The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-11-11, Page 2THE 'U .CKNOW S NTINEL, LUCKNOW;; ONTARIO .. . ouncl Form c.onsitut1ori (By John Bradley) At a ,meeting of the Student Carmel this past week: a •const)- tution..was• formed Under 'the su- Pervision • of Peggy ' Button • sad KKirkland, rkland, our head girl and boy, it had been arranged pre- and it was now brought before the Council for approval This, constitution . consists. o Than, sections,.. articles and de- tailed matters.. However, the : su • .preme idea of the whole 'constitu- tion is the, . rules andregulations that not only the Student Coundl as a w hole must .follow but also • that each officer must follow per; y- Former attempts'had been made' Ifljured...At Work At Ashfield School Elis Gossell painter .and dee- orator of Ripley, came home from Kincardine Hospital last Saturday after a ten-day stay there follow- ing .a fall .while working at North Ashfield Public School, Mr. Gosnell was painting at the school and was on a step ladder when he fell to the :ground and was knocked iniconscious. Johnny MacKay,; who works with him, was at the • other side of the school at the time but Mr. Goes sel 's fall. was noticed by pupils. at: the school. He was removed by ambulance to • Kincardine hospital where ex amination revealed concussion and back injuries. ' He was .unconsci ' i Wit, a constitution by ousfor about of former student councils; but they an hour. bad all ended- before they, were FIlis expectsto be back on the coanplete.. hi, forming our conntk job next week and ' it is very for= lotion, ideas were .got .film:: other High Schools that have found Heir tunate that his injuries were not Constitution. to be successful. As , a result to . a.. little extra work, this mon will un- doubtedly make:. thetask of run - Bing school activities easierfor the Student' Council. Perhaps to the disappointment cf many students the. `lime Tab-' les for the :,was ' exams were releasedthis past week , also. Hugh -MacKenzie last week. °'• These exams are • to commence • ' Guests with Mr. :Earl • Howes 2bth, and last week -end were.Mr .and Mrs. wffi oo�aiie•. throughut �November the . fol- :Rianald':Oke ''and family of Oshawa Friday, week. 1 and, Jack Oke .ef Port:: Hope. more severe. ASHFIELD Mrs. John N. MacKenzie home again after someweeks inWingh. Mr.andH � Donald Carter of , Woodstock visited with Mr. I UCKNo ° UNITED CHURCH Rev- Howard W. Strapp Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15th 1' 10:00 a.m.. Sunday School 11:00. a.m. Morning Worship `The problem of House Moving' Lucknow .. 1 1 Presbyterian Church 1. 1 ' Roderick MacLeod . � Feu; Minister 1 SUNDAY, ' NOVEMBER 15th 10:00 am. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. The Minister 1 ST. PETER'S ,ANGLICAN CHURCH 251h SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Church School 10:30 a.m. ;oruing Prayer 11:15 a.m. The Rev. J. -R. Ting, Rector ILI : WIUJANs ustom Made or, ne: Yuri PATTERNS or •PLAINS We Would Be Pleased. To Show You Our Drapery Samples And Give' You An Estimate` On, Your ,Room.: If•, You Are Thinking Of. B roa Moo Wali to Wall �rRugSizes We Would Be . Pleased To Show You Our Range Of Samples • At. Prices From $S.9S Up • . For Your FlOorcOvering;Needs Ask to see. our Linoleum, Congoleum, 'Tile ; and Ceramic • Wall Tile LAYING and INSTALLING SERVICE ARRANGED. • .isluwto-sce cued ...gait se28 .3 0 13 HOME FURNISHINGS MOFFA T APPL /A NCI ,S' , WEDNESDAY,: NOV, 11, 19 and Mrs, Jim 'Hodgins wase Graae .1� 0 Students patient in the Wi Hit- al ...luring, the week,To. Halder and Mrs 'Visit . ,Norman4> . I Mi'. 'Royal Mr Mme- Fred gid. y by' _. ... . At the November meeting of i orf spent .the week -end. with Mr, .and. Mrs, ,Pon Haidenby at Tor,::: the Lucknow District High School onto..• � � • . . Board permission was given for Air. and; : • Bert NchoL�on Grade X pupils. to attend'. the Evel n, •Allan and Lois; visited oa; Royal Winter Fair, as in previ- y providing that the :pas$- Sunday with Mr: and .Mrs, N. E. ons years, Evans and Linda ' at• Downsview. es when received do not : inter -r.. }tilts. Evans and Linda . reamed fere with, the' dates sept for exam p home with them for a, visit. The:. Property Committee Ls to � , We are . to re that SO1'ry look into.. the ' matter of opaque �:. Catherine Hewitt: who has. blinds •for the Cafeteria, • so. that � spent the: past few weeks with the projector can be used in. this ' . •mer Mr. and Mrs. George Graham room � when necessary. ospital • . Consideration' is " also to be . given ; was taken to . Kincardine H to additional • space in the Indus- on Saturday. We wish her im- proved .health, Arial Arts Classroom.: Thea.. H,W.I, held a� ;bazaar and ,The 30 -new •type tern for the concert in the .half ' on •Saturday: wri Commercial . room. have been de-1;evening. 1tLr.. Lloyd Ackert Show.- livered; payment for which is to be made in three yearly instal ed his pictures on the recent Boy meats. • Scout trip to Wash�ngk n. • ' Mr. and Mrs, antero rt Hodgkin_ • Sundry accounts' ' a idoWiting to . . ; son of Winghaln visited c . Sun-. s`1,091.02. were approved paid for , day with Mr, and Mrs, .Chi's Steel the month. The ton . W. will urs- 1Yleet. . day after noon for the Anil Meeh KINLOUG ! . ing and the packing of •the bales. Mr- and Mrs- Hugh Jansen and The teacher Miss ' Betty Hunter( facaly of Ackaow spent the , week - and pupils :of S.S.. no. 2 held a Mr. and. Mrs.. Alex Per- . /' school end, with Hallowe'en . 'part!? in the � cy and.Wayne. • on Friday' last.. MrS. 'Frank Maulden and her father .Mr. . J. `R. Lane visited ': Truth • and unvarnished frank - with ..relatives . at:' St. :Helens.; i , same •Hod .thin •Miss.:Tammy gins da ter &s- •• aur.annan��i'a�ananKn■g�■nnnnKna■Ei�nann�Rnnnin�,. ■ • is ■• ■ ▪ . ■ I. i'• ... ' •Council. To E▪ . . • ■ p uscuss . Lignt..■ A ;meeting of: the ' St, :Helens ■ Women's Institute; was held' in • the : hall • with Mrs. Ross : Gammie • a presiding- The roll call was an- am. severed' by. `How to : 'improve cuff Reinenlbrance Day Service," The ■ motto. on `Peace was. prepared. : by Mrs. B. F. Green and read, by . I. Mrs.. Jas., The . st�t�sP lit. was Mrs- ■ Donald Riehl of�GoderieT ch, district p ; presadent S4e spoke on the `High ii mis - lights - of. the London Area ` Wo- ' ■ men's Institute'S': Golden Aiiniver,' ■ sary' Conference" at Grace :' Un- , 'u )ted Chinch in. St. Thomas- l` 2 • Readings, were . given by.Mrs.!' .■. •: E. Ba bout and. -Mrs. Gordon Mc- A : '.: Pherson. (WTent events were' giv- - •ii en by .bliss W. D Rutherford, An entertainment committee 'consist- :. ■ ing• of Mrs- ..Jas: Aitchison, -Mrs al Gordon St ithers, . Mrs. G 'Mac- ■ i Pherson. • and Mrs_ Gordon .Lyons '. • were a " inted . to look . after some .:. a form , $ entertainment for. this ■ Month: A` ".pot luck :supper.' will 1, be ;held, Saturday, November 11'':'. ■ 1 at 715, after. which. Charles bio- ■ i Quil in will show pictures. Mrs a E. ' W. Rice and .Miss..Isobel Miller ■ were: 'nominated to look ' 'after i ,. arrangements for the .nest supper i for . the .Lions. •• ■'• Mr. -- Bob Lyons, . representing n ' the coi> was present . at. the •■ meeting concerning an outside •:' light • for . the St. Helens •corner. ■ Mrs. H. Gaunt, `Mrs_ Ross Gam- ■ • mie, ' Mrs. Frank McQuiulin and ; L • Mrs. Don Pamiabecker were ap- ■ Pointed as. a , delegation to discuss: ' ■. this matter at , the ;lest councii •i -� meeting:. Tuesday, November 10th. ■ The hostesses for the lundi • were : ■ Mrs. :E� Barbour, Mrs; Chester '' ■ "Taylor and Mrs_. Laura McNeil_ a ■■ HAVE 'PICTURES "OF GRAVE ' ■' 1N • FLANDERS . CEMETERY ".'i■i Mr. 'and • Mrs. ' Herb McQulllin • of the tad of. Klnnloss' have in their , ' ■ i possession pictures of a military i cemetery in the Flanders area of ' ■` yFrance+: '■ 'l Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Hackett • ■ ,. (Mary Cranston) took the pictures ■ = of the cemetery where hundreds ■■ and hundreds of World. • War i • Y ia/ casualties were buried. �■ They presented . the McQziillins. i With pictures of ' the cemetery and ■ g�rarr a wbAer+' Mrsy M i ties ■ brother, Sprw Samuel ,Ilrthu r Cooke a.. was buried. He was a i nember o f s `the Canadian Engiineers. and ;died on October, 3, 1918 at the age of ' • 23. He was the son of the late' Mr.• ; j'. and Mrs; Sam Choke of t) n r • NOTI.0 E To Customers of the Huron & Kinloss Municipal Telephony. System DEAR SIR or MADAM" • • ■ ■ ■ a • ■ ■ • • • ■ t n Duo to the cost ' of ' modernization and much iitipro•ed 'i' telephone service we : find it necessary to . apply for a rate increase: At. the date the nerw rate : will become.. effective' you ■' will .have additional services, E.A.S.' teateaded area'"service, no toll ,charge applied) between Dungannon and ' Godericb ': • and: between. Dungannon and Lucknow_ At.present E.A.S.. ■ applies between 'Dungannon and Ripley,. Dungannon'and Au burn, making a total of. 5,850 telephones that can be called a with no toll: charge. • D.D.D (Direct ' Distance Diming.,) will also be ready and put into service at this same time making it possible for customers on this exchange to dial their own 'station-to-sta- ■ tion long distance calls to any ' of the more. than ° 90,000,000 a telephones. in Canada 'and', the "United :States.. oe Application has been made to the Ontario Telephone • Service Commission for authority • to . make the following charges . for telephone service effective as at April 1, 1965 for the.' Dungannon .Exchange. EXCHANGE RATES INDIVIDUAL. LINE ' Business Residence TWO-PARTY ' LINE Business/ • O ■ is SAO. Per Month e 4.15 Per Month a .30 Per Month 0 ' Residence 3.25 Per Month. : MULTI-PARTY' 'LINE Business w 430 PeriVionth are Residence 3.115 ' Per Month • . ' The above rates for individual and two- 0 party line service will apply' only within, the Base Rate Areawhich is defined ■ as being that, area within the ' Miunici pa►1 limits of the V'il- of We Wawanosh ' ■ tri If individual or two-party ' line service Is ' required ' ■ beyond . the ..above limits. there will be an: additional charge i' for extra mileage .0f forty-five cents a Month for each lx 2 mile or 4raction thereof for an individual' ' line and twenty ■ five cents a ..:¢north, for .each It.c , tilde. or fraction thereof for i'' each part•) on a two-party. R e rte ed s b cru ■ 'betrs • of� syr shag • be entitled . � to. ad t�of2$c' per • ttiooth ' during ally baling: pew • when' there are an debentures outsta ppriding, •otherwise; the abode tulles shall' apply Rates for supplemenitare,,: s'etvn • y I • to all users, res such as extension ■ telephones and ,bells, a anectcon 'and mosing telephones, etc.. remain unchanged. ' This a;� t9lcat a caso ll be and before the Commission at its next regolar meeting ,in Toronto, . Any representations 'to 11 1* made tp the Couaa�i. loan with slctuh�9.. �erc�i'��m a•- • )!respect, to this-app�icatioii �: Il4 aa�¢l aliT4�d to - before �-t►�ember. �6. • tab w mbtte+d! on or �y the 'Chairman. Ontario Telephone Sec w w�c .e �y�; n * 1$ �y �4vw� 11 t��pp�yy�� .w {� �� � o3fr,`��' �Str�'. Toronto /�. • Otital`IIJ. s� 'U'YYltsa. ti:•4iYU }fib" Y i need e of .1 ' p. u turher iinforacaattoan in reference to time ' .11 u • u, imhr t+eteph ne • rate - Sou may ' a'pply tap ii per • null . by. telephone;' or by letter i MISS MARIE Mac1CAY,1104 , . SE�CRETARYW w TREASURER, s IPn1 TELEPNpNE, SYSTEM w, MORON a0, Ka OSS MU'NIt r } RIPLEY, :ONTARIO. ,` anneal sn esIs itilirtiisisrresoirdisna■■nrai■Osemempo• w•. •