The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-20, Page 9,li WEDNESDAY*, FEB. 20th., 1903 ROY ,N.'BENTLEY, PUBLIC A COU•NTANT GODEItICIJ QNTARLQ Box 478 • Phone JAckson; 4-9521 A. M. HARPER. ,AND 'COMPANY • 4 # Chartered.. countants: 1 • 33 Harnilton St.. • * GODERICII, ONTARIO Telephone JA 4-7562 THE i.UCKNQW sENTiSsi4,..LUCKNOW' : ONTAUUO . HARRIS - I•n' laving m'eniory of Mrs. Everett Harris (Helen. Mac- 1 Donald) Who .passed away Felb- -ruary 31st, 1)952, Always so ,good, ' rtn,selfish and . Few on 'bhis::earth her -eV*); we' find • . . Honor a)bie and upright in 'all; cher Loyal and ,true tell* emdd of'•her days. . " Ever remernbered„ by Husband• "and sons,. READER'S DIGEST • BARGAIN For a ••tirnited time, bargain "rates on Reader's Digest f;r NEW: Ysubscribers; six months -$.1.; one year '$2.; half they regular price, The Lucknow: Sentinel; phone 528.3.134. �OHNSTOIyE'S `FUNERAL HOME :. Modern and Convenient Lucknow; Phone 528-3013 Day or Night •Serving .•Ali' Faiths,, According., to Their Wishes Moderate Prices .Established .1894' A. R.'::DU:VAL D:C., Sp.C. •Chlrop'ractor'; 1013100 , andl ' Eectro rapist �. P W Ingham.7. Phone 300 (Office located. cin Sohn St. West rneiat to Parent* Demimieh.'ark) INSURANCE ' FIRE, WIND, CAStJALTY AUTOMOBILE AND ••.LIFE ToProtect Your Jack, :: Insure With Jack Today. J. A. ''McDONAGH Lucknow,.. Phone •528'-3423 •�. . . STATE..' FARIVJ( MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE '. INSURANCE Investigate Before Investing• REUBEN WILSON ' , • R R, 3, Guderich Phone 80=r-8 'Dungannon R. W. ANDAEW Barrister and Solicitor: LISTOWEL, ONTARIO: IN: ,LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday .:Afternoon .. Joynt Meek • Office in theY Telephone: t' Office 135 • Residence 31-J S..HETHERINGTON, Barrister, Etc. W ngbatn and Lucknow . Il!� LtIbKN'OW, Monday . and Wodn+e dity Located in Kilpatrick. Block 'Phone Wingham Office 48 . .Residence '9:7' IMPERIAL Olt .'PRODUCTS or prcimpt• Service, and' quality products, contact: GRANT CIIISHOLM.' .Picone Dungannon 734-i' • or 10 Ltickfow'. ."Always 1.6 'o Im)i'eria1 T bast" . e • MacKenzie Memorial �hapet • FUNERAL 'SERV)KCE Services conducted accord- ing ccording to you' wishes! at 'your Home, your. Church, or at .. our. Memorial ' Chapel ' at no .' additional charge „ • Lucknow, Phone 528-3432' . Day "or Night,. WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP' We Have Been ..Memorial Craftsmen for : Thirty -Seven Years Always Usirig r THE BESRANITES Along With Expert Designing and Workmanship: Prices .?Most ' ' Reasonable' Cemetery LetteringSpecialty R A. SPOTTON : TON• •:,• Phone 256, Wingham, _Ontario. G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on' ,Patricia .St, . just off the 'Main _: St. 'in WINGHAM Professional, Eye' Exarnination •:Optical Services For' appoint'nieht Ple se Phone 770, Wingham THANKS We wish, to thank all who remembered 'Us at . the.. holiday - season, on birthdays ,and our 158+th wedding anniversary; also to •'the Holyreod W.I. ,an i" Kiplougl W.A.. M`r. and Mrs. Jas'. M. Hodgins Sr.,. R.R. aolYirood, Mrs, Lorne ,Hackett Wishes to 'express ,sincere thanks to all who, so 'kind'ly remembered cher. while • she was ,zn hospital. Srpecial thaiiks • to {those . *ha 'opened the road; also •Drs. .0orri.n .and Mc-" Him ,and: nursing staff.• May•'I take this •opportunity to .express • rny' sincere appreciation for beautiful- flowers, gifts, cards and letters ,received during. my sojourn in St: Joseph's Hospital' sand since returning; .home. , Thank you. Mrs, John A.McDonald. DUNGANNON The , World's. Day of . Prayer, Will •)be heldMarch ,1st at Ers- kine Presbyterian.' church. .Fur-' t ler • par;tioulars , next -week. • Mrs. I. Cranston :a Week visiting Mr;, and. Mrs. Nor- 'Man Kerr of • NNewbon. ':;Mr. and •114rs.: Kenneth Morris of l enniiller.'visited • SSunday with 'his mother ,14rs. Abner.. 'Morris: We are•'sorry to know of .;Mrs. R.hs :: A. MoKentie'' illness. ; She suffered. a .heart 'a'ttack. on Sat urday : .aoorn•in+g 'and was taken to Wingham. "Ho. l for treat,- merit; reat-inert; .. She has.'ben. aking. ' her hem'e lately' at the d'on'e . of her daughter. Mrs., • 'Otto Popp. • The. IC.G:I,T, !Grokiri'ole party: that W,aS . to'be `held last Friday night at the United .churchwas caricelled kill ' this Friday, Feb- ruary' 22nd: ' ' , . M�rs..Pau1'.:Hen•derson, (nee, El - e anor . Alton) Of Hamilton .is. visiting far ra . few days this week with ',her parents . Mr.., sand Mrs.; Harvey' • A1ton•.•. `` : Th'e Erskine 'Pres+byteriari'chur eh:'+held the' ar nua'1 meeting',' of the' congregation on Tuesday ev- eriiivg; rebrearty 12th Rev.. Bod - Sun,day . evenings: ` ia't .1.30" •erick ..Ma..cteo)d-abbe Minister vire- sided. - On We�dne clay even�in,gs, 'Thesided.. After -singing a psalm wird scriptural • ,reading,. : reports Truth "rid ,the: Way", ..is a ;book were. received • from the variotts• .departrz ents, ' ;shoyv.•rng, a.. good balance. ,from ' ,each. .Officers re main the same and Mr.:Bill B'laek. ,was added' to the: board of anan. agement; The meeting ciose•d with 'the benediction . Mr •Harv'ey • Mein tyre • was under.gaTrig a:n <'cip:eraftion :apt 'God.- erich Hospital the. first of this Week. ' . • • The February 'meeting of . the •Women's I`nstituute .which •wras to have been 'February •28th- will'. ,be'. -,held' 'February 27th' at ,the: h�arrre of Mrs. '. Stanley ..Reid.. Miss ' Jeanette 1VGale, ,Owen .•Sound:.'spent. the ' yveek, : end ,at' home'"With ;her parents • Mr. and Mrs. Bens'onr :?Mole. , :Mr.., Paul , Henderson 'formerly, of,Luooknow `' is snaking a' 'name ,Mr hien self in the hockey world.. He ',plays With,. the , Jiunior A's . Of: the lclamilton • Red' 'Wings..'' Ie. b:l arye'd ' with 'his rearm at Peter= ore Saturday, at. Monstreal onSSundaay, and. will ;go to ..Ed- niorbton:.next. Saturday. . Little Randy Alton. son• of: M'r. and iMi`s Ronald Alton . is, this week visiting " +his. grandparents' Mr. •an,d Mrs., Harvey Alton. • The Anglican.:. Ladies Guild, held .a successful ,`.'euchre" in the.. parish Hall' last Friday rig,ht e.pite bhe 'w•eathief. ''Nine .tables ,were in play., Scoring' highest for the; ladies' was Mrs. Everett. Erfington , and ' 2•n'd hi•gh Mrs. .'Otto Popp. Men's high, w,as won' 'by Mr;' Ivan Rivett •a'nd 2•nd high. ,for ,men 'Mr. Charles Riv- C J`MacKENZIE, OD►. Optometrist NOW ItN RI •• .EVERY WEDNESDAY Office Hours. 10.00 am. 'to 9.00 p.m.' : Phone. Roy MacKenzie, Ripley 96 -•r-24: • for r appointx ent: p., R. W. BELL OPTQMETRIST -- GODERICH F, 'T.. Armstrong Consulting Optometrist The .Square (Phone JAckson 4-7661) LU.CKNOW .DISTRICT • 'CO-OPERATIVE INC. Lticknow, 'Phone 528-2125 TED ..COLL1f ER Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL' CONTRACTOR Specializing,' in Fiectrie treating, Electric Wiring and Repairs and All electrical Appliances,' Luck low Phone ' $2g-5182' • PACE NINE. 4,• i` CON$RVAIVE NOMIN.ATING, NVENTION Legion Hall '— Clinton FRIDAY, MARCH 1 1963 -- at 8.00 p.m, Authorized by Huron Progressive Conservative -Association4 ebt. The door .prize" Sivas won by ,Mrs.. Mary Rivett, A . bake sale was well patronized. ' • The, t4 ird:: meetimg of the 'Dun- gannon, nitf ty. nellzes ' a , severing ;project for the 4-H . Club girls was•.ihield,,a+t.Orchard Row school on Saturday, February 1 tit The meeting opened ' by repeating the 4-H Pledge .and. the • secretary Arlene Dickson' gave the min- utes Of. the last• meeting and 'the Rohl" • Ca11im ::. wins answered by. eight 'members, The' two. Tenders: assisted the girlu in cutting out their dusters ,and explained stay-; sttlirrg and its purpose:.:Horne' assignments ;:were given and the meeting closed with :the' ,.Queen: Mr. ' ,Ceet , . Culbert, who ' has been six. weeks at Goderioh'. Has 'p'ital' .'with, infection.m his . ;may have :to iniciergo,:an •opera tiori . to 'speed up the recovery 1.l,ev. N. L. G osteny i is, holding .comrriunicants : Classes.. for . ten young " folks ;: in preparation for j.oi,ning the •church. The meet - Inge for • instructions are .,held: Gcivilier, Mcintdst 7 -and -Ward' • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS' R.eside'nt "'Partner, el, E. Kennedy,. C•.A, t)pposit'c Post Office • Phone 881.3471. ' . Walkerton Of study led . +by Rev; `Gostonyi with the ,meetings, held alternat ely in .Dung•ann,an, Nile and. 'Port. Albert .,. chur..'oh'es . and. for a .'time now: will' be •held at Proposes Rec Director For Threi: Centres Recreation organized ...on. 'such an area ,basis. Would ' divide CelitS and make engaging a � ir'eotor economically Possible .for smaller oomnurnities, he, said.: ' • L. E Stanbridge. ofHa' -over, representative of the' cornrow' tj .predrams branch of , the depart- ,rnent sof education, said he knows of no 'mask,. .such' ,a plan 'would not work; •eepeei>a.1by . for , ,adult ' programs: There . might .be problems . in apportioning the dir- ector'swork "`'between municipali- ties ' but "the time may Abe•' - ing when we thinis • ng.., of 'receation ori an 'area basis ".. 1VJr'. Oruncks+hank said •'ieiitkler' Lucknow nor.Teeswate'r hadbeen' approa'ohed .on his idea Wingham has .not .had. • a mec reation • director for 12 years but looai interest in .+having ...a dir- ector 'again • prortrr d taeat- ng. ;Org ization representatives.. will take' . the .proposal ';to 4he r' own . grau+ps and r+eporit to • the next Recreation • Coinrission meeting. VI.,. recreation, plan which would .be unique has been proposed by G. W.. ;(Bud) C•ruckah.artk,.:,a•'mem- ber ofk,Wingham .Council: recrea- tion committee. The ,meeting,. ,of Wingham's. Recreation ;.Comnuss'ron. and ',rep= resen.tatives ' from .servree ,chubs was eonsideirin;g the. ;advisability sof engaging ;a 'recreation director when Mr .Cruickshank suggested, one ;director be hired. for Wing- harn Teeswater and Luck&io:kv,.' • Ts Your Subscription. Renewed?, THE WEST WAWANOS. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Ilead :Office, • Dungannon • Established 1878 • BOARD OF ' DIRECTORS. . " President, Brown:.Smyth; Dun- gannon:, Vice -Pres:, Herson win Ir - g Bel rave• .Directors, Paul Caesar; •R. 1, Dungaime ;_ George 'C. Feagan, 'Goderich; ` Ross Me Phee, R..3, Auburn; BDonald P. MaoKay,' It.' I Ripley; . JoIA F. MacLennan,. R. 3, Godeericli; Allan MacIntyre', R. 5, Lucknow; Wm. Wiggins,: R:, 3, Auburn. • For information on . your in- surance,„ call k'your -nearest direr - ,tor.; who is also' an agent, or the secretary,' Frani iF, Thoiripson, Dungannon,. phone Dungannon 48.... • , PEDLAR AGENCY ..Egg' Pick=up Depot For. G=olden -Glow HOG CONTRACTS FINANCED (Cornplete) LIFE CONCENTRATES whether it 'be A. DAIRY, HOG, POULTRY or SUPPLEMENT are baanced .:to give you better resutts...Priced right. M eeds;findChops Bas call' `: to .drele y KNECHTEL and SAN HETO,, I: ucknowBranch,. 'ho.ne 5.2$ 301 �:'tere's A 14'.w. Every Need' t.