The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-27, Page 9• ■.: ■; ■ ■ , ■ • 0. 0., ■• ■ ■ ■ • i • ■: ■ 0 • . • • • • • 0 a n1 • • •,•. r' •. •. • •'. ■' r • • •1 WEDNESDAY, A Y, ► : 2701,, 1983. Daughter .Of S minister Died K: The death of Dora MacLennan, daughter of the . Late Rev. F. A. and Mrs, , .M.acLen. nazi, occurred last week in, TOronto at her :home 28 Dunbar Road's • , A private funeral service. was • 0held at the residence on Tues- day, ;February 12th, .With-. iri,tiei . merit in the family: 'phot in Kin- icardane cemetery where her par- en1s are buried, , and in which .town her, another was raised,' She rCras 'the; dormer . Annie ,M,acKen- zie, a sister,. of ;:the'.late, Alex. • MacKenzie,. Miss` MacLennan is surv'ived• by•.her • only sister: Katherine. (Cathy.) MavLernan.. • Rev. F. A, ;MacLennan carne, to South .'Ki nless in • 1.888 from Du n • vegan, Glengarry County, at, 'a period when corrupt lion servi- ces were still . 'held for 'five-day :periods "rtwice yearly in Jurie and late• September. . ,.BIg Church". Built ' A• history ,of South Kinloss. Chiureh •contains this :reference ito • "Rev. F.: A. M•acLen.nan • spent 25: •years vvirtah . hespeople in . the bills of Kinloss; whim,; " he :lowed.: Near the end of' his ministry- the • present ibrirk' ,church Was built in 1911,12, theopening service, be- ing' on May 24th, 1912. • . `Andrew Stewart of Lucknow, was the architect and James , . P i1 -ii : son ; 1 tam an •...a Henderson :of Luckn W Were the carpenters. carpenters .,Duncan MacContiel1, '.Sr. and his. son Duncan of loS§did the plastering, Volunteer • work was •rgliven iby members of ',he congregation to have all in, Hardiness• for 'the, dedication- at' which the "Principal ,of. .K,nox Col- lege was .the. guest peaker. '•• `.`In the autu.mn of •1913' ,Rev: • MacLennan finished his ministz`y and with Kis,,.wife and two .daugii.- +tern retired to *Toronto." THE LUCIKNOW SENTINEL, LUCIKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE , NINE. WHITECHURCH Whitechurch Institpte • • The . Wozneri's institute Meet 'ing was held : at the, Home of, Mrs, Ed. Walker last week, Mrs., Dan • Tiffin,, , •president. of ,Phe group ' opened. the meeting by singing. the. ,Ode and repeating the 'Institu'te creed., The finan- cial statement • ;for the• year' is $11.1,9$ `nod the !provincial can: vener's retort and • outlines were given :to. ' 'the branch Convenors., The hell :call was. 'comment. on. a. fabric and: ,iihis was answered by fourteen mem:beyrsand three:'vis=. iters. ,A ' sing -song was .enjoyed,. Airs, Jirn '1Vicinnis •gaVe a Valera tine 'reading. The • .motto was Let's patronize a Horne Industry", and was ,igiven' ;by Mrs. Russell Gaunt, • who pointed. out . that Thome industry was : first. The. revolution of industry in England saw the' factories .changed '•land' run by machine which, brought .new "development creaing jnew fabric.% Fanning methods are all mechanized Mrs Gaunt . con - eluded. with ,Miss.Dean McLeod's poem, "The Old Hen." 1VLrs. Gari net Farrier gave some Patrsiotie Airs: A display was given on "Your 'winter .+hobby .work." The `,meeting. was 'closed with .God Save the Queen:and the lnstiituite Grace.'Hostesses- : for ' the day were Mrs. Peter Norman : and Mrs. ' Garnet wFa mer . ■ ■luu lm ■ilio;■■ic.■ !insimmum■ ■ . u milmi uiioo■ws.■•••••.•••■■••••••wi: ■.• 0, • . ■ •' • It • • • 0 �• ■ • • '. ■: • .. ,■ ■ �i •.•0 . . .•: ■... i • a• ■: • .0 •• 11 ■.• ■ ■ ■ ■ -' •■ ■ Is Your Subscription 'Renewed?• ■. • 50-Year-OId Paper Relates British Influx To `Bruce A :recnthet 'issue. ,e Bruce County Historical '.Society ` bul- letin le•tin tarried '°an ,'interesting story of .the influx of Britishers to Bruce .•Courity and. Western "'On tari:o fifty ,years ago: Particularly applicable JO :th,e f . Bruce" (all: Gravel And. •. history of the.. County o is the period of ,rather extensive, • :, .' immi,gra!tron ` off., unmarred 'men. Warbicide Tenders:'d •` 08 1914 Ashfie4d : Townshipw Council. ..:meeting Scheduled for' Februrary; 4th was 'held . on .February. .5th, owing 'to (weather'rdndition.s; with all members present. Howard -Boyd,., to approve urtes : of January Meeting. : Reed -'Boyd, ttialt the: a,prplk'a tion be forwarded :to the Depart- meet ,of Highways.' ,for the " final payment ':of the 'Road Grant. for•• 1~9ti2 Boyd -Re; that' c-i-er ' tenders for • approx.. 17,000. • cu: • yds. • of .crushed gravel', tenders to be in by March h 2nd' at 6 ' p.m.: Howard Barger,. that , Clerk ad= ventise • Warble ' F1fy Control. .pr. o.- .groan` (1) '. I•rspector, .(2) spray= .ng' cattle, ; (3) • Warbicide powder.' Boyd -Reed, that . cot nci 1 "gives permission'.. • to the Village of, • Ripley to' issue. debentures. in :,the. amount. •of . $162;675 , to pay for. an addition to • brie Ripley D� t�rict , High School, By-L.aw, No.'1 aappo nting of-. ficers and setting their salaries vas ' giver; final reading and Boyd.of 'Barger: and passecl:,on nation Barger -.Howard; to. .pay the.. following accounts:' W..'1, .Shantz, $2,.168..00; Jack •Far r isle°,..1,365.00; Torii Helm, 1,517.75; ;Murray rray Johnston • 1;478:75; . •C.a�t,. 25 .hr, u $5.,' 125.00;" W. E. Halla.han,•• ,1;2456.00; ' Bi1,T Dundas, 1,4.32,00, Domin�i�ori . Road •Machi'ner'y, : re pairs to • grader., 579,Q:6; Gran t Chisholm, 48.5�t ; Imperial Oil Ltd.; 177.30; •Montgorner•y Motors, 27.49; Wm. Stewart, ,,50; Web - tor and MacKinnon, 8.10; Carp- ... bell's .Garage, • .83; Elmer „Urn- , n- bach, '2.15; Thomas H,a•ckctt, ,. .75; Carl ' Rieg�ling, , 245.00; •A1. 'in ;A1- ;coni,.. 21,00; Herb' 'Wilkins, 37.00; 'Itichard,We. t, 192:"36; John .Nie holson, , 308";4,2 Reg • Broome, 228,60•; Marvin Scott, 5,40; Don 0 nkald Farrisrlr, 4,b0; Gordon, M acD , 3.60;Pat O'Neil,. '1.80; . Tiln 'rarvk, 17:'10; John Kuick, X7;,10; Keith Johnston, 24.30'; Mti:rray Johnston; 17,10; ' .Dave Porten, 12•60; Jim Sc•ctt, 18.90; Jim West, 28.80; Donald S�imppson, 68.15; Allan 'Gsbson, `3.50; -Jim Cibson,. 16 20 O kid 'Gibson l8 '80 Married men with farhiilies from Great Britain in 1908-1914, and, again ,for many years follow- ing the 'war.' .. George '.�Vioort'ey, • editor Of the. R ip�ley Express was appointed Immigratitn Officer for` Western •Qntario,iby the Dominion Govern - Merit. At this time :.there was • a definite :need ,for • farm help, and; negotiations• were carried on.with • Ithh•e ;Land Settlement Beard 'arid 'Government in . London,. England. In a` copy' of the ;Ripley Express,. tt-a;r -i 1912 t i'e-€ollov ing-Ad ;ppear+ed.'' • Farm Laborers. Coming Fanner who want attired man Or .boy • should .• write c;,r ;;phone G, H, Mooney, Goveritinent Ag- ent a•t -Ripley.' Mr., Mooney is ,bringing . out `a' ,Large' party of farm laborers from the gold• land' to be:�placed among`'th'e farmers'. • In the second • party there will be' 'married m+en. accompanied :rby wives and families. ' . . Many of these newcomers had little or' zrb'extperience ':in farm.,, rtg arp4 'little money ; : alrthoiugrh their passage in same cases was paid .by the Government. Later; they proved •to be excellent.re- si�dents .and 'good ,farriers. The salary: paid a single -mon .'for '4 'year as $150, There are •three of these men. known to be'. Stull 1 iso incl in this area When wan° broke out .practical- ly' all the single' lads joined the •C a n,a d i a n Army., '' Most - 'of the urvi'voi s later carne.•bac�k to make Btu"Ce. County , their home, Just prior ' to the war, Sir Austin C"haiiibeisaiin, .br•oth�er of N�ev.i1te 'Cha,inberl.ain, and a Mr. Wi�lliaa'r; Collins. came out from England to tour Ontario and visit the ,fart- flies fan il�ies and lads they were 1oud`in their praises: of conditions, general. A story as a result of this.im= �>>igration„ is that en a . Sunday a teleg,raiaa , was ,deliv- ered evening, � to Mr, George Moony that a party of`,on�e .;hundred mairrie•d men and-. sin�gl.e mien, would be in Ripley* by special train that night at •10 pm, There were homes, already booked, for thea• , opie' but the di,ffilculty arose } xcatr�,se' few fat -hien had a ■.. ii■■ issOs■■mti■■•••■■a,oink■oioop■iioioii•sso■srooapailtioliiroil•ion.• pons i■it: CHESTERFIELD SUITES qnd DAVEN,PO • SPECIAL DISCOUNTS • To make roam for new suites for summer months INE ARE F1ERi.1G I.ARGE !i5<QU$T5 On Suites SlighTly U3ed In -0ur Chapel Trade..Ins On Good' USED CHESTERFIELDS ORDER NOW, WILL. DELIVER LATER IF DESIRED itC et Suites and .. Bed Suites ■. -• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 111 • ■, • ■ ■ ■ • ■ a ■»• me ■ • . ■ • • • .■ • • ■ ■ -�- i ■ ■ ■ educed .Prices cKENZ1E FURNITURE STORE Lucknaw..- .Phone.' S28-3432 ■ • ■: ■. ephone rto::• inrfiorni,hem ofd• the arrival. 1t was:. decided .to 'house them . in the two ...local . "hotels. The ° Royal• Hotel took. the, 1ang-. e= t . number, ' and riany slept ori thake- shift. beds on the floor: tact,' space was limited and a •bed was Made: for a 'child. . in a•. ' dresser • drawer.: A substantial lineal wasprovided and , by noon the next day, all were placed. in their .new : C.anad•nn homes .10 • • • Emergency, call At home alone, perhaps—a sudden need for help: a phone call brings it. How could people'' ever reach people without the phone?l 'BELL 7777 BUM; haged anid owiiedby'Canadians