The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-30, Page 10tl' ti ; r rt PAGE TEN • • • • • L y LUCKNOW,'ONTARIO" ■ • \ T. \.. .Monday s,' game with s and a; crowd -pleader. ,,may h• . •. .. THIS IS WELL WORTH SEEING! INTERMEDIATE Atwood In vs. ,ListoV..eI tUcknow Arena ONDAY, FEBRUARY: At -at' 8:30' Mildmay, was a ding Bong Atwood shares : the . top in the : standing and this ` game next, Monday Listowel promises to .be' another thriller, • battle spots with .14 • • \ i ai•/%ii%%%i%/i%i v , �•ii•, •iiii •, • %i•i �. • i, :: TIMBER, TIPS. Due ,to 'the stormy . weather., of the. ':past., week, just_ four 'rteatnns' 'Ventured ° to ' Wingham :rto .borwa. • Frank Hawthorne ;led Mahe 'Ohig inui s to`..a '3.poizrt victory over: the Grophers' with .a 795 triple ' tato 63' ;handicap • +for •858 ,pins. 'Bryce Elliott•- rolled f95 and Olar-• ence Giver 642 for bhe 'Gophers. "the Beavers upset the Cubs V DNESDAX, JAN, 3Qth, . 1983: Ful( Squad Here For Junior A Game Charles Webster 'killed' , two lairds with the one stone last week.' Whine in Hamilton at- tending a :,krardware convention::. he contacted• :Eddy Bush, 'coach of: the Hamilton Jr., A Red' Wings and tna,de final ,plans for The "Red. Wings exhibition game With .the Gc .erich, Sifter 'in Luoknaw o �' Monday, February, 11th,. Bush assured him the ,full squad would be here fors a sharp - at -eight game, Arrangements were also made for a TV appear- ance' on aFoctis with. Coach Bush and Paul•Henderson, the Luck - now -born ' speedy, ' .right winger who heads theleague this season in scoring: Paul, netted tau*.. more 'oyer the , week -end giving :him l37 -for t e• season, and furth- er. marking, shim as an. outstand- ing NIL' prospect,' Hamilton is a' Detroit farm team. . ` Charlie sa!w ;last Thursday. night's reamer' in..Harinilton. when the Wings, knocked off the league. leading . Niagara Fa11S Fliers He'll tell you;• first. hand what' a "treat :is •i'n store for. *local ''hockey 'fans come 'February 1,1'th He% alto impress ' on you that st . is a share privilege tobe able to book this team, , wh ch' last year were •Canadian (Memorial. Cup : champ - chances hamp-chances`of winning a 'game when ions they took.' the team; triple cxf the The game, is being sponsored ear with 3398 erth Fern and oicknowl ,and District Len MacDoadandM•axon MaLions Club, and advancetickets Kinnon all' rolning • well over the •ire available from members, • A 600, flat mark Dick Park rolled 'sellout: crowd is anticipated, well too with a 808. flat score for the 'top ''Cub. bowler. The other, teams, rwi11 have .,to bo*1 :whenever arrangenients can be.rriade.at the bowling aanes. • • KINAHAN At Wingham Gen eral Hospital, on Tuesday, Janu- a'r'y 15th,• 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. William. ' Kinah,an,' .R R ;2. Luck- how, .a. Dao■0ea>.■11nganr n gt11■11nnan■■gaI■eaallil101ggllielii • ■:; ■' ■• 'IL■ ■. ■ ■ Ili• • SOENLOT :, SELOTEI Po D. No DOOR ■.• • ■ •. N . ._ woos+i Aoi.411101w • ' • sa CONVRNiINCI rO YOUR '2HOMaf •1 ■ ■ ■ 11■ ■. ■:• ■ IS •1, 'IS ■ ;;< t foldlat locos antIt •h• 11; �, li.ilers alt aodst� ■ IP ■ i• Tear sa ■. For .r.mod llag .ie' AMMO, . a Nadi M stares heron from i s re .Meat that .wiagtas door. wasMt .' .i.. colors. and wood. grads • • install: -yourself!s ' s I• Wooten, edaY.t 4s- ' • Low , As i' •■ ■pro!'' c' ••. •• ; w� `a )., ���\ Availabledie.ealor ■ , i S \ ratte�a...a=s is i. ■: >>r ,rte: order ■ • • • ■ at▪ ° ■ • :i