The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-10, Page 11WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 983. OBITOARY: MRS.. H. .s.. LAyE4v The death p Ws. Horace S. Lavery peoi,trrecl. in (.1 oderich HoSPitar on; Saturday, Atkpikeh 41)60 for weeks ,idfter Pt4Utring seVerellnilUiries in a Mo- • lar acoldent •near Goderich on. ' Sunday, March She' was :in .'•her 87th. year, . - • Mrs, Lavery was the tforiner Lattra MacDonald; ..daught•er of I:)onald and. Isobel MacDcMald, was: born on. ',I44101.y 16t1i, 1877. NatIves. of Scotland; Mr.. and KacDionald first 'settled in , before, rnoViing to Cale- . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LIICKNQW• 01*rgtRIO, dOn. EaSt • .. ••• PE: ELg•VEll: Joss qemetery „the palibearerS '. $00.001094.14,01,00.101,1001••••••••••••4P•00040009,00109109•411 , ••• , Mrs Lavery was one 9f a f am- 4 heir -102S E 43,obertson It C e . ' ' . I, . . : . . • Munch' , J. L. MacMillan, _Ken 0 CeamePOn, Ebner Umbach, John Kreutxweiser. • . ' . * Ily pf •ten, the only soirviving Inernber. 'being Mrs, R. T, Doug- las. (Mae) a res?Ident, ,of 'Luck - 'now. for Many years, who, has been ' With heir daughters • in. Whern' since th e ,ae ciden t and °death. of., her 'sister. Lavery 'e ftl-neral service was held at the Johnstone Funeral ,liome on Monday, April lst, conduct= 1.'d by Rev, Donald Sinclair of, Wingliam . Baptist. •Church Mrs. Lavery'ha'd been tormany years a 4Tvernber of . 'Faiith •Baptist Ohureh, Toronto: Interment' WaS in South Kin - Photo by pntorto Dept: at rteoith Prineess. Margaret Hospital, Toronto, recognized world , . r • • centre for treatment and research of cancer.' • • • • Dymond Discusses Health hi Ontario The Ontario Cancer lri_ottndatiQn—What Is It • . . of 2 Part Series • COMING SOON • Charles Bristaii! KNOVV 1)ISTRICT Father Passes Passes 41 SPRING SAVINGS SALE • Frank D. Bristow, grandson of the founder Elmira, died on April 3rd, •in Elmira Private Hospital. Born January lith; 11373, he fwas 92.. He !had 'been. in the 'Elmira hospital • since March, 1961, Edward Bristow, •grandfather Qt ithe 'zieCOaled, binit, •the first • house in whatis now El4nira, in 1040, when the area ,was popu- lated by Huron Indians. He also 01010 thefirt. shoe store, and iater added a tannery and a '1)6.... task 'shOp, He also took • on, the. duties tOf. the 'Settl•ement',.. !first • postmaster,' At .that tn.*, Edward Bristeyv • bought the tour hund red acres of land On.. which ,he ...Se•ttleicl; for :one clbliar acre':. •' Frank Bristow's father was the first 'white child,born 'in .the new Settlemerit, then kruiwh. as Bris- tOw's Corners. • •• Surviving is a'• son, :Charles, of Kitchener. . '. • •• He Was. , predeceased by .his wife, t9trr. sons and one •datigh:, • • e funeral, W • :Thas held Friday STMT.) ypesiey '1.Jrilted Church, Elmira Burial Was in Elmira Cern et ery. • Nottear...-• lotion Opens To. Public • The information centre at the :Douglas Point 'nuclear , Power •: station will Opento the.public • on Sundays between 1:90. pni and. 4:00 'p.m.' from 1' APril 14th. 'Van Lloyd, chief guide 'at' the • station, ilJ Ibe on handto des- • Cribe the work. being carried out at the site. Mr.., LlOyd,' is ,the. son :•• of Mr.—and Mrs, Wm. . Lloyd, . fornierlY ' of • Lurqc o Vi it rs Mcaiihew (:aweer soeievy, theft' •: - • - n s ..0 • Freezers Batteries, Tires Re•frigeratorS Gar- • ▪ • ber Grass'Seed. Seeders,'Garden Tillers, •0. ' g. Cement Mixers, Lawn. Chair. 14 Farm Wagons • MANY, 'MANY, .MANY MORE VALUES,. • • • I • • • • •. • , • . • • • • Oa' The 'Lookout. For This Sale • I • - LUCKNOW 'DISTRICT CO OP • , • . • , old national producer -sponsored Dairy ''Foods 5er•Vi'ep Bureau': promotional • .program, and to This "regibna1 committee is corn - execute ;the .expansion of its ef- • posed, Of representatives of. the. fectIVeriesS. A new advertising 1 variOUSI commodity and 'cO-op- set.:.aside based on Y4 a i.% erative d'alry groups. who are Of.'. the 'producer's milk and MeipberS. of •Dairy Farmers of or,earn. ..recelpts goes into effect Canada, Mr., Brady • is General. on June 1. :IVIkr, Brady, and: Mr, Manager • of the United Dairy A.,. G :Sloan :of, Pournier,. ,are 'and Poultry:. Co7o1p0a.-tves' of , the two Oriterio members of Ontario 'and has 'been affiliated this •board .• and were so icrele- • With the United Co-operatives gated at -a meeting of tlye On- of Ontario for ' twenty,seen. • itario Regional COmanittee lof•the YearS:1' *. • •• Ontafisi•Minister of illealthi rhe Objectives of: The Ontario Career Trfatifient 'and, Research Fon ittiali on. as • stated in the ccr • Act, :1951• are •4't� ,eStablish. and cornlefet d'progranieni.:•of:re., • search,diagnosiS and treatment ifl cancer". Financial aSsistanee • .i.iitended. by the, Fonentation to; . , • „Abe seven' regiOnal :Tamer ;treat; •',,ment centres setup in Ontario, • ivhieh include 'tileY,PritieeSs Mar- • garet Hospital in :TormitO, the: •: twodivisions of • die. felinic':tit. .Ottit*a,. and dirties •tit London, • Kingston, Itamilion, Windsor and :Port • Hospitalized p4tients • at these . centres •hive ,their radiotherapy •.; :treatment covered by Ontario IjosPital insurance.. 'Out -Patients • eatnient Who can afford' to pay, are charged: fees which .cover only a eomparatively•small portion of the .coit, The balance' is paid by the.Faunalotion,; from and, Feral ,, cancer • ,:eontr,cit grants. No 11atient is ever :ranged treatment becaus•e. of la( • of money. , • .• . ' • • Transportation. Costs •14- needi Patients,' to; trehitment, venires ,for necessary diagnosis,:treatni tit and • .folloW.up• eXaminations .are paid 'hy the Poitintation.Th IS ally arranged,thion0,4pctil Or the Canadian CatiOr Society, lentinee is the responsibility of ' the. Fxnendation; ' . • qnitorne recordS are kept-- in - thonstration (NPD) station alt 7 the treatment. centres and this ' Canada's -first nuclear electric to the ;station will :alSo. be 'able. •• • to see a new one-half hour -1 • describing the •:nuclear"PoWer de- an important, aspeet of the sub- • 'sequeninanalySis of treateitent. ex- • perien.ce. 'The Aledical, Statistics.. Brandi of .ille ()mark) ficpart. trent Healdi provides manuals • . and, directiOns for the'..tilainten-",' • ante of Cancer registries In gerierating'statiOn'' which .is •now in • „operation ,at Rol:W-1ton,tario .• On - r , ..• • The DouglaS Point information. , :centre •operate.d jointly by Atomic Ehergy of Canada Lim- ited. •and- Oritario • ,Hydro. •Last• , year, •More than ;50;000 people, eral leo it a:I s. throughout the • visaed the site of ,this first fu1l- Provinte ' , nt.1.611ear ' power sta„ion., . life Foundation :Ai PPO rig. very The infbrination 'Centre . will he • • ' • • active .research Programme: This •is chiefly in the •field of ' researelLbut tile FnUndation also' contributes. money to • the Na- 'tional Cancer Instittle of t:anada in support of its ••Work in bast research:. , number • of "research fellows:are supported by the • Foundation and it also provides the funds" td maintain.. the excel.; • lent research departments nt The '. • . Ontario ships 'are ;Available to aid in 'training • Of yping• doctors andv scientists ..and for tedinieiang • ployed spetial Ind& of.investi,. gation. The • OntariO 'ranee)* .Foonda. • Lion, •is suppOrted by Pro.. vincial and :Pceleral Governnient .grants maintains an excellent slat of• Itigit4tilibre specialists in all - the centres for.radiotherapY across the Provinee. Canceir is an e'xpen* iibd y lythe 4.1,ve--'1-h.,„eitsr, ,heeatise or the in then renilese ,open each' SundaY froln 1:00 until 4:00 p.M. frorri April •14th to: May lath . when •full-tirne surnm•er opera:tion Of the Centre will begin. • • •. a ' Navy Wife: . "When we'were first -rnarrie.d you: said I had a• shape Iikb, a beautiful Husband: "Yeah but your car- / • go has .s,h,ift.eti." • . • who are .•, '., '. O11000,Cariocr Fotirldatil$Th. '•I'Osi' 'cOr.ratlintlierapy: and. other • . . . finings are °inutile() t, the PAO. :irTiltflolli.. /Nloory, raised for .t;fo.rk ••'• • . ,... ter tlinies at ilatinIton, London,, In: thi' = fit.41.11,• such' as. the. ,Cana. ..' .. • *.ind at Ow Princess M argaret I los; . :than •t:atieer tiorli'ly's anima •eitiii in- --'',- h , ' • :pita' Toronta„r„i seyilent aeeoin: .paig.131111Z11now in •pragress, it4.•liadly., ... _ r.,, i iiindation and Meals ate provid;'d •teeededated16,11 'ji‘lit. l!Ct:q1iiSe:' ' i.44' ambulatory patients 'teeriving ' trilw Ontatio Caneeellteatiortn. •• • . .ttc,iitmA ont, notnitittLeharge'• i'S ',and Ilesettrelt:'VnutillatiOn . Many '• :4.. ' 1111,4(k Vet ' those who. eatTe. pay,. :people 'in' ibis' 'Provinee r.i.eeive • • otlierwlfie the FOlitidilytiOti rugl.'1111: eXpert •anti eiipahle..-iroatineut at tOt‘Itt 8 the 'expeose: t lit ehostels Lvery ninninal, If •any; '•ilitA.', to, .•• ..• were built ;and foritfsheil h!t' fIN 'tltt :;1'‘'es . ' ' • • • • : -,8/4/0.: '. Ontario DiViSion of ila'y Canadian • . •• . . , . . . • ' • . . : . . . . .,. . ,:lny•questbitis on the it Of ill,0 ,b(ipetttritrill-Of yedth in Ilii,i. ... • 'field, orstiggested topirq for these enhinins. sren/a tiit vent /0 /lir' , biter/4o of , informudon •tind. Publicity, Oototio .1Mterit7Unt . of ileatilit Queen's PPittc, l'oropitk . . • .. . • . .• , . . • . . I • I . I . ; • 1 , .1 • • • • A •• • • • • . T. •E,' BRADY of Weston; 'On- tario, was oneof seven repre- sentatives of dairy producer organizations named to the ecutive Cominittee of the newly-. formed Dairy .Foos Spkx.ieo Bure,au, ' This • •grOup, • at ftieir inaugural ,meeting h,eld in . TOr; 0119 ori' Mgrch 13i 'to lt cover from tfie officen of Dairy Far. Mars of CATiacIA reppohaillity for concluctihd the ' twelVelear. • CO-OP Heavy Duty OIL First qualify "base stock Oils" with•additiVes. The additives, makethe oil "Detergent'', anfil "Acid inhibitive" to keep . engines 'cleaner and protected aainst• acids. . • ' CO-OP .LUBCO Milii-Purpose GREASE Qneg,rease for alt the jobs arournithe farm. ,t‘ Pumps freely at g00, helOw.zero; does not melt under high•temperatnies. FtecOrrimended.fbr: .•• Wheel Bearings.. • Water t:,bumps • Chattis •• Universal Joins • 'gal/ it Roller Bearings • CO,OP ,Ctdax GREASE Madewith a heavy base oil, flecOmmended for: • Loose'sfeeve, type bgarings • High speed anti -friction bearings 10 At an *onpriliCal gun grease. • : .9 for protection against rusting and corrosion • Chassis lubricant • • tupolow c(c)OPPATIVE, :'.LUCKNOW; ONTARIO • • • •.•