The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-12-23, Page 17• WEDNliSO►A11, :DECD 1 •• 'THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO :....: .,h '4+1'44'.109011 r10w1arr010104 r00rwco Seu.sons.,Gree'.tings..To.�11� A Merry Christmas and. a P l~GE .SEVEN, . • 2 FantasyOn Ice • , 4 Shouid 'Be Good The following bit of information I hags been received, by the Luck - now Lions Club from the Kitchen- er --Waterloo skathig club and out lines performers that will' be head- lining the ice show "Fantasy on Ice"to be presented in th Luck - 1 now arena ,next Wednesday, De- cember 30th. In addition to the headliners, about 50 other skaters will perform., and with spot and Happy acid Pros•peruus �I• • • ew 'Year DON DONALDSON Cockshntt, Nuffield 'and r4ew ' idea .Dealer Teeswater, Ont.. ' coloured lighting effects, it should • be a • spectacular show. 3, Rosail r- +.lanctrOr tafrotor►0aytr. wAotiitrveigit. totervootaver. R.R. 3,, Waterloo,. Ont„ December 14r' - a-� ,The K -W Skating Club was form - "! ed' in 1936 and like most organ- izations its' fortunes 'have risen' BOXING DAY ' PROCLAMATIONand fallen with the times. At. F g . the present time, . the Clubs. for- C• -tunes are on the ascendency again • aiming Day will be. observed as ° .a CIVIC HOLIDAY In the.VNIageof Luckflow.. 5ThRDAY,....DECN.BER. 26th And. all citisans ate raquested' ; to • observe . it as such:1.► .1..i attanatezt e9l,i'ireshrigiti,G i rl tie tt.,T0rr14!0 `le"+. 04,4 , ' tl LUCKNOW MUNICIPAL :COUNCIL G: W Joynt, iteeve E H. 'Agnew, Clerk-Treas. Chrsholrn's -• Imperials defeated Pee -Wee. Squirt `House League . Hall`s Red & White, 7.2. Allan On December 19• Hamilton's 'Andrew. :got three, Doug Steven - Cities Service defeated :Scbiuid's son two, and Peter •Chisholm„.and. .and Ashton's, .'8-6: Goals `for Cities. Ronnie Manto with one each for. Service were scored by John; Mac- Chsholm's 'Imperials.. Elmer Ac- "Kenzie • and Ken MacLennan. with keit' and Jim .Fairish . got one three: and Bob Greer and:Steve .eadeh for Hall's Red & White; Hackett with one .each Brian .. Standings Chisholm's Imperials Jardine : and ' John Emberin got 8, .Schmid's and Ashton's 4, Ham- two::and Russell Moncrief . one for ilton's Cities Service 4, Hai1's Red Schmid's and Ashton's. . & White '0 . ' ° --, a• sodality 'andready smile. Lynda is 17 .years of age,. a Grade 11. CoMniercial; student and • a resi- dent : of Guelph This skater holds the•. 6th Figure Test and Senior Silver Datces.�' She has figure skated' for six years, her favorite hobby is, horseback .riding. and her ambition is. to- .be a :professional ;. figure. 'skating . instructor. Kim .'Roberts and.Bruce Brady,, ' this pair were..runners-up.: ui the'. 'Summer Free Skating Competi tions for Novice Pairs and .. stand 'a good chance' of winning the . Western Ontario Championship for taoc Toric tazot lend.iionarM, 7►Gtseracosiv tiveiaok,catr ile !tweetia • this class in January. Kim, ; Ro-. • for in the past two years, ..mem- bership has risen, ' from 200 .to over. 500 this . season! ''Enthusiasm. has, risen correspondingly with the . result , that this .Chib should I -soon become one of .the top fig- ure skating clubs. in .the country! 'Skating ;classes are conducted : in all three . Twin City arenas; . groups have been foinzied to .instruct. pre - 'school children and• especial class- es organized `'to instruct boys in hockey skating . We heartily' recommend a fig- ure skating .program for the com- munity of LUcknow for the bene-. fits' to your ” children. will become .evident in future years,. Figure skating is an. excellent ,recreation, because it , not only provides, the necessary eercis .. for the. body but -,it ;also. provides " training in self-discipline. Nowhere will you. find : Mote dedicated athletes than in :Figure Skating! • Professional .instructors are Ker ry:. Leitch, Barbara Leitch, -Mrs.1 Donald Fedy Dave Thomas. Kerry Leitch and Dave. Thomas, Will be skating in your show. • ' Dave Sutton was winner 'of the i 1964 Western 'Ontario Novice Men's ' Championship : and. is 16 years of age' and a;resident.: of Guleph where he,. plays hockey for ;the Guleph • Midget Allstars: Dave. has his 6th .Figure Test and is pres- entiy working on his;Gold: Dances.. °on the ice, he. . has: a . good sense of "humor, enjoys golf and has •ambitions • to be a professional skating . instructor. . ' Lynd Wickham won .the. 1964 Western. Ontario Novice' Ladies Championship. She• ;is a pretty brunette with a very pleasing per Lynd IRWIN'S GARAGE uicknow, • Phone 528-3428 best wishes. for the H�lidays... •Christmas Greetings AND THANK ...YOU' •FOR THE . .PL EASANT..'BUSJr' ESS RELATIONS WE. ,llAYl' EN,h)VEI) THROUGHOUT THE :YEAR CON.TtN U TO• $ERNE • You �N.• TH4 YEAR' TO' •COME F. C. van EYL PlioNE CLl1 Pottb t27W4. AGENT FOR JOHN.DOSVELD, REALTOR BOX"3S3 MEAFORD, TELEPHONE 428 ' 't ' ' `I♦1 �i ':/ + !8101419 ',0AkilRit'itxP"4`+ '1/.r"'Wis I+�IClti1flaisr china nu rtituati tntw 's ariatrt l i je. hu Yuletide best t o all' out friends .,, for ,a season packed with" all the wonderful things thatCluismaas WM MURDIE and SON Phone 528-290fi Luckiiow st taraao radr► criesaisami +e *Forva ealarnr e rMlt :1 ,1l, t larJorttivaa2t n karatrrteva .rta a asiqu *sivtr�►�ciweits * CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Ilere's hoping. ing. that all :our dreams for; a • ._ joyous holiday coletrue, leaving you with e only the happiest happiest of memories to treasure.%.; a • • • - o FINLAY DECORATORS 'Phone 528-3434-- Lucknow ,t' Ys?l a doffspirunbw�E ..)i ziezt 2s+'. 't3 0 'se'nt sionie s ,rhobrs xiitorers lc `s s 1 + !' 'bents, just turned 11 .and already. has . her 5th figure • 'test, Silver'. Lances and Bronze Pair Test an outstanding', achievement for - `a 'girl of her age. She has a. promising future in .figure'`skat- :ing '. Kim's partner, Bruce Brady, is • • It; years of• age and a resident of Scaforth 'but 'c��•alls K -W his home chub '. l hough he 'has only figure skated for .5 , years. Bruce has his ; ;#rd Figure Test, Silver' Dances and lrotre • Pairs Test. He' too wants to be a pro skating' in structor. This couple should steal they show! • ' "Little Miss Snow. Queen" Ruth- ;inn1Deckeit: Our membership roll . lists' her as ; being 7. She is as • cote as the pro erbial button. With a mischieV ions smile and. a .man-' her that endears • her to every. c�nc* She has two sisters who will bis skating , tit the Intermediate ensenihle numbers and has a bro- bs�� ? t� et►: ther on the _Kitchener Greenshirt. . ,. " -Junior `"fl hockey team. Season's .greetings. and. our. :hank*. to . alt our friends' whose patronage We. >naGle so highly! We're all aglow with twin wishes: for a holidayf u!l poi tooth . joy and good cheert PAUL; STARR REAL ESTATE: love the Old town parr where ' I ° useel to live" says" Mrs.. e�s� e xandtttgwith the Sentinel. carry, y Winqhc'm Office • riit r t a. b f}r h iN aa?sases•sio1R siv arb# twirl • `1 Phair and Acheson Chartered Accountants , -- Municipal Auditoria' Bd t 663 i<incatdh'e Phone 55