The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-03, Page 15WiDI 'kS ►'AY',. APRIL 3rd, 1963 .letters -.o Edi.tor ' R Dea.r''•a $lt; I- the pegged dollar at 92; . b :a good.. ' thing for. the towns THE LycKIOVI SENTINEL, r uCxxOO LocaI :fjfld general Mr. and Mrs;. James •' thith & family of MolesWorth visited on Sunday. lwrth Mr, and Mrs. Wm, surrounding country and for Ritchie. ,.: ,and . Canada as : a whole, To look. Mrs.' Jake Hunter, 'visited last. at it jrorn the fanners side, of' week. with Mn. and 'Mrs. Joe tt, almost all the maehanery he ..Leslie -of . Gr ton •and :while buys, with • the exception `of a there attended t `e funeral of her tractor AS 'made in Canada Na cousin :111''r. Colin rewn in 'nu, turally an thing we buy made . sonburg, the pegged dollar Audrey ,Ten Ritchie is ih•ome feet .We' will' say' he for three weeks' befo-e she 're- ractor eosting..$2500, -the turn' for.' .her next'aeration. being around $160, and Mrs. Albert Alton, 31ake Al actor ilasted 8 ,year:5,' the' ton;, Mrs. 'Gordon Johnston a, d :cost. per '.year° would be: Mrs; Leonard ,Rittahie .were in London last Tae. day at the -fun; eral•• of their.' co,usiri ..Mr. ' Joe Needham. Mr, and Mrs, W 13; Ar d:ers'on .rn, Canad• has no buys a mark -u' 'If the cxtr •$20 per. year, where wall he get -this 'b'ae c.. It has ibeen said the .. Americans come oti':er and make. our ,feeders from the' .west dearer to buy, -quite true. A 500 lb,., returned home' ori Wednesday. of, • ''alf costing ,28c per lb, td them, lam weot .from a trip .to,,Victoria • Would costus 30c, 'a' mark up of '13,C. -yr.ss Vary Anderson, and $10, but when 'that beast is. sold 'George , Anderson of Toronto kept until 'w.61-it.:'woulcd weigh spent the week -:end here with 1000, .1'bs, :'we would have .to. fr their parents. • .Arnold Alton, '.who..; •recen'tly underwent surgery .on his neck,;. is. receiving' treatment in ,Lon- don, which.. permits, biln :.to re- ,turn home at' the.' week-,ends. Mr-, 'and .Mrs. 'Tom, ' Webster of Dungannon' have been visiting. fora few days. in • 'Toronto. • Mrs. Samuel ,Morrison was to ken to W:ir gham Hospital by• they will 'have to lose $2.00 per .arnhulance on Monday Mrs cwt. being: •close . to the Cost. of Morrison .• was hospitalized: from• lire the same . way 1000 •lbs, 'at .$2 would' be $20..A simple ques,. tion in arithmetic, • showing a $10 • profit,'` 2 steers paying the 'difference in ,t•he. tractor :for one • year, . • • • . The American "bogs are com- ing ;in here. •now :and naturally --they .will :h•ave .to. 'pay th'`dif-' ference .th•is •tinge, in. other' (words devaluation which• goes -to show • if our dollar . was, at par o•ur. hogs. would be $2 ohpnper:YW'hat about the consuer and•business. m roanin. town, It • looks as ''though the meat Would be ,frons .3 to Decern,be:r'•21st .unitil. March 21st when.. she cable .to: the ,home ,of Mr, ana. ! r•s: "ercy Graham in Lu•cknow, `'hut had to return to the • hospital 'the• • first of 'the week: Mrs,' M,orrrson s•u.ffers •4c dearer', pet lb:, •not much if fr.:om .crippling. arthritic seizures; • you consider `the ‘farmers.buss- nes , of much Value,Ou. yvtrill 'e con . i t.tion: the h�rve. '.to admit' :the. fa'rme'r tti• a pegged dollar is a bit.hel•p here, and if we want. good spender. Then :look at' it' 'to help .the'.em unployrnent from the •towruu Site of it rf . ua,.oh. 'we have to Make• factories :want to sell -their 'goods chanthse 'at'' a price "thatwe can foreign county r's: they have; compete .Look at the way to Cofripete . •witch. some strong--Etigland! has ;come along by' de. ONTARIO PAGE F.T.> TEF111r . Elston Candi# lav'_#est 'Y4u Djefenbaker • Prime Minister ,of _Conci.da... • n Bader ch District Collegiate Institute Saturday, April•6 Please Nate Tie Time, �o Hon. Mn . F Robarts Prime Minister of- Ontario '. AT HOME • • THE .KANGAROO; the .largest of the •Austrailun marsupials,: roams the a►untryside, in lerge.bandt Although a bill -grown kangaroo is :nine feet high an'd weighs 200 pounds;, the• baby It 'only an inch long when it is born. It' stays : Maida its• mother's pouch until it is'five Or, six •rnonths'old, at, which time it weighs several •pounds Ind is 'able to shift for itself., When the young: kangaroo leaves Its "'home,"it is ready to take its rightful place in the world, To help your Child ren take their rightful place 'in the world, there is nothing better than life insur• Ince, lefme tell you about Sun Lite`1 Educational Policy` Which can so easily • provide funds for their college educatiofl' •a'uating the laound over •,35 per tent. l5earSon's'• ti.s4on wasn't very :good last 'June,: r'heh he e canal iith .Gonse�ative- r• never work, ' will • he change ; it back •if they ate sizccessful on April 8 As thee '.dollar now tan only fluctuate a fraction either Said.. lne pcgge'd dollar would way from 92 1-2 :Would this not be a. better . way *'than for 'a small or big •business, if they the.' d'oll,ar to 'seek its. own leVeld know the 'dollar would stay like the way Mr:' ..Pearson said it t'his, as; long as e are . ;depend - should have tbeen .done. This way ing so ,w• much, on 'exporting: .encouragement is given to .•Start , :Harold "C.,o•untney: -annirisi■pose ■spa■its■■mesommamos Vis sonme essisminnanmannManumnitrine•annasannnesnern aennnellum � mo mix i1i1 a ■ us a▪ .. a'l ■ ;,a. .. •■; ■ .0 • • ■ Tulip ;Margarine FAB, 1 8c off pkg. TIDE, King Size 35c off Clayks Pork • & Beans 1 .7 z. Carnations Mil ■ 16 oz. • Stokel S:. Tomato . Juice:. ■ 48 o. 1 ■ fir •s at ian t .. nahan R.R. 20 LuclknoW rt 'hoists Winghattu• 1117wvv'`-4 a. SUN 1JFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF- CANADA w Catsup So c• c 2 for 39c 3 for 43c GrOcery.<:: ►"ungannon: Siokely's Homey Pod Peas: IS oz. Stokely's Crearn Corn 2 dor 3 'I5: oz;' Sh;edded Wheat . : s all ▪ • as• '.▪ : . • . as aI as ■C YV •..,' p . ae • c.. i• . lZ oz Kellogg's Corn Flakes 12 oz: d Universal Sockeye Salmon 7%/9t oz Shirriff MarmaJeI 9 FL oz,' Honey Boy Honey -:.8 oz � ■ 2for49c ■ 4for S1c *e4' nr ' as •a• is 01. at i el ra ra•. 00 101 aaaedra Ride ilp N ati i ii le � l 1!'l t � � 1 ■ �f. /FHO X19 t3HlNGANNOi:N ���M'rr�arlgN'.fg�arsi��Igss. �ltlsrh:�'�t��`�ay■�e�■r�wMl�af�k eWrails���r'��