The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-30, Page 12PAGE 'TWELVE • • il. • at • THAT'. the ` Park . Tl ieatre in 'iGod- ericlh +willbe closed during Fe- brucirly, , reopening on February 28th. wvith •+;the : picture "Serg- eants Three." ' THAT 'last Week's storan caused postponement on 'Thursday ev- ening of . annual meetings in both the Presbyterian and; Uri- THAT there :were our more em - iced churches.. 'Each has • been ,ployees •laid off at the Beatty: aaescheduled for this Thursday • • Ladder Factory on Monday, re evening.ducing the.. payroll to: about ten THAT W.' L:• MacKenzie returned. men at present, including the t,o •Lueknow on Monday (from firemen, Prospective buyers Florida where lee has •vacation- are reported to have visited the ed for about six weeks. Mr.: plant at the week-end- `.:MacIenzie went arld . returned • THAT Mr.. and Mrs. Wm? Buck- by bus -leaving •Florida. Satur- �''i zghain. df. 14elfastt are having day night and arriving in Lon- . trouble getting • a, supply ,of don Monday. where. (he was met Wood, and 'are looking for a by J•iin Boyle...the weather in small ' heated apartanent in :rF'lorida was a variety, Of temp- Lucknow. Hill: says, "There erabures- with sunny bright ' arehundreds of cords of wood' • weatherprevailing for the bus for save, but it is in someone's ,trip hone. NN•I••N . , . •N•••N••••IN••/••r••rN•NNN*� ii l•�����ee�•���le�N��+B■�������l�ti•!!*��;�N�N•MN•NNl��. i • • • •> •.„ ••; • • • • • ' ,• - • WEDNESDAY, .JAN, 30th, 1 THE LUO NOW, .'S NE'` +• 7 +UCI NOw�; ONTARIO ..., THAT the names of S.. B.:Stdth- ers. ;and : Doug Miles, the first and the (present agrtou-tura re: presentati'ves in. Huron County, are to be 'engraved on the skis- sores .used in cutting the ribbon. to officially, mark the opening • of the.new office in 'Clinton. THAT Jim Wilson of West• Wa wanosh returned home recent- ly from . Wingha'm Hospital: where he..was a patient for 2, weeks as; a• result of • injuries. 'received `in a fall .from the straw mow. It: has become a1 :most an,' 'annual January `Se. N •ent" for Jim to be hospitalized.. THAT the :storm, failed to cancel .the shoot party 'at. the Parish • Hall lastWednesday.. High scores were made by Mrs. Etta °Roberts• and Russell Whitby &. consolation prize 'winners. were Mrs. J. R. King' and Lyn, Hod- , gins: . • ,bitsti under four feet of • snow." THAT it takes; ' quite a storm to "washour the annual. Fire- men's Bobby Burns bail, but that was What 'happened last Friday evening, Haven't heard Whether or .not it will be re-:'. , scheduled at. a later. date, TMT Saturday, February 2nd is Candlemas Day, when tradition has it that the "groundhog will ' . come .-cforth• for a look atthe weather condition; Depending on whether or not'he sees his • shadow ,(meaning whether' it's sunny or dull) will". determine .how much more winter• is "in. 'store Any .groundhog who bur-' rows,,through, the . snow on Sat- urday justto uphold tradition, • deserves ..to, eget shot.at. • THAT Bill; Waall, of • Kincardine is. a .persistent mail ' truck , driver. _who Aries to uphold the tradi- tion tion '; that •the mail 'must go through. His efforts to main- • tain the': • schedule gave him some rough times' last week On. one occasion • he had to: walk some distance' to Holyroa!d. to get help to get him out of the snow drifts. With: the 8th Con- cession ,blocked he, returned to Lucknow to: make -for Kincar , dine by way of Highways 86, ; and 21,. and'. 'that B1uewater. stretch •.was .a nightmare' for moatorists, • 'Lackof patronage has•. decided: Alton Adams, ;proprietor ,,of ,the ;Lyceurir..Theatre,Winghani, to :run 'the... show only Friday and Saturday evenings. •• ,' • v0000000000000locoixroaeoreectees0000000etool000esog Size, A Real ' :-blot" Special.• One Pound CHECK OUR MARKET. FOR,; THE FINEST • SELECTION -OF FRESH . FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. ASK YOUR FRIENDS; TiEY KNOW' >ir�iiiiiiii�-- •.!•. ;.• '• •i, •..i•,--: iii,-iiii�•ii !i-�; •, Lu�kno.W Fruit . M r1 —'' YOUR MAIN �LPfERSECTION FOObI:AND.. Neilsen Cocoa SuperSoh, t•••• Beef Stew Super .Sale • 2 tins 79� Burn's Large 15 oz.; Size. Save To 19c ; Instant Coffee. Super SIe-I'. Cheery Morn. -Giant :10 . oz. ' Really Save. fldeTD�iergent . �u r Sale $ _1.23 King Size. 30c .:Off' Pkg. Save To 38c.' Package.' TomaloSoupSuper. Sales 100 tins 99c Campbell's 10 oz.. A ,Real Money—Saver. Phone'`L 528-3420. ,slues 'Effective Jen.. 31, 'Feb.` .1, . 2 e••M`!!••fm•!Nr • R FASHION DOLLAR BUYS MORE 10 CONTINUES DIXOUNT on eve .SAVE ban THiSW!E ling you bud. AGENT FOR KINCARDINE .CLEANERS Free Pick•Up:. and INdi err,Monday and T i sdiiy a;a� rand Mee': ear - I ►. iNN•••+••• a ••••l••o•••eao••••ieeeN••N••N••IN•N•l•l•�N••••N..N•••!••N• • • , .. ' RED CROSS DISBAN1i'. v on., .' rw ",. DS ved by a suitable . edrtorial. in boys :pajamas,' 20 girls pajaainas, made a fist of . e cry e ho .•tals:••.These were•;gra•tefully •,recd the local- paper, .this' being pre-25.girls slacks, •'25girls sweaters; helped So would ;be. here for, ed,1n the: Loan`.Cupboard we n{' pared byMr. Thompson, the ed '25 Ja ' ettes 20 ' u l.ts a total of- hours, : please' accept a general hold 5 wheel • irs 8 : pr." or p n, Y , 4 , •general Chairs, p Rol'. • , rhes,: 1=hospital bed; assorted : ` ' ' .590' interns:.•. ;thank .you... ' ° � :+ ` . ' � •and Water' Safet:posters •' were Our thanks are due' the faith- in -1961 the•. Executive.: decided kiss,, _air pillow's and other - _laced an the' :public andHigh... • ful • knitters and sewers W ends ` • ' g , . m. ro� p , ,•- . c • • • ... Who that ' the:'. si.oan.. Cupboard . � was and,' ends `than might •be. use Schools aalso—a--window: empha- ,year after. year—turn•°out :beauti-•. npt being used :to. its. capacity in -sickness. The—wheel- cha! sizing Water Safety Was re full • finished and ,knit a • gid-. that it: was a : it ` to hold are in . Constant demand ' and y P. •. , Y . .. garments p Y a� . ..pared by the local Health. Unit, ;ted articles. No one can estimate material..idle. : In consultation: ;a't +present iberng used in -hon posters for same being supplied the 'numnber, osf women -hours that With the Ontario Division, it was in ' the' comanunvty: • wend into.. .each' garments 11 , T; decided to give 'sheets, pillow ,., • Respectfully submitt, slips,. ' and beda, .. • jackets � toElizabeth• R McKim, the, two local convialescent hosp - Convenor. Work .Roonn Co �aaaag■■aa�■■aa■arioi■goagori�a�irig�aa��•■ie�>l�r■ • ■ ▪ • • �CLEARING• :., PRICES. .. . • .On, WOMEN'S SNOBOOTS COCKTAIL BOOTS CHILDREN'S : OV HOFS: ■ ▪ She r Ii n LinedSfl�b�ots. $5•99 RubberSnoboots ' ■ ▪ . Women's, Black or Brown, To Clear: i, Children's vers • .• . ,O , .hoes ' 2.. (Coantinueij from :Page :1) • Secre 's Report t� lPo No. annual 'meeting was held in 1962..The' Branch 'operated with- out a president or campaign manager. Col. O. Bawde:.. of. _ n . the Lon don area came' ,to. , Lucknow and organized the :Campaign . • with the • help of the. Lucknow • Le ion During Summer, ; ,Camp season arid Auxiliary . members. The 'a .. request was received a from Secretary ' wrote • to 0 'the Women's Camp Kewat-in, the district . Giri Institute .groups; in , the �ritinity..Guide. .:Camp for ' Water • Safety' - asking for support, postern : and these were • supplied The Work Room quota was, through the Health Unit.: fulled and • shipped. The Loan The • swimming lessons • at the Cupboard supplied wheel chairs Teeswater pool _ were continued.'' to ,9 people.'and crutches: to 4.: 'Unfortunately 'it, was not known in 1.962; 'Water 'Safety program by: your convenor:thatan, eichra was organized, in • co-operation bus was necessary untia. she read With the ' recreation committee it'in the 'paper I•t, had.. been Wan- -and $200:00 was donated to help fled' that a coiinsel'lor would "ac" with cost of.. transportation to company' each bus and :arrange- ood ments :had ..only . been made for. the Te�eswat�er • Pool.- Tlhre�e . mood ,. bbnor. Clinics in. Wingham have ''2 counsellors for •each trip. This -been., suliported by donors from meant that an ,accurate acccoUnt Luckno* and Vicinity. • of those attending; each. day is Norma Anderson, Sec. not available. It is. .estimated. Treasurer's Report ' that at 'best 150 children par-, , Receipts:- ticipated. Awar7ds were 'received lst •1962 ,:........ by ..1 enior 5 In`terrnedia•tes 18 Bal. Jan $ ' 110:59 Junin 20 Be ' Campaign .receipts , :.. ,.. 698:05.! � gl.nners:' .•.. Mr. King's 'reinatks were that 808,64 While many children Were well advanced in their 'swimming. twtey did not receive awnards;',:Ris _�crity icisn was that he •believed too much emphasis 'had been placed on the offic"awards. Standards are h iigh . and ' only , the . very best received- official recognition: • , Itespectful:ly submitted, Gladys Wh,arry, 'Water 'Safety Convenor, Mr: ' nd Mrs. Kenneth ' .., . testae, a r e. of Gorxie, ^wish. to announce dh Report Of Workroom Committee engagement of their, daughter. Ladies and Gentlemen,: °' ,Margaret Carol... ' ,• to Mr ,• Jahn ▪ During the past year your Keith Finnigan, -son of Mr, and branch has shipped to the On. Mrs John Finnigan, .6i Wing:`. tario Division.. the following •ar- ham The marriage will take les;' .2Q �,p�, ,• men's socks,' 20 :place in J+"e'bruary, 'tic Expenses:z'. Water Safety (bus) . $ 200.00 Water Safety (adv.) ,,..,. 4,75 Work room 'supplies and expenses " " • 1 • 340,66. Campaign' 'expenses. 5,00: '• $ "550;41, • `!'ransferr"ed Toronto div. $ 10.00 . Cash on hand,' Dec 21', 1962' . ,.»a Y.Y.•.......•,,,.. 248.23 $ ,808.64. M. Rayner, Treas: Water . gaiety Report' • .Water Safety week was �alaser Tenders. for a new : $456,000 se Wage disposal .pdant w .ill • be. det: shortly • in Elmira with work :lb 'Start in. the spring , Tom Webster At : PC C�nvention.: • Tarn Webster of .Dungannon at- tended the Progressive=Conserva tine National Convention • in. •Ot• " tawa . on January •18thto .19th: ++wasuron riding. delegate and + the . trip to Ottawa by train. • Convention. headquarters. 'was M ;the Chateau Laurier. hotel, On his • return he Visited in .Tor onto ,With' his datighter and son- in-0aw,, Mr. ', and Maas. Ken ' ;Tho: +rias, •Linda and, Wendy Tom 'has been. an active'on.. ser 'ative for . anany yeais, pre- sently. being a director on .:the Huron association: Be has been West Wawanosh• Township', chair- man for twenty-five years. •• . ENGAGEMENTS s. ° Kaufman' ; in Black or Brown, To Clear.. • • . ■ • Sizes 6-12, .'In Brown, Red, Green, To Clear. leather Hicuts , 14'9 Si man° rttsulated, Regular $22.00,•Clearng4 k .. • L MEN'S;' LINED And INSULATED LACED RUBBERS ■ AT •CLEARING PRICES' • • ■ t RATHWELL SHOE '. STORE • Pion SSB+SI I7'. • ' lisle■+lvei■■die�tjwNieorwrraNi�ee�e.r�eegueui • 11:109114111164xts MEW Ur waori +4,