The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-23, Page 9WEDNESDAY, JAN. 23•S, 1963, . THE LUCKNOW SENT-NE4., UCKNOWo. ONTARI0 :ROY NM1. BENTLEY 'PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERICH', ONTARIO; Box 478. Phone JAckson 4-9521 f A M HARPER AND .COMP•ANY Chartered Accountants 33 Hamilton St.. • GODERICH, ONTARIO' • • Telephone 'JA 4;-755.62 J.OH NSTONE'S • PtiNERAL HOME Modern ..and . Convenient' .' Luck/10w, Phone 528=3013 .Day ar 'Nighty• $ervina'. All'aiths According toTheir W ishcs , Moderate Prices Establistied ` 1894 • A:—R. DU D.C., Sp"C:. • • Chiropractor Physio:` and 'Electro Therapist : Winghazlr Phone 300 (Office— located on. John St, West next AO' Toronto Dominion Bank) A ; I NSUR NCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE'' AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, 'Insure With . jack., Today. J A. NicDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMQ•B,LLE '. INSURANCE • Investigate Before • Investing `REUBEN•WILSON . R.R. 3, Go.erich Phone 80-r-8 'Dungannon Nature Of Holland Died �uddeniy SDUNCaAP1NON(. NEWS/ Mir: Delmer Maize of Toronto'. was ,home over the. week -end with Mr: •gruel' Mrs. Bert Maize, Ws.. Mathew ; Shackleton re- rnains ,at Goderich hosp.ital tLl•1' atleast the ;end ofe• montl%, re cei,ving 'treatment after a neige of jaundice. • BORN — 16 IVir, and. Mrs. Wm. Park; January i6th, at Goderich Hospital, a daughter. Con'gratula- PAGE NINE,• Mr,.,James. Wilson came, home last " week -end from Wingliam General Hospital. and iswearing a cast .for his back,. after .a fall inhis barn, The Women's Institute . ''"At Horne Card Party" was 'held on. MacKenzie Memorial Chapel' FUNFR,AL.. ,SERVICE Services conducted accord-, ing to yetis wishes at your • Home, yuur : Church,.. or. at. '. our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. Luckno .w, Phone 5284432 . 'Day or Night WI.NOHAM , MEMORIAL SHOP :We Have Been.. 1Vlemorial • Craftsmen • for Thirty -Seven Years," Always Using • THE REST 'GRANITES: • •Along With. • Don't Send =TakeYour Boto the Arena= MINOR HOCKEY WEEK STARTS :JANUARY 26.. Friday night With tmen'y three : Mrs. 'Mary McAuley of Acton. tables in play. T,he,winners were .w'as a recent visitor• With Mrs. h Instal K�nlou h ladies' 'high, Mrs: Clifford- Kil- Cranstan;,. : patrick; lads' low, Mrs, Ches-' Death of • Mrs. , . Gerrit Logtenberg • tier Finnigan; �zTen's High, 'Omar ,Brooks; men's •low, Robert . stip. .• Mrs, 'Gerrit Logten,berg, ' 56, of • `ethers;' oldest man, Arthur. Elliott; Con: 7., Ashfield, passed away oldest:'•worneh, : Mrs. ' Arthur E1-, :very suddenly early, Tuesday liott; 'nearest 'to lad.i'es, birthdaymorning, 'January 15th;:at .Gode-. - -rich Hose cal of er, a'i�only a few �V1-i-ss I�va-�a•'rr;`nearest crimen s�, y birthday.,. Jas. Nelson; .lucky` draw,..h'ours illness •froT a heavy 'stroke:. Mrs. Graham M{Nee.. She was 'formerly Re.iri.a •Smli,t of .Mrs, Bon _tnareasorj• and` littlo' pedensvaar-t .'Holland. and caane son •Kenn:e�th, Vancouver; who� /. is to Canada 1.w.i•th'her 'husband' and- visiting -her - a h t M fazriily'on March '30th, 1950 When g. 11 paten, s, . r. and Mrs: Everett Eoringion on a 2 months they arrived"at, Luck'now.' They va'cation' 'spent last• week in. K'it laved on • a ';farm of. Mr. ;• Cecil. chener meeting .her husband,, who • Jo i,nston. in Ashfield''. for...four between' Mo years; They lived three years on r. and Vancouver .with a car trans=; port.. She also extended her ,visit. with former Woodstock friends, having received' her nurse's train-. ing at Woodstock General Hosp,i- 'The . annual ...church -meeting Was 'held -at the :United a, Church last : Wednesd.ay afternoon with a lower `attericl:a.rice• due • to . stormy, wea-ther Rev. N. L` Gostony', 'the' Expert. Designing and plys betrw Workniansh'i.p: '• Prices Most Reasonable . Cemetery :Lettering :a' Specialty A. SPOTTON Phone 256, Winghaim, 'Ontario. G. ALAN . . ILLIA . N. W . HIS Optamett'ist Office on Patrick St:; • just off the' Main .St. in ` ••• 'WINGHAM • Professional Eye Examination. Optical Services • For appointment .' . Please ;.Phone 770,': Wingha n • J. MacKEZIE� ` N01D 'Optometrist • NOW .:IN RIPLEY ''EVERY" WEDNESDAY Barrister',and Solicitor :LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and. ; Saturday Afternoon Office. in.. the Joynt Block Telephone Office 135' • Residence: $1.4 R. S. HETHERINGTON , /•, " Q.C. Barrister, )Fac, Wingham and Lucknow • IN ' LUCKNOW Monday. and Wednesday Located in: 'i{ilpatrick Block' 'Pone Wingharn .Office 48 Residence 97 r IMPERIAL 0,11 ti PRODUCTS for prompt., service,• • and ' quality Jarociuets, contact: • . 'GRANT CHIS,HOLM` Phone' 'Collect Duttganrion br 10 Lueknow• "Always Look To Imperial: . , ° Per The Best" 9.00 Office. Hours 10.00a.m. tOE , p,m Phone Roy MacKenzie, Ripley .96-r=224 for appointment; R. W 'SELL OPTOMETRIST GODEIRICfi' F. T. Armstrong Consulting. Optometrist • :The Square' '(Phone'. JAckson 4-7661')r LICKNOW DIST1i.ICT CO-OPERATIVE *INC. [sucknow, Phone 5'28-212$ TED` COLLYER Registered Master :Electrician , • ElGECTRICAL: CONTRACTOR Specializing' in . Electric Heating, Electric Wiring M . ' ' . ; •and Repairs. , and • • All electrical Appliances Lucknow,' Phone 528-5182 ntreal, Toronto the Pentland rearm, 7th-c.on. arid. have' been for 'the -.past 7'' years` on ,the 7th .con.' of Ashfield••"ort the farm" :better known as- the.' Dennis Dalton farm. Mrs.'Logten- berg. acid .her: husband visited Holland in April of, 1962 Jo at; tend the funereal of 'her -mother: Besides her . ,h�Usband she' •leaves ;to mourn her. passi�n�g'six daugh- ters '& •two: sons, namely •Geentje i , minister attended .and the churc,e ,Veldman..of D•eHaar, . 9 •Omm•en:, report: was heard :train the' church ,Ov: Holland,•At e, Mrs: .... lieu rink �Ashfi:eld• 'Mrs Thys (Fem secr.etary',,•-Mrs. Otto Popp Mr:: mie ro ,. - Arthur'Ellicott was made honorar ) G era .New undee, Mrs: elder::and Lo'-�nie' Hasty was elec- , Douuwe'• .(G•erda).: Damn, Guelph; Rern.a...of 'London, .perk of 4th of. ted as'•'an. elder: Re_ elected to the Aaivfie+ld; ' Ltimmie ':8i• Gerrit .,at session were •Tom .Webster,' Har- .,home The funera hook 'place ,at rrvin and . Leriiard Reed was � , .un'ganon. United Church::on Fri- ei te8" to re 1 1'Elliott..• ay -afternoon' fr.oi<•n: Johrns:tone's' e.o p, ace Arthur F liott.. Funeral, :Partarg,-Luckn.o;w.' ReV,.• Elected to 'the .:manse board were IV: L:..Gosto igave :an im re R•ic�hard Park, Llov Hodges and ny P .s Gorden H inngan; .'VI VI: •treasurer, Five address' and' cipoke comfort-. ,, ., ing words . to .the ...bereaved. A.. Mds,' Mc.1, in ,Reed:; Sunday school. love y;lat 'of, flroral tribute...be-: superintendent, Frank :Pentland;. s�ake silent re.oeGtt of the de assistant ::superintendent• :Brian 1 fa rii blrs. 7s'iher Weaver; sec: -areas'., ,Mrs ..Richard y' •Rivett and ; M'rs': •Fred: 'Young sa�nrg. Park; assistant`'Mrs.. Geon :e Er- " ; g Safe 'in `th Arm's-, of Jes•u ." .e s s ringtori'; anniversary •"Safe .During:,the service :so'rne friends Mrs, Otto.•Popp, •° Iiarvey 'Alton, Minister and organist; audit'ors; Ceci 'Blake 'and' Wilbur:Br•o•wn;` ehu�rch/secre'tary, ;Mrs.. Otto 'Popp; Other :reports were froni Mrs. K. K:' Dawson ;'vho. gave high lights on ,the. work of. the United. Church'. Women for � 1962. A ,•.re- port froin.th•e ;Messe•ngers .prepan ed' ,by. Lynda Blake was given by Mrs. Cecil` .Blake. The C.G 1 T. report was. given.iby. Mrs. Herb' Finnigan; • Sunday -school •repor`t was given 'by ,Frank Pentland for Mrs', I��c�hard; Park, The Y:P U;, prepared by Bdri y Bogie ; an•d R.obeat Sht'i'wood vias ;given by 1VLrs. Otto .Popp,: Sigma: C• report prepared by Pa'ut Eedy wag gi ver big •Mrs.; C. Blake, Mrs; Me.l- • in•Reod ga �c ,theM,&M.',rep.o.rt.' Ulr Gostony'i gave the :trustee board report and Tom Webster gave treasurers report Mrs:. WiWur, Brown, :sec. -areas.., • gave . the'.report' of .the •ord Errington,Otto Popp Robert D• Gavifler,McIntosh and Ward CIIARTEREii ACCO.rNTANTS . •1tesident Partner,: I, 't,. 'f ennedy,. :C,A, Opposite Post .Office' Phone 881-3471 ;Walkerton Sang` the Dutch! Natianal' hyMn "A •.Safe Stronghold ' cur• God ;is' Stili": They,we•re.• S., deBoer, : P. ,de` Boer, J. de :Boer, W., d+e''-Boer, H Kragt. • The pallbearers. •were. D. Dalton,' :D• O'Dcnne1,41. 'Coui;t ney,, P :de B�oe-r, K. . • Ctoot; T. Ko1krrian,, Interment w. s '` ade in Dungannon Cenietery, Q.Ofi r _ es Tle annual -meeting' sof Kin- ' lough ;,LO,L.: `,1139 was held on;. Tuesday evening. The Worship fuel. C--oixnep-haste larence c Lerman installed the Jolloviri g•: officer` for 196: ' Master, Gordon ' ,Wall;: Deputy' Master,: Bert .Thompson;' Chap=' lain, :George Harkness;. Reporting. Secretary, • Harvie Thompson Treasurer, Victor'. Gawley; :1st Lecturer, John Barr;, ,2nd •Leet- ,urer,'Willi:am Haldenby; Maarshal,:. James Hodge; ".!Committee • -Men,. Alex Percy, ,Waiter o,l\1'cholson,: Claiudie .lore. After' the rrieeting•' ,lunch was served and a .:'social hour spent. • '" "That' pain . in • your left . leg may be ' due to .olid age" . "Don't be silly: The B=other one's the. saline age, and it's '111 - right." ' awanosh Reeve n0County At' the -January session of Hu ton County, . C.ouneil, Reeve Har-. v ey; . Culbert of West Wawanosh was "elected for a'' five-year terra. to,: the County Reads Committee. Mr. Culbert . , defeated Reeve George Frayne of lAborne Town- ship.. ler the ; 5 -year .term, and 1 -&t --- for - tefor, a one-year `term: Other ;mem-, bers:-'of the. Corninittee ~are; Reeve Dan Beuerman of .MfiKillap (awo years.)„ 'Deputy . reeve; Joseph Kerr,• W'i'ngharn, (three 'years). &'. Deputy reeve" Grant• -,Stirling;'..af. ; Goderich Township (four years)'; • The 'wa;idenship ..'horiou.r Year was Won :by:Walter '•J• For;':. bes of H'olrnesif1e, :reeve.. qif Goderich Township,• 110,defeated; Reeve Cliff Dunbar; of `,.Grey :• PEDLAR AGENCY • ie Egg.- Pick-up Depot ,For. ' Golden -Glow. NTRACTS . FINANCED (Complete),. .IEE CONCENTRATES whether it be DAIRY, HOG, POULTRY or SUPPLEMENT A arebalanced to give you, better results. Priced right. MilIfeeds and Chops'. Pasically' "to ',order ECHTEL and SON LTD. ,Luokriow Branch, Phone 528.30.14 "There's A' New Life Fed For, Every Need" •