The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-11-18, Page 11. • WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11*," '1l4 7 E LUCCKI� OW g NYINEL, tucsolOW• 010TM10 10 KINLOUGH aMf :STRICT .Mr and Mrs, Roy Schneller, Jimnoon; with the Vice President, Mrs, ,and Betty visited on Sunday with 1 Jim Smithin the chair. Mrs, Torn relatives around Petersburg. Hodgins read the scripture foil - Doo r Prime winners .at the H W,I.. 'lowed by the Members Prayer 1st -- a dressed chicken, P. A. The meditation was given by zaar last Saturda ba . Y evening .ere Partners and the Lord's .Pea er, Murray;tad -- an angel food, Edna Boyle. The roll call • cake, Miss, Thornton; ap-' was answered with the word . `«Re- ples, Mrs. Currie Colwell.. Member." •A' missionary leiter Dors, Miner Hartwick of Kin- from Miss Eileen. Joi$es, a .missson any nurse .in Hong Kong told cardin4 kited on Thursday with tot how she heard the call: to serve her mother Mrs. Gertrude Walsh, to the mission field she stated jolly gond fellows," The .bride rove her wedding dress of 25 year* ago & they also had kept a layer of their Wil.wedding cake which was, ;served at 4a fly dinner held earlier in the evening: A delicious lunch and an- niversary cake waS served. ' Fipl- lowing is the addrea DearHazel; ':Perry • It seems like only yesterday, That you stood side by 'side; And Rev. Young spoke the words That made you groom and bride. Now 25 years have flown Chest& Robb of Hamilton_ vis- ,that the work was hard. but bee 'How quicklyPassed have , iced with his parents Mr. and happiness was unbounded when e same old sweet Mrs. John 'Robb. she received her certificate to bet hem' . r. and Mrs, ^ Harold Jim Smith spent � owed a„ called r missionary nurse, the W You'vehad. some lgaughsy and sor Mr. the• week -end With 'Mr. and Mrs., w gratitude • c A .rows, too, for their :help, guidance & Contin-. Bob Smith: and: other .relatives at } seed years' that 'are gone Toronto. . °' support: Special. prayers were, offered for .the sick in this coin - Mrs. Ales Percy and Mrs. EC I. munity,. Three: biles were packed Thompson. attended t. h e Royal [ for Moosonnee School, The Mna And after every cloudy day . The sun. has . always shone. Your daughter now has grown up W inter Farr at Toronto this wee%,1 hawk Institute - at Brantford and It seems it can't be true;. Remembrance • Day Service Big ;Trout Lake* Prayer closed Sweet little . girl awhile. ago, The annual Remembrance Day :fur the meet nut L Bright eyes,, so` round.and blue Service eras held rn the Holyrood ; / Sharon then said good-bye hall ce 1 y martin with 's: Weans Wedding Dress of 25 Years And left the old .home .nest,; P, A, Murray, ehairmaa. School 1 O Wednesday evening. Noir., r, 11th And . chose. B, a • husband pup - friends' and .. neighbours , gathered Bob Brooks, she. loved 'him, best, under ' the � dir+ectian of' firs.: at the home of Mrs and Mrs: Perry . D�onalda Scott„ sang •tflre opening ` Hoetg%ns to ~ marlk their 25th {Medd- Wide 'all of life' treasured mere . chaaus, . Two minutes siteuce was g Anniversary.Walter Breckles eyed. A!i were welcore�ed awd �' was • master of ceretrza�es and . Of ,relatives ,and ' friends B.e ' Berm Cox' read the Scri - showed a pictures of • tl�e Kenlaugh ; O love this little. neighborhood ture lesson which was followed by And wr�l whatever comes, Centennial, `en 1957, . and. the Pres- ., brayer by Rev.. Reif of Bervie., . Its ganged a lot throughout the retie m Allister Hughes sang • the th ' and also picterres orf the recent r � Mas P A. Murray gave an ap- Boy scouts, �p to W • �� It may knot be a mansion propriate reading.' `aWhy We wear pictures were all very in- Bnt "t' been. Sweet $ A P ” Mrs. Jack Iley4tt fav - The teresting. Readir�rgs .were given i were aril so �' -, glad to carne tonight The kilns(. 4� Cod help byterian Centennial in 1963 and 1 y ages past"seas and Mrs- ;the Anglican • Centennial in 1964, Since you settled in your home, placed urea _ , as n,• s +, i S n. 'Home', orae. a with a solo; The Ree_ R IDy • Mrs. WesPey Thompson of T� you didn't know we were vias guest speaker and li °seed : Kiiicanti aadiQe. lbirs. Tares 1 acDon- comiri'. in Flanders . Fields, Mrs. Alex And.. reap '-hurnrnzn i � Y got Dings. an inspiring message ending width and . Bushel/ Asx Pyercy Mrs. A fever gest their .. heads together su Fields."' l�!orFe Bushed conducte�+d:' tWd ,• ' Percy, : president of the Institute,. p eture earites sed. Miss. play . If anyof .. want ar with t Bo Ni, . ; .ad ars address to Perry, y ou lY thank all who assisted e' re Service -which closest • with • Ged and Ilazel. Mrs. Bibb .'Burt pre- . Just drop a hint to one of tis gave The Queen- Tfri.e�, each replied fittingly an W„ A_ Ntee ing �/ _ 'for iii sham!' g "Par ' tier are = gays . The WA. met on Thursday after We ask you to accept this gift To mark your Wedding Day, seattesl them_with with a gift of �imoney., •. And we'll make.. your .. A�niriversary F a h 1'ed f * all rielltallagnallellaSesagopeassisingsmiso • • • • - 4 ■ r• : as m . a,. • e a aa MKS `PtVnNutsFury Z iCylindiktf, nnisonnt • a,: a14f4 P. ooloc , Paariaian ne,, +4 doer 'ha ill+ P,r Vitt i a Illt • s .. •. It 1N4 Pontiac Laurentian,' Vu$, automatic, fully equipped m.. at 4-1114, Pontiac Laursntian• sedan.,, a cyl r ,eut.asatig 111 :,. 3—i44 Chevrolet Belau sedans, "Ftornatico. porrer . nese Irl. a • hilly equipped ist si. so motsor custom sedans auteenatc in ■ 2-1%3 Pontiac :Laurentian •sedans au atic •.. ■ 2-11x3 Chev &eta r . sus, aulanrat'rc, !aerie, .fes apapoie.1 i 1103 Chevy 2, 'standard- 1 . .. : m 1%2 Pontiac Stroh/chief, Eshwnatic !: • . '1li+4. Choy Impala, 2 -dose: autentzatic, hardtop,. Vel, .fully' D equipped . 1%1 Falcon Staf. ionwayen . m.. i 1961 Pontiac Laurentian sedan,: autornatie as utomatic . tet' • 1131! :Pontiac Laurentian tufo•-door !i!rd�!'ep. a µ s> ., A19511. Pontiac Stratoch ef, automatic,' sedan! m. ■ . 1158. Chevrolet, fully V i,, automatic ° •. ;: