The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-01, Page 13ti'UESDAY, JANUARY 1st,' 1963' • ,R BENTLE.Y.. A8CCOUNTAN.T • GQDERICH►, •ONT,Att.IO, Box 478 Phone JAckson:4-9521 . -M' HA-R� -....P ,�►. ER: AND .COMPANY •8 Chartered; Accountants. k ... 33 Hamilton St.' GODERICH,. ' ONTARIO. 'Telephone JA 4-75.62 • ..JOH NSTON E'S‘ : • FUNERAL:HOME 'Modern and Convealent Lucknow, Phone 528-3013 ` • .Day or Night S.erving• All Faiths According' to Their Wishes 'Moderate ,'Prices Established .1894 A. • R. DU VAL' D.C,Sp.C.� Chiropractor • physio .and: Electro ,Therapist Wirigham'.: -- Phone 300 1. ted o�n J O h n S•t. West. (Office •oca �+ _ .�rro 'it6:Darninion frank) ��ext :•to T RA•NCE :INSU FIR. -WIND;, CASUAL:TY.. ` AUTOMOBILE AND . LIFF. To : Protect .Your Jack,; Insure With :Jack Today.. J. A:.McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528.3423 ' STATE FAL M;: MUTUAL ':• AUTOMOBILE . A NC .IN R sU Investigate Before Investing• REUBEN WILSON 3; Gode'rich 8 -r-8 'dun annon Phone 0 g• • R. W:. ANDREW Barrister ..and'Solicitor• • LISTOWEL, •ONTARIO'. IN 1.UCKNOW • Every • Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in the JQy nt.:l3lctck Telephone: ,Office 135' Rc�sicicitcc 31-.I R. S. HE'THERINGTON, Q.C. Barrister; Etc. Wingbam and Lucknow IN LVCKNOW Monday .and Wednesslny Located in Kilpatrick Block . 'Phone Wingham' Office 48 , , Residence 97 IMPERIAL OIL: • PRI6DUCTS for • prompt service, arid quality prnditt2 ts,' • • THE'. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, tUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE eek inspector Res.igns West • Wawvanash 'Township Council 'held their December meeting on. Saturday, December 15th, 1062. Reeve Harvey Culbert 1?resid'ed with all members pre- sent-. • • On -a motion ' by Councillors. Smyth and ,Jefferson, Councir aggteed f -o accept with :regret the re ignation of Robert Chamney, Auburn; as_ townshzp • weed in- s)Peetor. •t a It was moved by Colin. ferson . and sec4nded 113Y C,oun' Treas- urer that the. Township. Treas- it rer be ' tauthorlzed to pay the taxes on properties at.. the a•d- journed ..tax. -sale at �tl e' County Court House (December 18th,, 19 2) in •the event of non -sale of, . contact.; GRANT CHISIIOLM,. Phone call Dungannon -.7N r;1 or 1.0 Luckuow� w "Always. Look . To lm enol ". b "For The '.Bost" MacKenzje Memorialr Cha :el FUNERAL' SERVICE Services': conducted accord- ing, to 'yam wishes at ,your Home," your Church, or at our Memorial..;. Chapel at no. additional .charge. • Lucknow,.' Phone . 528-3432 Day or Night WI N'GHAM . . MEMORIAL SHOP,.., We Have Been Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven Years, Always Using THE BEST, GRANITES Along -With, - : Expert Designing'nd`T: • 'Workmanship. ;. ' °Prices • Most 'Reasonable' Cemetery Lettering -a. Specialty .S N POTTO ,• Phone 256, Win ham :Ontario. • • • O; ALAN,: WILLIAMS :Optometrist °. :Office on Patrick :St., •just :off' the' Main St. in - WINGHAM' • • Professional Eye 'Examination Optical Services For appointment Please Phone 770,• Wingham ..,,, r;.4' ## .,; •4.....414Po4 w...�. M� O.D. ac �'ENZI O.D. K 1. Optometrist .. ` NOW IN RIPLEY . E\ RY WEDNESDAY' Offiet :Hours 10•00 a.m.:.to 9.00 P.m. Phone. oy MacKenzie, a- ointment: -r=24 for P ll,pley 96,. p, R. W.B ELL OPTOMETRIST ----- GODERICH' F. T., Armstrong .,Consulting Optometrist The Square (Phone JAckson • 4-7661) • . iuCKNOW 'DISTRICT. ' CO'OPFRATIV.0 ,INC. LucknUW, . Phone . 528-2125 TED C0I ER ftegistr'r•eti -.t1aster. Electrician ILG(,1iti41,. CONTRACTOR Specializing in ,Electric Heating,' Electric Wiring and repairs. and . said • properties. Motion carried. On 'a. motion (by Coups. S• nyth and Jefferson; Mr, Frank Mcg. Quillin, ,R,R, 2, ,Lucknow, was re-appointe-d for a,"two-Year t as West' Wawanosh .Township re presentative to• the Lucknow District High School Board. . On .a motion hy ,Chung, Jeffer- son and McPhee,Yownship . Cum - ell decided to extend the dead,' line :for the "payin of tax,es- (w, thi''out- ;penalty) till Tuesday, December 18th 1962 This 'was •KINLOUE.H. .... Congratulations- • to Mr:. and Mrs, • Elden Eckenswiller, who celebrated. 'their 50th wedding an-. niversary, A party was held in the Holyrood Hall on Tuesday eveningo mark the occasion. ` •Mr, and Mrs, George Haldenby returned' home 'after a recent trip to_ the_ W -; -a � Relativesea • from.� . here .attemded the funeral of the We Mrs. Neil x due to 'weather +and' road condi-MacKay on Thursday afternoon. tions of the•,,past week, Mrs.. MacKay;w.as a sister of- the rlate Mrs: William' Percy, We ex - due On a motion'by' 'cons, McPhee: '. and tend . symp thy .to :the.bereaved Smyth, West Wawanosh ,Township Council ig'aVe their family anti relatives; . Mr. and Mrs, ' William• Lloyd of ' Mh a mo- w ole- carted assent' to London . arid• "'Mrs. Ethel Runohy tion; , of .Huron ..County, Council, visited on Monday with Mrs. Wm. to establish a ,provincial park cox` and Bev. Benson Cox and'. ,a1on-g the lake. shore in "Huron with'Edna 'and 'May Boyle and County, spent Christmas with :Mr, and: y . C, Duns_ Smyth . Mrs. Ivan . Lloyd and fan( i,ly at on 'a matron '.b and McPhee, ,the following ,gen Kincardine:' eral accounts were passed for, Mr..and Mrs. N. E. Evansand paTyhmeen'Bl ythtandard, p intingNLiinchda l'soofnT' orooSatnradtfMi ordss Dsopennnat' 1962 Assess, notices, $10.62; 'Myles Christmas, with • Mr: 'and. Mrs St. Magie, partial refund .of ,1962 , •. Bern Nmchols�on, Evelyrf,:..Allan taxes, 23.67, Blyth ,Dis•trict Fire' .Lois . - ., Misses Sandra Percy and. Laura •Breckles Of Toronto spent Christ= :rnas at: their • ,respective homes. ,here. Mrs Gertrude .Walsh and Edna Jackson, ,; and . May Boyle were 'dinner grant to„ Auburn ..lib- iguests with. ,Mr, and Mrs; Chris rary, ':.15,00 .,Mrs: Mary: Erring- Shelton'- at . Hanover ori` -Christ - ton, Christ ton, .grant to Dungannon library, :mag, :20.'0• T M: Dur'nin. rant ' ,to • ' �" � g Mr. and :Mrs: Donald Earle of Dungannon5. , .Mrs.. Fred McQuillin, grant .to - '.Luc ov'- 'Fair •. 5.00'; L 11cc� 0 E Cardiff, iff : , rant �.3 E. i^Cl g.. Huron Plowmen's.' •Association, 25:00; Harvey Culbert,, Reeve's. salary `1:50,00, • selecting. -jurors 4.00, 'phone , 'c•alls' 4:20, .;158120;; Miller Hartwick' and `Wayne • at Orval McPhee, Counci�l.lor's. sal- Kincardine where a ;family din= wry,' '100.00';: Lorne Durnin, .Coon-. • a. nor-: was- wl& • ..:.: .---7-77 _ oiIlor's salary;` 100.00, G (don : Mr, and' 'Mrs, .jack .Hewiitt.held W 'Sn•myth;'' Councillor's. salary, a ',family dinner at" their„home; on Area,. 1962 levy, 15.00; John Cam-. exon,, Twp.- Hall, 'caretaker, `4e.00 ...Isobel. Miller, St,' .•Helens •Mem,. oriel ,plot,•caretaker,,,17,00, W: A. Miller, 'grant ' to; St, Helens lib :racy, . 26.00;* Miss Margaret R F ' 4 •00 Ingersoll, Mr; and Mrs. Elgin Hogg and .babe .of Wingham spent Christmas . with•, Mr: and M'rs..Roy ;Schneller,• , Jiminy. and: ,Deity.. , Mrs...Gertrude' Walsh spent boxing Day '.with. Mr.' and Mrs. 100.00; Hilliard Jefferson,. C�oun cilfor's, salary, - 100.00; 'Fred, Mc.: .School atten'dance• . off& cera ;10.00; Robert Cham,ney, Twp. weed inispector, :trips; etc., 25,00 Iiyth. Telephone Co., 1.962 rental .and' toll collections, 1500.99'; Cox spent Christmas ' with Mr. Count Of Huron; :R' q uisition .for•,and• Mrs. Jack Scott and. family .y u. , .. eC1 f '1902; 25,1'&8.10; Goderich Das>-'� M> .A;lex. •Hewitt ''w�hb is rict''•' C 1. Board, :19(62 •. Main:ten tending '•University of Waterloo `•ance requisition, .9,974.40;. S. I-1.1 .• en,ditures for Blake, •GalermCh; .,192, debenture' Road e� . requisition' (in 'part) 1,8366.75; I ber lst <to. 15 1902 - Decem- n`Lorne Lucknow H. S. :Board J1962'main-., avers, salary,. alary 33.0 0;• Dorn; •Road terance requisition; ,894.55;EMach,.'Co. Lt ► ,grader rePairs`, .. H.` Agnew, Lucknow. . 62 : de- i X6.24;' Lorne ;:Ivers, telephone calls, . Dave '. McClinchey,, plow°ingt bent•.. ,;rEquis tion; ;3,376.60; G. 1549'; C.' Grier; Twp:. Tress.,; .salary 'snow, 498 00 Dave •M Clinehey, 375,00, ;trips 2;00, phone..' ' calls 'hydrauli.c. oil, .7.50,• R. W. Mol'e,j _' lh'.a!ulin� sand,. 23.00;., ;.Geo..: Smyth, . 4:10,. 381..10; Huron �oun,ty 1i'ed . g a eration• Of. Agriculture, 1962 levy welding wing', 25.60.; Grant Chis-' ($631.54);; collection chs ges holm; motor► oil ;and Esso Rad, r Thos.' :. •($21..90); .591;64; 1^Iuron: Co. T.B. 125. : .Assc-c., .grant,. 5.00; W. ` i?Varo�rari= win.;78; Leddy, Rinaoul, gravel, 6.90; Stew osh Fire .'Ins. remium due. on= art Robertson; ,igravel, 13.80, • Bert • Mr 'and' Mrs. John ' White ...and' Office •. e.ui ,m, nth 3.00; JMoss gravel; "108.30 ArchieAit �farni,l�v�Ifncadi�ae• . .. Foran .'P.a1.. '19f2 gala.(.' 425:40, :chison,: brushing, :11:.25; 'Lucknow • •Mr..'• and Mrs. Arthur Phillips' y selecting jurors 4 00`;'tphone calls. Post O€fice;'stan`ips, 5.00. - and IPe6.gy :. of Fonthill spent Coucil: a j�ourned. to .meet 'o4 C ristinas with Mr. J.,'R. %ane, 4 10, :433:-1�; n �,J, F. Foran,: Bah. • • . • . compiling. and forwarding ,1962.January 14th, '1963. me. and MrsYF•rank ,Moulder:'& :.Keith. tax' statements;: 33.20; .Hays;- •Prest, ..• J. F.''FORAN, Tw•p;• Clerk. "• `. ' arid' Hays, retaining .fee for 1952,; -._. o h h •s mi ' ' tt e ' stili 25.00 village of Lucknow; fire. call to ' Harry, ' Girvin's,' 4' hours. @ •$75.00, 300.00;..Joe: Kerr, Wi•n,g- • ' ham, Returns: of 1962' ,gravel; deo.' :posit, 420.00; .'Canadian. Legion; Branch , 309, Memorial.' `Wreath, 117:00; •Fred Eznberlin,. ' Sanding . • 2 and' finishing •Twp. plall 'table, t1E. 26.65; Lucknow "Dist. Oo-op; coal . for :.welfare, -73.49;• • County of Huron,. Buckthgrn account '(1902),• 523.34; •. K, '. K:. Dawson Welfare. account . for .November .• 1.962, 30.05. p •. Roaji • experiditures• for; „Nov ember 19'52 •• .Lorne 'I+vers, ary, 128:00; Dom. Road Machy. Co.,. grader -repairs, 49,62;, Al- bert Phillips chain sawing, 48.00; Imp. Oil Ltd. fuel., and tax, 236.40; Grant Chisholm,. •gearoil and. E'ssd tad; 2081; Norman: McDonald, hauling gravel, .168.00. Gaul l ler, :Mea ntosh`w Christmas. • 'Ars. J. W. 'Colwell` spent Christ-. mas with Mr: and Mrs '. Walter Forster:• and family:' at Ripley. Rev ,Benson•Cox and Mrs Wm spent the holidays with his :oar. -. encs, )Ir: and Mrs. Jack Hewitt. and .other 'members of his family, • Mr, Fred Guest spent Christ- rnas ,with Mr. and MTS. Stanley Jo�hn•ston .at •London. «• • Mr. and Ntrs, Don Haldenby of` Hamilton spent Christmas.. •heli, days with Mr, and Mrs; N....E-• Haldenby,: ' • ' ri- •:M ; ` aridMrs W: E. Haldeniky,, M,r. and Mrs., Harold Haldenby and ,family, Mr,; . and Mrs. Clare". Sparling .and family,.: Mr. How- ard McGuire, Guelph were .din, , •ner guests with Mr.' .and Mrs, George Haldenby: Mr, and lyrs, N, E. Ialdenby and .familyspent. Christmas with Mx, ,:and" Mrs.. ',Ross Irwin at Luckhraw,. • i . Christmas. visitors with Mr.' and Mast, W. E.. Haldenby were Mr. and, Mrs. George Halden13y, . Mr.• Ralph.Haldenby, and son Billy' of, Port Credit , Congratulations to- Mr and Mrs, Douglas Haldenby 'on the birth of a daughter. Friends of Mr, • Jaynes McEuran Sr: are sorry -that ;he is a pat- ient in Kincardine Hospital. "We wish ihim improved health. Mr.. and Mrs. Alex Percy kreld • a ,family• dinner ion Christmas • Eve. Christmas visitors• with, Mrs... John Barr and Donald 'were Mr. Percy Barr ' of Toronto • MT. *Id Mrs. Russell Barr and Darrell ' of Scanboro, Mr.".and. Mrs: Morley B ishell• and family,.Mr. and' Mrs:.• Jack Barr and. family: Mr and Mrs„ Alex Percy;'San Ora • and. Wayne spent Christatas with:Mr. and "'MrS -Glen ' Halden- by, Greenock: Miss Winnif'red Percy, '.Joan '&.. Brian •spentChristmas„ with' 1Vtr: and Mrs._.Elson Arnold, Ber .' e: -,,'a___ Christmas: (visitors with . Mr. ' & Mrs. Ezra Stanley „were Mr, and Mrs: 'R. J:'Kaake and'LasrryStan- ley of ; Walkerton; Mr: and .Mrs. Dan Tollefson,' Toronto,• Mr.. Leo 'hard . Stanley, ,.Ki!tchener, Miss Elaine .Hodgins,.Kinloss. Mr. and Mrs. • Wilson Loder spent:.Christmas with : Mr. and . Mrs. Glen. Hodgins. Mr.' Kenneth. Hodgins, • Mrs. Harvey, Hodgins . visited on ' Sun- day with. Mr... and Mrs •Oscar.. Hodgins at Lucknow • ,. • Mr. and Mrs. ,Ezra Stanley at -- tended the concert at Mr Floyd • ' Stanley's:school •ev . enin Onea•evening : the Penteg,' cosWtadnl "Sesdunday y• .School `held •their'''Christmas concert at the church and ori Saturday 'evening tI Anglican Sunday; S,chool:eon cent was • held. Mr. and. :Mrs Donald , 'McEWan and ,family: spent Christmas'' with and WdrdL 1 HAi TERED ACCOUNTANTS' Resident Partner, J. E. Kennedy, All .electrical Appliances Opposite Post Office " I, mcfcnow, Phoney 528.5182 - "Phone 88:1--3471" War' •W • • � 2iL utt'd 1 Ig to Ex:tend Out many: f ' ncLs.,•/andpp errs:- . . tvlriEti, OC12 f att[eIt t/tn.'^s yout tastin y Loyalty, and then to '.hire; wit; o tt aovt- c�la� wiiI z...tIaat tacri and tvaty one Of you aw ty' / eutsl enjoy +. . M 'O"+ .(4/4m2y.,. y,• P cospt'iou3 aNcto V r.aJ • KNECHTEL $j;:ISQNS, Alex MacNay,, Manager �'