The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-01, Page 2Por w; 'PAGE TWO gProwitaorchia THE LUCKIVO'W SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ;ONTARIQ AL daunt ges Action To. Stem Ercision. pportunity dor Rural Area Youth ?n his maiden..speee�h7 in, ,the Every young Mali or young w0 - 'Ontario ' 11 Tdegislature, •urray . ran who lea'Vets. the .•farm to gQ, 'Gaunt,, Liberal member for Mr- to the city takes with hien a oust on Bruce urged 'Governnnent. ;ac- omen of the Merchants .in ;the . Mian to turn "wasting aaural• .areas: • nearby. • '"to�w.n; 'The customer Into Pockets of o ress." The shrinkage, when' ippiected to te*t• int . P .� . PrOgress." , . of .phis. speech .is as. follows. hundreds •or thousands,• means' p• MT, Speaker, • fewer •'and less; prosperous aver..' hen: •this house spas. before it chants,. •',fewer., shop . • workers, n ide ation . of: matters affect- eventually 'smaller town spopula- c'osa_r ___ . ;ins agriculture, it is inclined to tion; And, as the town shrinks; dwell on priesnmarketsand so .does their attraction% for new distributive practices and • itax- industry, ' . . ation. 'Likewise,• when this; house • It is a vicious • circle of aban- :iias before, it matter's .afif eeting donment with ,the •econorniv .bar- industry .it is inclined: ,to follow ureter steadily ,plummeting,: The •• much the same procedure: It is farms get larger and:. 'efnpti& , altogether proper that, such pro- the, towns get quweter•:and •less• cedure should ' be observed be :prosperous, The area vouchers. immediate concern ,and, conten- bud. is, �' Speaker, benefits no= cause these • are • • the questions o f • .tion. • : •And yet, practically nothing is While this subject touches On; being '.done to remedy the situa both agriculture and 'on industry lion, Nor have any:,steps . !been/ 1n ,the arena, '1 have the honour' taken that•warrant hope for the to represent it touches,--- ,it .pres. future . . res .rather —,on the. lives esf .those . Take any own.. area; , Take, Hu who: 'dwell there and; 10...the ex- ron-Briuce as, an example, No. tent that ,the strength of ail On- one. of any generation has seen' : tario depends on the tstrength of• ;the slightest effort ;to plan,. Hy-• a]} the ,parts, this subject is --the dro has. been made available as. Concern of all Ontario and should. it. hasin: most of ;. Our settled 'bet caminuruties. Roads.. have :been the• immediate concern of 49ruse:, ° : sur�faeecl,• 'providing a little nig, This 'subject is the erosion of`,gling -local employment, But +hy- ooptortunity for youth , in Our • ru-• . dro lighting what? Roads'.*adug sal .areas.. whither? There has been no :plan - When the area that is. Huron-. ','Hing " for the • .There &> re, .There Bruce • *as settled 'between. •a been. no enquiry as .to where the hundred and :a !hundred and fifty future might • ,lead ..There has, years •ago:—. settlement in pretty, ''been no. governmental interest in'. • much the ':_preserit , pattern took whether this area dwindled . • about:'fifty .years to establish prospered. ` it was already .behind that area The hard fact of •t = tter to the south known as: the Huron. that•.the, rural ,areas Ontario.. • Tract ' and behind the, Lake:' area. have.: not evolved with..evolution to the ' north /because it has -•'/been to the inter-: W:infgh:am., now .the .centre', of est of thegovernmerit:'of..Ontario the riding,.• the largest.: town ...in to, keep the • people • of these `.areas :the. trilling . with a population" of ashewers• of wood. and drawers dens 'than "3,000: was •not settled- um of water..Great sums are being • until 'a Man on' a raft, • coming spent and Much:. publicity: has down river frorn Brussels, stuck been' given to job, retaining. 'This. on a : sand bar and. settled • !there: to the interest of industry and t was in 1&59 • to the other monied classes the in. 1 am's ,first industry was a government serves: , - grin it ` t serve the"'cse'ttl'er far- But what has ' been done in 'inners in' the immediate 'viol:PUy, • like measure for the .Ontario far- .And.' as th'e land: settledand the m .er.and for. the resident -worker area '.:grew' in ipopulatio�n, • :•other or small '.)business man of the Industrie*, ,grew :-,up to. serve 4 it; . small .towns? "Npthing ::pori 'They grew, not ,only yin .Wingharn, tiwely, unequivocally nothing! ' but in Lucknow,• in -Brussels, in What '• should ' rte , done? What Blyth, .inMildrn,ay, 'in Teesy_v_ater, steps /should ; be.' ' taken by . local ' an: Ripley and in the ..smaller residents,, :,by: local merchants? What steps should••,.,be .taken''by of crops, our Atransportation' ,fac-, the. igovernment of • Ontario? The ilifies, our domestic .market po- answers' to these ;questions are tential•,our ..housing. availabili-• controyersial but " • 'somewhere,: I ties and <all the= other factors in_ somehow, action must be .'under'. eluding , . if reight, • .refrigeration; storage ,and: ,insurance that •'in 4ustry needs to know: be f Dire it es'tablihes. ' :When this..i.urVeY is Completed, its findings shOauld !be '•anralysed. and . .there should be ,established from' •those findings;;realistic tar - zeta in terms 'of industrial attrac-.: ti.or When the survey and -the Sur- ' vey analysis• • have :been. . noir-- pleted, 'there should be set lup a meeting •of. the Wardens:, • the. clerks,,and ,the reeves and mayors of • the ;region and these . • •f acts,. 'Should.:be made known to ',tihem' of a. •localmunicipality May ex-, pend in any_ one year :a aum not exceeding the amount of one mill on the dollar on the total of its.. taxable assessment and as, an .additionwal one=tenth of one mill on the dollar on that part of its, total: taxable assessment in ex- • cess of ten million dollars for the purpose o paying any .expenses: of its department• . and commis sinner of industries, if any, end for the' ipurpose of .distributing information ,respecting the ad- vantages oaf: the municipality as an industrial, !business, educa- tional, .residential or vacation centre but no• local municipality shallexpend.'"in ones year, ..an amount exceeding $60,004. for such purijose, 'A11 this: high sounding phraseo- logy is ,totally. ',meaningless ' the 'areas. to , swlrich I refer. - In. .Huron -Bruce, for instance,, the largest .town, is Wine -pm with a popu'la'tion of . 2,800, The ,Act does not 'permit. Wi n.ngihaan,, as a .town, to act.. to save itself. If. Ontario is to .grow . in opportun ity, if the deep rural areas are. to, benefit • '•from. 'such growth;, if these ,areas are ..to continue to, b& an. asset to .rather than a burden on the body politic, then t ac.'t must be revised to help sma - ler towns .•to hep themselves:, I know, that there Will be,re sistence to these two suggestion's, I 'know that there are those Who will say ;that places ' ''ke •Huuron=, Bruce want to be . supported -by. ,government, that 'these . places want iproteotion and crutches to lean on and someone' else= goy ern+ment-' perhaps to "support, t'hern, : . • Mr. ,''Speaker, . the ,person who Makes Stich a 'statement slanders, all the :good people who live in hese areas, To ;borrow from :rhes- tory and to adaipt; a great quota ,bion to the ipresent .discussion , 3 State ' here` . and now` • that, far' : from 'wis+hing to lean on;' .the ef- forts of anyone else, .the people of Huron -Bruce' will :fire the last; shots in the :defence oi; -freedom= of ',enterprise All they. •, cask,: all they. seek,: is ;equality' of :'oppar- tunity �7 �' First;,' then,. a• survey. .. .This survey, should 'tell', us in. specific ter what :we have 'this 'area,•: in. trhese,towns and 'OP, lages; that wi11;7attract. what kinds of :employer. This survey should measure • • our. water* supply; : our* labour. pool, our hydro load, our sod' capacity. for various'' ` types communities that grew . to. serve the farni• 'community during the last century. • And then,' begintring with the last', 'generation and .accelerating into' today, /began .what I refer ,to. as ,. the,popUlation erosion., First young anen and...then. young, w,o•- wen ',began to . leave the.' farms and.. ••to seek. ernplaymelt. _ '-in. the • Ford ;factory in Detroit, em= ploymel t inI:o iden, in Kitchen-. ..er, 'in Toronto and :further. afield: • Coincidental :with •. this' .exodtis• ...from the farm : came the great developrnents in farm;:/,inechani-• zation. The area. of Huron Bruce. visas at one time noted ,for its`: horses;' Tommarrow, if •the trend coritirvues,.:.horses will be ..ex- • plaided to Children' rby means. Of ietures Today.the farms •are .larger, the people fewer,. theopportune tiles less. We, on the. farms, des- perately ..seeking some • holding\ back of the clock,; are inclined .to ,point fingers 'at- vertical integira- tion in -agriculture, at, the made-. gtiacy of agricultural products price floors, 'apt. the inequalities of taxation, particularly in the field. of advanced -education. • This starvation of : opportunity which ecpels our vallis; ;people' from the ifarms is. ' more than a. • • social phenomenon to note in pas- sing. Int is much more than that. It ,is a shrinking ' of the small. farm family ' circle and all that circle means ii religious good, " in ,social. good and ' , in economic. good. I,t•,is a negation of•'the as- pirations which brought our fore- bears to clear and to plough and to settle with the thought that there would be plenty for those who followed;pafter.: Butthis • shrinkage of popula- tion does not affect' only the farm home and, the family circle In one :Way Or another it at - feats everyone who works or lives;. in On.tario... �. tainin g an; i:rduatrlaI, commiss*obit , there , would. seem to be no. other, choice • than 'the•establish�rnent o#' spine: ;such ;bodys Let us suppose for a moTnent that such a• body exists, Let tis su .ppose it has been in operation regionally tor a,year or so. Could we not visualize a stop in. the ',emigration .of young :peopll e, an Increase :in the gross product of the region, a:. reduotion in .the individual tax burden 'because. of industry sharing sha '.in ithat. burden? I. think we" could..; x' know. we could for this; ;has been the •ef, feet of iiew industry establish- ment.: elsewhere. And we could have it too in thesepoor little taken because ;the Passing:of ,the ,buck• has left: us' woefully little time in. • :which to..reverse our 'down'ward'trend. • It must . he,, obvious to :.a11, who study • . this important problem' that the:;. first requirement' in amending a condition :that is ra4. pidly becoming intolerant is ade- quate information — regional in- fork ation.. . . A 'survey is:•neededto measure: the fall off in ;,opportunity arid the, • same survey •,:coul4 . readily be . employed to reveal' avenues of new opportunity. The `inaking• of such a. survey Is surely a gov- ui .-an exhaustive presentation of ernnient. obligation and one •thatperhaps one, or two days .dura should a undertaken invnedi 1 tion: . ately; -his', has been ddne before:• 'Opt. of this' presentation there and done successfully.:R�ight.now Should come the fo •. Irmation:of re- the .goverunent, of Alexico ispay-. gional committees which will ing.:out many ,millions of dollars meet from .time " • to ': time and to :have a professional assessment ;which will ,iiva'ke requests' . ...to' made ofthe potential of 'its vari- specific ,government : departments. ous areas. And 'yet '• Mexico is for specific ''further information co backward c e cornpared to us, •a as the need arises. a. • y• . The end function of.these re - .So let us have •a. survey which gional cortimi'ttees would be to will tell us in what direction we act to attract' industry .through should look the dissemination of .information'' • Then let tis ''revise 'the Muni- essential to in•dustryrand through cipal 'Act* to enable communitiessuch local ,attraction to industry to effect' the remedial measures. as seemed advisable to• the re-. indica'ted by the survey, gional body. as a Miele.- ._ Today., section ' 422 of the • You may say that this is no'. Municipal Act provides that the 'different 'from coothe establishment oun cil of. a municipality having' of` an, , industrial the, co'I sthan5,000 agree pula�tion .of •not less that; .in . simony ways, it " is may pass 'by-laws for • the esti- similar indeed to such• a •,bo.dy,' blishment and Maintenance. orf a And .yOu , are aware that such departmentofindustries and 'for, bodies have done much to attract• appointing'a commissioner of'in- industry and to create prospeil:ty dustries to bring to, the 'notice of in their areas, • manufacturers and others the ad., ' But,- Mr. Speaker, I submit; vantages• • of the rriunic •, that if the municipal act ,of On-•' tario ,(I am referringe to. section•... 422)large towdisbars nthfromprivilege all of butmain- the 1Lty as 'ucation- n centre. the council an nd ustrial business,. al, .residential or, vac Itt also states T1J. rich' regions tli t,tr donee . RbP an .exp. !gears i'ts •e#ort tc cen�trat'ed. -area$ Mr. Speaker; for rural areas runi• d'o` productive capaciW .the same as nesiectin tenance of a .house.' deteriorates. T his situation. can •�.- this situ,. ation. must -t be refit' 1 ple survey and irnpleme 'cation of .its findings . pan turn ntario's Wasting " rural' areas into pockets of progress that will at :root in, vestment and .provide jobs to keep Our. youth at. the e and' as, ' 'Sure them a career. .. _ • 1 RY ` 1st, 1963 ve been aba rt., ediency which, serve' the con - Is 'to let our in, in' their is exactly the main. e 1),FQperty.. • • "Maybe you can't divide .1963 'by four- but in my book stillradds up to a Leap Year: `"`I'M starting the�, h New Year with'� a bi leapforward. .' Tomorrow I take delivethere's m ry of ,a brand-new 'ear, and a modern stove '.for Mollie . on the:, way to replace that monstrosity in the kitchen:'`' '" ••1 ' "Mild you, we did a ,whole • lot of Ido king • decided to leap. That's whywe settled e t on the. B:of M• Family Finance' Plan in buying_our' New Year resents to ourselves. The: monthlyaP Payments; • are well: within our `. budget; and. we couldn't ask" for better terms All our credit needs fitted,snugly under that, one broad B d of M roof... "This, New Year,it's` off with'the'. old and on with the, new, .thank's to the B of Family Finance :.Plan." • BANHBr. 11 You have so in mind .that. would 10JAl!1UONr�KOMS give :a. new zest .• to hvtng-a new'.car .:a. new model TV...a. cottage ' in. • the country, even... why . npt see your • neighbourhood' branch of the Bo ,The people: at "MY ,BANK"' will be ,glad • todiscuss a low -cast, life insured •B o/ M Family Finance: Plan loan that could brighten. your days in . 1963. ; ' r'nance . t•OWCr ST, LIEF -INSURED L9ANS ucknow Branch: MILTON RA►YNER, Manager WORKING WiT4 CANADIANS IN 'EVERY' 'WALK OF LIFE •SINCE. 1'0'17' •