fire .Chief ' Irwin . Labs ager 7 • OIL BURNER BRINGS /101Z7 YQUR FURNACE Maybe your• old: furnace does' :not perform the way it•shoutd? Letusloakoveryour equipment • . before you decide to buy.a 'new furnace. Chances are that all you. need, is s. ,new, :efficient 'sso Oil burner. `' - Low budget Terms Up To Five Years To Pay Ralf HAVENS Plumbing; and Heating ESSO ` OIL BURNER , • ;Sales • and Service HOME HEAT :SERVICE Ihas told 'Walkerton' Council.:.he THE .BEAVER is one of the most 'Industrious of animals. He toils with, loving care on the construction of a home for his family: Beavers•.mate for Lite, and their homes , are built with an eye to.permanent 'se. When a man builds or buys a home, he, too,ikes to fool that it. is permanent;• For it is at home that the fa ily develops roots• and friendships.• Safeguarding the home for the family is but ono ' • of Sun Lifers many services for the security and protection, of yourself and those you love, Let me tell you about these services, Win. KLnahan R.R. 2. LUCKNOW' Phone VI/Ingham • ,117'-w-4 Still ti `E ASSURANCE COMPANV OP. CANADA ti�