The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-11-18, Page 14g7 rr PACE POOKTEEN LUCKNOW INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY 'LEAGUE 9445 SCHEDULE 7:3r pm.. ticfr,./.7 moods vs Mgh School WIgh• School vs Wotan , IIrigh rv' • S. He yrood vs »Ki t it... 'SRverwoods vs Bellwood 22. Silvervmods vs Icoiaal 29 Silverwoods vs. Mei School School vs Kagan 12 >h Sebool vs 1104000. 1s . 25 StiverwoodS vs per.. 9SIVEXWOOds $clhool vs Schwa I6 v ' 23 fligh School vs Bolyrood NELr 9:3S pan.. . HobrnOd vs EStivlobrood 'vs Wotan Silverwoods vs WO School schkg:vsTanta mg/a-school vs' migrood. ,liolyrood vsnovroodlcintal"&lmwooth vs. vs.Ther .School High' School 'asp .IrantaR Fligh School. vs Bellwood Horaod cast •Stiverwoods vs Bolyrood • Si1verwoa is vs ICuitail ' ' oo�d, 'George B� William , - it . havA iesrtli Be*Iie''-e .gone pro ' fol - Over 1M attended the awl loWing, 4-'H. • a1 eiubers for - .let - banquet of the West `a if clabT Douglas ,FederationAfrica/ire held in Mtn, Douglas Graffiti' Eiclo Wilde - the Auburn erfiorial brand,. Jack Aitchison, John Ly - Ma Whge the banquet was, be- big served brae' members of knew Murray ozYrisoo, Bog the Awa Women tate, ie Todd, Wayne , Cecil l aid Mss Lou McAlister, . R.R. Ton, Ambrose Redmond, 2. A The played seiectians .ate 0. ,, ,, i , :; ;irac�tor glob., X e eth t .p Piano.: ` he a _ Robert '. it a sto'n; sw tne McAllister., vekomed all .and; pro- i club, : 0, , .'idJohnston, ,Glen ?Rid Paw. 'the toastto cthe• queen. Mr., Erie sip club, 1 u ie Amt ,.Tailor thanked the Auburn/ Todd;girls' terriaking drib, TAlt MeDonald, . Mi r, Wil- , Calhert, , Janette .Dobie,. LADIES R� t Lies ' for err �� . ` � w�E . Baw�ING � a score °f �bx� 'Ile alsoZt�rs. � � irrk 'and ,Connie !i is - 'oba� �. November 1i .. w� n „president, `Ctai - :; . , � .l,ey; i- ms's hngh scwre `; ° !gasoline Phillips.; Dungannon n the �� , Orioles 4 poi Bluebirds 0; Corals 4 0; 'Wens ' 2 points, Robins 2: pointrs_. Bern MacDonald � 591 for the high • triple of the week and Mar- ion Madame had 249 for high doge Tea.k Standing --Wrens '� . Illnebints 1 '15, ( i o 1-"Ciala>t11'/ of ?.�: ., �' ArnaTd, �'�Ar- Ladies' 'r- L s' high triple was. .' by ; •.first speaker ,of g Bernice Deet' 81f" the Better Bat*lb l , h' Ar Bernice - 'was ESS Patricia�,8t['-�CiB , o• ter Bowl with a 'score 4 447. ' for. arm ��r ' D kms' ic+ Yv> She also won with :et* ' 'a "dher ,.. rt Linda at score:ef 254. - t estall*that � 'Donna rogg ,0�nle �Q�t't*Ial, 354 gels taken .The rroject'ItWanda ' Wilson; Si: odes 5,, (paries 42, & ' MEWS .B LING LEAGUE 'Gams and ' Over : — Jean ' *e esday Evening . `(T `P -m- ) 216„ Isabelle Eedy 1 November 'Sl Marion mammon , OldsmobBes B- aiimey :fie .2 , Feriae AffacDon ald 204, 2 andThe Mil* Way _ girlsXaMil 'Gan*, Mc- completed e- ° pl�eted project What Vhf_ ' r, Esher I wear? She gave' a report Pannabecker, .3ctdy � the �: � . .., �Laoise 'ilff�iu, The 4C ;:�ms�s ,On ' Brenda:Webster, Pam •Cooper, pow, Die. Pars 1 'the -H s 3 She • IllarYbelle' 1B deer, ailtyn Bre, : 'f ancy; +Cr -a n rat y !Or - SINIk A 1 1 CoIIec.1: Glasses Loeknow Lions Cl�' ' cow • use e . act ape s ai•• 'buted to reloped; vo 'The drib is working in »p"•at%4m with the. , fo fi L 'in MIS project. 'Resit , them- . wishing antribdte g� are ' advised to leave them ...at Schmid's Jewelry antd:. China, • II sponse to This s ppea'1 e years `has to " $ g�- . Guest speaker ait The regular meeting of Liens was �Ctonstab1e Ed McPhail of the Ontario ''Q-. xia ia�l . Police,. t x!c .. Ed Trace the history. ' The. R C.M.IP, and The +O.P P,. A' : fir tines in a {deanocril ";y. P. was i itrodnced :bey +Gor d 1 � son and thanked by Frank Ithan ip- .• . Tt was 'decided. ?not to tai: c n �c�arlescait rca�rds to members from ,the •c�ia�b M. casee. %uarbld overlooked, bat trnetibers were urged To Bio this tor i a x ,persmrla'ltaq:s C cc To ' the ' tib t aid pled Children w to be 4s.. .COnz ition. ham at the mei ?met- mg• • • Treasure Rae cC pot- ' the proceeds from the run-. Mage • sailer :amounted t o , ` ., Omit iCbri h¢il»i mem p a 'arc c fil Hallow en Party, Point; Omar Brooks' P.oi iaos '4 lin: the Towithip as they' eve • ' paws, Art s ,S erw '� Y''During'c am- ' , . the9 ea,�ng.ri5icdl se-: �• Uccllor aU�wNNOI. l S ' a_,. ale '.‘an- ke � t�•a - Betty the la saF •361 ls,gle for e,den.. ' its. {Gordon . - scores far ' tie and single thew+eet w agb , that l ' for'yrs. Norman McClenhy, with.a totalof 55c and eau , ; Wheys fad Wes accOmPanied BOwuNG Hass Int Fr1 _ t swag tettepropel of Auburn 'ladies, lers..'Gar-„ games of 251_ Baichs 1 •s-� , _ _ Jour, Parks led the men• w e a � -' ohdes •� Sir B. ' , ' �" `� .`�`'�` tie .� Hawthorne G ' a_ o - - at 2SD �d Geer :-- had tlae . with a 2951 nellt 3°1 and 233' noel " &mum: 2' L 2mar a toy n- aad Vitale BilYelaChiPalualim Waverilles 15, Kan- f ' 19, Beaters �,, Coons �,, demon �'�.. -. :Parr" gaLetiress using Ithee games 15' Zebras' 14 Ivale 'Cats ' Squirrels g:, • !HEADS *wet Gager *Ibis an ,opixtrtelijty to sell their. • TEESWATER , ,CREAMERY BOWLING LEAGUE November 12 Men's high triple wed to Dare of the Losers team with males *fisr better advertising Harvey' . Act of Irmcardine., the . toad ' (men f me - soca of .,arid Mrs- Ernest Ac- farts He limed ;. 7 ito i -.at abeam kert of L aw- `' aas VeCeStir Vie good .things•,, like and ttibe wed president 'Of te Bruce' •,g'1s :. Be County- > stated that everytime • vtai knoCk a you mow: : The case in the Vie 4. margarine. Hutton remarked .that . the Weary the moat imported industry athe world . tosdas Irma he tinged. fanners 'to. j'their produets •.and get Acloser under- staormitbetween art= and rural people. ttte`i t 44 'Thing_and Uhl them . tthat Aitwas the s ing:the farm produCtrstt aaai to the voit_. Be it lh rated pro- ducing apactageel' instant . tatoes lad& volt 22 tents.and stated that ing 10 that weizerit in 1lie package, potatoes would cost $3a.2@ita, g- # paekage 01 carrots emelt ,cost 'at store, .a `paekaging-. and, these .per ` 'wo ild cost the house Vie' ,over 57.00 t per IMSlitta 'where the fanner- :ars now 00 per 'bushel,. 'closing .Thitton said - 's a With '' - sinner and those.thek want .:services -- the hie 'oral have to Pay fog them and don't blame the 'fes' for increase <in 'prices. tby Mr. Man MEW- k phone 'dill of re- gret was recetved Murray 'Gaunt,. 11 P.Pr who tad car trou- ble .and was not able toget to the 'banquet .' of Clinton �,iy[ ,. o RR, 1, the Huron Rog Producers, gave a report of ,his.. . to to O.P.A. co ent in ,Toronto. gave highlights an � of thet annual ' -fig: Comity president, Alex McGregor of Eippen, reported for . the County and gave . a detailed report `ef his, . work during the year Elect 'Officers The motes were accepted as read by the secretary Mrs. Ora- ham .McNee. Mr, McGregor pre- sided for the elect ion 'of` officers. past president, Robert eAll s ter: president,.Elroy Laidlaw: secretary-ti-easurer, Mrs. Graham McNee: creaih producer director. 'troy Laidlaw' producer di- rector, 'Robert , McA 15 r r ' f til tor, Thomas • profit- director, 1 gray : wheat preducer • 1:_ Ball Caesar: other &roc- iiia.a- Tjig gios 'rsY GET YOUR HOME 'READ'Y FOR WINTER WE HAVE A C.OMPLEIS STOCK OF ITEIILS =AT witla KEEP. YOib COMFORTABLE . AND SAYE' YOU MO's`` AND 'THE PRICE IS 'RIGHT. Insulation ass Caulk' 6ypr Wali 'I supping Folding Doors Doors and Windows We or. A i . Storm 'Sash Wood{. Allontieum Phcxne 428-1 its ,per 1• • ver ;