The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-13, Page 10t •. PAGE' TEN • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, FEB, 13th, '19.0 .OId: Times With Arena cked Ear �:H�mi #-Goderich Gamy I�llor�day • r_ift�egn hundred hockey fans Packed, the Lucknow :,Arena on Monday ' evening for the exhibi- tion game between Hamilton Jr. A; .Red Wings and ,Crederich Jr. H .Siftos It was in 'effect "PaulHender- S. Night,'! 'wit'h ,the turnout .a • iraibute to. this Lucknow-born youth who rose from "minor, shoe- I, ey 'pranks in the Sepoy Town to potential N,HL, eali�bre. . ,the- store. was incidental. Last. :year's Memorial'' Cup •Charnpions bad too much finesse for the Sif- tos, and ,defeated "them 12-0, But it wasn't •that one-sided. The Goderich ,boys gave iteverything they had ,and the crowd was pul.. ling for them to flash the light, at least once,, • Never -letting up they., ,gave it one 'of their 'best tries in the last. ten ,minutes. but a stout defence, and uncanny goaPkeeping Ott , rar- ted every effort„ Doucet and Har rop shared the net minding chores` for the Wings, .while B., •McNab. ;faced the.,nusic for three gperiods in the 'Goderich „nets: He stopped •i�w-i%i%/ii A SINCERE THANK YOU From The Lucknow . and . District' Lion Chib to the people, of this area for their support in attend- ing the ` Hamilton-Goderich .. hockey game on Mon-' day. The .Lions, were ,gratified to see the arena filled. for .the first time in. ' many : years. YOUR . SUPPORT WILL FURTHER . THE, . PROJECT OF ' ARTIFICIAL ICE IN THE LUCKNOW ARENA ATTEND THE BENEFIT DANCE �ridqy Night, Lucknow Legion Hall Kinloss 'Boy Scouts are sponsoring a.. benefit dance. for Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'j-Iowald • and fainily ; in. '. the Lucknow .Legion, Hall on Fridaynight of this week: The Howalds lost ';their 'house and contents by fire a short time ago and the .Kinloss ' Scouts' are seekingthe support of the community in this project. Cards and Games will berovided for': those who', p do not: , wish. to :dance. Space. Donated By C UR ' LOCAL CREST HARD • WARE Phone 528-30.08 WE CARRY A. m �o Fete.. stock Of Materkils For'. ODERN I(ITCNEN CABINETS including RB.OR:I,TE range. Of „Beautiful Colours: YWOOD . All 'Thicknesses' �rbme Binges and Pull: Metal Mouldings $helving Tile, Board n A Variety:Of Colours You Are Invited To Come '1n And These; Materials Over, John w.:.Hend�rsbtt Lumber • a lot of rubber in a stout-hearted display, that had: both attackers and defendersparked. an ;top of• him on many occasions. :The Wings scored 4 'Tri the ,first, 5 in- the seeond and 3 in the final frame,. The scaring was wen div- ided, Thomas land .Savage had, two: 'each with single markers •netted. 'by Peters, Gofton, Henderson, Martin, W�a11, Noels; Ma�nsh and Cras'hT�ey ' Hamilton -- goal, D,oucett, Har- rap; def., Doak, Wall; centre, Campbell; right wing Henderson left wing, .Peters; alit., CnasMey, Goegan,' Thomas, Martin,' Lofton. Marsh, Savage, Pipe, . -Hagerman, Noels, Cameron,.. • Goderich' ' goal, McNak Patterson and , Skeoch; centre, Thorn son; . deft wing; .Loveless; right wing,:.. Gow let,• alt., Nether-. ington,Bowness,' McClure;,. Leduc, Coniley, Williamcaon, Jeffrey, $Hell,• •Graham, • Referee, :Frank Slotta, Kitchen,- s'm' er; Linen, :Robert Allan, Gor- don Crawford, Goderich. ' • 1st Period Hamlilton— • . Peters (Casnpbell)• • 1:30 Lofton' (Grashley, Martin) 9.06, Thomas ,(Gofton, Martin)' ,. 0:50 Savage (Marsh) - , . • 18:45 Penaltiest Goegan of .Hamilton;, two !hooking .Fenalties; _ Jeffrey,' of Goderich; kneeing. 2nd Period. Hamilton,—: Henderson (Peters,.: •: .Campbell).1:55 Martin ',(Lofton, G'oegan) .4:20, Wall (Martin, Gofton) 8:56 Thomas (Gofton, Goagan) ; 14:85 Noels (Henderson, , Campbell) '17:08. Penalties:: Goderich, . Patterson;;' ,lashing;• •McLu•re, charging; . Ham- il+ton, ;Groeg!an, •holding Doak, terference, :Marsh, slashing.. 3rd Period Hamilton- ' Marsh (Cameron) :;' '4:40 Savage • Crasghley .(Thomas; 'Gofton) 9:.15. Penalties: Goderich; Skeoch, roughing, Hamilton, , , Cam:pbell,; roughing, REBOUNDS The ' attendance '• •at, the ggatne'. n .Monday • was about 1.500: The arena, hasn't 'accoxninodat ed :a crowd - like that 'since the Chin .line; was flying over a• de wade, arid "a• ago:. r Probably: :the happiest• man in the •• builduig was; Paul' -Header - son's , father, Garnet Henderson,. who was !beaming. ,with' justifia- ble pride. • Probably the most disappoint ed person in the community was: Paul's.. ,mother, who missed the game as he 'is hospitalized in Winghrain recovering tfroni 'virus pneumonia: Paul: visited her in the hospital eiiroute to Lu kzio w 'The Harrrilton team. had •a, brief, stop ..in Wirighath while`, coach': Eddie Paul Henderson' and Gary. Doak made a TV appear . an-ce on John Brent's sport cast:' Bush, • h'o, started, ;h,is ;hoc+key'. career, in Collingwood, played. Junior with'f�ni' elph and ,pro hoc- key with Detroit, 'has' been, Coach- ing the Hamilton' Juniors, for 3 years. r N !h•on4 5 28' R Liicknow • :,.. • M Timber Tips. • This Past week the 3 ;top place teaxns• took 4 points 'each from their . opponents with . the Cubs, Scoring off the Gophers, the T1- gars. off the: Coons and the Beav- ars with the Zebras, . The other six 'teams ended •up• with•3 point victories with 'the Chipin'unks, Wolverines ' and Kangaroos taking 3• points at the expense of the.., Lions, Squirrels and Pole .Cuts, ' . •. ° The Cubs` set a new ..Learn triple ,againwith a, flat •teaxr�•triple of. 313�8.•and -.3392 with 'handicap,. It was 'team effort. all, the. way for the 'Cubs, The Gophers were bowling well too with Charles' Anderson scoring 687 and' four of the• other ;bowlers were over the 500 flat. mark. • Marie and Bill Stewart set, the. pace for 'the. • Tigers and 'Grant Chis�hoini: `'and ,Mel and .Helen Dickson were Close''•behind. Mary, Fisher- was ..tops"for 'the' .losers. ' Donald MacKinnon• led the way for the '.Beavers with :a• 711. flat score and Len andFern„Mac Do'nald, Marion. MacKinnon were over , the 8;50 .flat mark Stuart. Jamieson : was high for the•';Zeb-. ras.. ' Betty Garuro`n and Lois: Allah led: the way., for the !Kangaroos over the short handed Pole Cats. Josie .Hamilton . and Hazel Web: star. had. .high; !honours for/ the Pole Gats: '' r • /• .Al Baker rolled'x.600 flat:, plus 96 handicap for 696 and AhJohn.- ston scored. 6,00 :handicap• includ ed for the Wolverines:Top. bowl- ers, for• the Squirrels were ''Bett:y 'and' ;:Roy Finlayson with. 651 and 643 and ',Bill ' uttpn's• 612 Phe Chipniu:nks • were ' �b'gaster ed for 'their :attack 'by Jim , Ma- thers' and Bill Bunter: with scores of 646 and 608 and ; John 'Park; was `high ; for the'• I:+ions Standindgs Cubs •57; Tigers 50,, • Beavers' 48, Zebras 41, Chipmunks 37; ° Lions 35, Coons -34, Pole Chats 34,Stan garoos 33, Gophers 31; Squirrels 28, Wolverines .2'7: Gary• 'Doak the . Goderich ' evict lad. who graduated to the, Wings: this year ,and ° is . a ' rock on defense, summed 'it up pretty , ;well 'when he .said • that the.,big : di•ffererice. ,between A' an�d.'B; ;is; you have to. •t'hink, .act. and .move faster: That 1was evident in the ,game:` *.r The event was Sponsored by the LIickn�iow and;;Distr erLion Club in support Of the artificial .ice .project. The 'ice »lias ,been in. operation 'since • ;the first of De Caliber and the .:.project will •.be completed •with ;the pouring ,of a ;concrete floor. : . Lucknow: Midgets Must V,•in Tonight. Luckn'ow: Midgets will be be- hind the $'-ball as they. go• into •We'dn.esday (tonight's). game ' against . Blyth” in the •LucknQw. retia., Lucknow is behind two games to one in the'best-of-three series. Lucknow.-- ,wan the f;nt game with, Blyth, +t'rimming . them, 9-2 last Wednesday ;in Blyth and Blyth ,care out' .on top 'again -in y Lucknow an '.Friday by a 9-'1 sc�o re. Game time, tonight is 9 - Come - Corrie -o�: t and support 'the Mid- gets and cheer them on to victory. Luck�now ; Dis"trict. Haigh $0hool.' In The school auditorium • folioW ing the game,:they. were served. sandwiches, milk 'and were be- fore starting back•., For :the . Red, Wings Ott` meant about, a 21 ,hour bus trip, 'so it would.lbe pushing•' 2:00 a.m., when. ' they, got back. .`t • -The Wings . had a �bene#it ex • hibi�tion game it Toronto' Tues- day night With a ,Metro Junior A . team, with proceeds. for a player Who lost 'an eye in' the' playoffs: last ' .year..• // !. �'A7 Speaking of ,, playoffs, E'die Bush was asked' 'how.. he•'rated: this ,team with last year's: cham-.• : pions. ,Without oommittisug; him-• Self, he sa�id'.•th:ey'` had last some of ttheir. e'xperienc'ed players and. were going with a younger squad thus season: • ' }fe's •well • 'pleased . wi,t'h' : their • showin , and they're rolling well g. now and. --winning some of the lois.:: ones.. The Wings 'are curren'ly, one:point:' from a second -place .tie and. certain ' of a ' playoff spot:. Hocke . •.fans, in:this district will Y now be: keeping.• an eye on them more'. closely than. ever. fs • ., Incidentally the Forum•; :holds close; to ; 4,000; and in case you're interested the, crowds:as yet' are •neat • of .sellout s oapaelty. The Lions consider • theamselVes ,: fortunate:in having 'been able' to ►bring . •two"' such' Clubs. to ',nick-. riow:'and ` their. sincere 'apprecia-• tion :goes out: to • Coaches Eddie Bush; and'. to Jack Evans. •of ',thee Goderich_ Siftos: .9 The players were'' ready . for the 'post• game. eats;. & went for the g•e • aus.'•heaps .of. sandwiches which•';they` ' w shed':down" with , 123.'1 f pint bottles :Of milk chocolate and white They would. .have . finished off a few !pose, 'but.• their consumgption was underesti- s- na-t dHowever tr•ere--was--iplenty Reeve' G: W. Joynt :and Lloyd,. Ashton,' ' president Of the Lions :Club, were on TV on ;Friday, :and gave •a run down of ` arena ' pro posals' • and the artificial ice pro- ject. The two teams' used the dres,. sing rooms and • show:ers at the'. • tI • Last •year"they coped the Mem' •orial. Cup, emblematic• Of Junior • supremacy in :Canada. They played 80'•games during the sea= son,: • losing . only' 12, • • p. . Fust said ,Pant "Henderson's 41: goals •at .present' is quite a fete , Junior hockey, Paul is the high goal getter. 'in the loop., :arid third' in the ,coring. race with 25 assists f,r, a total of 66 pcitits., • • .. Pau:' eicpressed'pleasure in be ins 1"�aek to • Lucknow and .with,' the.r'eeption: they; received, Rid- 2 ing . the bur with the team from .• the High Schr r 1 to' the Arena. Paul t9r,k a lot' of ribbing froth d b diate _• such as,. "there:'s the. City •'`yra'u.'{avegot .a pool' ol' ' Whoi9' .' ii tt�ry.wat r Yl/yy' er," etc.. 6„otc. 1' 1 B ,of hot coffee as 'a "chaser", and a bag of 'sandwiches to take with them. iw< Good luck Red Wings and, hits off to a- .plucky Si�fto team., was • the final departing salu,te..• Hanover' Councih• has approved in principle an .: extension to •, sewage: ',installation- that would: pave ' the way for ` a proposed, ' •$1,000,000 shopping plaza in that town;' The- .plaza : will • centre i around :a new ;$180,000 bui1dfn�g planned; by • Smitty's Shhoppiflg centre, . For Ar. and Mrs. Bill •McCreati and family Ripley Township; Nall Thursduy February 14th- ,Music, 13y.:Cartutherg .Orchc tra THOSE"W HING. TO DONATE' ''Without Attending Danc4 May. .leo So By Leaving : Satre At •.'k oyai Bank,,. Ripley, M •