The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-12-16, Page 5WEDNESDAY,, DEC. 'liih, 194 11111 ,LUCSCt4OW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO, SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley HOW TO ' LIVE WITH. CHRISTMAS '41i,Thirty days: hath September, Christmas that somebody Isaw P Y x - night It snakes i ample: I am u•m; you are you feel. all. sort of saced and . ; well, you know- stinate; den batt'' fool.," f Barfy9• ;Get the idea? try another * a Women start tri that h�r- - ReadY? "I am witty. and spark- : assed look • about fust . of 4 - You are unusually talkative. -' December: They ' spend hundreds i He is drunk as a skunk ' • a are do escapist He ought to see ■ . 90 days.perhaps �, �' to, get your mind off the whole:. With. Christmas m the offing, perhaps you'd be • interested, in a new party game. Any number can play. It is guaranteed to niCrease the spirit .of goodfellowsbip and. jollity at any Christmas Party Called "Conjugation o of Irre- gular Verbs", it was invented by Bertrand Russell, It `goes. like this: the la eel• rs given an ir- , regular verb, h econjugates. zt, l mama hissing Santa Claus last .� April, f June and Christmas. At least. it seems that way. About the middle. of ; Novem. ber 'the . advertising swings into high gear. We are implored ' to buy "a gift to enehant her" --- like a dainty. electric shaver. Or -something "be •really needs' like a: tastefully :wrapped bottle of dandruff ; remover. Around: the same time, the "Christmas music" begins. We are warned , that Santa `•Clans is coming to to'Wn. We are reminded, 18 tunes . a day, to listen, through thunder of ,traffic and :the snarl of aircraft, for those jingle. bells. We: are told, ` for 20' 'days before fry Fi1IE 4■norol ARK UI4EaiKaaaaaasiaaaa asaaasaaEsiannolnalai iti $ ■ ■ • :' ■. R t NTI UED HEATING COMFORT:al II SI A: ■ SIs 0 111 IS la a, w ■.' i ■r of hours at their Christmas chores: ruthlessly hacking off the list of people who :didn't send us a 'card last. year; desperately wondering what to get Uecle Dud, :who is. in an'institution; franti- cally trying to get their husbands interested in'trees and trimming hand turkey. .. Well, cheer .up, chaps, It comes every . year, but • it lasts for only orsni mergenct enieiiiKi • .j.0 II4W'J'4l oil bike : inti auttr.:MAN. Men AND CA DELL M`EmBYcA AN w ■ TOP QUALITY ESSO � One moire. "1 day dream. You a psychiatrist" This sort of thing HEATING EQUIPMENT,.... is certain to get a dull party off the R eco demo is 1 wry)' � ., ground- g i . Now, how about some .Chest= 12. max definitions, so that 'you, w�a't NOME HEAT SERVICE AT NO COST TO YOU..• b a lot ROY HAVENS be misled y ■ have sprung up, around the , sacred.,, • Plumbing and Heating --1 Phone 5 28-30.12 Lucke ow el and joyous: occasion oi ■; Christmas list -men acqui_re "' ■ . •ESSO OIL BURNER .SALES and SERVICE : . reaching into their. hip pockets for .. - • • . . wallets so frequently Women aa■ c- ran■artaartaa■sawas■aaaaa minden asnnEassasnUasr • quire a different type List: Pelvis tation was given by Mrs. Donald a is dead. Also the 4Holly speaks of out, back tilted badly •to_ tbe Rots. Mrs. Robert . Ross led .in !Jesus because it is so prickly and rear from the waist itp, . acquired prayer. The roll call was answer thorny whit recalls to' us the ear- front : carrying Parcels. Pie' to, by, giving the. origin olI a Christ -1 thly lot of Jesus as one of. grief, ' their noses, ,; 'max Carol- The Offering was re- pain and sorrow, and out of that ,pudding ' --s- closely ceived and dedicated by Mrs sorrow we were . made rich • 'and . . Conn. ' Purpose of strong.: Lastly the Holly speal .. . allied : to Clnristma .list- �. It is Johnston .'"-The more noticeable•. in men_ a tYPe Ctiriatnnas . was given by Mrs_ •of Jesus by its blood red berries. ' of paralysis that comes from Dawson Craig who" explained who'We thing of the' hour when Jesus A Pudding their' hand in their pec- told, .. Why there was a t shed blood upon the - It has net so often- !Christmas, Why, Jesus Christ was ,•taken the death as . as. the'. Christmas Carols — girl child ' born of ,: in that .He) birth of Christ to give us our Hap ren born on Christmas Day anl. might die upon the Cross to ':save .py ( nays_ The Glad ' 'fittings named Carol: Far better to call us from our sins.. All viiia, believe sues. by lam. Dam given a heavy; list to ' starboard from HOME:' .HEAT SERVICE report them Mary. m Him are, saved ' and these sire son .Craig, with 28 Christmas tree any conif- 'the ones who really know the , Mrs. Earl Caslick reported for erous tree'. which falls over the meaning of Christmas_ Carols wel+eome ' and welfare 47• cards moment it is placed in a stand, ' .were enjoyed to organ ' music by § sent, .Mrs. W. R. Purdon Laibrary Christmas . cookies . -. people Mrs: Donald :Ross- Mrs. Johnston of Book . who think they are going to' spend:: Conn ': gave : the . message ` "The ;10 lbs Greetings Cards was, sent' Gess on .. Christmas I than..last : year. Hour, .Au 'homes are decorated ; to. Ontario Hospital Godericb and y Sometimes pronounced "kooky"- at the Christmas. . season because ' a package of used stamps to Pub-' Christmas spirit what the Christ was born He is our fling „•lications Department • Toronto, kids have and you don't at 6 a.m. & it: is because we love: Him that r which are used for funds ; Decd_ • , we want our homes decorated too.. for Cline Churcbes. Mrs. D - Family Christmas you •cook Certain plants are used for decor- MacDonald gave the Horne Help the turkey and • are stuck .with: the at ng.. The mistletoe was ` consid- ars rem ' She had made ten I dishes while ' the relatives ' sleep ered a ` sacred; plant by the heathen calls and had recerved. 6. it .off: and '' the missionaries took the The , message was closed. with. Christmas punch - the .recipe, sacred plant and . lard it at` the prayer by t}'', president: The Lad-:• is; simple Take .one husband and feet. of Christ so it has been .hon- ' nes .Aad; meConig was then.: hei+d_' wife . decorating tree on Christmas cured . ever • stere ; The ` Laurel. . is The financial report ` by [=S_ H_ 'Eve- Mix :. one set of lights : , v hich• the symbol. of the conqueror, -Why D MacDonald showed a balance doesn't. work Throw in trip downy does Holly , receive . ho , to, the „of V1.77. It was decided to ac-. town for..`extra set'of lights, by ' forefathers who not 'read rept. quilt patches' fora lt'' for ;husband.. Stir in a few short calls the holly..always spoke to m • the bale. A ' donation . of cd obiing on friends on way, home- Put bass- ; of Christ, because it fid e is was stent ' to i'_N _C',.C. The hot- 3,band gently 'inside door at one always the same Holly is the less 'ti=s. Robert Ross was thanked. Christmas ,morning and same in FebruartiT, when' snow Lunch :� seared by the hostess... • •you. get your awistmas Punch, - i right bets'een the eyes.• It is 'darn, roma„ ;tai July when roses ;:sidered , only ' sporting, if you feel bloom in December- when all earth i USE SENTINEL WANT ADS like retaiatigg, to wait. until Box- - ino `Days_ WHITEC�NURCH � MONUMENTS � community took most of the horses i back . to the coal oil lamp and ",soine:4 resorted to candles. ready. • fnr Christmas. Occurring : as it did •, at supper ,preparation many • ;, pressed ' coal oil . stoves or gas stoves into . seer, ice..Others not so' "fortunate to possess these stoves just had a ,.cold supper and drank milk ,or juice_ Mr. and Mrs: Jas_ McInnes visited on Wednesday, with Mr.! and Mrs. George Stanle and fam- ' ily of Lucknow. ,, Messers- Albert Coultes. Russel Chapman of this community and I. Phillip ' Steer of Langside: were called as . jurors ' to . Walkerton' and ap , ared on Monday' . Mr. ° Chapinan arid were ;not required r. � i�ed5 so . the eert reil turned home. on- Monday., me i • Comites had to return : for jurors service on. Tuesday. . . • On 'Tuesday evening Mr. Arthur!. \Ioore'accompanied by Mr. $& Mrs, ken Dickson* went to Orangev'ilbe' where the remains of his brother.. ? . in -las- the late Mr, Wellwood rest- Presbyterian W.M.S. The WM.S. of Cha! rev's Pres- ► bt terian Church held their le rem: ber .meeting atthe home of Mrs: Robert. Rom Decernber .9. 'The .. ' President Miss. Victor Emerson i prrided 'and opened the meeting . with the poem " eeember.w" The t . Christmas ,Service of Wo- nip on z the Glad Tidings was followed.: s The. , tvripture lessr� . , was . read "' by Mrs..Donald. ,Watt. The Medi ....► For sound counsel and a fair price on a anonureat correctly designed from cpia1ity, material, rely. on SKELTON:MEM0RiA1S Walkerton Pat/ O'Hitgain,. Established. Over Sixty Years Phone 881-0234 • ,. ESSo SERVICE. FOR TOP QUAL Y ATLAS : BATTERIES DUNLOP, TIRES (Most ..:Sizes in Stod y AT REASONABIZ PRICES! Repairs to AfI Makes of Cars 'and Tractor 2- Licari cci lViedianics peel 'Aigmm.ni and Bokindng