The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-10, Page 10• Tim imam* =lone eL,. 1 UCKNOW, ;ONTAE IO THAT WONDERFUL WORLD F. WARMTH When it:comes'to home heating, there's nothing quite as carefree and comfort- able as safe, dependable Esso Ail heat:' We have a wide range, of oil heating equipment to suitevery budget. ty • :a* • 1114 1 LOW ' BUDGET TERMS Up : To five Years' To' Pay ROY HAVENS Plumbing And " Heating 'Phone 528-3012 Lucknow I SSO OIL .BURNER SALES And SERVICE : HOME HEAT SERVICE.. .,and 3/1rx, Mervyn; `Court- nes ..of 'trifid,; Pere Su gauestt ,of Mr and Mrs. Art d'a.nce on. Apri 17. ..anq ef'.` Elect Vit. Helens Huron SuppotS W.I. Officers Bruce Resolution • (St. Helens `News) In .the'rtPort of the Legisla- 4 ». tive •ard Educational Committee Mr • .an Mrs. Barry 1VicQu.illin, and: Jill Kitchener Were Sun day, vtisitons ,with Mr, and .Mrs. Fred. McQuillan•,. ,Mr,. and Mrs. Carl •joahastbn of .B1uevale were recent visitors with Mr: and Mrs, Frank , ,Mc . Quiill to . Huron County Council last week the ,committee recommend- ed, concurrence with the•IBAruee 1 County , resolut'ion reA ourtailecti advertising by brewers; The Bruce resolution adopted. in January was as follows: ' . "That because of the insidious n the part of n. ' TV advei :isin°g o Mrs. • Wm. 'A.' Humphrey un-. derwent. major surgery.in Lon -.1 don • on Wednesday. Mr. Humph I rev, Mrs, George' Webster , and f Msv. Roy Robinson, .-spent a .few 1 clays in the city;: , i Dc n'tt forget . the'. concert and. dance "on; Wednesday,April, 17 ' in the hall: Mr., Charles McQui1-- lin . will show slides. • • The U.0 tW, will Meet at Mrs. , Rays . Erringtom cn Thursday. This is the Easter Thankoffering' •and ;all . lames are' invited.. The annual. meeting of the.. W.I., was held on Thursday with an attendance- of 28, Reports Cif '. all: standing com imittees • were given. Mrs. E. 'W. Rice •gave• the auditor's ` report, Mrs. Charles McDonald .conducted-: the instal- lation or, Officers.. The. 'officers ` for 1963-64 , are:Preesident, .Mrs, ' Ross Garninie ''1St . vice .-pres., Mrs. • Harold Gaunt; grid vice, rpres:, ;Mrs, Jarrmeis Aitchison, •sec-•• . f treas., ' Mrs :Frank 112cQuillin, , aSs't. see-treas: Mrs,"Ross Erring- ton: Ap'ianrists, • Mrs.. Wm,' Ruth'er ford, Mrs. Andrew Gaunf; di,s.- trict,director, Mi;,•,. Charles Mc t, pnald; , auditors, • Mrs. E; W. ' ice, M.._. * r.Id` Coope.. Pta}ns.': for the Courtney. SUnishine Si iters d' •d• .d , WEDNESDAY, :APRIL 10, 190 Brewers and: Vie resulting de- , attitudes bein n�g gth Stilltdmoralixl' in Qur •Youth, be it einre-* fore resolved that representations • be m adet .to 'the ..Pr 'tie Minister of Canada, ithe Premier of On- tario the l;iquer Control Boatd.:' and the Board of ,Broadcast Governors urging that ;his• type of advertising be curtailed" • Any parent will confirm that'. Youngsters are at thew mental peaks at .4 and .17 •At 4 they know all .the questions and at 17 ,they know 'ail th e answers. Mr.;,,and :Mrs. Walter McLean i,sausse an ,.each is to .ident'fy. •• .Mr. Vernon Denny ji,assed; ,••• nAd fair ly w,..0 !have :nesaled in toe•ir sister by... a floWer� or pin. A +ba;:aey ` for' the • past three wv ay:.at his tAct ' e in Preston.of �li:rs. Atndrew Gaunt 'favoured` "keds khat e: moved to . t•" e" .12th ter an Llln of some• inon'ths • corion:..of :.•4:it ela, d�u,ratio� Mr. and `1111r+s. .D • enny arid fa�n:iiy • were aurn mer resi- Mr. :`and Mrs, John Bell of dents..at: Axmbeiiley •beach .for 4: _Kincardines'spsntt Thu slay 'with • 'numbber of yew's , ., Mr and AM Ross Bihar. Mrs.., grant •• Mcpiarrn; d .and A "e act r Was ` :4,4 in Lie. Or- 'ange • Hall , ai: , A nlaberley .•last Mon ay.: evening High;. Prizes were won b : Mrs. William : Keriz.• ..' anAd Res a1 c&eriale I12^. s Sadie 2,h.l*on and .Cl�ififcArd Em •hi•:gh School.Many ` cases.:of. [flu Mrs, N. MVI'oKenzie'' of Lucknotw visited with relatives in 'the Ain-- 'berley district' on `Sun -day;, ' Miss • ,Glenna. Campbell has' • been :ill; '•and unable to attend with a. solo and Mrs. 'Fred• Me Q.u'illin gave •'two readings, Miss. Isobel Miller conducted' a con- test.. Lunch' Was, served ''by Mr`s.' Fred Muillin,, Mrs: De'Boer. and; .Mrs: • W. . G. 'Humphrey.. BITUARY FRANCIS `.WILL3AM ..(BILL) JOHNSTON , : • •. • Franeis •'Willia,ni (Bill) : J.ohn ston, 46, died' suddenly ands >'Hos+ptal, early;. Wednes- day !morning, A;pri:l 3rd: A son Of . * .the late Arehie'fa-nd C;hristiha MacDona'.'d .Johnston, h•e born,. in- Ashfield` ,Township' at Lail esu ills In `1937, he :went to •Caigary and. in 1940 joined. 'the Royal i g G n d.an . Nav' _ .. „serving. . y, . a o, Burin the;itrar as a stoker: For 'several: years he • operated ' a garage on' the' "Huron road, 'Godes oh, Re ..cently he limo, been, ,employed as. bar steward at the 'Candian Le- .,giqnn Ha•1`1 1ie,,was . a member of .. Knoic • Presbyterian • ; Church arid of 'Branch 109, Royal Canadian. Legion. A Legion ,memorial ser, vice was. held on Thursday 'ev- enin'g. • • Surviving are his Wife, form- erly Audrey : tFisher;. two' Baugh iters, Mrs. Gprdon (Mary) Mc 'Cu:llouggh, Brampton;'.'Miss -Bev • - erley' Johnston, at' home; two. ,grandchildren; one .'brother 'Fred; Lu, ckno.w, •five'sisters, ,Mrs. Ruby . • Nilson, Detroit; Mrs. Russell', (•Marjorie)` ,Mebrei•ght; Miv.•. Al- bett (Mibdred.) Brown, *.Mrs. T. J. :(Gladys) Drennan, and Miss Thelma Johnston,.;Goderich. .'Rev. G L. Royal conducted ,, the funeral, 'service at :2 p:rn Friday afternoon, at Krfox ;Pres- byterian Ohti,rch. interment was In Colborne cemetery. arieriten.• won the 'lucky draw and m :ales::are still: prevalent... • Mr::., and Mrs. ,•Th•u, :MeMil-: Mrs John C. NlacDon.ald• and Jan ..of Waterloo were Sunday •Corinne MacDonald.: visited on ,guests- Of Mr,:. James 3VI ll;en. Siaturday`evenrngo with Mr. and Mir. and Mrs. Cliff Geddes vis- . Mrs W. J. Courtney. ; • uted an T,hursdayWith. Mmid Mir r. a.. and Mrs. Bob . Harris_ and Mrs. John De Buster of Clinton: ikon were Sunday' cguests. .with Sunday School opened at 'Pine' Mr.. and :MTs'. Art Courtney. .Ii,iver .'United Ohurch ;on Sunday with ..an .attendance of ••wone ' hurrd' tied . and fifteen the �luureh servt ce, 'Miss 'Helen, Mc - , Naim sag, "The Robe .of: Cal- vary.'y The ' chair also. . gave ' a n.uirriber.. I did 'win." Mr. Brown !We're . getting: up a „raffle for a'poor old man Will you take a ticket?" • Mrs; Jones: "No,."'T =wouldn't know . what to do: • with him, if • OttTAR.1_O REMINDERS of. action to take to keep :insured f : ONTA HOSPITAL: INSVRANCE ' If you change jobs, follow carefully the instructions on the back of the Certificate of Payment, Form 104, Which yourrequired to give you. y group is When you reach you tillr 19th birthday you ammo longer M. covered by your parents certificate.. Register separately 'within thirty days to keep insured, Forms are • available at hospitals; banks and Commission offices, When you many, the I'amty°premium must be paid tovusband, wife and eligible' dependants. Tell your OR, if, you pay; direct, tell the Commission. ' ONTARIO HOSP>(TAY SICEf3 COMMISSION' 2l195Yongo Street 'i'ordhto y ontar•tom. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR HOSPITAL INSURANCE CERTIFICATE HANDY FATHER, OF LOCAL MAN DIED IN THE WEST The :death of Re,bert Henry ▪ 1 Purdon age 91' years, occurred at, Moosemin, Sask., on Thurs- : day, March. 28th, - Tom- ?urdon a Luckncw a son, A ,brother arid. sister, Alex : burden of . Lucknow. and, Mrs. ' Wrn•, Dawson (Myrtle) Of 'White- church also survive„ ` . y`V1t�s, Pardon, who vS.a3 ' the y' fot+tner Mary' Taylor Of Wawa - 'nosh, predeceased him .Softie, 20 years ago. THE HOTTEST IDEA IN HOME HEATING! iW tSSO sery or jus *: NQw Esso pays for annual burner and furnace conditioning.. * Isow Esso pays for mid-season check of your heating equipment.., * Now Esso pays for emnergency. service any time... You pay for just the oil! Now=with Esso Home Heat Service— get all theserv'rces you need, all year 'Around, including Esso quality furnace'oil,. weather -controlled delivery, budget terms -all for the price:of the/ CALL ESSO HOME HEATSERVI,CE ' TODAY! , GRANT CHISHOLM, LUCKNOW Phone CollectD72r-1�ungannon . Esso Olt Heat is right'wi,th the tirties morefor you. ,more serviceer ,fn"ore values