The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-01-01, Page 1a 13,00 A ce -- $1:00 °Extra TQ' U.S,A.- regor .F: osal M .u�fe nontl.:, iving 'of C Mise Vlar, eY.. .tLper ,Iability never cease to t'rpany friends who e oice ;i , '"';r ,recovery. 'She asable o in( about ' the home with ;he al.„ ` Someone's arm `-.and a pan, *'!s, despite the fact it is: r. only . t a :. rnoti,ths ago' that she . miler. o a hip':, fracture; which, require. surgery to place a sil- ver pia in' the hip socket, Miss.I Will Ma his sist.e:rhin London and accom- panied her to Luckn:ow where he Spent Ch;i istmas, Miss MacGregor . suffered a fractured left hip when she when leaving- the Legion 'Hall atter, casting; her. Vote at th,e Oe- 1".• tobe• 22nd plebiscite in ,Lyck_F now. She' was taken., to Wingham and then to 'Victoria •Hospital where the underwent surgery & ha'd since ,been- conval.esciing. • A few,' years • ago -' Miss Mac Gregor' suffered .a fracture to t'he tight' hip, and after recovering from this miyfortun.e,• suffered 'a bt'olen .wrist' In a - car accident. ine� IVlacGaregor wii(i frattuxed °hip two 1' is home again, a, pan Fyiday to., be home regor Will be 90 next a' her •vitali`ty and re`'•a a. a acGre'gor`s. bro..ther, Dr. �°'' ° regor, of Chi.c.ago, Met ;; w• Curling rted On Thursday • . t titra4r.01c r a 4golog +14011, u,0r 4.4M48i 14441004,e 441 re 4 04144 ~.± +e04o4 • • 4 " LUCIKNOW, ONTARIO 1':UilSU!AY, ANiIARX .lit, • 1963 Single Copy. .1.0e ' the: . 'Darin:` ; g�ariie Made a l .'roarin'..,comeback In ,the .Sepoy' 1i Town • .oil; Thursday,' when. close tb one hundred men • and women turned. oust during .the .afternoon, :and -evening .to try . throwing the' rocks, For many it • Was a first. time e per`ience Si:xteen. pair • of m'atc+hed `: tunes I arri;v,ed, only ' that 'morning by transport,' -and !were soon in op: eration An ice shaver...May have, to °be Obtained :to level .Off;the surface as flooding, u:p to, a few days. ago ;:had ,to be. done :w it}i• a hose,. causing.an excessive. build up' of .ice The. latter,: part of the week the' new barrel'.arrived foi • "brushing on„ hot' water:` in re,' surfacing the ice and is, now in operation. Lnitial pl,ans are. to 'hold curl- ing 'each Thursday arfternoon• and evening' and 'Sunday evenings.. New..Year: ' By Forrfler . The 'New. Year's'::poem in thi's issueikwas' corn+posed' ,by ..:George 'Alton, a ...native of the .Belfast corrm'unity, and. a descendant. of one:of the .pioneer families o1 that Mr', Alton is' r1OW•liV°ing,' retired at; Sault. Ste. Marie, 'He .farrtned' in that' ais.traet ' ,for many years and the poem was..,originally con. ce:ived as "a' farmer's exprc°ssion. of gratitude to the ,buying; pub lic and the '.whol._sale acid i:eta'il • firms that -afforded .hili a market for his crop," ` . The local connection • and the interdependence,:, fellowship ,and -.goodwill ,sof, the i:ural-urban' folk' . of this comrntinity, mak,es the' poem of special, s:gni.fic'anc4_ at. this' tirrie of year, 'The author p,,of the. pooini was born in West Wa,wanos.h Town ,ship on the :second' fare ',outln' of Belfast. 11 ' was ,or. c'of ,six sons. ii i heti: of Mt'. • and and three d g ..Mrs,'.Danic�l Afton. . Tn the family 4, were George, Alfred. 1lenry � r '' nest; William 1!ar�old:'John.Wes- 1 N'" ley, Albert Earl, ' 1Oi'Cnc e, Mfilhe1 a' and Elizabeth: -Mabel is :Vita. WDM, g K, Irvin of Con.: 9.' Ashtiel(l. . Their.' :gta,nd,tithe n. wK Alton. 1 ,.• . We. are:glad. of the �pportunity. the, 'ear affords to :extend . to Everyone in :omniunity• fest wishes for .peace; prosperi ealth, wealth and happines ere' s a specialword of "#hq subscribers, -advertisers and correspondents your loyal and valued support. E tucrniow SENTINEL 16 Pages Brought Accident- Victim -i T6 Win ham ' 'Mrs; Harry Wall Who was bad- ly injured. when struck by a car on carriPbgll St., near . the Town. Hall'; in late :Qctober, has .been .brought to Winghain.. hospital. Mrs. Wall ,suffered a* .badly shattered right arm and elbow, •and b'-c'cen .legs: +tithe . describes ori fc o `. t a .being "like .pulp," a.i.d as •yet a :is'' unknown :what 4,1.degtefi ucd rrycovery earl be ex • pe, ted T`; righ arm is in 'trap.... tion and �;t the • best, • Mrs, Wa1l lfi. be ' c. pitalizedy for a lbxng. Lim:: �t"'Rl 1t+" '"'NrrJi�,r`1►nr!7nJ"sa,w�n1�'�i►,!X11►r!JR nJ I�?slt,Crl1( if�^JR;nsn�:xi�; i► ilr'Y n ilf iiirip fi'".�iig,NVIt 00,0 ear=End Meditation ' (By' George Alton; : Sault .St ' Marie) ''As the festive season opens;, "„And, the • :year ',recedes from view, In a mood of:. recollection,• .- We're compelled, to think •of',: you. ' As we count our maty blessings; Meditate. on” whence they came,' e ,:And to spread.l'hetn all. around. us: What a help your, firm has beep!,,• 'As we pursue our.' occupation, ••' Humble tillers, of the soil, Growing fruits. arid'other •produce, finis. we spend toty' days in toil But . what • rapture' overtakes us, As '.the. Year speeds 'on, , tts7way,' When .the harvest breaks upon us With 'its .wonderful, •display. • we think thunk of other people,. . Then r As they troll the ,days . a the 'M'it`t Industrial cent' ,s Far,,,frnrrn , Nature .s grand rray.: o6r • fii�l�F71ilIa!o�.i'My i�s•�4'40,4:514 ' ' 'eve thean order to rely And to place within their 'readh Froin the bounteous, lap of Nature' Fruits and :other things to. eat A stuPendous- task- ,confronts us,. To distribute `• all; ,ground. The array of fruits and produce Nature • gave,us from .the ground. So your firm with• its equipment, And the staff and all combined, elpproduce/' and consumer, relief to both their mind's. Now 'the, help that you've afforded To 'unload our bounteous • store. Have our efforts nQt„been mutual?, Shall we, not each share the score • Of Reac-e and 'rest and ',satisfaction ,, That abound . from duty ,done Thus, we`ll have a'merry Christrrias, And ' a Happy New Year won. tl Bxni , 4 Next, issue Wil�l� Be On January• 9th This =issue • going into the mails , for ' ,distribution on Monday, December 3lst,'Ser- ves• as a :'special: New Year's = gr.eeting' pulblication, with ,the • great 'majority of local busi-, ness establishments.: taking • 'the opportunity to extend the season's greetingand a word of appreciabi n o.£ :your:.pat-• ronage.' The next i sue of The, Sen- tinel 'will` on Wednesday, Jaruary. 9th, 'when; we'll ,be '• back on schedule' again after',• sorine 'publivbirig. Juggling- to.,:: fi:t. ;in with the Jlidays:. Rural correspondents .who' may have some `extra ;New:. Year • visitation ,.acti(Vities toy' report- are. • asked1 .to send, these :buidgets . iri .by Thurs- • day .rather , tihanr waiting; ,to: inelude then .with the usual:. M.onday. budget. 'This will. give us an ; op portunity - tol' ,have them .in .:types in :,advance of'the : first- of-the-week irst of -the week type settnng.pres sure, • Ashfield Kir �s Largest Rural S..In Presbytery, (ASHFIELD NEWS), The. annual...CChristmas' concert' was held 'last Monday night. in • ,:he. Sunday School groom of Ash' •field .:Presbyterian Church with 'Rev.. Neil MacCombie as' chair man. Each class' contributed one : number' to•the program of Carols,: reading's •andverses, : This ,Sun d:ay School is :the largest ; rural school in the . Presbytery. of Huron-Maifland• with 'the highest attendance reaching. 98. • The: ':9. 4 classes, and their teachers are: .. I' 1st.. Kindergarten, 'Jars ,T. ;Mac: ' "Creight;. ,Primary,. Mrs. S. Mac= Lerman ; 4 classes of Juni ors, Mrs. William Macdonald,.. Mrs. Keith .Johnson,.' Mrs. ';Reuben V4lilsori. . Mrs. William Ross.; Two Inter- mediates, Mrs. D. MacMurehy,' Miss' 'Maryanne•, West:;,°Bible Class, Mrs. Earl Howes. At the lose of' . • the .'program, a film, Holy: Night was shc'wn . after , which. the Superintendent, ;Mr.' ' Gordon Ross and assistant, Mr. .Reuben, Wilson, gave ,outs, the se•alS and • certificates for ' perfect attend- ance. Among the substitute te'ach- e's arr Mrs, ,Colin MacGregor; Virs,`°D. R. : cKenz''e.Mrs. War, ren'-:Wylds,'Mrs. 'Henry Macken- zie, Mrs. ''Gordon Fnlayson and, Miss Anne `M•acieenzie, ' The postponed meeting of ;the Women's. ' Viissioi ary Se rety vas ; held on Tuesday at :the home of ,. Mr's.. Richard, West, Pepdiis.:of the' .Secr2•tar:er. were., ai'. en". •and the nevi' .slate of officers drawn 'up • Mr. and Mrs. George ,Leadbet- i�L ;an(' Ba: ;i'a f Tcyr':ito .Sp •nt. ,. the week -end. w.th �a 12.'�W ' ,• lin - GY