The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-12-09, Page 6• F: • G by Ree for atio on; cillo .wer Bro ace L.'. vey ilto2 sell( two . .wer ' Her er yea • • Bili E. G iltoi San Hai , by' Hat UX THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DIC.;' At.efl.d�n.e:At 1i... te.restifl. Ana In#o�mafrve Ana s I Nomination :. (by` Norman: Taylor), Harold Ritchie was. appointed; 1 ' • PLAN ROAD WORK .chairma of the sparsely attended Nomination Meeting in the village hall on. Monday night of last week. The first nominee for the office of reeve.. Geo-ee 'Jnvnt. was called on to speak. He stated it had been 1964 marks the first year in which the road, program .of . im- provement w a s not completed. This was . attributed to. .the fact the engineer who was hired to lay out .the work had too many ,a pleasure to serve the: community other obligations, Plans still call ;past year, indeed for the for a :new bridge on Willoughby. for • eight years. • While the job Street at Jack MacDonald's gar- was not easy, and with ' lots of age'' and ' the , widening of this.. hard work involved, he hued :his, street between Ross and. Have - efforts to get the extras from the lock. Streets. Also, Stauffer Street, senior governments: had brought is to be widened just' north. ,of In referring back to mdustry, betterment to the village, • . Silverwood's downtown store, with: he .. stated' that while . those who In stating his intention to be. a .the high hill to be cut back and. owned , the local factory were fin - candidate for office in 1965,.George sodded, . The home of Mr, and Mrs: ancially sound, they were having informed the meeting that works Sandy Hackett will. be , moved to difficulty. in ,hiring competent were already being ,ne;otiatedfor a more suitable location. . This management. As. a .result, the fac- the coming yes" He regretted; work is being undertaken with tory is up ' for sale 'at 'a much there was not more interest in, The cost to the village will be. The County Bruce .'Cour and the Province: too high rice, ' between $300; and $400: Parking 'all . responsibility essuming stated great ' Strndes had .been y for' assessing of civic affairs in the village andwill made hi' bettering the . village in on highway 86 (Campbell St.) is property through an Assessment. the past;. several years, The vii .a problem and has not been dealt Commission: There have been too . lege,' he • felt,. had a good future with sooner. because . the . entire. t and the- trend toward deeentrat. street surface must be removed, ization: of, industry will eventually :' a new road bed prepared; ' and a help Lucknow. There has been ap- ; new surface. 'relaid, The Province proximately Sono,o 10 {increase in, 'wail,; in this instance, assumeall assessment since 1955 with the the cost: ' since this is . 'a provin- heaters. As these were replaced; then the odour .cleared up. There are still, sidewalks to be replaced, but at 56c per sq. ft: this; is a costly business. The new. sidewalks laid on the . mainstreet. a few years. ago had probably cast as much as all the oriel; walks did together. There are 'still around 100 rate- payers who have not . indicated whether or not they are in fav- our of the arena renovations. Policing the . village is costing. $5;000 per year and the ' reeve feels it .is money well spent. He felt •constable 'Balzer was' doing a good job. • FACTORY FOR SALE many descrepancies , throughout the County and very little equaliz- ation' as such.. Assessors ' with the necessary training have been hard. to come by. Mr. Joynt felt .Luck - now had been fortunate to ' .have total being around; tl+e million i tial highway. , ' an assessor of the calibre of Stu - lar mark at. present.: , Hydro is showing a small pro- art' Collyer. The debenture 'position of Luck- fzt.r. Exact figures were not .given • PLAN MONTHLY CLINIC .: now is quite sound, being' some- since the hydro, auditor had not ' If `. he is reeve , in Lucgnow. in what . below other -centres' of com- made his report to : date, More 1965, he' will set'up an • Economic parable size and is satisfactoryto' hydro is `. beingused . which de-' 'Clinic ' wherepeopleo'; who have ,_ t ' Ontario Municipal ' Board. Be-mands larger transformers.. trouble obtaining birth certificates,- ' ferring to the MO .Sc'hool deben- WATER ODOUR CORRECTED pensions and related problems can tures in particular,'it was pointed. Mr. Joyat mentioned there had' come and. 'discuss their problems; out that 38.2% of the . residential ' been some trouble with bad • smell= and. receive help..' The :clinic ' will. and 33.5%• of the carnine* cial' tax Ing water as the result of faulty ;meet monthly. dollar is 'set aside for ;education, magnesium rods, in ` the water M. L. (Mike) Sanderson,second �; ,i�'- d;'��: 3� ��' �'� 1 '$ 'ja • •• j u:. ▪ - iscount Prices on Diamond :'Rings Ladies' and Men's Wrist Wt�ch�s � Special discount prices ilver Tea Services Discount Samsonite Luggage O Discount i4 r1Sterling Silver Flahvarez t Patterns 20% Discount ALL 4 . China Breakfast aod Dinnerware : Sets Discount . Prices Ladies' and : Men's Expansion Watch Bracelets Brand Hanes 20% Dscoiuit o 1 4 w a h, ham, -. h n, i using ronintionxithin ; ” ' + " thenvillage end would appreciate hear ng from anyone . who can .;,rive. help. it this •regard. nominee ' for the office of reeve, l spoke on. hydro as it pertains to the village It will be necessary to install • five new transformers at a cost `of .$1;500 because of the increased use ' of electrical. power. New lights and steel stan- dards are being set up at the east end ' of .Campbell street. This will entail ' an expenditure of $3,380. Hydro will show a profit this year and there is ' still $9,500 in the reserve.' fund, Mike thanked his mover and seconder' but declined. v to run for the reehiHe was. es p, also nominated for council. Third nominee for reeve, ()mar Brooks, also declined to run for that -office and he also. Was nom.-. Mated for council, Omar. spoke on roads and: bridges, stating that $3,160 had been spent this year, all - on general maintenance. Build- ing new roads and . bridges had been 'set back a whole year be- cause the engineer had been too busy elsewhere. He stated . it woild be foolish not to continue to im- prove the roads .and bridges : of the village when 'the Province al- lows 'an 80%a grant on this work, Mr. Brooks : found it rather dis- couraging that .there • wasn't" a • big- ger audience at the nomination meeting, since this .:is; your bus- iness as well as the councils, a, point . which was well taken. { W. A. (Bud) Hamilton t reported that operating the dump had ;cost $1,540 this year, $300 of ' which was. for an .'adequate fence.Due to: the complaints of the , residents in the area of the ` dump;,' the council felt they had no other re course • but ` to. ' fence it ;' in and lock the : gate.; . This ' has proven .: to have been . a good move with a couple : of minor exceptions. Bud stated : he would be a candidate ;rearcn Building Set There's no Unlit to what you cant:wild with LEGO, the: play sensation: of Europe, is :now produced in. Canada by Sam- sonite. The LEGO System is composed of . various . sized coloured plastic building blockswhich lack together and'stay locked until they afe taken .for council.' apart The Water .:system wasdiscuss- ed by Harvey • Webster, candidate for council. Revenue , exceeded ex- ' penditures by $630 m . this.. depart- mert: ' The council:. are . endeavour Ing to bring the ` best water at , the lowest cost to ; the ' village but there will be a small increase in the .'water rates in the future,to allow' . a build up of .funds for: -capital : `expenditure: ACCLAMATION FOR SCHOOL Three : vacancies; on the : Board of the 'Public . School were filled by 'acclamation ' when the: three retiring members were .returned.: Robert. C. MacKenzie, James :Hen- demonand. •..Wm Schmid were i. l$2eviask 50 'Set ostl . SCHMID'S Jewelry and Chi a LUCKNOW; ONTARIO. the only, . ones nominated.. Robert rM MacKenzie reported for the ,Board, ; le. stating there had been' no large • • expenditure ' other 'than. for gen- I eral operation ' of the' school. The addition becoming a reality. He l whole ,school is now equipped With congratulated the reeve and coun- new type seating.. Teachers'.. sal cil , on the affairs of, the town. ,ries: account ;for , a large portion Joyot was asked • to give of . the school. expenditures and more' details about. , the. . . arena, : also for ' the increase in cost this vs• eh was :built in 1937 .and is ' year. Each teacher was eligible in need of.. in inside and for the regular . 5200. am 'annual - „Out. 'Mere /painting. gout. ere iss also . a traffic hoz=' ard'' with children coming 'out of the arena `directly on ..to , a busy street: The council hired' an arch- itect who prepared plans for a west end ' addition. • to incorporate a', great •many ':facilities on 'a. split level plan. The existing . • east end of the ` arena would also' be ren— ovated 'with a concrete floor, large service doors,' and bleacher 'seat- ing. The total dost will' be around $82,000; but . after taking 'advan .tage of the several grants avail- able: from the senior governments it will ' mean debenturing some $35.000 overa period of twenty years. This means $2,900 .per :year .or 3 mills which ..can be reduced . to 1.5 mills when the arena op- erating . res'enues' are considered. The. council. realizes this is a . iu tiry item and they do ' not feel it is then` duty .to have' to sell it too the ratepayers The local Lions Club' have .conducted ' a put - lic. opinion poll in order to deter mine the feeling of the ratepay- ers and of the 300 "votes returned there ` was a heavy majority in ' its, . favour... There are 'still 100 totes . not heard from to date. The courted will not act until suith time as ,.they+ are assured Of the ,people's wishes. In. , airy event • appr. nximately 612.000 will have to be spent on the building if it is' to be maintained and this .will m be debentured.. The meeting was a small. quiet aid -sober 'affair. Pew questions. were asked o it would seertt to indicate there is .eornplete 'satin: faction with the municipal ,affairsd the . Village Lucknow. w . crement and „one teacher had .be- come eligible -fora $600: increase because o f ;category• upgrading. .Mr. Henderson and Mr. Schmid did./ not attend: . the . meeting but were 1, vouched for' by : Mr. 'Mac - High School. business :was pre- , served • by Charles Webster, Vil� lage representative. He 'stated'. the mill rate had been held this year but costs are on the increase. pupils are, attending classes' and "20 ' are being •.transported to the vocational school. at Vitii gham. Ac- tually it would 'be. more econom-' ical to have upwards ' to 27n0 ,More pupils attending ' our : school. The cost per pupil can be held : down when • classes are 'filledto max-, irtium. Mr. Webster remarked that ,good harmony existed. :be- ' tween the Luck-iiow and VfE Ingham Boards. Luclmow pat's •on a per pupil basis for those attending the Wingharty school and We ate ' net committed in any way to the cost of the upkeep of the school. The principal and staff of 'me .Lucknow school :were highly, corn- mended and it 'was further paint., 'ed out that the principal. L.- E. GoYetie .is in need ofmore spat - s Jewelry LUCKNOW oph PHONE 523.2 22 Ot1TLtt' ES ARENA . PROJECT The Chairman called en Carn- eron MacDonald to speak: 'Ile op- ened updismission on the arena pro)ect by sayiizg he was • deeply • interestedin .. 'the arena• situation y �` ,�-�, And looked fotwi'ard to the.. new