The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-30, Page 10WHITECHU RCH Mr. ' and Mrs, Garnet: McNall Of Tavistock visited Saturday with; Mr: and Mrs. ' Harry Swan .and, Mr. Barry Tiffin .of WaterOso: Spent the week -end with his 'par- • ents Mr. and Mrs. Dan • Tiffin, Miss Linda. Johnston .and Mr: Paul Geiger accompanied: him: heree, to visit, Miss Johnston spent . the week -end with , her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Johnston, and Paul with Mr. and Mrs. Carl, . Mc- Cfenaghan. . .. Golden- sunshin day..s . of Sep- tember with txs , touched b y. scarlet and yellow' brings out 'the gypsy in most of us, On one such day recently Lawerence ' Norman and . Ronnie Soloman Grade . 2 pupils of S,S. No. 10 were dismiss- ed at last recess, Un theirway home they decided they would. go to the lake. Swinging .their lunch kits they "setoff on Highway 86. They thumbed cars as ' they 'pass- ed. ass=ed Mr. Tom Morrison passed 'the two on his' way to Lucknow 'and knowing he . wouldn't be. long in town, thought he . would; let them walk.to tire them so they, would be ready to return home. M. he ,re- turned : be .. met ' the pair being given , a ride . in . a car. Mr. Morr- k • ison informed their parentswho. soon had the, pair'. safely back totheir, homes . where ' no doubt the gypsy instinct : was quelled forthe time being. The United..Church Messengers held their September : meeting. during church service in Sunday. . Miss Cassie' Solomon president gave the call to . worship. after which 'a hymn was. ' • sung. The scripture; reading :was' read by. Mr.. John Gibbes.'. Mr. Ronnie Solo- man, received the offering ' and Mss' Barbara'. Ritchie ,gave the, offertory prayer. . The roll call was answered by 17 members. .The minutes were ' read , by . Miss : Diane Swan. The ,next.: meeting will, be held; the •3rd Sunday in October' which' is October .18.:.The ..group 'divided into senior group . led by Mrs. Clarence: 'Ritchie who told .'of. work in India. and junior .,group story was given by. Miss Beverley Soloman for Mrs. ' . Sleightholr assistantleader who was 'unable to be •present: • Thursday evening September 24, Calvin ; Brick II.C,W ;held their Meeting at the: home of ` Mrs.: Roy Pattison with an attendance, of 19. Mrs. Mason ,Robinson' opened the ' meeting :with. prayer. The scripture was read. by Mrs. Harry Cook. The meditation on Anger was given by Mrs. Robinson and this was followed :by, • prayer. The. offering was. received 'and dedi- cated • by Mrs. Calvin Robinson. Mfrs. A. Jackson gave • the Bible study, The Resurrection.. and The Life to Come from the "Word and' the Way" Mrs.Gilbert Beecroft: introduce, he hss on .:study on' Brazil: and . Trinidad. "Mrs., Gordon McBurney 'gave the'. citizens hip' report; Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft spoke . words of appreciation and Mrs. ,.Norman ' Coultes. presented` Mrs...Allan Pattison with a U.C.W. • Life Menibership pin.. for which Mrs. Pattison' thanked the, ' aux`` ' ilary. Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft con- ducted the business.' 'The. minutes. were read by Mrs. Sidney Thomp-. son. Thank you notes were read from Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery and. Miss Donna Dawson. Mrs. 'Gordon .McBurney, Mrs. R o y Pattison Mrs. John .L. Currie • and Mrs, Ronald ' :Coultes• were . delegates appointed 'toattend" the Fall Rally at Ethel.. . It was' Voted• to have a congregational sup}der but .a date was not set. A discussion arose • on how to' ' raise funds which ended bydeciding to ' raise the funds by everyone giving a don= ation.Mr s... A. Jackson closed. the . meeting with 'prayer. Starting October 4th, there will be a new mail schedule for' White- church. The mail from Guelph will , arrive : at 6:'25 a.m. and the mail . from Kincardine ;to.. Guelph will leave at 7:10 p-.nt This means • there will be one mail arriving in. the day and one, going otit instead of .two arrivals and dispatches as formerly. 'r • Mr. Gary Willis and Mr. Wayne Henry, of Streestville, spent the week -end here. ' Mrs. '/van Laidlaw and ..baby daughter returned home on Satur- day from Wingham and District 4 THE' LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Hospital. Her mother Mrs. John. Crowston of Langside spent Sat- urday with her. Mrs. Maude Haggitt of Brussels returned, on Saturday from, Brus- sels* to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor, Emerson where . she: will spendthe winter, Mr. and Mrs, Victor Emerson attended the reception held for Mr. & Mrs. Murray' 'MacFarlane newlyweds, in Bluevale' Hall on Friday evening Mr. ' .and Mrs. Gordon Fisher; Lonnie and Lori of ' Guelph spent the week -end ' with Mr. and. Mrs. • WEDNESDAY,- SEPT:, nth, 1%4; don '1011.•••••••011/00,410011110•6900,40.990,09.00.,40090. Mr,and. Mrs° . Carman Farrier, Brian, Colleen and Carol of Long to Branch spent the week -end here • with Mr: and Mrs. Garnet Farrier • and his mother Mrs. W. R. Farr- ier and attended Teeswater Fair where; Brian and Colleen, gold medalists entertained large aud- iences with piano and organ solos and duets. BROWNIE NEWS The, Packie conducted an inter- esting game whereby 2 girls' were • George Fisher and her parents- to walk to a chair and back, w, Mr.and Mrs. Gilbert Marshall of .yt; i t h a marshmallow between Culross. • • , -their noses; Joyce Ann Johnston • ' 1200 HEAD, OF Mr. ,and . Mrs. Elmer ' Wall of was the Toadstool Fairy. Inspec- ' • ' Culross visited Wednesda even -tion was on, ties. After the Fairy y ; . 30%: Steers; 109'a YearlingHeifers, 15% Cows, 45% Calves • Ritchie, corners to mark the attendance • • an weighed e o .. i' s •, •� • • •: • •. • •: •: tiINY RIVER (STIlI FEEDER CATTLE SALE At Stratton, , Ontario ' THURSDAY,, OCTOBER 8th At 1:00 p.m, • • 1 FEEDER CATTLE' • • • ing with ' Mr •.and Mrs. Russel Ring the packs went to their•s d ots on arrival 1 . All cattle are sorted into truck an �_'. carload l . • books. During work period the l d igh...d and so wi a •urg .P • s northern sale offering these'weighing conditions, ' 0 Tweenies .learned, to .tie their ties. ! g• . • Tawny ' .Owl, Beverly Rathwell, , •• On.Wednesday evening Wing - ham Intermediates:Softball •softball team and ' Whitechurch Junior .C' team played.. on Wingham' diamond with Wingham winning. 6 to 5. Mr. 'and Mrs. Don Chappel of Livonia. Michigan . visited on Sat- urday with Mr. , and Mrs. Victor. Emerson. Mrs. Leola . Chadwick and Miss. 'Myrtle :Philips' both •of London also visited at the :same hokne. ' Mr. and Mrs Russell Ritchie. accompanied Mr. and Mrs. :Chhar les , Tiffin to. spend the week -end at the ' home 'of Mr. ,and Mrs. Sandy Murray and family 'of . Sharon. Mr. Fred Fells :of Toronto met Mr.: and. Mrs. Ritchie here and they spent ,the week -end -with . he' and Mrs. 'Fells and family in :Toronto. • Mr. ;and Mrs: Russel Ross,' 'Jim and Doris spent ,Saturday- in. Lon • • •;a • '/ taught knitting while the Packe, ' • R. A. FISHIER, Sec.Treas,, Emo Ontario • Eleanor Whitby, taught semiphore. 14. The " Brownies; flying up into . • Guides, ' practiced for the flying • up ceremony on ,Friday,. • Septem- ber 25. Mothers ' are: welcome, • • GIRL GUIDE NEWS September . 25th was a . big day for Brownies. and Guides; in Luck now. The Brownies met with the. Guides ;.in'. thetown hall: at 7:00 p.m. Carol . Campbell and Donna Mullin were hostesses for the evening.. .After the ''Guides . had their;. opening exercises, the Brow- nies • and • their pleaders' ' gathered around their Toadstool for ,a'. Fly- 111.41WAIS=Ww ALLAN MacINTYR'E,' Auctioneer, •Lucknow, Ontario .1 up 'ceremony. Brownies who "flew- up" into. •Guiding land were Elva Ritchie, Charlene Anderson; Deb= ra Ann Corrin, 'Patty: Hamilton,' Elizabeth Newbold, Susan Manto, Joyce •Ann Johnston and . Janet Thompson: Following this cere- mony, ' another important . event took place: Janet Carruthers .was presented with her All -Round Cord, by her former patrol leader, Bar, tiara Rathwell who also has: •her.' All -Round ,Cord. Janet was.' con - woo. gratulated by everyone and en- couraged to continue toward her goal.. The Brownies then had an. active • game conducted by Janet,. while the Guides ,looked on. At campfire, which was: led by Don- na •Mullin, the campers told :of '' their experiences at Keewadin this. summer. Meanwhile, tea was ,ser- ved to' the adults present. The Brownies then closed the meeting with Chimes, and . the Guides with;., Taps. • Puts the, things: you want within: your reach at Mt • 5 . • wriv' rx5..n.....,.,.c;4:+ti4rrrww,,.,..w•„� .AN�K OF JV ON'TREAL Bring all your personal coredit 'needs. . -under one roof • LOW COST LIFE-INSURED:'LOANS. 'iILTON I YN rt Manager