The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-10, Page 3. E. • W.E1)11ESDAY; APRIL/ 10, 13 TIIE tUCKNOW SEDIT=1.4 LucicNow oprrAiuo. frisimpsliefiles■■■•■■■■■■•■•••40 ■ a pe■■■■•■•■•••••mleilumiturgern.10110191 IF 1 N EST „FOODS . • • • • . • L°WE Si PRICES me . me me se al .... ' m i ,,,•^' • SweetMIX c save • 16 oz...iar- . • Cream Corn' - 3 for 49c Libby's' Fey,qyality, save IOC; oz,.. tins' ■ , • t Red Rose Tea' Bags • 79c Save .6c, pkg. ‘60's' eguJar Blue Bonnet Margarine, 31c • • ▪ Yellow Quilc, sa16,2c, 1 1b. package . • POI-• ex Tissue. '4f�r 47c White , or colOured, twin. -pack, save- .11c, Stokley's Peas 4 for, 69c : Fancy honey pod, save 9c, 15 oz. tins • Tomato Juice 4 . 2 c "- 4 . . Stokley's Fcy., save 4c, 48 oz, tins c: , um , me Instant Carnation '.' 79c Save 10c, package.•• - a 'Hot. cross*-.Bunettes" Weston, 12 to...package Weston:'Ruffs. Regular : 39c, •package of '12 Sunspun Ice Cream Half gMlon• • 35C C.. " M. • • • s' • , • ll% PAGE TURK* • assamosimaimensaapaiassaimasiiiiiiimainunimaarmse • • • anderson' • s • al Ladies' and; Men's Wear •— Fashion. Millinery • Luoknow, Ontario ▪ • • , • • • . , • . , • . • a • M M • Open Thurs. Until 1 p.m. !I • at. Untfl 10 p.m." I Weddings • . • :JO • . .. , . . , I . Scout ..Paper ;.Collection,, Thursday, April :18. . . .' : ' PHONE.528-3001" li ineminnsellimannemnsinnunnnnsonnonninsinnsinnInnnennnnissinansninnnoiinneennommasi. is . Foundation :Garments . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Stewart -, .. • Local...and 'Genertil I Of. .POrt' 'Albert visited on) Sun, . OBITUARY . '.'. 4: ..Visit 'the department' and see our large popular • num:. . or . .. ., ,us . . . . ' • • I - bers in Corsets CorselettesANGirdlei Brassieres Belts is , . . REV. W. ..I: WATT. ' ' ,,, . : -These .are nationally advertised daily, • . 2. • - . ' • . .Phone 528-3.016' 5: Just' arrived. Crisp . . • New • Hats • st in tiine for. Easter. ) Colorful • and 'reasonahle. $2,98 Whim:. sies, up to $7.00 Cotton Dresses ••• • • • • • for Teens, Misses land Grand- t rnas, for4119-Calico Ball . . •: , New drip-dry house dresses $'3..98. . . silk, prints, arnel, plains. for 'dress up. rt a Coats I L Large selectiOn to .cinOose from • ' ' priced from $16,95. to 2'9.95: : . Misses, 'half' sizes, all weather, : wool' laminated. Buy 'early for ': , ,...,. . . ,. color, style, and size. , a . . . • . .. • ' ,-. , ' .5 ' DRESSES FOR. cut45 : .. : . . . . „ ... .. 8 to 14 $2 • ' .98- uP. . • a I • P.. • • • • . • Appointments .on request. , Beautifulgowns, long and. • short .- Bridesmaids stock always On hand, veils, .1 ▪ ad headpieces made -to -Order. ' • • • /, • Mrs,' Laura •F.owler. Of Crode. ridh;ifortherlY of Dungannon is : . a patienit -In Victoria pospital,', London. Mrs Etta Roberts returned to i)e,r. 'home last week ••a:fter beirg a • Vatjent, 'tor two ‚weeks'in• • Winghant boapital.. Jdhn :Ricihanclson, of Teesirater • has • ;been ;spending the .irint ber with! •Mr. and Mrs. ,Janies. •Rithardson, 'La:mai-de; is a pat- . tient in WitighzirticHospital.. • •. Mr. and Mrs, .George' son .ared;' family of Sinith,fiebd, Ontario • were week -end visit:OA %Ith„,.relatives here. :• George is 'stationed it Trenton • With.: the • .................,..,... . ' LUCKNIOW. UNITED CHURCH]. 4ev. Howard W. Strapp ' Minister . .. SUNDAY, 'APRIL I4th 10:00 a.m, Sunday . SchoOl. • i 1100 a.m. Morning• Woi.sh?p• ''4THE EMPTY TOMB''' : * • •7 suckflow Presbyterian Church' Rev. 'Roderick MaeLedd 'Minister , • • : , • • SUNDAY, APRIL With and- Prat* Ri th „Mrs, Tyndall. Robinson .retu'in'-'1 ed. itb.. her home last Vaiday.trom Wingham. Hospita.l %after. being hospitalized from the previotv Monday. ' • ..• • , • . • . • son .and. sdn Brian .of To:ronto ViSitedduritilt the week -end with her- parents. .Mr. and Mrs:: Char- les : Steward • Beth- flillarn, 8 -Year. -old daugli- 'ter; of. .M:r. and, Mrs. •Charles Hallarn,• returned, 'to...schOol . on. MondaY,,, ....was a. patient in .V•firigharn hospital for tiro. weeks,. and •.',tihen spent, a week...at her h9rne ,.liefOre starting ...back • . , , • . , , Saturday evening.dinner guesta. with ,Mr, • and: Ross,Mrs..' Cinri- ming .were,..Mr. and Mrs. • Alfred Shelton; Mr and Mrs Harvey Ackert, . Mrs. R;Obert Ubukata, Mr, •• and ..Mrs,. Dan Wicfloison, Mrs. l'rev:a ..Mr. and Mr. ;Prank CuMining 'and Mr. Clarence Cumming ;• Mr. :and buithin returned liome last: 'Week frOxn Sa raiota., 7.F1 oritta,,.:.wtiere .they spent the. wintcr, 'remained 'in Loriden •for a few ,dswith Miss ; Myrtlewhil , Duro Was re,Lopc ning their' summer • home at, Pine River B,Cach. _ . . • BIRTHS •Rev.. John: Watt,. re- tired Urated Church minister, who had,*'lived at Whirtechnrch Since :his retirezhent .1.957,' • !af-: .tet fifty :years the ac,tive ministry', .diedat Walkerton RoS- pitar an iWedneSdiay,.. 3rd. He was. 82. , : : ' ; • • , wife, the former Edith Barbour,- daughter of the late Mr, ',and Mrs. Archie Barbour of .1..itteknow, predeceased hit in June, • 1902. ••• • Mr. and Mt:S..' Watt, were -Mar- ried4 in.:. LuOknoW on May 23, •• - • in Scout Paper Collecti,on; Thursday?' April • 18 rk • • . Falls, Long :Branoh, .wood church Tatonte, TrihttY' chureh in Grrimaby. Mr.' Watt retired: in 1047' and continued far '10. yeart. -in part tirlie VirOrk.' par the past : six month's he *ad resided at Brucelea Haven,..:Walk- erten • ' • Pulling Of Poles of 'the pole pulling, were int, •ed they were, in effeet; vvelcome. • to them. • • ' • • :The story we are teld is that •before isjine 'of these Ipoles Were 'reineired from the roadside, `.`otit - • siders" arrived /With, ,chain saw cut: Some of the poles into post lengths and hauled fhe'rn away. . • • • • The irate West Wawanoshers . "took the.• matter up with the of•-. • Mr. .Watt was •b.orn at Wood- ' in • , :ficias in. the • Cowity ,Tow.h, 'we. stock, . of James Watt a:nd rresents, 'Problem are informed. • • • • ' , , • SENITNCED FOR EN'TR • AT Ar*.itt.,,EY 1![0.1VIE, : 't • In court in. Goderiah Thurs., •daY,• Magistrate Glenn Hayg sentenced Robert Grahain Say, St. :homes; -to five months . •deterrnin.ate and.. 12,, Months 'in- determinate' in an ,Ontario re- lorrnatoiy, • When he 'pleaded. guilty •te • Unlawfully entering .. the !dwelling house ol .Hector. McLeani,. at ArriberleY.. on March 19; and committing.an indiotable • offence.'. therein. ' • •Etizabetli ' He is survived by. five. sons, - Dr. Arthur 'Watt • of Lthiden; Ar- • chie K, Watt. and Rev.; ,Robert Watt of • Toronto, -Rey. :Geer& Watt of Dr. D'onald Watt' ..of Bella. Coola; B.C., end 'two, . :daughter, ;Mrs. George thOnipsOn (Mtiriel) . of 'Fever-, 'sh:ani, • and NI:Wan .Moo -re • (GenevieVe) -of -Whitechurch... A sister Mary ,,and 4brother. George predeceased • him; , ;• • ' • . There' , are 23 : grandchildren and .3 great .grandChldren;. • Th ',funeral service: was held on Friday- 'Whitechurch JIit- 'd din,zreh charge of the }Rip- en , Presbytery .Ot 'the London Conferenee ;of the Untied 0 -lurch: Rev. :C.liffOrd. Britton, conduc.ted the Mitchell of Whitechuith.' 'Many. ministers from the, district at- tended as "-a group. • IhringiYarn 140snital • • „111L4a.. .Npirch 24th. 19'6'3;:to -Aetirig as '.pallbearers • were on , :and Re: sons Arehie, Robert and George s'on's-in-law George Thorn son, . Watt,. grandsen.Ronald Watt and • • • - • . • P.§0 • . , . • • • 1' Wmgly.un .IIS.spM ita and Milian oQre, Plower bear, 10:00:411,m, suticla School- ! Wecinv41.1‘, .liirch 2111i, 1a63,*. ers; were Donald Watt and El -' "S• r ; w.in, • Moore.' 1.100 .a.nl. Morning Worship , . • •41.4•1. elois• • • 41111.0$ 41.11.11 11.1M11.. 1.0.11111.0.111•111.4. NNW. . • • • • Burial .was• Walkerton Ce - ('41 a son, r` • •• W•ndhani. (kn. nietery. „ 1 - ,.;LI,titiziy • April .-DoriatiOns in liou .of • 'llowers e . . THE HIACKETT • •7',ny ;;:, c•I'ini'd be grade to the W. J. Watt • uel College, Toronto. • ‘a' S,Wdent Bursary. Fund, Erninari, . • 4, • - ;Ina .Mrs. ;AL' Rev. Mr. Watt was known' to. . Luck • Ch t ani • now ris ri! of many 'her. ,anid. was 'a Reformed Church Rev Si • terpstra; A.B., Th.10,1 ListoWel; Ont.,Pasthr ; StRVICS$: 1.8r8() a.th,f4an' Dutch ' '1 2:39 p.m, in ,English„ *p.tn giindaY'Sthol. • .•••)10 irt-1-1; al and. idetheated. pastor,. TriiruSter : 11 A) ti t,r t • t • • KallOvon arid' fritn,c1, He attended • ublic sundav s and graiduated from 'queens un cAti;,• 4.r . iVersityjn• 1907 -Mr. Watt 110,51):•;tai, Ty1;(41to; TuesdaY, until 1925 "aw,nds,t41-10.enytlii•.se. nig pa8. Loncl.0/1, 0n And hrikb, school at Walkerton • 1 •1 a wee R N lipts -EastchUrCh istered the • PreohYteri'an' • , , min. 1,1` lino..110., .sor; „lames 'Allen, A Orates, tholutted '111'Y.dvr. toe ilOb1)1e.: • • • • • • • • • • . . • • „.• . Some West. Wawanosh Town- ship farmers aren't very 'h,appy over the. remoTal of some tele- phone, ipole.s.,, ship far/hers. • ' ,. 'Last year 'the Bell' Telephone companyput their., .11.nes urdrr groimid in West Wairanosh Township and !late in, the wtn ter removed 'the.' old Overhead wires 'and. pulled the 'old poles.. The poles, 'were. of no. value:to the Company, and farnieng West Wawanoshi• who are Bell ;Telephone Sub,sc•ribers, Consider- ed 1,41.e poles atOng-their land, as "their 4projaerty.-• Those who „ bad contacted the foreman in charge • - • Is' Your Subacription Renewed? • • samommommaimaimmaaasmaaamammasmammelasiammsammalme. •\ The Air- rt COnditioned 'PARK Et°itrerta°inmcient. • GODERICH 111 • ' • • Burg,Orte, . it.arriet • .A` • • • • I , • III Now -- April 11, 12, 13 -- All -color Twin Bill ill "The Mighty Ursus" and "Wild Westerners" : Monday; Tuesday, Wednesday, April. 15,'16, 17 , * "Period Of :kcliustmerit'l , ▪ ..• A blue4-ehasing new comedy „toilic! . • • 1 Jien. 'Hutton, Jane Fonda; Tony Franciosa • Thursday, Friday,, Saturday, April 18, 19, 20 • •1..1Harold Lloydis„ wOrld Of Comedy' • .A.*.-reatime of the. toreln b'est.terriembered comic • • PIUS •-•-•••, Wane • VVabber and' ,George'• RoWe' '1, 1 "Mermaids •Of Tiburon" • • , • .„ In color"—. • • Coming ;No.:tiap it% Boys' Out" 11," • • • • • • • • . • ',. ,••• • ' , ,• • • • "' • • a