The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-20, Page 12THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL, LUCKNQ.W. ONTARIO • i$ • • 77 0 but the boss is 'away and we wish to. clear our` " •after -stocktaking merchandise, so ` we offer. these • • Special , discounts. "• to you our customers • Nylons ^ 29c• l st . quality, .51 'gauge; 15 denier Your choice of seams or seamless Sizes 81/2 to 1.'1 Y2 Ladies' Dress. Coats Y2.Price 1 To Clear our remaining stock Ladies' CAR CO A I"S and FUR FABRIC COATS Off To Clear Children's snow SUITS, : BUNTING FAGS, CAR COATS Regular Prices Men s CAR COATS,.. STADIUM '' COATS,., • PARKAS ��3 t o '/z Off Men' s Underwear 71 "Combs,; 3.29, •Penman Regular . 3.95 - 71 Shirts &. Drawers, 2.09, ,Penman Regular 2.59 95 • Conibs, 6.59, Penrnans gular 7;95 Separates, 'j3.95 ' Penmans.; Regular;. 4.95 "Fleece Lined, "3.29, ,`Pennians No:.:21 Combs, regular 3.9.5 No. 27 Separates,., 2.09, Penman. Regular "2:59 'Blue. Label..Cousbs, .'. 7:50, •Stanfields .;Regular. .89:5 95 Discounts Off All Other .Men's Boys' :Underwear , Other Stock Taking -Ma n i rkdowns Th'roughout The `Store . " AFOR; KINCARDINE CLEANERS' GENT - Free Pick -Up and -Delivery Monday and 'T u • Ladies' and. Men's Wear - 3y film Sentinel. THATpuipils;of, Mrs.: A. C. Aignew passed examinations' of the Royal Conservatory ' of Music,: Toronto as' f"ollowds: ',-Grade II: Theory, 'First' Class honours, Bruce 'MacKenzie,: , Laurence. Morrison,; Pass, . Sheila.... 1VIav- Quillan. Grade IV piano him - pars, Brent 'Bailey: THAT five -choice Holstein, heif- ers .have .been shipped to Mex- ' ico from .this' distriot, being acs - glared :by' the•., .iayes Farms of Oakvilleform shipment sottith. Two Were froom ' -the herd. of • Wrn. Harrison, 'Cori. 12 heroic, three , from' '•MesseAger Bros, Con, 4; .Hilton, and one from Lucknow from eGleiri Walden's• herd, THAT Athol and Hector Purdon and Jack Gillespie, aLL •of'S'ar ria; are on • .a three -weeks' holilay vi `F rida..•,They . left, by (rotor a c plc of weeks agcy - and will n he 'heading • north . again,. A p st ' card re-' ceiveed by Mr, and rs "Sandy Purdon, said the ere 1,900 milesx, from Luckri and 60 miles from'Cuba., t Jacl+;son. ville, •,Florida, .they " ited with :Rhys 13,61160iaformerly off. . Whitetshureh and Wi a , • THAT. a ",duplex iesixlence a Wa terl''oo awned ,by W° H. 4gest,. and ttem,an,tted Eby two families; Mr,' and Mrs. Paul DoLson, and Mir. and Mrs. Dan. Turner,• was 'destroyed ; oyp„. dire last :week. Mr. Beggs is the father :of Mrs. Don Steeves of town. - • TI iAT Stewart Lavis of ' town who. has been i11 for several months, again underi,verit. sur-, igery, two- weeks" ago in Victoria Hospital. He ::has : been .son ;the critical list 'but some improve-. mint is ,noted in , his indiition. ,THAT Wm. Fisher, song: of Mr. and -Mrs, ,"Gordon. Fisher of'' ;town, .,has been: transferred. from Glencoe •oto. Port . colibo byy.: the 'Bank of 1Vontreal. lir. • and Mrs. Fisher have (waved to Port Colborne where' Bill as- sumed 'his duties as accountant" On 1Vtonday. ' THAT Mr, Grou,r%dhog" has finally ' burrowed out. -from under. the snow ,baneks but 16 "days be- .hind" .schedule.;: lick ,. McQuillin and Eddie Thompson;. operating the Township grader .spotted' • their first . 'groundhog • of the winter sat the "Grey Ox"' on Monday, Bill Ketcrhaibaw • saw one ale at Param,oiint last week, ouP - $ bscrrption -Plei 'e ed? WFrD ispAY, FE13'. 20th, W$ YOUR 'MAIN INTERSECTION FOODLAND ,pavex Liqui..i.Ieach:,holt eYour Best Househ1d !Cleanser.64, oz Save • Cheez Whiz Super Sole j jar. Kraft's. Top Cheese Spreads 16 .oz: "Save To- Quik o Quh "Margarine: :Zibt:Sake � • • 59c Blue Bonnet, Brand, •Feature. Save • To , 11 c.. Kleenex Super Sale. ..6 pkgs.., Regular . or Chubby. Bargain: Save To ' 19c.. Peanut Buit�r SuperS�1e, far 31c: York Brand . Smooth. 16 oz. Save To 12c. HEADQUARTERS.: FO ALL FRESH .. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.. ' SHOP O R MARKET FOR THE LARGEST . &' 'MOST . COMPLETE FOOD DISPLAY. • Phone Lucknow Values Effective 5283420 February. 21, :22, -23. THAT the Legion is planning' to tr°esumne"their weekly bingo. on 'Thursday Of next. week ;with a "brand " neww!' :bingo series. THAT Milton Raymer, 'ananager ' of :,the Bank of : Montreal, • Was frost to .municipal council mem- ,bers and officials -of ••Lucknow .and adjacent municipalities at a" ..dinner in. Walkerton " • last: Wednesday evening THAT there :was',a good response to the,,benefit dance on 'Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs Har - 1d.' Howald :and ,lain 'boss, who •" r ecently • : lost ,their. • Bonze and all their :}belongings 1;y fire: • THAT .Mr. Ernest Falconer pre- : ` siding minister : of Jehov(ah's Witnesses; : Wrnighdaxn,• annou ,c ed at' t'he''clo►se of the week's Aib1e'Study (that members of.'tithe local'` congregation wi•Ll be a'rov- ing to Collis' gwood' for the gom- •uig`week-emid otoetnjayChri'atian fe�llawst>rii�p witch ..other W itn es- ses from thi45.. area of: • Ontario. T.1:1Nr Mrs Sam ' Durnin. is, patient at Biriecrest ` Mangy L u,cknow." • THAT Don `Cameron, teacher•. • Belfast sohooi,'; had .ran" enfo' ed +ho],iday' ,the- first 'of,'.i. week With .an�•eulcer on his et Whitt'', was believed to :been. . caused m when:.:work with ;-a: chain. saw: BIRTHS 1VIL7RBA.Y :.-: At theWin'gh Hospital_ on: Tuesday, ' Febru. 12th 1963, to •Mr: and, Ws, Fri Murray,. R R.:1:; Holyrood a MeeDONALD Apt' Kinc Hospital, on: Monday, Feb 11•th,1963, ,to Mr. and,Mrs: pan A. ,MaeDdnaid of R.R..4, "Rip a daughter. Sixteen motorists in . KincF ,ine.thave been assessed '$5.00 for "on -the -street" overn' Parking, thus, creating a sn. ,. ; .. e■�plow7�c>,g� problem: , daa l fo9.IU6oao111,1 p.IIuIaallilli 9UUa■aaelaa■■ae■ "na■.aona■in■■n ■a■eno■' j' • ■ • r ■: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ a "■, ■. �• a' • ■ ■ TEAT A . recent issue of the Kit cheiier-'Wa(terloo ' Record car- tied ar ried a picture of H-arvey Wight- i'' enan, Waterloo Park •superin- • tendentt, as ,he was" feeding • swans in their indoor. whiter quarters, in' the •epailc. Outside ■ in specially constructed straw , 'r -.huts sone 40 ducks '4arid. six ■ ' ,geese also live ,protecbed,,froan the winter elements: The birds ■ will be kept under supervision i until the park lake is Silted in..' . the spring 1- arvey is the soli ; M of r, said Mrar earl -Wight. •, /tan of L9cknow. Annual Spring Sale ` Staris Friday, February 1 A larger selection. than ever of " Ready pasted and unpasted • Sunwor- thy wallpaper, • ' Terrific values on the wallpaper you'll, need. for your. spring redecor: sting. • •• Paterns , and `':semi plain ,.wall- papers for - every room. in Your bonnie • bedrooms • - ,-. •kitchen halls living room dining room bath room , and children's- rooms. Price 39c, 49c, 59c per single roll on Sale Papers ALSO NOW P'EitMANE1V'i'L'1f' IN STOCK.* 4:atialityt:EconOmy•••eticed Biue Diamond Paint quart : $695 gal�on FINLAY ECORAT WA LPAPER • DECORATING SUPPLIES , Lucknow Cy�PA Phone 52$3434 asligpaa'i�r�iran F . aN/a.�airtiaiiiraaaaan■dtrar /,!•���.■aMMllr�IMII�K11lIt�l�i�y�raM!'r■■rr.