The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-30, Page 5itariarlia WEDNESDAY;. SEPT, 30th, 1.964 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE; WHITECHURCH and DISTRICT • attender. s wish the course. Mr. and Mrs.. Bill Craig • of • Scarbourough spent the week -end Untended! for last week.) I and. organ were Supplied' by their with Mrs Robert Ross' who• return Mr, and Mars. Garnet McNall uncle Mr Garnet Farrier, They ed home with them for :a few' & her mother Mrs. Buvel of Tav- , will also'entertain Sept 26 the after- weeks visit. tock visited on Sunday ay with Mr. ''noon of Teeswater Fair. and Mrs, Harry Swan and family.1 Those attending Western Uni- Messers, Paul Geiger :Waterloo ' versity London, from this area are and Lloyd Gollan Ashfield • spent !Messrs. • Geore C o n n, Elwin the week -end with:. Mr. and Mrs. ' Moore, Murray Coultes, Wayne Carl McClenaghan; • , Martin and Miss Muriel Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McBurney Mrs, Jim CQultes, Mr.. and Mrs. 'Hugh and Ronald visited on Sunday Ed Walker atterIndon. Fair d Mrs Jim 'McBurney, on Friday, of Turnbe and • . ' Mr. and Mrs, Ken. Currie, Grant, Mr. Douglas Coultes returns to Helen and Joan attended London Waterloo Universitythis week. Fair on Saturda Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rouland of: 'Hampden, New Jersey visited last Wednesday"with • Mr, and Mrs.. Fred Tiffin. Mrs. Rouland is a cousin of Mrs. Tif f in's. Mr. and ,Mrs. Elliott Johnston: of Ripley, were Sunday visitors with>•'Mr, and. Mrs. Russel 'Ritchie. Mr. E and Mrs. Charlie Tiffin spent • Sunday with • Mr.. and Mrs. William Brown, Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Procter, ; y' Mr. & Mrs. Dawson Craig, Mr. Word was received here by Mrs. and .Mrs. Alex Coultes returned • Morris twp„ and' her mother Mrs. Russel. Gaunt that on Se tember home Saturday evening from their. Mabel Stapleton, spent Sunda with p y 5th to' Mr, and Mrs. Y William Mr. and. Mrs. Tom Jamieson" and !Johnston (nee Lois Ribey) in. Pais - Mrs. 'Stapleton remained for . a + ley Hospital a son a brother for visit. •Ann and Karen. Mrs. Johnston The United Church Messengers t meeting •will; be held this Sunda ,Will be.. remembered by�'many as. Sept, 27.'The .date was chin ed ;she tapgtat at os,'no. `9 Murray's g school. . • owing to anniversary services at ' Mr. and. Mrs: Jacob Kuepfer. Bluevale. Timothy; and Philip -moved to There will be. no .services at Cal.' their new : home .the, former' Alex vin Brick United Church due to a Leaner "farm this..last week. •h anniversaryservices being- :held Mrs. Wallace Conn and, Alma las and Joyce visited Sunday with, • at Knox United Church ,Belgrave. visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McInnes and William • • Mr. and .Mrs, Joe Smith. Wing- j Mrs:.. Ed Wadel 'of Teeswater. of Culross. • ham, Mr. & Mrs. Johnston ConnNew • Student .Minister While there Mrs.. Wadel.. showed' - ` g. •visited ' on Sunday with' , Mr.� and' them, her hooked rugs which are . On � SundaySeptember � .20 at Mrs.: Ronald Perrot. and family of.' hooked with the aid of'. a hoop 'and Chalmers. Presbyterian Church, Coder. ick I for which she received first 'prize .'student preacher • Mr. Donald Mr. and . Mrs. Carman Farrier i;at the .'Toronto Exhibition. Last Watt of Knox College area motor trip through • the western provinces and • British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. George Coffin, Sharon and Cindy and .Mr.. Alex. Coffin all of .Galt spent Sunday with Mrs. Claude Coffin and John. Mrs. William McInnes of Walk- erton visited Monday with Mrs: Orville 'Tiffin.. and ' Mr.: and Mrs. Jas. McInnes. ' Mr and Mrs. Dan Tiffin,..Doug- Brian,• Colleen and Carol spent the sumther Mrs. Wadel attended a here and at Langside:. At each ser - week -end here with Mrs. W R. short course in Toronto for ,rug vice the congregation remained Farrier and Mr. and Mrs, Garnet ' making, passed exams and re- • and a ballot vote was taken to see Farrier.While here on Saturday, ceived . a certificate for, teaching if the congregations: wished his services. In each case', the. vote was unanimous hence Mr. and Mrs. Watt .' and family : will move into themanse here this week:. In the United Church. here ser- vices will be . on 'September 27th at 10. A.M.;. conducted by ;Rev.. Madden of Rothsay while' Rev. George- Mitchell conducts 'anniver saryservices there.. Services' . at 'the . Presbyterian church will be; at .11 .a.m.:and Sun- day School .at 10a.m Mr: and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz and Mr..: Charles ' Martin ' attended Western Fair London Wednesday and Thursday and visited :' with .. a rs. ; n ons and 'family.. Congratulations. to F or d y e e school . scholars and their 'teacher Mrs: George: Kennedy on winning first prize for . their .marching at • they attended Lucknow Fair where • Brian and Colleen gold medallists,.. delighted large. audiences 'during. the 'afternoon playing` piano': solos andduettes as well as duettes on the electrohome organ: The piano rug making -land is now '`eligible to: teach' this course at the night schools held in the ; High School. We understand she will .teach this% subject at Wingham District High School if the desired number of MONUMENTS For sound 'counseland a fair price . on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on, , SKELTON MEMORIALS Walkerton: Pat O'Hagan, Prop Established 'Over'SixtyYears Phone :881-0234. Ontario.. '� ` Purina Wormers, Disinfectants, Ratarty .Fly Kill�r�; Medicants,. Etc. ...\•:ttk A. \ , - \\‘'..k&X\ \;:<:\ V -k;*•'*\\ ,'\•7•N. • * • ,z• ti It is ,estimated that Canadian farmers. lose. over $100,000,,000.00 ;every' , • year , to 'preventable disease.to lvestock and poultry. You'. can, save your by keeping disinfected, and by share of this loss tree 'in your operation clean, :y . , wing . following.. a irony disease-pre'�ent�otr program n your herd or ,floc k. We, have the ,eamplete line of', Purina .Sanitation • ,Products and Healtli there 'are 5 2 different Aids • ferent. products including the new '.Purina Germ- -•= .. nt . icicle which. is a general purpose highly -effective effective disinfectaand' de- odorant.poultrytothuses, stables, hatcheries, farrowing. pens, ... use in •"o ' •e nils. rabbitries :and fur ranches for. crates, laboratories, clog .kennels, . ' trucks etc., to Come in soon and let' -us tell you more :about 'Purina' Sanitatitin • Products..: - - • FOR .FAST, EFFICIENT FEED SERVICE CALL f. • -PHONE 528 5530 • iCkNOW .. :. feed.Chows Today bigger profits tortiotrowr . . Canadians who ���at~tl�ig� � p • 11 .. ® WOW 11 11 /'_:A % . r IM .. / /' S r ■ E r. M • :, i1: i i■.liasr■■r.rw ilw wwIri. r EATING MEANS BETTER LIVING • NOW!' COMPLETE • CUMFti RI CONTROL .24 HOURS: A Dili l :t - ��home co•r�for (Ali For Thea Low Cost Of The Oil .'Alone).• •. FREE BURNER. AND • FREE 24-HOUR FURNACE CONDITIONING EMERGENCY .SERVICE FREE MID-SEASON • AUTOMATIC. CHECK FUEL OIL DELIVERY 'Let "your Cities.. Service dealer give your • oil heating equipment a complete, unhurried and personalized conditioning NOW! When cold -weather strikes again, just flip,the thermostat dial and your home will be 'filled with the luxurious, comfort :of • Cities Service Premium Oil heat. No last-minute "calls for seri/ice—no possible delay and inconvenience. : P.S. Protect your budget! En- quire' about our low' cost rre- • placement parts insurance. • contract -PHONE TODAY! CITIES®SERVICE FOR ' SERVICE'. and SATISFACTION A k "BUD" HAMILTON: CALL' .. Your : Lucknow and District , Agent FOR ALL CITIES' SERVICE. PRODUCTS — Phone Collect 528-2477 Office OPEN DAILY 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 ':p.m.' Located .East of Lucknow on Highway 86 the Lucknow Fall Fair on Saturday. They carried a Red Cross flag and • were ;dressed . accordingly. Visitors on Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Chapman were Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Wilkie of Parkhill. They, were also , visitors with Mrs. Mary Chapman Sr in Wingham and Distri/ t Hos-• ital.: p Born Laidlaw to Mr. and.. Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw . ,. (•nee Cecelia I Crowston) on Saturday September 19th,.`: 1964 in Wingham and Dis I trict Hospital • a daughter. , 1Vlessers:. Gary Chapman and Wayne Farrier on Monday attend- ed "the play • . Richard III ' at the Shakespearian Festival, Stratford I along . with their grade 13 . class 1 mates of Wingham . 'District, High I School • Quite a .number from, here at_ `tended the reception held ' on Fri I. day evening in Belgrave ,for Mr.' land Mrs: ' Leroy . Rintoui nee Lila I Black. . I Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer, 'Brian • and . Paul of Sarnia spent the week -end with his mother Mrs. Cassie . Falconer. 7 1 Mr. and Mrs. Billie. Caslick Beth; Donna . and Patsy,. of Culross .:were Sunday visitors With her parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick.: . l ' Whitechurch • and community ' were well represented on ;Satur- •day at the Lucknow Fair which) was a decided success. . On Friday evening fir..and Mrs. Albert Coultes went to Port Elgin ' and • Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Sch- wichtenberg . and Lori Jane., re- ' turned home • with them. Mr. Schwichtenberg. who ' is on hell - ' o il days, has _developed eye trouble t which impairs his vision and at present is waiting for an appoint- ment ppointment with an eye . specialist. We wish him a speedy recovery. • Mr. and' Mrs. Jack• Coultes, Deb- bie and John. Kevin of Wallace- burg, . spent the week= end' with their parents • Mr. and itrs.. Al- bert` Coulees and Mr. and. Mrs., Mervyn Pipe of Brussels.,' : G The ,Mission Band of Chalmers ' Presbyterian Church. held ,.their meeting on Sunday. In the absence • Boer theleader Mrs. Ellin De of the ' resident Miss High Situp - Ison presided. The tail to worship was given by • Mrs. Simpson. A hymn was sung. Miss Dons Fisher . . gave a prayer. Miss Mary • Lou Wall' read the scripture. .The ,retary "Miss.,' .•Darlene Simpson read the minutes. : The . roll .call: was : answered by 14 attenders. The . offering was' received by Mr. Barry Elliott, and. the -offertory prayer given • by Miss Debbie Rey nolds. Mrs. Earl Caslick '.told . the story. "The. Prayer Knight". •Mrs_ Simpson -gave the reading My' Hand in God's.. Mrs. Caslick had . , a contest on boys and girls of ..the Bible and the kings of the Bible. �. '� " •Linda , A hymn was. sully and � i2ss .3 McWhinney closed the meeting • with prayer. Fortner .Whitechurch Man Dies On Wednesday Sept. 16, William Gordon MacKay of Palmerston formerly • of Whitechurch passed away m , his 82nd year at Welling- ton County Home Fergus. When .Mr. MacKay was young he , worked for the farmers in • this locality some being the late Mr. Ed Gaunt, and. Mr. Dave Clow.. He also worked • at . the. ' mill owned ,:by the late. Mr. • Jim Gaunt. His' parents the late . Mr. and MrsDan MacKay lived in the . Teeswater . vicinity. The late Mr. MacKay and his. wife . the . former Clara Elizabeth Garbutt, • Mc.Clenaghan had resided , at the County Home Fergus for - around 'a year. Sur- vivors are his • wife at the. Fergus Home - and: a • son Leigh at Palmer-.. • ston. The funeral service was held on Friday at 2 p.m. from :Currie. and Sons Funeral Home. Rev.. '. Cecil Jardine of United Church Wingham conducted the Service with burial in Wingham . cemetery. News Bri�fs • 0 • Mira • A charge of non-eapital Murder has been registered' against Mrs.. Luke Keeshig, 30, of the Cape • Croker Indian '. Reserve, resulting from . the death of *Mrs. Aleda Weldrick, 29, another member of the reserve. Mrs. Weldrick, moth- er of 4 children, had been found nude and bleeding by three Indian youths who summoned the police. SN' w a taken to a London hos- pital Where • she died cagy the following .days. 1