The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-23, Page 11V." ban ,0 �H . r ly . Two Months S. DI NCAN A;' MacKEN he death of Mrs. Duncan Ale*- er MacKenzie occurred in the :sham, hospital on Friday;. •uary 18th, Her hus►band . ire-. eased her j•usrt two months te- on November 19th. (rs. MacKenzie had not en oy- the rbest'afi health for: -the ?ast years; but • had been. *spilt- ed..j.ust a . few •.days;' with a rt Condition. when her death arced'. She 'was in her • 74141• r. eid fn high esteem.and, be'- xd. • by all Who' knew 'her,' Ars. :Kenzie was• the (former Mary, al Henderson, daughter ..01 'id Henderson . and Annie -Pot - She was 'born on March 31st, f, on the farm on Concession iuron township just west ofc $luewater, •highWay. lr, and Mrs. MacKenzie :were Tied .at The Manse at Ripley June 7'th,, 1917, and spent all: ✓ Married life on their farm :.oehni,sh. Since Mr. MacKen- death, Mrs. MacKenzie .had n residing in cthe Vilslage.-She. a•'faithful member' of, A,s1 I Presbyterian Church and a xrem'ber. of the W.M,S he -funeral :service was held at . MacKenzie IViemerial Chapel`. Monday afternoon" conducted Rev. Rod • :Ma cLeod, ' Rev. Neil' zombie of Ashfield<and •R.ipley sb �te•rian , C•hurches ;was ,un, Y > . to get here from Ripley be-•- 3e of the storm. iterment 'will' be made is .lie halsh: Cemetery wlith ,temper ento;i�breenFt. in South Kinloss, toaiy, The werebear. Th e p, a}�er: 'war -. t • Jamie MacLennan,.1✓ ,Wilfred •. Farresh, ..., Albert r 'liel 1, `Elliott • Carruthers,. p net'Henderson:, •'/* rs; M,acKenrie : is .sura ed' by daughtters, Mrs:. J hn::.:•.A eau (Marion) of Royal Oak,. kit 'Mrs. Roy D: Lam, (Fior 0' : of Orlando; Florida;. Mrs- > l zi*t. Jamieson• (T�c.a;<1)of., Luck, and one son; .:Elmer.1 Luck and.' 1'5 •grandhild.o: Siwiv�ng also are t"^.ee sis- Mrs. J,' H"Jolinstor d'eail). �. Gon u: o :in'ca�rdine;:3VLrs.,J'. W y`.. • �tha:) of ,Chat:ham,' <'\1r:, Lorne ley (1Vlabel) : of. B c1;er,.' Ont; conducted: by .Rev: G. W Kaiser/ THE, LU,CKNOWSENTINEL, ,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO and on brother,. e. .. •Robert Hend- ersen of Glencoe: She was predeceased by her husband, 2' .brothers, W n and Fred of Huron Township and a sister, ldelia o.f 'Detroit, Commonity Mourns S. Gardner's death. . SIDNEY GARDNER. This' Community was shocked and saddened on Saturday to learn.,, of the sudden death ; of Sidney .Graydon, Gardner which occurred at; his home just 'south of ',Lucknow late Saturday af- ternoon . January . 19th. Sid as he • 'was ..intimately known -in :this .community where he (was .•born. and .•raised, ;'Was •highly spoken.. Qf.: by 'all: who. knew him. He was within 'a week of has. 47th birthday. A 'son • of Wiry: .T, Gardner and Susan Rebecca Web-- ster,; Sid was born in • the Zion community of Ashfield Township on January 25th; .1916. In - 1944 he married Edyth. Johnston, daughter of Mr. and M.rs. Frank Johnston ;of Kinloss Township, - 'For some time Side has been employed at • the: Lloyd Factory in Winggham, as• we11:• as pursu- ing a few farm' operations on. his small acreage .south. of the ;Village. Nine;ears ,a.., o in March. of Y g 1 while • Sid . was emr .io ed Py at the•.. Treleaven: flour Mih, he `hecam►e entangled in a.: drive shaft. and, was ;whirled: ntil his were' l`th s ' 's h ins c o e, e shredded; 'releasing. him and saving his life. He suf; f o .•i.n' i' iced; am ng...other�ures, . a troaken. arm 'and .a. battered •leg which had to be ani p`utated:some : tem days :later, . His:pwill• to` .Live was. a lnajor factor' in his re covery; ••,.and he -adapt himself. to the us,e of:: an artfd ial dirin►b. c. White "i,t' :has been ;ahandicap and the ,amputation :the ' .cause` of nitich distress, Sid: has: work-' ed hard and. long. to Provide for his 'family. . He ;was at .work as: usual .last week.• A few months 'ago he .undenwent `major: surgery i.n. ' London.. ;.Th'e funeral :service • was: held at the MacKenzie Memorial Cia- p-1 on': Tuesday, :January 22nd: peeeee•••••004110r4100••••••••••••••••••.••••••••, G1ANJAiJCTiON$ALE at tM1� • • uevaie community Hd•• Bluevale, Ontario • Tuesday Evefling, January 29th 1 • wctioneer Frank BuuckWill Offer For Sale Without .•' leserve A Large Selection Of • Finance Repossessions, :•: le w • `Bankrupt Stocki, Bailiff Seizures: And Personal :onsignments That Consist Of New.. And ' Used House- • old Furniture, Television Sets, Appliances A And A •• .arge Quantity Of. Brand New Clothing, Much Of • Vhich Ia Still In Plastic. Packages;• !ERE O . . • • 'is a PARTIAL LIST OF ITEMS TO BE SOLD.: • arge chest freezer in new condition that holds over • 00 lbs of frozen food; deluxe washer and dryer in • Intermentwas in South Itinioss mortuary, The pallbearers were Jean Gardner, Glen Walden;, Bob Campbell, Alex Andrew,Leonard Ritchie and Wm D. teed„ Besides his .widow; Mr. Gard-. ner is suryi„ved by four sons, Keith, Bili, Allan, Brian and _one •daughter,' Elaine ail : at home, Surviving also ; are' two sisters, Mrs.. Joe.,Freeman (Eva) of Gol- •bprne Township, Mrs. ,Wm.... Hun ter' (Beryl.) of Ashfield and a .brother, arold Gardner of Harris i,lton, . Mimico Wedding Of Local Interest MOLE MORGAN ` •Wesley United Church, Mimico, decorated With Christmas . trees and flowers w the scene for the marriage ofCrystal Louise; Mor. Agan and Donald'Harvey Mode on December 22nd: ;at 5 .o'clock :The .',ride, Ss' the daughter of Mrs,' ladys Mrorga.n of . Mimico and the. groom ,i's the : soh -of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey ••Mole of Luck= now. :The Ceremony Was, performed' by Rev: Telford; Tlhe'soloist *as' Loraine- Snable;; cousin of . the rbri�i'e. She sang • ,the Wedding, Prayer, ,. Given . in marriage, by her •gran.dfa!ther, the bride Wore a toe t1aength—go-wn o€;--vha-te--peau de . sole embo in sled cart with' a 'Scoop P i;neekline. trimmed, with pearls & rhinestones Theo g wn had' long: sleeves, and ' : chapel ,, a h pel , tr iai n flow- ing from-; two hand -made flowers at the. Harvey • • • A ti'ara:. set•. with • r�- hsnestones held':the` chapel, Jeri •th 'veil. She i.etaiii:ea agaSeade: of: yellow roses. The matron of honour was Miss Slheil�la• Ha ida y of •Mi � i ,l Y m co: Her: ballerina gown Was •French Rose. peau.,' de. Sole' satin and : white. accessories and: she carried a Jaou uet of ' yellow roses: The tower ower • , ir1 `was . Donna Johnston •of Lu•eknow, . cousin .' of :the • groom and daughter ..Of Mr.' and Mrs...' 'Allan Johnston. Her dress,. � . of: ,the••sari e material. as the id of'honour and she had a 'matching.' fheaddress and white,.' accessories She carried a white basket of coloured carnia, tions:' ' The best man was Mr:., Alcan Johnston Of; Lueknow, cousin: of the groom::"The ushers were Mr Bob: Johnston.of Lucknow, cou :sem •;of ',the groom and Mr: Jess Degagne of Long Branch, uncle of the bride • The wedding dinner.andt•ecep tier': held,...an the Unicorn Room of :the-Sagamore MHotel in im:icoabout • s e ff to:, ev.nty ive guests. ...The bride's mother received " in a winter white sheath dress arid. hat -With fur trim and brown ac •cessories, . Her' .corsage was 'pink and bronze carnations. •She was assisted by the groorrn's, iso her• who wore . a medium ; bd.ue ilk' sheath dress ,witch picture co az' and white' 'accessories: Her cor-. 'sage was • blue and pink carna tions • For ,a.wedding` trip to the States the bride chose•a black'and : grey douljle• knit wool ;suit with•a grey. +borg jacket and black•; accessories and a bronze corsage.' The couple will :reside 'in Toronto; ew condition ; 48` key chord organ with • music . book; • " ' '1,,. Dfinbination' 'radio and record player; .2 piece French to o • rovincial chesterfield � suite; 2 foam. 'rubber chester- eld suites, 2 .davenport. suites thatlmake into 'a box ' bed; bookcase bedroom Complete. mp ato springs .� re matresses;• 2 39" continental: beds with headboards; • set* and. � "1'7" sets .611 reconditi.anecl �': 21 television e . . • nd in A-•1 working condition; 9 ...piece ' coppertone . j vettesuite;2 7 -Piece and.' 1. 5 -piece kitchen '"suites; •'' ' ' • refrigerators; 2' electric ranges;` 2 . washing machines. • and coffee tabl s; living4room• lamps; �• 7th pump; step � )ckers;' hostess' • chairs; hr chair; step, stool; Writing,: esk;. gossip ben.eh; ,bookcase; small ,rugsand runners;. i 'x12' rug; recordsand many other useful household • cilia. ,s well as'the selections' • of ' household Furniture : '' , • or. ,sale, ' we wall:: also . sell a' Large ': erns offered ( uantity of. clothing► consistingof .Men's shirts, under- '•, ear, sweaters, g'ocks,': etc., Ladies.' nylons, blouses, •• 4/eaters', skirts, etc... and for the boys and girls and ,fants' •just about :,every kind ",,o � of clothing' you can • link of. ' ` ; `.: So i � i_ g Sale • ' ,• Don't • (iss rs ' Oufstandrn Auction• • . DUCK •AUCTIONEER FRANK • h_ ues Accepted; 8% Sales Tax .In Effect ems cash; C eq ssiiia iiosrjs°o•••••• •l000soweo•asa•�►• , • �'ay.<Tribute To Founders 0f Co-op The annual report of the Luck :now District Co-operative;' gave the following `historieal sketch of the organization' and, paid' tribute to the founders The• actual' beginning of the. Li?tcknow • District • Co -Operative Inc began about 2'7 years ago i:r► 1935, °according : to records avail- able at the Co-op at present. The organization Was ' Alien •.called, Lucknow :'Consit.ineia- CO -Opera- tive A•ssoeia tion, This organization functioned' actively' for nine years and is re-, ;spo isitble for the basis of the i L teknow ' District Co-Opera.tiVe''' which..,was' •foirn•od• when th'e' directors applied for a chat ter,en• 1944, :l• r'c;11.ciwing are the directors re, corded in 'the .ni:ylft; t'he PAGE' BIM= • •••••••••••••••nu•••••••••••••••••• • •••'•••••••e. •: • i' • • :• •• •• • •.. • • • • • • • •. • i': • • Lucknow • •:. • 1•••••••••••••••••p•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 free:: Delivery and. P cku ENRY'S FRUIT MARK 'Phone.: 52-11;-3015. ent. FOr" HANOVER DRQ CLEANERS. • • • •. • • • •: • • • •' i, • Lucknow Consunners Co -Opera- tive. George Kennedy; (president) 1935; Dan Nicholson (president) 1:9361944; ,Murdo Matheson, Alex MacNay,. A. MoLea.re. G. Drennan,: 'Pat.Gilmore, `Jack McKay, Fred Anderson; Eidan Henderson T. • A:.:. Cameron,' John • Jamieson (manager),' Jack MacIntash; D'..A. ' .MacDonald, Wallace -Miller, Har= ry 'Lavis,:John ,Colwell;' John.Co- wan, Co -wan, Ervin Zinn, Ewart 'Jamie; son',. Roy 'McKa:y, Wi.11iaxi'i Roul ston,., Harvey' Anderson, D. S: Mc-' Kinnon Fci1•lowing are • the 'names; of the baa'rd.'of .directors from .1944, to present 1962.` The first ten .earhes .are the 'Charter Directors ofthey: Lucknow District.. Co=operative Tue. : •.John Jaini'eson•(manag) (manager) 1936-' 1950;Murdo Matheson .(press dent) 19:44.46;. John .Cowan, T: 'A. •Ca.meron, 'Fred Anderson, Elmer Alton, 'Harry Lavis, Wi liam a-' ;Milton, 'p: A. MacDona d, Lorne • Woods,• Wallace :Viil'er (press`-' dent) 1947; Lorne ..Farris. lm�r Altcri, Ervin Z:inn, .Au tin :C4art n, Bob' . Bbak('•manager`); Robert. Bark�wel.1, Olive: M:cCharles, Ro- bert Carirpbell,: Lloyd MacDoug- all, Wm,' S. McGuire, Elwood Drennan; John., R. McLeod; Geo. 'Vioncrief, , Alex McNay (manager) 195;X-19.52, J1rri Boak,. • William R. .Pu Frank,jack Fi : Mc ullin; Jack Q MacArther (manager) 19521955, Ralph' Canierori' (president) 1958, Jack MacKenzie (President) Nor'- Val or=val Stewart, Evan Keith.; Grant • Case (manager) .1955-1957:-. Wm. Ross', Herb VlcQuillin, Hugh•Mac- I enzie,: Jim ' I ichardson, 'Currie Colwell,. Basil Hogan, 'Harold Campbell, ::Warren' Zinn.' (presi- dent);: Lorn•e Power (manager) 1957-1958,, Ross Henderson, Ross q'. Robinson: • (Manager)., 19'5:8-1961, ..: Aavzn Robb, Dona Elliott: ,(iriana- ger ) 1961-1962, Fred Pi eroe. (main., ager).; 1962 SHFI:ELD • January' Meetinof the Wo - mens Mission ry Society .• was held' last Friday •at.: the : horse 'of Mrs.. Henry• McKenzie with' an attendance, of ;15 Miss; Sadie 3ohnson ' opened the' meeting' With pray:e. and. Mrs: Wm'.. Mac- Donald Donald • read the :Scripture and meditation. 'followed 'by :prayer. Mrs D: R. MacKentie'. ancl:: Mrs Wm.. Ross ,gave -reports on 'the . Presbyterian held in Wingham I'Mrs.• Henry .MacKenzie :showed: Henry la 4film on. :Formosa :and Mrs Ewan MacLean, read a:'mission ' ary. letter, Mrs. HugYS...MacKenzae.-.. , gave the . offertory 'prayer. Using a ._flip'':chart, 1VIrs.. Henry. ,Mac- Kenzie '.sho*ed MacKenzie:sh•owed the progress of the W.M:S: since :it was organ-`:: ized in 1564..:. A' few:."` minutes silence was observed in memory of Mrs: ' Duncan • MacK-enzide,' a'. past of 4he soede•tyr; whose • death occurred'. that day in..Wingham Hospital; It 'was 'de-' cided to hold the next 'meeting. on :'March 1, the Day of Prayer.. ,>y.4.,.,•.i.= �i i i i,%,%k,� •__ applications will be received for the folltiwing ,positions: EMERGENCY .MEASURES, CO-ORDINATOR 'FOR TH.E.....COUNTY. OF HURON. ' • Salary commensurate; with qualifications. Minimum $4,000. SECRETARY" TO THE EMERGENCY MEASURES CO-ORDINATOR. Salary iii. accordance with. experience. • provided Applications must • be' submitted' ' ori forms : and may, be'secured frorrl the •unders gne' Applica- tions ° to. close at 5:00 p.m., "February 15; J-963. Lowest . or any application not, necessarily, .accepted. John C Berry, Clerk -Treasurer County of l-luron, • Court House, G o derich;.. Ontario.. t1► r� i'a ti t vva.�. "! a t ,•a a.•.•via•a•.c l a w a + a a +444 4. •Ay•46•4••,+ 1 12 Pages Y skins at..:. )nekuding, breakim 1~ttation:, &r. ' reakin 'at 'Garage. . of • their ' rnen•2iom i ''xSchood, her, • burg- aton and iday '. and: and. • Esso have ad another • 3e before broke onr • 11 ed•'to'an' .get gas $•s in• the .'northof- ) entered ' ved thi.5 Of g.as, burglars at Jack • e 'a •black ce: They. h: a. rear :' ration of 'than • at etted ex.- ••• r .,for. breakin . 'he .. went rst . time _battery: 1 .be. ; incor n•o way plant�or,. • i<ce sur- high Was. making tion •Tle east -end :: ore` seat-. +rov de. a 11) :acyl: y p Howa.id s Town - the kind- •red them lest royecl '. on Tues - a couple Howald s ,except' wearing, a:hei'r py. chi.dren,. ears 'and e gnded •d' of the :pontane are pre- e. in part. r -across and Mrs. . are pre- ) rebuild. terer by ree,cted' the t•.