The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-11-04, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE LUCItNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO LUCKNOW.DISTRICr CGOPERAT!VE Phone 528-2125 D. \..;IIiaige: ;Merchant Thirty-three Years ROBERT ANDREW RAE ' Robert :Andrew, Rae of Lucknow died in Victoria Hospital, London, in Cana a, w .. on Sunday, . October 25th after an .:the chair. The theme for the af� �. Pr �sbyteri 'n Church on October. . 21s With T. English, Wing- . ,' "Ambassadors for • ham in the chair. The meditations Christ with illness of several months. He was ternoon was 76 years of age, meditations. chosen . A native of St Marys where were given: by Mrs. J. Reid and from . MattheW 6, verses 1-13, , and: he was born July 12, 1 . , he as Mrs F, H; Cromey of Kincardine led by hfrs. R, Knight,. Mrs, S, trwtil and lt`Irs.. M Henderson, " Lucknow. Stephenson. „ •of Cranb: ook and William Rae Be ame� here "Love" B1uevae, The Love as their theme was chosen Airs T. E. Kennedy, Downie Township, near . St .Marys, ; M is the symbol of possession, where he had been farming in . is "The World for Christ." Christ Christians_ have the key.of pray, from 1st John; Chapter 4. Our aim key the spring of 1921 With his nep= is as 'deeply concerned with each er, opens Heaven's ' door' to. hew William Porteous, hie " puri r individual now as. He was in.the , all. God answers prayer accord- chased..the, hardware business of shall be in the future. ing to His will' for each one. Mrs. McLeod and Joynt 'which 'they The treasurer's report as present- Q. Moir, Gorrie, extended a.. tor- continued . to operate under the Luck- dial welcome to all present, The ~ � ed Mrs,. D. ' R. P4iacKenzae, name of Rae and. Porteous . for " now; : was encouraging, Airs. • Ross treasurer's report. read by . Mrs. the next 33 years, In January, MacMillan,; S. Kinloss, in telling . T. English, the benefit of attend- 1951, they. .sold their ' business to t o.f the . Woman's Camp at Kin- mg. Kintail camp y Mrs, A. b Charles Webster and Donald mac- ail showed hang.' much was gain-. AEuQdel, Belmore, and : Mrs, W. Kinnon who presently operate the = ed frons the fellowship and Christ L Speir's report as read by Mrs. 1.. EDNESDAY, NOVA. 4th Of; 1N4,. Rev.,. Speaks To Ladies At Maitland Presbyterial' A meeting of, .the Western' Sec- ? A meeting of the 'Eastern. See=a tion of Maitland Presbyterial of tion was held in Gorrie Presby* .: . ._. d as held .in Ripley O. Thomas, Bluevale, . occupied. 1t�.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church terian Church! October 22nd. MrS. business. Ilan meditationenjoyed there. T. A, Currie were presented w gayan . Bob` Rae;, as - he was known to interesting talk on Evening Auxtroduced � Rev: Wwghana .: G ' Fisti,. , During his years m Luckno ,Mrs J. Day, Wingham, g • e Miss McClennanon Ethel in_ most everyone, served his coin- ? iliarywork, after 'which. Mrs. D. , as guest speaker. He • considered. munity well. He acted on a vara ious , community boards including . chairman ` of the district high school. He served, on municipal D. Council and was Reeve of the viii . hid Mrs. Robe: Z1►icAlli�ter. Dlin- signs, Our dime is luaited for lage from 1930 to .1933. . He was an 'active Mason . and was a t ; gannon, introduced .the guest, sending .out the message, Com- master of Old Light. Lodge A.F. speaker, Rev. N. McCombie, who munism has been made', so . 'c- in, using Mark, chapter. 2, verses ceptable in so many 'places , in Ole and . • A.M, ' ,No. 184. and a Past x;1.12, explained. she :kinds of Fel- ' irotld . in its .ways of .met od, First Principal of Lucknow Chap- lowship that pratised by. Paul means and matter. Pray ' God that: ter . HAM. No: .'147. He was an 3 - • practical shaving;.: than of : doing he�•.n*iU send forth , labourersiinto active member.' of Lucknow '11a..-1 men will be brought to Christ His biotest. E. pest great things by action --r that:. of the Church from God and attempt great things death. does Christ• see our' ' faith in for Him... Women from Wingham ithe' Mrs Rae was a,, very; active lawn 7" tended the ��Pest - G espies weds- .bowler and as • receyntly, as theA t we are doing?. ' afternoon Auxiliary ' sang t h e on ... n �A duet sung; b�• 1Trs. B. Fie-.. pleasin - numberR, �"The World .for Saturda Labour Day tournament was , pre , g :and': �1�irs- � J>m ' A� of i ing Y� . � : sent,� at the .or: most of `gin: and iAit•s: ' J;. Day of ,lfingham 'Christ, .Airs; Keith, � Teeswater, Mr :.F cI ay The U Cow. will .be .nest Tues -greens f enjoyed 'ht'' all: In _ the ab- ,gate the offertory:prayer. Airs: Port Elgip visited Saturday. with dayat Mrs. , Wesley ' Ritchie s,:.t .daY. was Mr. � and Mrs. 'Wesley ,Ritchie. � .. :. . , �' , � � 'sence� {ol the . Presbyterial":presi- aim_ Smith, .Brussels, expressed �" 'December* 1954,. Mr. Rae y Coote change of day) dent, .firs_ 19. L..Speti-, Brussels; appreciation to all:taking 'part in • aro and Mrs. Bill Hinter . vis- . � � 1 was°: bereaved . by the- death of due to .her recent � bereavement, the meeting ..and to the , � Corrie ited in Detroit with Mr. and hfrs I • Dick' Reid for, the week -end. ter He leaves Thea itintail 4-H one , lighter, Miss 'Margaret - ;: G'ltib: held- their , Mr. and::Mts. Robert Irvin. '„,11". nd m .. in . - versary In Montreal,. which' Mrs- `': Win. Smith, llfoleswortb after mcro- Rae of. Luckaow. ' The.. Rae fain. Betty '.visited writs Mr- ,and' D'Ds. the North •Ashfield PublicSchool d las Sp it had attended ,Mrs. E. Ztiiac- which the,; ladies spent ' a _.happy McDonald Ripley, 'welcomed ' all _ missionairies' .:methods ,"and � com- p � t D Grahamr p� our methods of missionary Kinloss, led work with that of the •Common- in the offertory prayer, after , ists. The Bible: is a', Book of . Mrs- 'ited Church and a member of u ' session : at the time of his. - Kiotaii 4-H Club , . to mourn his i -' the report of the W.M.S. Anna-' closing prayer wasoffered by Mrs. lus wife, the former .`Hazel Por- • Mrs. T. A.. Currie, Wingham, read ladies for their hospitality. The Church wilt be at 10:00 ' a.m. Sunday 'school will follow for the month. of November.. Mr. and':'Mts. Roy Keane and David Manisa ;'visited.: with Larry :book covers .are to be: We decid- Hmtei for, the .week -end. ed on white and red, and what we and Mrs, Jack McDonagh do m our spare time.. We decided the name of our . club . is to be "K>atail 'Hit :Barriers. Mrs. Bettty Monerief showed us first nidi, how; to make different bandages and. Mr.. and.,. Mrs. Peter Cook spent splints, We closed with the Queen. We opened with the_ ,.�l-H Pledge !Florida fora number of years followed with the :oll ,Cali, It : since . the ' death' of Airs. Rae, was answered. b 12 members:. con - Business •.: y . Mr. Rae and �dargaret have' Was. Mowed with dis- ,. tinned t, live ' in theSouth in the Eldon Ritchie on Sunday. y have spent it winters m jeans Ashfield; thanked all .who. hour of . social fellowship together.. had contributed to the enjoyment` . . of the meeting: , Mrs: Thos. Mae- Donald, Kinolugh, closed the :meet- .• log . with . prayer, after which a g If we ` make the best of little pleasant social half hour was en- opportunities we find ourselves low more able to 'accept larger'ones cusSion On, what colour our-reuMrd ..winter months' ret ming h'e r e each spring. and_. Roddy, Mr.. and Mrs. Charlie Anderson, Joan and Charlene vis- ibed in Angus with Mr. and 'Mrs. Murray y McDonagh on . Sunday.: u never had to worry about reizrement' 'Not this happy couple! Many years ago, Bob invested in a Sun Life Retirement In- come policy and, now that he, is 65, hewill be. receiving' from Sun Life a $400 cheque every month. And when Bob dies, his wife will receive two-thirds a this amount each / month aa'long :as she lig Chances are you too may look forward to many happy retirement years. Follow Bob's example. Why` not give me a call Way? WILLIAM J. KINAHAN RR, 2 Loeknovr Phone Wingha 35.7-19$7' N LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA i1 M triryiAt t o14PA lit He is survived by sisters Mrs: Jean. Skinner and Mrs. . Edith Por- teous orteous of Stratford, Mrs. Nettie Richardson of Ingersoll, a broth- er Kenneth: Rae' of Kingsville and a nephew Witham Porteous of Liiuw He was predeceased by one sis- ter, Mrs. 'Oliver Thompson and by three . brothers, Donald, Simon and •' William • Rae - The funeralservice was ' coon- !ducted from :the Johnstone. Fun- eral Home in Lucknow on . Wed- ! nesday, :.October 28th' at 2 'p.m. I conducted by Res Howard Strapp 1,1 ° of • Ludmow ignited Church. Bur- ial was in Greenhill Cemetery, Lucknovu . Pallbearers were Jo=y seph ' MacMillan" A. By McKim, Wilfred Anderson, Wesley Joynt and W- L. MacKenzie' of Luck- now and D.`M. Johnstone of Lon- don. A .' Masonic Service was' held at the 'funeral home on Tuesday evening. • SHARON RINTOUL HEADS. ST. HELENS HANDICRAITERS, 1 St:, Helens Happy Handicrafters held their first ' meeting of , :the project '. `°The Club Girl : Stands. on Guard" on .Saturday evening, October. math. They met in their dub room in St. Helens WI. hall. Sharon ''R ntoul is' the new . presi- dent; Mary' Pannabecker, vice- ' president; . Judy..Doischt, secre- tart'„ Brenda Webster, . treasurer. The .leader handed out the pam- phlet on first aid 'and safety.. First; Aid kits and record books were died and the tools notes, ... oro “The Club Girl as a Canadian- Citizen." anadian Citizen." The nextmeeting to be held October 31st. . The meeting. closed with' the 4-1I . pledge. ' The 2nd meeting of • 5t- Helena Happy Hartdiarafters was held on Oeetober 31st in their dub MOM with 11 'members - present, holt', call was "An item I intend to have in my first aid kite"' 11'se ' of their time off such as booms* lint sic* nab re study and . ' ; crafts was rhes and the ',„ of the triar gulair bandage was demon- strated. Meeting .dosed with the 4-11 pledge. • "'MIDI! Mercy 6:30. s.ed , Fr " 6:30 Fr 6:30 . Tueid.T' '••• "The Donna Reed Show" ' 3o' Wednesday , "The Fainoos'Adventores of Mr. Masao" 6:30 Thursday Farrnees Due 6:30 Friday Sea 6:30 S :rd4, ,the