The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-01, Page 10,AGE TEN MaTelgajlerMAIMOOK, THE LUCKNOW' •`SENTINEL. LUCKNQ•W 0 sausamminalmessmumunnummualissossamommiratimmaiiiiiissore M. • -i: ■ ■ ■ ' ■, .■ •::■ • , ■. • ■, • • III:• ■ ■ • • ■ •*• so • ■ ▪ .• • • t - .■ • ■ , •■ ■ Bu1Ii;TO • Serve Distilet_._ and Controlled b over 6'00 Members Owned Y . Store $28.2125 4 . Fertilizer' Plant 528-2175 TUESDAY.,q JANUARY • lst) ‘'°1963 apammbaa■■■as■maim mosaPPI0iir* ■ a ■ s. ;1111 •■ O Fertilizer— F eed = Seep romp. ere To Sincer� fest Wishes For The ,;New Year. „. and may � wed also• Tress Our Appreciation • Your P,a�rondge. ` . UCKI'IOW D15TRICT C0-oPERA'fIVE 1 veryone o uiifutuu Ui I.I ■ ,troIeum Products - ,Hardware �: Coal Notice is hereby''. given that the. Annual , Meeting:c.nd Banquet. ,of the;• .. LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO.OPERATIV E INCORPORATED will". be held rursday, January. 1O,th. in. The, Legion Hall; liaeknow, • at 7:00 p. -m. • Banquet tickets arailaab'le from Directors or at the Co-op Office n PURPOSE:' Olt MEETING' T• d'•{receive Financial Report for 'the • year'en'ding '.October 31st, 1962'::. 2. To elect 4 direetersfar a three-year rterin; Alvin Robb, and., Evan; . Keith eligible for another �tihree-year term Retiring directors, :Basil' • Hogan and -g � Jazzes • R'ilchla+r!d�on,,; not ,eligible. for' re-election; •� 3: '°ARpaint auditors for the year. 19fr3 ' t 4 ` To 'consider. and • if ithoughconfirming:. .'With advisable, confirming wi+th or without further varia�tioii,' a special..resolutiion • enacted' by 'the Board: of. Direefors .con : the 10th day • of .October, 1362, rescinding 'all ioramer by-laws"af tlie'Co;operati.;ve and substitutimg therefore :new by-laws,. p whirl • are available at the office: of ;the r-.uz their place; Copies of � • Co-operative for inspection by ,,any Member during: business. hours prior; to the annual .meeting GUEST :SPEAK,ER— Grant •Case • DANCE .—:Elliott Carruthers .� • ■: AN .. 1111 ■ . ■ .: ■ • ■: , ■. �■ ■.• i. ■ ■ ▪ .9 • .. IBA 111 ■ •0 •■• ■. limmosaammaaaamaiisimmaasammimsammassmagmasamammilommeimmoimmimiliklimammilmamiaminamisamammiimommwomaiit HITEC.HURCH • Mr. ,and ' 'Mrs, liussel' •Ganant and :: Donald• • and ,fir, • ` ,and Mrs.., Donald Dirstein •of •Toronto ,spent. Christmas • Dayr• •.'at • the Thome of r en Currie, near ` Mr, and.M s..K Wingham.. Mr. and •Mrs . ,D•onald Diirsteir spent ..the` .weekend•, at • the home' of.' Mr:, and : Mrs. Rus- .sel .Gaunt. Mr. and Mrs',. Archie . Pu an •& • far 11 �! s ent . Christ n'as:.Da " P m y in • Kitchener. ' `' V1r..and Mrs:. Ben 11icClenag- hanan and. Gar Me- Clesiaghari -,spent Christmas.. Day. at the home• of Mr.', and'' Mrs.' Harry ;Moss •iri ••Plattsvilie Mr. Ross MoGregor of Toronto spent.'Christirias Day at the hoi ie 'of. Mr..and Mrs, Clark:.MeGregor in Monktoii • Mr. and u Mrs..- ,Russel . Ritchie,. M.' and 'Mrs. 'Fred' Tiffin,. Mr., Mr.' ,Mrs..' `Victor :+Emerson :and ' Mrs. Maude I aggit spent ' Christmas Day •athelrone ofMr: and Mrs:' Charlie Tiffin• and •Mrs. 'Reuben • • • Miss Lynda arid. Miss Jax ettee. Johnston .daught'ers ••of Mr. and Mrs.. Cl•arkrJohnston of •Belgrave spent: Christmas week at' the honie; of" Mr. ;and .Mfrs. Charlie Tiffin. Mr, and` Mrs. Sid Payne of -To ronnto •visited..the: week=end,at the home of •Mr,. and Mrs Russel ,Rit chrie and other •relatives. • .Miss Lila 'Emerson, and • Mr. Eldon • Emerson visited' Stinday "evening at the hoone of 'Mr. and Mrs. Victor: :Emerson; " • Mr. .and Mrs; George Coultes •of Belgravel#Mr.' and. Mrs. Wil- bert Schwichte.nberg of South- amptori and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultes of ,Whxitechurch' spe t Christmas Day' at the home ,of Mir.,• and 'Mr's.. Albert ,Coultes, Mr, and • Mrs, Russel ;Farrier and •family of Wingha xi, Mn -and Mrs, Clifford Farrier t(nd family • of Kitchener Miss Winnifred •FatiH of Toronto Mr, :and Mrs. Jack Gillespie of Sarnia and Mr, and;lVlrs, Garnet•,Farrie.r arid Mrs. Farrier exlj oyed Christinas dinner- on 'Wednesday. at • the, "Tiger Dunlep..Qnn." •Mr. and '.Mrs: Ben Cassidy of Belgrave, .Miss 'Patricia' and- Bern- edette; and ' little Brian King of Teeswater .s Tent,. Chri turas' Day at .the . home. sof Mr:. and . Mrs. Walter Arseott • • • Mr. Paul, :. Geiger . of Waterloo> •spending. Christmas week » at the 'hon ;e .of Mr. and , Mks. 'Carl IVlcCllenaghan Mrs.: •Adeleeh :: Dowling ' of Mount Pergst- spent the week -end -at-the-home of Mrs. Albert Cou1= M:r and Mrs. ;Floyd Bott and family' of Belanont,'Mr. and ,Mrs: Jim Curran of : St. Helens.. and Mr. • and Mrs` Robert Purdon of. 'Belgrave . visited on Saturday ,'at the income ''of Mr: and 'Mrs,' Archie Purdon, Mr. arid d Mrs. Ross Smith and•' Family of Toronto : peYi,t - Christ—mas : wee -en k d at Althe home .of Mr. and Mrs. • -Russel •Ghapman. Mrs. Robert Ross is spending Christmas .week at •the home. of Miss 'Barbara :Campbell in Lon:- doh. on .don; OLIVET NEWS • :bride in ,'unwrapping., her• gifts and reading the ,cards: Donna re plied' -graceously' and ' invited• all present to see, her • gifts and, trous•=- seau 1,displared ather home. • "There was •:a hint of .•nostalgia in the audience .When the Clover Valley sehoal,: presented their •ari= nua ; Christmas concert on Thurs= 'day, December .20th, Beautifully' written and decorated .programs: were used than year' replacing the usual` ;chairman. Sandy 'MacChar-: les, as .chairman of -;•-the.' Sdhool Board, : spoke briefly of the past, •present and future, as (this' is ex- 'pected to, be the. last tern in this school, having 'joined the• Ripley :School area. The 'pr.•ograrri 'con- sisted of openinsg choruses by all of the'pupils with Mrs. Sandy MacCharles at the piano. • Recita- tions by Laurie; MacCharles,' Ron, ald McGuire, Steven •Henry,: J°arie 'Geertsema, :Maureen . Geer.tsema; Mary MacCharles, . Mary Anis; MaeTavish,' Mary {Geertsema and May White.. Two ,,pre-school -con- .t"ributions • were enjoyed Nancy McGuire gave a• recitation 'and Teddy • Henry whistled " •iri�l... ,"Jingle e Belis"» Patsy 1VIadCharles. gave.. •a .piano 'solo.' Janet Hamilton and •Mary Ann MacTavish sang 'solos. ; Di'alogues'`.and skits .. were well played as. were the "Candle•Drill"`. by the Juniors and Square lance ;by.. the Seniors. The Juniors: sang Christmas 'Fairyland and the girls 'quartet sang,' •.the Christina's Hymn: The Seniors rs sang The Little Shoemaker The, • closings choruses were. followed` by •The Queen. ` Santa • Claus paid a •visit, and distributed gifts and treats, Lunch Was served, bringing ano= ,they. exciting evening to . a close. The final annual rate -payers` meeting .was held • in Clover 'Val- ley School on Wednesday with only , the trustee Sandy Mlac- ton , Charles, R. H Ilan� ;, . d , Her Clayton d the ,secretary,' Mrs,` Hel•,b. C yton present, • • rah services,. were suspend-. ed ort Sunday because of heavy drifting show. '• Mrs.° Alvin- Ha:Miltton spent Christmas with her family here; On, Christmas Day her mother, Miss Donna Osborne was Show- ered With .gifts :and good wishes. on Tuesday ,e:vening whenfriends andneighbours gathered in. Clo- ver Valley school in 'her honour. Mrs. John Calling was' the Chair - lady and Mrs. Ross Black piani•st. for: a program consisting .of com- munity singing, with Mrs. James MacTavish leading. •Mrs. Walter Dexter, Mrs" diver MacCharles, Mrs,! Walter Black and Miss Mary Roulston, gave readings, Mrs. John MadCharles, and • Mrs:.- Jas: MacTavish sang solos, Misses Marie Hamilton, Dianne Anger, Sharon Colling,, Evelyn'and Ruth White sang a Christmas carol. Mrs. Melvin Coiling • and Mrs. John Coiling condtzc,ted 'contests.. Mrs," Melvin Lolling- And Misses Mame Hamilton;. Mary R'oulston and Dianne Anger assisted the Mrs; Patterson, • passed; away in . Noriss Messenger gave a burn - 'hospital' in Hamilton:, • Mr., .and Mrs: .Hamilton, Marie, Janet and Michael . spent.'several .`days.. in Hamilton' and attended the fun-- . oral. ° BERLE -arcus Christmas 'reading.` Mrs, Herb Emmerton read. . the Christ- Mas. Story• while carols • were sting- at in•ter:ls .. H:ighligh{ts aria:;' of the: afternoon, Was a', candy' • .competition' With prizes going to Mrs. 'Donald Courtney ,and• Mrs. Art Messenger. There was a ale of aprons 'and .a gift,: exchange. Treats . for • Fair .Haven 'Nursing: Hoine in .:Kincardine • were also ` .donated. After (the, Ode ;and ;the grace, delectable refreshments were served by. the hostesses ri j charge., ` • • 'Mr., and Mrs: W;lliaan�:Court ney • and fartilly, Mr, and Mrs:. 'John, C. •.MacD nald ;and family. y Of Ripley and Mr•, James Mihen were Christmas guests :ot Mr. a,nd. Mrs: ' Wrri'.: J. Coin -they. Mr. and Mrs. Art Cour ne. � held t Y Chriastmas with....Mr. and . Mrs. Lloyd Courtney and family and Mr.' and' Mrs.: Grant . Rice ' an v d family of Loddon, Mr. Mervyn Courtney of Port Dover,• Mr;• Mrs, Robert Harris: and '1" . • fame y of ,Clarke: and Mr. • and Mrs, John 'l D. McKay .and - family of Ripley as ,guests. • Mir. and .Mrs. Archie • Courtney were dinner guests` .for. 'Cihrist- mas• with ,Mr, and Mrs .Cannan, McLeod of: Kincardine. • Mr. and MTs., ` Waitter, Brown : are: enjoying; a'vacatiOn; with re ativ,es , in California ; and Texas: • • Mi. INOr,Val Nesbitt visited ..ori Wednesday with. his. Sister,. Miss Lovie,••Nesbi'tt who is a patient rn St. 'Joseph's; HeSpital,'Loridon, Pine River Central School held their, Ch.ristznas entertainment. last week with a ,capacity,..aud- ,ience attending:. :: Mr's: Gordon ' Lmmerton • was 'hostess at: Lurgan Parish Hall for Reids Corners, W.arrmens Insti�` tote The ,Christmastree. and brightdecorations •were i.n':'•keep ing ••with the season:: Mrs; • Ceci1. Hollands' and • Mrs. Leonard .,Courtney` presided :Theroll call "Apgift I 'would like for Christ mas"•was: answered With ,various. wishes, ;butin ithe hearts. of:all; the .the most desired: was just' to be together with loved ones for the Christmas -arid New Year. ,holi day. • During •. the •business per- iod, leader's ,were appointed. the ""Garden' Cluli" which 'has been, a • successful :project . from 1- time to tine. Good seed . which is the loundati,on of the club; work has produced satisfying re-` sults, o• n t• .only for' food 'value; 'but also the interest and,enthusi• asni shown by' the club 'm,embers. Mrs. Herb Emmertdn. and Mgrs. Gordon 1Emmerton are the lead- ers for the club work. It was, decided to have the euchre. Part- ies ies in the Ironies again- this year or the W;T, Mrs. Gordon 'Erni/. merton gave 'an • iinterestin. de g • monstration on, candle making, also other Christmas decarati:ohs. Mrs. Murray ,Wa'bdeti: gave, the. origin. of the hoil� Which Ywas enjoyed. Duetts • wereiven'. y Mrs. William -Kempton 'and Ms • B4 'Courtney after Mrs, NEWS BRIEFS FROM NEARBY • . Tl e Port Elgin ;Times is'••the latest, . disbrict. weekl :do '4aPe adopt 'the off.s t � e . metho ' of. prot 'ciuotion. i.• A statement ' of receipts and p expensesissued by J. H.• Craw-.: ford, Official, agent for .George McwCutcheon, Progressive-Conser: vative candidate in »•the Huron-,• • Bruce.- byelect ion lists ei p .end i- tures at 5.525. 6 . • • During the deer season there. were 207 'deer bagged in the sputhern 'reg'ion of the Lake' slur on District and 221 in the Bruce •