The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-20, Page 11109 WEDNESDA,Y, FEB, 20th, 100.3, '.1.!!!PPIRFOM.711.. • • • • • tat• LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LaUCKIVOW, ONTARIO foduteri Commatee Mn Moth: .5th On ThesdaY, March, tli.'sorne • 1;400' 'hog prOdueers lin, Huron, CoUntor will l,pare the opportunity • to elect 19.IcOrnmitteemen- itip re- present therri• on the Ontario Ilog Producers Marketing Eoard. Thii.rty-six candidates were no- • minated it -a meeting in. Clinton, TuesdaY;of last week. In ,speeches limited to, one • Iniriute„ each of the men stated hi S '4p9$ition and d9 of the 36 - 'stated they ,favored the pre -Sent, .SYstern •of marketing: • MOst, of the 19 nominated by the Hog Producers Association 'were the; same ,as •last. year, with Only, 'two •new names bei•ng. Suggested. ' • A majority of the Free Enter, tprise candidates were -also, those defeated .in ibast iyear't Vote.' ' • The candidates 'named. who Stated they were fin favor of the sy.s.tem were; Alf Warner; Goderich Town;lhip; Albert Bac- 'on,.Morris; Robert Allan, Tuck- ' ersinifth; RosS Love,. Hay; .Bill Ocklernan, -Stanley;: George' Camp!. .116K:illc•p; Robert '14cAlli-c ster,.: West VVawanosh; Gordon .• - • • .- Fioitt,McKillop; Lloyd St‘4art, Hullett; Alex McGregor, Titcker- smith; Eimer Ireland, East WA- Wanosh? Raymond Finnigan, Ash- field; Carl Gov,ier, ,East Wawa - nosh; (Harry Mulvey, TurniberrY; Hugh ,Rundle,, T.Jsborne,,, Martin Eaan, Grey; Ebner Harding,Ho- wkck; Leonard F ishe ri,• Colborne; 40,s Lo,v.ett;‘Hullett. • -• Free.Enterrise-backers:. Hugh Johnston, Grey; •job•ri Duncan,. .Usborne; Alex •PearsOn, ..Gre-Y; Gordon .Wright, Howick; Ron McGregor, .Tuckersmith.; • Milford' Prouty, • Hay; • George .• Adams,. rn bgr r Steve Duncias, Step- hen; Gordon NicholsOnt.R.R. •4, Brus,sels; 1VIelvin Grebb, Stephen ordon Jewefl, Colborne Egar Whiteman, -East Wawanosh; Jtas. Doig, Tuckersznith;: Melville La - MOM:, Grey, Andrew Crozier, Tucliersrnith; ;Tames Adams,: Mor- ris; Charlie. ,Coultes, Belgraye. • Huron Agricultural RepreSenta tive, Doug Miles, cOnduCted the namination,°meeting and was. as-• slated by.. Ian .an increa• ..01 the local •office. '• • I '• • PAGE ELEVEN William, Wiggins, Brown Donald IVIVICAY, 0:114 Al,lan Mae- Intyre. 'Others caged on were Ackent$ tiornert director for ariany years, Cecil Wake and Donald 'Ilhompson, • ' Secretary Frank Thompson re- ported that the 4ZOMPa.Ily shown an increase lin surplus of $,06ftw4th an increase -in volume of 'business, Of over two ,million 'dollars. They, now have a surplus, of 53:3,c for every $1-00 ,4f insur- ance •in force. This is a decrease. of 5c 'from last year. Act a • directors' •meeting 'fol- lowing the annual meeting, Her-. LsOn IrW,,in of Belgrave was rained as president of the company • for ▪ imo-year term *Rh II•aul Cae- sar of Dungannon, at.,Qice-,presi- Snowbelt Counties Seek increased ••;.•Pr�vinciaI -'Subsidy • A. -separate, 75 per 'cent pro, vincial subsidy op snow removal costs will be soUght 1)Y:the maw - belt • municipalities • of -Grey; artice; Huron and pufferin.Cotm- . About 3Q . tepresentatiVes :of • :the municipalities dec ided. to seek the. subsidy :: increase ,., after •a meeting, d OwenSound :by: the:Ontario : Association 'of Mayors .arid: Reeves. • • rOwen 'Sound Mayor Edward. Sargent,: astociatian past. preSi, • dent, paid Owen- Sound and Grey County have .agreed: t� share. the $100 .cos.t. o Producing • a . report for Highways. Minister.•Citarles MacNaughton, ShoWing. the cost • of snow removal : during jannary • far the triuniCipalities of. the four counties. Mr Sargent estimated the .cost at more than 41,000,000. • . Snow removal 'casts now ,are. included general' ighway znaintenarice costs for :.prOvineial • sUbsitly, purchases. Counties Wi-h7. rn the snow belt must spend'more : an .snow rernoval and thus -have lesi: left for summer ,work,• • Other eXpenses incurred by -the ,snowbelt include Capital . costs for 'extra snow re, • moVal.equiPinent, losses't'o snow; • • , • . qme • Hospital Board Committees At -the FebrUary meeting of the. board • of directors of the Wingham Haspital, R 13 'Cousins' of Brussels, was :re-elected -chair,' Man of the board; DeWitt:Miller; Winghain, vice-chairman.: ' The, bOard 'accepted the report of the .•striking • committee in which. the 'gnawing •cointnittites were mined:.• Managerrient, DeWitt Miller, chairman; Dr. Mel Conlin, ROb- ert Gibson, Hairy :Wenger, Mrs'. • J. W, English;- Finance, W. .8. Anderson, •Chairman; G. •W: MacWilliam, N. C. Mac- Lean; Property; j, V. FiScher, • chairman; Alex Robertson, E.'E. Walker,. Robert Coultes, .JAn • Colvin; Building; ,RObert Gibson,' chairman; Public ,Relations, ry Wenger, chairinan; Or; W. A. Crawford, J. V. Fischer, Mrs, •J. W. ',English, John Strong; Joint onference, R. 13. Couirns, chair- man; W, B. Anderson, pewitt, .Miller, Mrs, 1. E, , Mbrrey (ex- officio). , • ,'‘ By moqons of the board John Strong was re -appointed • tette- ,' tary; H.. L, Sherboridy; treasurer; •Mrs. I, E. Morrey, 'adrninistra- trix; ard Dr. W. A. Crawford, chief of the Mrdical •staff. • - The folloWing 'dOctors Were appointed to the medical staff of 'the ihoipital kr the, year 1963; Dectort• MoXim; Mel • CO•II ill Street, Noble,'N. Cr rin Leah" Stephen.3 • ford and' M • • For SnowRemoval bound farmers -Unable to get 'their 'Products to :•rnarketS and:loss of the 'provincial per -dem. attend- ance Subsidy to' schools Bread to close :beeattse -of ,trafficqa•aralYz- ing blizzards.• ;• , • ' The' • Municipalities ask, - first, that the snow-:reinoVal sub `SiclY be separatedfrom that: 'tor' regular road maintenance and sOcorid; tliat'the subsidy now varyini between one-t..hird , and 50..:per cent ,depending • on • the Municipality, be ifiCreased.. to a 'flat 75' per cent:. , • : , , • . 'OVER .320 rOLICIKHOLDERS • : .• (COn(inued.. from page 1) .; 'director an ,•a motion by Jrm •Bradley: and Wilmer Rabb. Wiggiris,of burn was re-elected by-acelatna- ,tion..'also for 4 .3 -year ,:term on a. Motion :by . Harvey (utbert. and Blake. • • , . • ' , Re-elected by acclamation alsn was Allan Maelnfiyre of Kinloss T,ownstiiip. He Was.n6miliated by Harvey -Houston and Garclon • layion. :,Allan.':WaS-appOinted fill. the Vacancy- caused' •when' FrankThotnp.son• :Was , appointed seeretary-treasurer. He willnow rye- .the-2---one7Year • in Thonipson'.s tern,' and Will be eligible for/ re-eleetion again' next Year.- •, • •.BrOWn Smyth. of 'Dungannon, who has, served as -President of the, cOnipany, for the past two. years,:• Opened the meeting and - pad :tribute to numin?. Phillips who retired this year it :secre- tary -treasurer .after, serying,.. for fifte-e•ri years. -.He* expressed. the ,thatthe Companyhad capable successor to Mr P1i11-ips in the person of Frank thointison who was apPointed secretarY-. treasurer .during the, past year.. He spoke ori the many fires the company was experiencing. from defectivewiring.. and unknown .causes. •• ' • Might .Engage Inspector • On inction by William ll'arris and . Frank Currie,the meeting. went unanimously- in favour of having the directors engage a oaisfied '" ,ingpec tor of ' electric Wiring to inspect.propertieS with in the company. A show of hands did not 'bring one riega•tive 'vote to this motion.. The minutes' of the 'meeting read by' secretary' Frank Thornp- soin wire approved on nvOtipn of •Ernest -Ackert and ,Cecil Blake, 'The auditors report Was accepted On a /notion ''ef Harvey Culbert • and .Wilmer ' Robb, and the audit- ing' firm of Touche, Rost, Bailey, and -Smart were ',reapl:iointed on MotiOn of Gordon'' FirilaYson .and LIoyd , . • • , Directors all sPokg briefly and suggested' wayi. id Means, Whereby fire loss might be re:- dueed. They were, Ross -McPhee, Ckeerge 'Feagan„ Berson Trtxin . • • : , • , RE-ELECT ALLAN. MILLER (Continued . fronr page 1) Delegates to the •,district meet- ing. at Tiverton reported briefly. At thisineeting Janet .01...rnuthers: was presented with th.rd..prize • in Abe district in 'the 'Ethel Brant Menttire essay contest. •Janet Won finst prize at th local ,fair • , , The directors'in 'charge:6f the various departm nts reported:,on last year's .exhi 'As and coffered some suggestio 47';(1nies are of increasing. inter ./The v1/.411 was expressed that carriage and rid- ing horse dbasses; be added., .,, . Mrs, Oliver McC,harles report-. ed• .• that revi"0-itins have .already' been .rnade k the Lacliet' depart - Ment, 'fine arts !an,CV flowers, and that • preliminary lists ,of these changes 'will shortly be available. . The meeting•:approved thal.' certificates for merittorionS. ser- vice to the. Soeiety ibe obtained, for. .presentation to Wallace • Ma - ler • and -Mrs. -Richard :Martin. It. was uncertain 'if More than ,.one couldbe presented in One year. Becatike two , Other exhibitors were. winners of T. Eaton'aWards at other ;• fairs, Andrew, ..Gaunt who was third • hi•ghest in cattle,' sheep and swine classes, received tlie silver fruit bowl— . •,: . •Prize money 'paid in 1962 total, led )about $1,50.0.00.: Gate receipts exceeded $500 and the Satiety encied...the year „with a balance Of, .over $400, down • ,gorriewhar &ranial609 balance at the start of the year. •• • The difference was represented fn'a caPitall•expenditure for. fence • 1 # 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 9 0 • 06.46,AhAth,A1•41,41.1~#41b.-411w6,41irAgb.16#4., 9 0 0 .• . Doui Miles, Huron County Agricultural Repre- sentative " and a representative from Cyanamid will he at Locknow 'Co-op Store Tuesday, •February 10 to 6 p.M.. tO discuss • , Fertilizer recommenaations on. Co-op soil testing, and seed grain and grass seed ,re_conunendations . • strict Co -on Phone' 5213-212.5.. AP". 411,411•110.4110•410•••411,41110•111. .1111,q11•4111, 11.• •110•111,9#1, and pens t- the West side of the park.; * :This will be chiefly •recovered 'by the sale of 25 feet of property 1.07130 McIntosh for $100, plus •sihare of .'the fence Post' Tie Board •approved the;,sale. on,Saturday and •authorized. -S, E. Robertson to take the necessary • steps' to officially 'complete the transaction. • • • The 25 deet "squares, Off" both properties and gives Mr. Mac:. room • for ari.a3dition to ...his salts. barn. ' •• ' 1963 Board • . In addition to the offlicers 'pre - v iouSly • • n aimed the Board is con prised of: directors • KinlosS, Evan Philip Steer; Ash- field, Gordon Kirkland,. William G. Hunter; West WaWanosh, Ge.P. Kennedx, iFianli.4VIcQuilil in.; Luck-, noW, S... B.-Stothers, S. ,E. Robert •• AiscCiate. directors Kinloss, •Gib Hamilton, Lloyd. YllacDOti-• Harold Catriphell; Lloyd Ackert,- Jack Ackert; West Wa, wanosh, Wallace Mialer,. An:drew. Gaunt, Fred: Donald J. Gaunt,: Lorne Woods,tarn, 44. • Todd; 13:b j.iyon,S, Jr., Don. Cam- - ••... eion; ' Ashfield, . .Arnold AltOn, . • ''• . Glen Walden, Ross Henderson,. Ralph' Cameron; Lucknow, 'Al,eX. 'Andre*,. narOld Austin; W. A. * • * „ •-• . Schmid,. Bill. Roust -Oa, ' W... )". • . ,, MacDonald, :L..- C. Thompson, John. EMerscin,' Charles Weibsteri• • ..• • Omar, li3rook, pert' Ward. ' : • • Associate lady directors — 'Vire. . , Tom Todd, .. Mrs. Harry' Lavas, ' Mrs. F, • G,, Todd, Mrs. William MactritYre, Mrs. ' Bryce Elliott,' Mrs. Oliver IVIctharles; Mr.S. J,a-'. cob Hunter, ' Mr- Andrew Gaiin ' Mrs. Gordon Kirkland, Mrs. tl,r4;.1) • , , ' ... Keith, Mrs: Arnold. Alter, 'Mrs. • : , Bert Alton,. Mr -s. Charles Wilkint, Mrs. , Allin Miller, • Mrs.. Fr ,.M.CQuilliri, MrS. Wm. G. Hunter, Mrs. Omar Brooks, Mrs. Lorne • • . , Luther, Mrs. Larne Woods, Mrs ' • • • .. ,Ernest Oatint,, Mrs, John., EMer, • ,,-• son, , Mrs. • Jim Aitchison, Mrs.,,, . ' • c Glen Walden, and president of women's . local Organizations. . • .. ' .' i . Auditor S are 'Alex McNay and' ElWiri, Hall. ' • ' : -. 4 ' A Dates for the, 98th -fall fair ..!. ' . • ; were 'set .for the last 'Wednesday .•• . and Thursday, in Septernber. •-•2- ' .:. 25th and 2,6th, . • .. . imaiiimaimmismikillitomioniis•■•■••■•■■••••■•••••••••••••••■•••••••••■••■•••••wasit", . . • s.'•• .r> • ■ • ▪ • , • • • .■ m . a SPECIAL DISCOUNTS .11•.:. • • • • - • . ' 4 ' • • - • To make room for new suites for summer months • • • • • E ARE OFFERING LARGE DISC�UNTS1 '1 On Suites Slightly Used In Our Chapel rade-Ins •On Good t-HES-TEI'.-FI.ELDS ORDER 'NONV, 'WILL DELIVtit L.XTEli, IF , DESIRED • Kitchen Suites • • Bed-SuitesReduced Price ; • • • February • • :Hi:, . • •-• MacKENZIE FURNITURE STORE Lucknow Phone .5.28434.32 '0- • " , • Patil •.aesayi jOhn,,:.Y.fatterinari, it still 0 tin Amine • . . • e' • ' • 0. • 0 0 O