The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-02-13, Page 7fit WEDNE3tUAY, FEB. Lith, 196i Lucknc.v.. W.I. Meeting . Report. Iueknow Wornrens nAstitute herd their regular .meeting Feb - ;vary 8 with, 28 ,members pres- ent. Mrs, J. L. MacMillan. pre- sided for. •t,he business session,. Plans Were, .made. to ..hold an afte. rn+oon !bridge and evening, euchre party on February 20•,. The Roil Call was y ''Something 11 would like to see done in our Institute". Pennies for !friendship; were ec4keted. The Resolutions •. Convener, Mrs. VI/,.i F. ..MacDonald„ presided .for th program, Mrs; I. Mac'kenzie gave, a resume ' on, Canadian' world • r LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNoW, ONTARIO' PAGE SEVEN obligations, under. Farm Forum Beide Miis hazel Webster gave' a reading on eloc.ks. Mrs,A. •Mac;. Diarmid . very capably demon. stratl.d making robs.An interes- ting panel ,discussion on .resole=. tions in 3 parts, Value and im- plgmen.tatron, 'Resolution; proper, Ditties. of C;onveners, was' eon- ducted by Mrs, W. F, MacDonald, assisted lby Mr's A. Ma,cDiarrnid, Mrs. H. Nixon. and Mrs. C. Hal- lam ,tAll niernbers took part in a Question Box,. Lunch was ser- vcd' by, hostesses Mrs.: W. F, Mac- w'onal'd,-. !Ms. Sproule, Mrs. A. MacU•iar - d, Mrs; Solomon, Overdue bills of an ingenious- rlf,r!tbi• now • bear a sticker read . "'Long tirri.e' n+o fee. 'y :•�f: t 7a agaS Itall. depends`on 'whetter your home`" needs- the touch of a master painter, :' new bathroom fixtures, or a complete re -modelling. .' job in the kitchen. ' • If 'there's work to be ,done to lmprove your put the time to it in hand. 'home, 'now . is :' when hands skilled in 'Wintertime is the•'tiltne Putting houses in order are available at.ehort i ..... ' . the best time to get repairs : notice. N.�w is • .. One thoroughly, quickly, and' ' and renovations d .. Y ,at lowest coat. •1- If the worjc you have, in mind -coats more than you care to put out iii cash --= there's no prob lem:.:SimP 1Y• see your neighbourhood branch y of "MY'• BANK" ' and arrange .for a low-cost • B of. M Dome Improvement Loan_. T•he man who serves you qat the' B .of M will be. glad to do it =-even if his name isn't George, .13ABtN K ('j-p'I O N 'ILEAL• BANK' iv/atm"utookos Lucknoww. $randy MIL oN RAYNER, Manager ,. WORKING WITH CANAd1ANS. IN EVERY WALK •OP LIFE SINCE 1 at 7 KINLOUGH The. Evening ;Workers' met, on. Monday at the 'home of Edna, .& May • ,B•oyle. The President, Mrs. Bert Nicholson chaired. the srr,ee't- ing. Thehymn, Blest are. the Pure In Heart was .sting to open the meeting . with, . prayers fol- lowing. Mrs. Roy Schneller read the scripture:. Miss May Boyle gave the meditation' "Our 'Heart eniy 1')ather undez stands." Each member repeated their ,favourite hmin for the roil .call, 'Business was then• dealt. with. Letters of appreciation were read troin vagi- aus `people, also, one •from.. The Rev Stanley and ,,Mris,'' Terries (Doris 'Lloyd) of .Big, Trout 'Lake or the 'lovely • ale the ladies had sent' to; that. Mission. before .Christmas. The Tonnes family are, at present on ,holidays, at their •hoomnes in Clandeboye & Te9indin,. and plan to visithere and show pictures o.f their work in the far north. Mrs...Bert Nicholson kind- ly Offered her,. home .for that ev- ening. Mrs: v-enin,g..Mrs: amid' Halde:ntby fa-; youred with the .solo `Bless this House:" Mrs:: Roy' Schinel:ler, Mas. Bert Nicholson; Mrs. Don . +Gilles- Pie, Mrs. George.. +Hadlenby and ;May Boyle each took tpart im. the +program." The ,president closed' the meeting With prayer and gave the ; cdur. tesy,_ reniarks.: 'Refresh .ments were served by the ,hostel ses. • The .H,W.I.. met in the hall on. ,Thursday. with Miss Edna Boyle and Mrs. Morgan Johnston hest. osses:.Mrs Lym,ari. Sutton presid- ed and the ,ineetin•g �opened. with the Ode and the Mary, .Stewart Collect..Severalthank. you; Tetters • :Were :read rfrorn those:who receiv=. 'ed' cheerio boxes, at Christrr`ras ,:time.. ..Standing Committee • re- ports` were given .by • Mrs. Larne. Eadie,. Mrs.. William 'Eadie and, Mrs...Charlie ' IVLurray. Judges for the cookie' contest were M•rS.. Lime Eadie and.'Mrs. Alex Per cy, :Prizes were. given to' Mrs. 'Lyman Sutton and and Miss iEdna. Boyle.: Mrs Harold Haldenby re- ported on the'Boy Scouts' and .an- nounced their 'banquet' for Feb- ruary 23,rd Their •Ch+urrch, service' Will be 'held: at +the Kinloss tJ it - ed' Church 'next Sunday at 3:Q0. o'clock. 'Mrs.' 'Harold H•aldenby. was, • the 'program . Convener.. 'All enjoyed •a sing -song after .whic;li. Miss ,Ruth: • 'Thoni,pson, District • 'Health Nurse talked onfirst aid ,and .;gave imforr ia•tion on; what to do iTl ..case' of ; an accident' or' •drowning.'arid three- of the Boy Scouts under• twhe leadership' ,of their scoutmnaster, iLloyd :'Ackert, gavea demonstration on first aid.. The .ro11 call` 'was, W+h'at would . you do if you' Were at •the .Scene ',of . an, aoci+dent?"'Mrs .:Har olid:Hal•:dentby conducted a ,Valen- •Mrs: Emile'MaeJ en+nan;,wa+s the ` The death of Miss Isabella For• tine contest . and •also: 'avou•red prize `winner. at the card _party hes •,Smith. ),of Hamilton ' occurr!ed:' w'ith:•a solo'M;rs. Apex Percy gave 'at +A•mberley Hall an.. Tuesday 'on 'Thursday; 'January 24th at the :motto,:'"No one'•.gets. indigos evening. Hamilton. General • Hospital In . tion from swallowing fins pride:. Congrattilati&ns to' .Mr:' and ;her 73rd year:: ` Lich .was prepared by Mrs..M. , Mrs. 'Ross MacKertxie :ova the ar- ,; .IVliss. Smith was ;the, daughter Katherine Collins, Mrs. :Frank rival of ,�a. Ibaby •boy in�; Wingha�rn of the. late Rev •and.. Mrs. tBen�a Maulden: had the lucky• ch+arr. The ' H•ospitah min;' Smith, `'a former. minister at; rnneeting closed with the queen :',Kenne•th• Wylds,1 son: of Mr: & K,inl'o±ugh . Presbyterian; Chatrch,;` where he ministered, early in the . century from .about.:1+902 '.to 1909.. Mi s Smith was predeceased by ,her parents' sand .' a '.brother .William :George Smith of Chat- ham; ' Miss Smith was • an aunt, of ... Mrs:' S, G, Patterson. of•,Wallace= burg.. ,. A private • funeral' service •was e .NNwswa 1 =: • • t. • •' • • • • •• • , ON ALL Dry a Free peliv0ryand Pickup: This 'special ;offer is effective until Friday (noon), February 15th, 1963 Calls• HENRY'S FRUIT MARKET Lucknow Phone :528-3015 • • Agent For` • �NANOVER DRY: CLEANERS • • ••snaoNsons•aa!•na•naon••a•aoeo••••a••n••aaaai• RIPLEY MEAT :'MARKET Custom Butchering •Mondays Hogs, '$2.00: ui ..by 4:00 pan. Cutting' and Wrapping, 2c pound .CATTLE;: •CALVES • and LAMBS EVERY DAY, EXCEPT 'SATURDAY We. Do Curing and Smoking'.... Beef, •Pitrk.`and• I:ennb. Sold Whole, • Half, or 'Quarter . For. Better. Service, • And':.Lower 'Prices Call. Ripley' 100, • Char. Hooilms, Prop•.' day • :afternoon at the Thome'. of • Mrs:. B. Schneider. ' The °+vestry ' meeting: will be held. on Monday eveningg,+Felbrtu- 'ary 1'&th.. LOCHALSH Mr. David White.returned:home .from• Victoria' Hospital in London; ..Mrs. Emile •1VIacLennan spent a few days visiting at the BrotchieFormer';, Kinlough home in Kincardine. , Mr. George . Mune, ief has re turned to ' Vicioria Hospi,tal'�rn Res dein ::basses Londe• `after. spending the 'past. McCharles.• of Toronto and Mr,. • and Mrs. Donald: McCharles and Scott of Brantford` : ' Mr. and Mrs.. Walter ; Dexter. spent Tuesday in London : Visiting Mr and Mrs. D'. R. MacKenzie and 'David White were Mr.: and. Mrs Roy ,'Connell;.' Mr. and Mrs. George Carter and Mr;; and . Mrs. Jack ...KelTar ;Of Clinton tw"o weeks at . hi•s home:' Isabella 'Forbes Smith and ,grace and lunch was served. Mrs 'Warren Wyl�ds is ;a- •patient: We' extend best wishes to Mrs. in Kiricardi:rie Hospital.. -.Tames: ' ,Hodgins who' celebrated Mr. Henry' .MacKenzie is hole - her birthday on Monday, Febru- dayin'g in .Montreal. with 'hits bro- ary llth and to Mr:. and Mrs.: ther, .Rev. F. S. •Mac.Keirrzie.. Hodgins who will celebrate their Congratulations to Mr. and gRt' ••al:. 58th • Wedding. anniversary• an "Mrs. John Marc ae on �the'arriw Friday, • February 15th. . " of.:a •baiby, daughhter,• •in •Wingham Mrs, Abbert Colwell° Of ,Kinloss' General Hospital', on 'Friday, Visited on Thursday, 'evening: with Visiting Mr„' land • .Mrs Oliver Mrs, . . J. . -W. Colwell:' '•' -• :' McCharles •and.• Jahn on th•e''week„held. yin Hamilton- with interment;: -_. .,Con r.atula•tioris to Mrs • • and ,,end• were. Mr. and . Mrs, Allah 1 in Oakwood Cemetery, Sinicoe.: Mrs, ,Ralph'' Haldenby 'of Port Hier,■e■pIauuspl■ae ■i N■ase■ase■.Ieuasaalasiliammai' Credit on the birth 'of a:dau •hter, ” '' g ' ■ ',Now Is The' Time, :To' Install ' . .:a sister for Billy. � � ■ � t ., we are pleased to re:p'ort that ai Mrs. Catherine : i ewntt, who .has. NASH . ALUMINUM ■ , o is Hos- ■.. ice, been �patien•t in Victor ■ •petal ondon, was removed, to n.. Kincardine Hospital ■ WINDOWS an .'. DOORS ■ ,Vhe ' annual .meeting' of the '•n . . Presbyterian .Churc‘li was 'held on ■ Make your home comfortable •and more attractive by ■ Tuesday a,f turn con. ,:.• Sunday visitors With . Mts. J. " ■ windows. • installing "NASH aluminum .. combination, doors and W. (Colwell were Miss Annetta n • • gauge extruded •' 'lie' : ase units are made o • heavy Forster of Toronto, M r5. War ■ Forster .an.d'Cathy of Ripley:>and aluniirium• : a Mr. and Mrs: Don Mccosh of cut Fuel. 'Bills' Up To 30% • Purple Grove, .. 'Congratulations to T iane Alegi WE INSTALL AND .SERVICE. WHAT WE :SELL a' witt On .passing herGrade VIII on Stanley, i who was dsuc fel : '■i, STEWART'S AiUi1nwn Saes 'piano examnations t 1 Is 'in her Grade. VI piano atam%na- ■ • 101 Vletor�a Sty, G°cle 4chPhone collect JA 4.8821 .1a tions ■ • ■, The .W.Awill moot con Mutieiaaai•raiea•wiaasiria•iree■alaee•aaee1•ii ■ea