The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-12-23, Page 20-04 ' • L'«k TSN TSE LOCKNOW 'annum., LUCKND% wow) WEII ESDAV• OEC; 23rd, 1%4 ruit yam' 441.0 Maw Thulafaryeti patronage dating ttthe. ,Past) =. l even staff joins, in. ceding : best wishes. for a Merry and gimpy. New Year. s Wiese --, PHONE 126. THE , GS and . SET WISHES Plionit 5 t8 2,3 liatchnOw '4„4Y• "^i/,'."'{� �ti! ��tiJ''�J'y'-,jw+1'�:'iC��..+✓� J.`-.yam=.dy.q .Z.r i ,AV Phone Sly w 4 •. :By the :5.entjfl�I 1 Tba: cline with, the RCAF sta ' in Marville France, {. arrived home last Thursday and t is hold/wingwith his, patents .:• a Air. and Mr's,. Lloyd Cline of 'Ashf"ield. Angus was "p' , to France `a year ago last August and: " will be returning to, his station on January 314 where he will remain ' until August . to complete his :two year• posting, I. THAT Ross Irwin of L met with a painful accident re- cently. When he stepped off the" bull dozer he ; tested hes ankle tering ligament_ The ankle is I: now strapped & Ross is walking . �, stripped and Ross is wlkufg with the :aid of cutch „ THAT Margaret Rae : flew , from li Maltrni on Saturday to Lake- L f' land, Florida, where she will Anel" the winter. Margaret and her father the late Robert Rae c who passed away in October, a have made Lakeland their win- ter : home for maxis, Years. ' 'regret an, enor un ,our pact in .last Vis; paper which omitted an election •card for William, • E. .Halde adby of Kia- lough who ' Was recently elected to "i mlq Council.' " We . apPre- .• iTelate Mr; • Haldenby"s accept - mice' of ;Quer •error. Somewhere :. in the thousands/ of , .printed w ls, his became lest. THAT r i gins of Wingbarn and Mr. and Mr's..George Wraith of . Goderr ich ; both well known 'in the , b area„ • will fly to.Mer ! *co in mid Ja x ary as an award for sal is in their res pe busHr ne. Roth' are :Macy 1 Me .farm implement. nit. deals. i TAT 'old Jean " (Bobby) Reim, . six year old"'dat> r of Mrs. Fbrd Diann gbam,' 'ems.: home from i REGULARI .Y Sic hospital gist Friday. She was y ' hospitalized for a month with; pneumonia • a week , of : which wasspent the in�t�, other Sick . old l�� r . London,' . o he ' i. 'IRA'? Christmas and New. Yrs , visitors in and. out. of the area will be numerous. We .Bald appreciate )Fou advising if Sea Will be visiting or v tred. .,over *he holidays. Personal it eros "suede as ..this help us to , Make "a better'Wiper for We old . appreciate your a harmony with the Holiday i rhe add thiis`.�che ry note: May" ou ,a nd youis colo► for yrs to come, all the haP uthis we �..rrsh for 1t'o BEST "WLSHFS IFOR A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS awla HAPPY NEW : YEAR IS :.tinues' lew Years jf YORK FANCY. 14 en.. Vie. _. « .. SOLO COLOURED MUrgOrIRe THAT Fairview Dairy is adver- tising no Ionil "de ,on Christ- mas or New Years w but be`• cause of the long weekend. de - „limy limy will be '.made eon Boxier THAT by the time the ,paper is published„ Christmas mail at the Luc nous' Post i ie e ' will :be pretty much Zak to goal!. The heavy floe. of Christmas mailing was handled smoothly here with no slackening ser- vice, 'Postmaster Ken Cameron was 'acted by regulars Sproul & Carne Milne with Mrs Ken Cameron nit` in up to f. Awe employment fn time during the Cluistruas 's i. Mrs. Rill Balt and hers. jack Reef also*d On a. parttime basis. Rural t-arriers also handled the ma with the usual service itee° THAT Atter MacKay ef R. R 4 Ripley and ,Bei IltinterA were eaeh, w#Iners of SO of tries . at, ilat s Rel = White last week. Twee law”41 Le made Thursday night THAT the lighted istrn35 trees • en the light standards, en maim. street leave atoms with share' Vi Wow del oratIg o. elm tela vi uvklea a V e- tide appearance. The ltghteit trees were plated lei a. now yi i e (*oaten atoll were evoked by the Vilite or ,, 11.M 1" +u SUPREME MIX.Ep it RELISH Sweet Ph tiles Sade 3..put :79c SAVE ltic' 3tins49d . REALLY 'SAVE: '. s. 99c SKIVE .•12c 39c SAVE 21c Sugar Prices Are :Slais Buy: Now1 . We Sell Fie- is . ' Values Effective Phcne.. Luchno .528-3420 DtCEMEEU 14th to 310 sr. IL.,ay the gladness of Christmas linger with' ion torte the delightful music of s, sweet 11O64. GARNET E. FARRIER phone wM.m ur-xb's