The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-27, Page 6OBITUARY WALTER AMOS .CORNELIUS. • •Funeral service. tor Waiter A. ;Cornelius, 76, Who died at Alex- 8ndra !Hospital on Tleur'sday, other an illness of six: ' anariths,' was held at Stiles funeral -home Monday afternoon, February' 1 ,. • Rev, Re 'G. Pe l f rel of the Free Meatod st Ohipmeli. . , in Coder cte officiated. Interment , was . in• -the •'W ngihan2 Cemetery. - • Mr. Cornelius,, who ,waw in. This 76th year, ' was lbon in ,Ash- , field, son •of MrS..Theresa Corn- elius 'andl' it^he late. James • Corn- elius. hus. For some years' ..the fa: - Oily -Oily. Hived near Langside arid over 45 years ago' moved to the 'Sarni .of Ned Warden on the •ri •ver sideroad. • in 'East Wa:vvanosit Mr ,Cornelius had .resided at +the shone of his nephew, William ,Willy of Coder}oh• for the past ,eight •yeaIs, and had . 'been a patient ,in . Goderich Hospital &iinc+e Oot ober. He .was predeceased: abowt ten yeaas ago ;by'this .w'ife, the late' Minnie ' Barker wthoiii mar- ried ,n. 1910. :, A . brother Harry. find , ,a sister,. Mrs, iKelly ' also Predeceased +brim, :.• ..Surviving , is Iris "an otiher, , 'Who is . ra •. Sidenit . sof HHuTonvi w.. Clinton and is now 161.• years sold. Lettes..To .Editor Wingham," ' Ontario 25iih '' 1963: i` t- , • Dear.: Editare ' Again this year . Huron County Hog' • Producers arebeing given opportunity, ;to 'endorse :,the. Tpresent,, hog' ;marleet"ng ,pl•an.' 4Inte` Annual meeting of the .Huron. Hog Prockiicers on: February 12th gave . Many are, Opportunity' " .to express their -yievvs on, our pres- ent.' ''hog marketing- plan *Id aiiarny interesting iiacts were re 'vve'aled. On t•arao Hog, Producers, receiv-' ' ed: a ' high'er •price for !their &logs 11962 , than, l producers did :itis any, o`dher . part of this tontine ee st so aihis-apt-aka well for. our• .enethod .of Sell'i bg' hogs. and the. Ontario Hog . blanketing 'Plan. -One' . of *hp speakers, Rey :At . kinson,, •of 'Sasketohew 'indiicat ed that „bog' ,Producers in tie Three prairi.--provinces were looking upon: our ::plan „ with ' igreat favor and stated that a hog , mar• *Ong - plan .Was, ,,,about : to. be • 'Organized. for the ,pradueers blve'. west. 'Titrougth a great deal of -effort' ' And ttin e'.in past . yeas an the part ,of our.. Federation of •Ag." aticulture. we, abtatared from 4in:ar• iketimg .:1egiisl�atio and . by 'this we weerei able fie hake a market Sag plan ;for-tfarni.e'oni nod'ties. There :is. likely to . be a vote on an egg marketing .plan 'this •• • year and .producers a're ,general 4y agreed that, it shouldbene fit' them. I regard 'it 'mmiy 'duty to ' ex press ••' my views ` ' .oris . producer eriajrket'imng 'and •• 17 -therefore, : ad - . ad .:viise 'a1:1 ,producers to supportthe imarketung ;plans' !for. fame' Coen ' annodities 'that will' come ibie'fere you in: the near.. future.: Elmer .'Ireland, .• 'President, . Hu'r".on ,' Cauruty 'Federation:of Atgr'iocu1ture • :..e,,,, .� P lir �._«;r .. ax Fva------ e -e --«v+- +r'r?,.:x. . ........-2,- r- w e.n r-4„...,r•--:,a...;....r,'r- Tl ,LUCKNOW s N LUCK•14QW, QN AR19 • a ^tha►t 'same $18,00 had been we, Hospital Ranks • •pe+nded for fixed • aesets In 1062; represented. by �stioh • new. • . equipment as x-ray, 'replace; Ai BI Business meta. of• stand-by generator, etc, ,g He also expla^au'ed 'that the hos- The; �aminual m. vebing oaf. • Wing- . , 'ha and District. ,Hospital was pita1 .'must . tpurahase such eapi 1d tad cost items 'out of its ,own h'elidn �reeen!tily, en the address: ,by, ^ . the ,resident, R,,. 'B, Cousins, he funds,, which shave' .bee.ty aecumu- Plathed, ; Through ibequests, tigrants, •referred •to ,the tirrfacult 's, 'whi'ch .lab re .1r°1 `Y of slow , ''gr MS ,halve .,been - e th+n+c m e ! Q prior, to the '.Pa'I oi�pa+tuoxti' Of �hagpi'tal, dine to ,the implement,- OHSC yin, e .hoa'"Fital's . prQg- abiom/of Ontario Hospital $er-• rani, T1 only aSaiat'ance receiv- Vices , . GomxrLrSsi,on� regulations � V . three Years. ed. from OHSC 'inn 'this •i eaa nd la �ov!er the,+past it'vvo or ►three �!ea i,n, ;the, shape' af' •:a de:prec�iat:ion Du�rin�g ,the . year the ibeard had. :_ , • ' of :. doz't'ec ting silo. ^ince requested . OHSC , officials ' to • • . •. make • a +survey of various hos- years; petal ,depamtmertsand the „' - Mr::Andersen . said" : the. hos- Stating hos- ' ' . suP e ]iting.. • recom'inendat^ions 'had is indeed 'big .bttsiaiess" ro've'd !helpful. ful.. and its' materiayl: assets are v. of th 4 :... , . well over a million 'dollars; To- ,A,�m'an:g. t'hese rec'o�m+menda- '. • ' or' educing', !the .'t,al I•.eventie in the past year was' ,trans• was '^one f , .,r a $ ' ' 'anti expenditures nuznbbe,r, of atiienrts' .''milder scare , 5, 1,893:00 p. in the.h.as 'ital ;to eliminaibe over- .,were within $200 �4+f-'this amount;. P • The largest single, stein of ex. crowding, This Chas 'la�e�en.' amain-. . liisiied 'b ; la.cim eleotivie' sur:.'penditure is the staff payroll, P Y 1Y g ',gery eases' .on : 'a 'Waiti'Waitinglist, to •execs of • $400,000,00. However, the president said that 'DeWitt Miller reported' for there is still an urgent • needthe a anagement committtee of for more +hos ita1 • i . C", •' 'tihe. hospital, He outlined . the de - p• ' . B. • And+erson, chairman, of panbm&ntt: structure. of the staff aff the '.fiinan,,ce committee. explain- and :