The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-04-03, Page 13i-• VMDI1rESDAX, APRIL arcl, p6.3„, TUE taXICKNOW sENT1=40, wcolovir, ONTArtio - G.. „rA x ._.„.., .___,—:—,-,-----------_,„.....„...,......._ :.„_.__,_,___,_„,__..,,,,__,..,._,.,..,__...,__,..._......._......,_„,,-,.„...._„...., ,.l'CRD OF ' THANKS Notice o, Creditors, - , ....,...., ED o ^-".---""-.---• ''.-T.-,-,...;--1.,,r-;-•.-,,,-.--,,,____,, .7-, -.....--""""""4".% ;.7.-; 1,m•-...........;....,........,..." WANTED -for..."7",.., , * GRASS '-,, . eight Audrey ../ to ten yearlings.. , . hwadu.r. In the Estateof . • GraYdon Rtt- iike tr) 1.11411k4111. .4t:1,110Cshel,ew SIDNEY GRAYDON GARDNER, . •chiei 'Phone DoPtligannon 76-r-7, ;rnenvberr.ci her in•liarious ways': Deceased. , GRASS WANTED -.-• for 'twelve I • • - ' --.-- !while in Sick Children's hospital. ALL persons ,haVing claims yearling ,steers; would, split hero..1,:mulcs,h toh,oputth.clialutellirs wa"s, very agaimst the estate of 4 Sidney • • . Lane Gardeer, Phone ;Dungan- _ c ':' . , . _ . .,...:.,,,___ °raY'dQn garelner, •.late. Of ' the non 6.9-r-1.8, .• - I 1 'wish to thank aJt my'friends Township /if West Wawall°31:1'" • 1-TELiP WANTED, — reliable, Sill- ' . • ' 4 ' ,., '-• ' '. •-"-- ; and heighhoLtni fol' caLds. letters lic,v;.:7,cir,.a.rbkPLA.dtkiceea'sglti'll:WI:icgy,r(iodf and .enquiries made, while., 1 January, gip' man for general. farm work. wai a patient: in WesrninSter 1963, are .h'reby noti- Russ.ell Needham, *con. 10,. - Hu- full -particulars of -• ,ron Twp., phone 6-r-4, Ripley... .toic)Zytaali''•el'aolinaddirlant.iegeioian4,,Bthraanne%s their to to the underSigned. WANTM's TO RiNf .in. t4i-le'lcn67.w 3,..09 Mr' 1.1e1 Ch ar l ie Mason, Or' M* IS13.fliocriletqrfilfecir'PtVhh 'clE43ritt:i. .134knPr'ollr; on May •Uti.. house Or grou.n.d t''', C. "rin . Dr. 'f• C• McKim. 1963, fter 'Which date the Es-. ,,• floar 4pOrtinent for .orie' couple, ' 'Erri.ie l'ewi8'' ' ' tate will 'be distrilowted .arnongst for aibout three 'Months while Mr and mr5. ii.uaeit Irvin, ,those ,persons • .entitled :thereto?, ,,,,, 'i' .... .......,..... .....,... _ building. Please. reply giving 16- " . cerely thank . nei•gh_ having regard only *:the .Clainns cation and all loarticulars to "Sid " ''.. •h to sin • pienvOght, 1,8, •cen,t,ral Park.N:, . Cd-rs & friends who so thought- of Which the Executors .shall full remembered their tittle then have notice,. . - .„---..— , • . ,., i SonAlex,. when» he. was .hospit- DatO at Lucknow' Ontario,. WANTED --- live i)Oultry; also alied. • Thanks also to Doctors. this 16th day of March, 1963... new and 'usedduck and goose i Corrin and McKini and the nur-• feathers. Best Prices at your ses at Wingham General' ,hapit- door, Phone or write X 13rown,tai. . . • . , • . R: W. 'ANDREW,. • • •Lis•to.wel,. Ontario,' . '.• • Solicitor ,for ,the Executors. .181Kinca.rdine. • ..'' _ . . . •.. 1 Mrs, Robert'Douglas Wishes to In the Estate of . • • • ....,..,...44........... 0.4.0444. ..••••••••.' cxpres.s •sincere thanks •to her . WILLIAM. JOHNSTON ' L . • i rnan,y friends; neighbours and all --. '• . Deceased.. • • . ... ' • .. who Were . so kind„thirl!ng. "the ALL , persons having. claim's 0. C.. • illness •dr"het•siSter, Mrs. Lavery againSt. the estate .of • WilliamLADIES " . '. • -i- • ' andat the time, of iiOr bereaVe, Johnston, late of the TOwnship' • .. , , • • • . . . . .. rrien.t. Their thoUghtfUlneis :was• Of •Aslifield, .in •the •County Of it.. . Turn youk. spare time ".". easth• deeply aPPreciated. ' • R4ron,•• Retired Farmer,. deceas- _. • . SupPly families ' in •Bruce County ' ' • , .• ed, who died. •on or about the 1 ,d like to t.hak nNi.•the ith famous RaW11.:Sigh.PraduCtS. '• •wou1st...day • a February, .1963, are .• peoplewho so kindly remember,. hereby, notified to send ffrI:.,..........i.ismis.mainiimiligilliiiislialialiillimillio•Ht We. ,iiirnish fu1.1 color,display,i..ed me. ,with cards and '.flowerS . , particulars of their claims tp the 0 -, sales help etc. Write RaWleigh..s., • while , in :St. Josephs ;Hos ital • • e . • • • e 'VP • i . • • . • o . . . . , . • Mr.F;•. Lyman? Sutton • •or April, 1963, 1 'PACKARD-SHOES . ,.for Children . . kc.he..idu,. .0.1..1 ').n.. . ' .:•'• • . .. . . 'tate, on •or .befare the 5th day e • • • after which, date : ::'.'• . , ... • ' , ...• Allontreal. • • • • . . . - . Mrs,' bOn .lield. Wishes to ex- , the Estate .. •w1.1,1 •,ibe distributed it . :. • •• .• • • . • .• ' 1 . , ,,. .... . so kindly remembered. her. • thereto,' 'having: r egard ' only to III am,ongst those persons ',•entitled , e . es. • n ': 1 ren s.: ootwear.. -,-. ' . . . s• ,.. ‘ , ., • ... . , ,. . , ,. 'press he•r 'Since're thatikS ta all the claims of. 'Which the Execti— so ' . ' • , ! • • 4 and Sandia in many'waYs:: Spec, lat•tharilis to Dr. M. 171; Corrin, •tors ‘stiall.then have 'notice: • ' "il . .. . . • • Dated • at LticknoW;' :Ontario,' ,i: • ''.'. ., . • '" . •• ".• ' •• ... • •' •'', ".. ° - . . , • •. ' : : th.i, 16th day of .March, ' 1963 It W. ANDPEW, . . ...Listowel, Ontario,: .'.. .. ... . • 'Spfieitor 'for the Exectitors.- . if* . Available • CUSTOM FURNACE and SPACE HEATER CL[ANING and: SERVICING • '•24.1-101JR SERVICE.. ' • For Your Spring', Work Needs Drop In For Full Line • Of ' For Service and Satisfaction Call HAMILTON .. • • Your Lucknow and • District Agent ' Tor All I Cities Seivice Products Phone Collect 528-2427: Office Open Daily.8' a.m. to 6 p. • ‘. Births , . Dt. J. -C. McKim and...the.tSrsing. REID. At Wingham Genestaff' •..' Hospital on Monday,. March 25, . Words : could ever express 1963, ,to Mr. • and Mrs, Donald, • • • • our. sincere:thanks tO Drs. H.• Reid, R.R. 3,.'1.,UcknoW, daugh:: . Corrin •and J. MeKini; the staff er• . . • at Wingham Hoapital, Mrs, -Vi, •:MORR1SON at • Winghani "vien- „Thompson o Teeswater, GeneraL Hospital, on WednesdiSi, MrS. Virene Thompson .of. Kin - March 21; to Mr, and Mrs. GOr- cardiae who speCialed :when don' MorriSon,'„:-R.R. Lucknow, , Jeanne IN''as so ill. Thanks also twins, :a boy and a gul to • Rev. ' Rod MacLeod, to 'all •• . . s'• who inquired, 'Isobel England 4 414.0.4400.1.440..00,4*/.../~444P4•444.4.1444. 11/1i IdHaritilton Who' helped :at •NOTICE.' TO CREDITORS ' ... In The Estate Of • • . ' ROBERT. ARNOLD. WOODS ALL PERSONS' ' haVing- Claians,. agairiSt' the eState• of the • Acme, thentioned, 1p,te",of the Township of West, Wawanetsli;. in tilie ,,Coup-• ty •of littron, Farmer, ,isrho -died . • ,, ..... • : home These kind. acts Will. nevt• on •th. 15th day of Manch,.1963, Ptnecrest... Manor. . er be: forgotten, Thank you . all.,. arerequired to •f,ite-. proof : ot - Ford' and 'Eunice Cunningham sante with :the. undersigned on or ...Nuts!Fig-, Home ..We..' -wish, to. express air 4n- •19.6A3ite4 that.date •:theA.c14ini-' ,.. ... • grid. Jeanne,. Rpid, • ,before 'the. 13th day of 'April, 1... 1 . 11,.Iembpr': . . :.: cere gratitude to" all •\Vho.' helped • stratar will proceed to distribute. ASSOCIATED NURsING.. in:. any •way at the: time . of Wm. the ,estate • having regard only to. : • . HOMES . , James :IviaaPherson'S death, Spec- the •clairria of 'which .. he .:Shall of Ontario :jai thanks to. Dr. Corrin'•and Dr'. then. have had notice. . ; , • • ,. . '• • . . McKirri, to, TinecreSt. Manor. ancl.: • ;DATED at Winghern, this 25th 241-HOUr •StiperVision of to, ':Wingham .HoSpital; also.• , to day of March, A.D.:, 1963. 7. A ittegistOred T.i.ir.se. Mr Bob MacKenzie of the tun- •• Crawford and Hetheringt n,, COnsiderate.Pertonal'Attention 1 er!aI horne to Rev...T, J..;MCKiri.- • Wingham Ontario For.,Eiderti•iind. Convalescent i.r)0 or Teeswater and Rev. John Solicitors for the Administra. or. Persons. • :: '• ' IMCMurray of •MilvertOn. Sincere •••• . - . , • .. • . . , Excellent Home -Cooked Nteals. ;11rai-ilcs. .also ,to Mr. .and • Mrs: In; the ' Estate of WILLIAM Box 220phone 52872.186!'Philip Stewart and Mr Cowan THEODORE HOWEY Decea.sed, , • .i : ' and to many others .who showed', ALL persons. . •thavirig elalims i:ucitNovy. 'psi: against - the 'estate of William' •... !spcOal kindness afid thoughtful- . • i,nes ' and. to th,e. Holyrood •Worn' Theodore. ,Howey; :' late - at .the: -L-------,---..----4--L-•---7-7.--,-----.1en's • Institute ,for. flowerS: Vrs MacPherson and F.friiy. Dead .Atilnial.-.. ' . ••• -..' 'N: ' ....' . H., AS11 .F.IEL D .. , ' . '1.... Removal' :.- ..... •• ,.. . ., .• ,...Wrs., David MaeMurolly, Who For . Dead Or Disabled .•sPeilt* .41e winter' in, Ripleyis Anitnals -;•••- Colt Collect • • h'e agaln' Mi, .and Mrs, .George .'Foster . .• D. iiii I . , . ' arid -Donna. of Rodney :visited / ' ' .uring . - .... ,,,,,,h,,,,ti„,.. Ki..t.s.,,or, on Sunday , • • -Rev. *. W.. 14a-ne of Clinton .Oe:, .. capied. the pulpit of -Ashfield CompitY. of Cartada 'Ltd, . .preshyteriiin Church last'8unday • anion 1-1U,2-7269 : ' • Mr ,. and Mr., Donald.Compton : Dead Anitnal Lieenst ' . •, t't Wni-013'" .\""116c1 'wit'h ' 1\115.' • •No; 262C-63 •• •SithdY• N13(4)('..nall "' SundaY: " • , • . , . • • 4 .#4104101#41,•# # •#••#‘4"44,04,010,04P1#04," H I LRAY FARMS . • Dedd. Stb• ck ' 1 :' ' ABATTOIR ri noi,i, 11.()oll?i,' .. . Kemoval. Servicel, :Tile lionyt. of cloice meats, all . • • ' COVERNIIENT i'SPECTED.' • We are licensed to removo. ," , ' ..and APPROVE your dead or crippied farm. •;elitleider's Cured Meats; GOlitiON TOILING, Elmira .4 . . KILLING ." WE ALSO DO, CV.STOM aniinali for sanitary di'F,postil,', .,, Phone C6Ilect to: , and ,hang Your 'meat in. modern GORDON TAYLOR' • L coolerS:•aq longias desired,. Pigt .628_5•950 ;_„„ Luottio,' , on,- Tuesdays and, tattle every • , . e•. (thy: No •appointntf ylit eeesaty, 24ahoths ervice 215C63 and '6".• ' ::‘ ' H '11APt:11:It15;'8A*21111%ler'. ' ' 1, /, .• . -.., , .• • . . , K....Q..7.4 • . ••• . , q • V, . : ' , .t, :Village • of Lucknow, In ' the County; :of Bruce,. who died on or .abOut. the 29th day. of Janu- ary, .1963A are 'hereby, notified to..send full- particulars of their' •claims to the •unclersigned, itor. for the A.dministratrix of •the Estate, on or before.the 20th day of April; 11963, after which date.' the state, 'will be distri !touted amongst those persons ert-• titled thereto, haVing regard on- ly to 'the • claims • of which: the Administratrix .shall then have naice. 2•• . • ••Dated . at Lucknovv, this 25th day of Mar`ch; 1963. 11. W. ANDREW, Listowel, .Sofieltor far .the Adrninistratrit. Is Your Subscription Renewed? IN. MEMORIAM C.URRAN — In laving memory of Henbert • C.Crfirraii who pas- sed aiWay.4,„0,Vd years ago, April' 2nci, .1961, •. •It's sad 'towalk ithe road alone, ',Instead, of side by side:•. But to'all there comes "a'. .rn hhen t When the ways 'of life 'divide; The word • changes, year to, year And • friends Ifeorn day to day; But never Will the one we loved, From Memory pass, away. Fiver rem.ernbeted by Wife & • Famous For Fit And Long Wear, For School Or Dress. Several Styles To Choose From. In Stock In B C D Widths. • r • . . , • . • • We Also Have A Wide Range Of Classmate and Skipalong Shoes . Styled F r Every Purpose •el il.• Priced ' From$3 95 • A Full. Line Of Canvas Footwear Far, All Ages.' . RATHWELL SHOE STORE • Phone .528,3117 - s' inonnasaaalossoonsmasonaanonusenssaaaaonamaasaasinsai, somoommaaltimmummoOmmilmommoimmitimmonmsommest si• SEE OUR •SELECTION OF . . . •. . • g - .. . . , EASTER FLOWERS . ..:. EASTER LILIES .. . ,,: HYDRANGEAS • : . •• ' Gi:OXINIAS, . , • ' • POT' . MUMS, ETC. -al : SOLOMON'S GREENHOUSE Phone 528 $01'7 • • • •• • • samoosomnomomammemmosammusoomsommmonsionnopoons • PEDLAR AGENCY. • • . • Egg Pack -up Depot . •••For Golden -Glow HOG coNTRAKT$..'FINAKED. (Complete) NEW LIFE CONCENTRATES whether it be DAIRY, HO, POULTRY or SUPPLEMENr,A are balanced to give you better results. Priced right. Millfeeds. ad: Chops taicaii, to order KNECHTEL and SON LTD. PhOne' 28-.50.14 'There's• A New Life .Feed . For Every Need" ,•• 4. ••