The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-23, Page 12AGF TWELVE' .THE, LUC SOW SEN1°XNEL, LUC'KITOW . ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JAN. 23rd, to :ontinues Until Saturday, ,. We :will be starting • to:.take.. 'stock on. February nth. We -wish le, lower- ..our. in- --veatory as; in�p' o ch as ssible before . that. tune.. • Betweeo now and February 2nd IFitock ifl–the-Store—on--SaIe-- at Discounts. from' • AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEA 're• P cic Up and • Delivery Mond: . nd Thursd y. and Men's IOW. SEE .. ByThe Sentinel THAT last • reek's . winners at the iB,elfast school card . party were ladies' high, Mrs. Lorne givers,. runner -,up, Mrs;. Alvin. Alton; men's 'high, -,, Wilbur. Brown, :2nd; Jack Alton. THAT • Rev. 'Rod MacL' eod,'. mod- erator of the •Huron• -Maitland , Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church, presided ` for .the 'in- duction et Auburn on Friday' • of Rev..Robert U., MacLean,. 'minister,, at St. Andrews in Clinton and . at. Blyth and Au burn. THAT +Faye Forster,, 6 months old daughter of • Mr.. and Mrs. Ronald Forster, is in Winghan Hospital.: 'with bronchitis. ' The' Wipigham: children's ward is 'al- most filled :with ch.ildres ;from this diitrict; Faye Ann's 'bre-.. then, .Taanmy,.; is jug getting -. .over-pneurnon a THAT We had •spme very Jtangi 'ble proof a few days ago,: that it pays to ;advertise. ' The.' clip . ping of a typewriter advt. ap- . pearing in The Sentinel of Jan- uary 9th,, .Was ` received wrap-: tied arounda cheque Covering the cost of the , MaChine. The customer resides. 200. miles. away, ' but the typewriter is to Abe delivered .Mt this Community. .to a.'fortunate 'young !lady THAT John .Wharry, a student minister at ,1VMMMaster •Univers • sity in Hamilton, conducted the service in the United Church oh Sunday, supplying :;for 'RevH, W. Strapp ' who is convalescing from a recent illness. : Vi . Wharry is theson of Mr. arid Mrs. Wm: Wharry of . town.. t Market YOUR MAIN .INTERSECTION; FOODLAND • • Fuflty Red Salmon Sa1e'1in..: Universal Coboe. 7% oz Bargain Save 10c "omato Juice Sal Clark's Fancy. Tall 48. 'oz.. A Real 4 tins; uy. Iog Food Super Salle 5' tins 4' 'Brand. 15 oz. "A Low Feature . Price. Karn Luncheon Meat Sale, 2 tins 79c Canada Packers; • Product. Save To 19c argarine: Super. Sale 4 Its: 89c Tulip` Brand.. For All Household. Use. Bargain. HE.ADQU►RTERS: FOR LOWEST, LOW ' PRICES. FRESH.." FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES ARRIVING DAILY. BUY HERE AND SAVE. Phone Ludcnow . ,Values .Effective .528.3420 ' :January. 24, 25, 26. ' • i. �.�•ii -i i -i i ii i i ice' i ii.ri i i%✓iii• .�. �.i iiiii i,.:�.,.., ` THAT, road conditions resulting typical: "Barns Night; 'weather."' •frown ,last .week's storm delay- "Music will , be : by . Carruthers : ed:' Ole 'arra ,al of, some rural ;Orchestra, news budgets:. • ;• John: gave a very forcefulser inion•.. on.., "Your 'C'hoice, vih ' emphasis on the fact 'that the ' responsibility for good' ,or; •ev:i1• Teats solely ,With one's self, THAT a weekly: schedule , of. event`s at the Arena is be'inig carried' in The Sentinel, cover:. • ing the. •daily program of acti-: vities: • THAT the fire .::Depar'tment's an' n'uai Burns Bill will be :held 'in. • the . Le+gion Hall on Friday ev- • ening, January 25th and: if the storm ''doesn't .abate it, will be BIRTHS 1VI+IL•TENBtjRG.-- At Alexandra. Hospital,, Goderich, . on'' January 12th; 196.3, to,.MrF' and Mrs. Mar inus .Miltenburg, R.R: 7; L.uck.now, a daughter.... During the first day at school' theteacher informed. all`the stu- .des that if'.anyone had to' go' to ' the restroom • he. should raise his hand, Orie li't'tle boy seem ed • Puzzled , and 'asked: '.`How',' that ,going ;.,,to help?"- aN•.•.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••l•w•••••••••••••••••••••••a•N••••••••• •••••"e•s••!•••••a.••••••••••••••..440N • • • • • ••. • •. • • • •i • • •. • • • •••••~••••••••••••—•—•—. Larg�st Array. Yard Goods t� Bruce Count JANUARY lb ro Inclusive Induded in this terrific assorfment are: Woollens, Cottons, Prints; .•Broadcloth, Honans, Silks, .and Acetates, Flannelettes -� Plain, Figured and Striped' circular Pillow Cotton and Sheeting Children's Cardigans on Sale" • s. •• s r /•••e••e•a•`ao••••• �sTS•FOR CARSON'. CLEANERS LUCKNOW, " ONTARIO PHONE. ,528-2.129 • • b ••••o•sCia•ee••e••ie•e*arooe• •s•siees•oe•o•o•sr!os••••o•••e••�fainieuie0000••••f••••••A••••a•N 00 • • • Bargains! • • • • EXTRA SPECIAL '.' ; .'.' ". . . , ' , .' ," Gienelia Tartans and Plains , .,.. and other Wool Goodson sale at.. 98c designs; Regular ' $1.98,446 to $3.29 per yard.' Good colours,. broken .lines,' Regular $2.98 to $3.49 .in sizes •6x to 12 Other:. StockOther. :1king.: Sped'aIs:T�o., Numerous To Mentions ,. final See: Ours Bargai.9. n Courter.. All .ales: Come In And 4,9 .1711011114111WIPMArtiatiimsoicirrivitio.iigaw