The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-30, Page 3WEDN E$DAY, SEPT. 3Oth, 1964 W THE LUC eRpEEEaaa•••nr.u■nn••enaee\tin■■ilinemoses reari/■■a■■■passullon00E■�1■hE/I■■■ u r. A' •f if /jf la OW SENTINEL, . LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ■I PAGE THREE • Mrs. J. T. Carruthers spent 'the past three weeks visiting mem- Edith.. and bers of her family in Goderich, Harvey Kintail, Lurgan, and ; thin. past week • i n, Mount Forest. 1 h rt V1 e rs Iged B� f ;wri/'%F /%' / ■ Fraser Ashton son of Mr.. and Mr., and Mrs: Harvey Webster fin: �.l s...rr// r/s.. ■ • ■ u, ■ Mrs. Lloyd Ashton has returned were honoured , onl Sunday when to Mark. ■ �, ! to .. Ontario Agricultural College a; family dinner was held at the is at Guelph:to take the fourth year Log Cabin restaurant .. �. i / ,<• Yom':: a " ■ Of a four year ,course in micro the occasion of. .their ' - thirtietb� i• /' ; n; •' . ■• biolo wedding anniversary ./ ■ Mrs:- Mar • Mr's. Webster was the former ' •: ,',J ■ Margaret MarcPherson of ■ - ..,, / f/ ■ Edith Shirley, daughter of Mrs:' • - ;� !. / ■ Milverton, formerly of . the 10th: of Bessie Shirley • of Lucknow `` A i Kinlo wh has bee a and �. ss, o n patient "the lialeTrei!vrl?e Shirley. Edith a. . in Ctrs* r.i c:.; 1 � 1 ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 9 $1 Van Kirk Chipitsomato � :•oup �,� ■ AYLMER NEW PACK, 10 oz, 10c' OFF • PACK, .12 oz: i ■•• Tomato Juice ��.$1 Zi�' Dog � Food '11-� 1 ■ • LIBBYS FANCY;. NEW PACKy 48 oz.. 15 oz. TINS - — usau married Lll11 �y. ■ favourable recovery. Mrs.. Mac- years ago September 29th in Tor - 1 ■ Pherson mother of Bill Mac :onto: Harvey is the ° son of the ■ Pherson of Holyrood fell and a late Mr, and Mrs. Richard : Web- • broke . her hip about six weeks stet of Lucknow, ■ago Mrs. Richard. Brumby of Tor Recent visitors with Ma's. Herb • onto; . who was maid of honour at Curran Lucknow were Mr. and the.wedding, and Mr. • Brumby Mrs. C. A. , Higgins of` St. Clair were' 'in attendance at the'dinner, . :.Shores Mich.as were Bob Andrewof Listowel, ' ;..Mr. and'�Mrs. Joe • Day of Hamilton; M. and ' Mrs.. °who was best man, and. . Mrs. ■ Curran and familyand • Mr. Andrew. "York Stew ■a Mrs JiAcheson ad fam Edth and Harve )n y y ,have a . fam s 4.$1 •.■ .BEEF or IRiSH.;. ,15 .oz. El White Sw(1n` Tissue.- 8 $1 TWIN PACK,' WHITE'' or COLOURED' ROLLS Diced Beets,:C�rrols .—$1 CULVERHOUSE, .20' oz. TINS Jams or Jellies AYLMER, : WITH ' 'PECTIN, 9 oz. Cooked Spaghetti 6 Pineapple CATELLI, IN TOMATO. SAUCE,:' 1S'. oz. CHOICE QUALITY .CRUSHED, SLICED, * [ TIDBITS, 20 oz., LEE'S CH. garet "Irwin) of Milton and Mr. Roy 'three, two daughtres, Mrs.. of London. ily- of Mrs. Wm. Hewat and Ardonna Hunt (Elizabeth) Of Gorrie. of � Willowdale and Miss � Lorna and Mrs Terry Pym (Nancy) of Kitchener, and one son George of Campbell .of Toronto spent the Halifax, who was " unable along week -end with Mrs: R. 11: . Thomp- with his wife and ' son to attend' son and. Helen, Mrs: Thompson the dinner. George. visited with, returned to Willowdale with her .his parents by phone. Harvey and . Edith " have four , grandsons. .. Mr. and Mrs.:'Ken, Agnew (Mar - daughter Mrs. Hewat f. o r the Week. • • and Mrs. Emer..son • Irwin of Lon- Margarme • -*•—V J{i.■ A ROSE BRAND COL., 1 Ib . BAKERY. .: EATURE : ,a d n Mrs..re rWe G nt visitors Reed and also■ `. ■ with Mr. and Mrs' Lloyd Avery ■ ■ Niblets ' Brand Corn : 5-89c Sliced Bread : 5 '1 of TeeswateF), . ■ ■ Among the many visitors ` who • FANCY, 14 •oz, AUNT MARY'S, 24',,oz. LOAF a ni have called on the :Misses Jessie 4—$1 I Saluda Tea' �Ba s .75c Donvts _ ■ SUPREME. B•RAND, PACKAGE, DOZEN • • • -PACKAGE ' OF 60 ■ Beans with Pork •• CLARKS, .20 or. Fabric Softener,, FLEECY, 32 oz: FEATURES Instant. Starlac ■ ■ 3 Ib. PACKAGE Strained Foods Maple Guest Cake 45c WESTON, EACH ..` ■ u ROZEN FOOD FEATURE 2 eat Pies 5—$1 MORTON'S, `BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY Kindless Bacon .. Ib. 69c y COLEMAN,'. EPICURE' `SIDE SAVE! SAVE! • SAVE! i• .'f M'E'SH P'RO`DUCE 2 . GERBENS, JARS, 0(4 or/..., .■ .. 4 . California.' - Gra :�, es 29c V.an Kirk Chipitsp FLAME RED,' TOKAY, ...No. -1, :2-. lbs: :. ' 0 is 6c OFF PACK, '6 oz.. ■ ■ PHONE -528-3001. FREE DELIVERYlizsaaaasiaacisumi' ■ enim e:e a■e■mneeaamrsnains ■n■nn•B••■■■•■■■•■••■■■aaa �Peiaie i • II e ■ LOCAL and. GENERAL NEWS Cliff Crawford IS a patient .in, . : Mrs. Bruce . McKenzie/ is a pa- .Wingham . District Hospital .with tient in. Victoria .Hospital, London. a back injury. . • Mr. and Mrs.. D. R. 'MacDiar- Mrs. Robert Fisher returned mid of Shaker Heights, . Ohio, visit- from St. Joseph's Hospital;' Lon- ed with his sister: Mrs. Neil. ' J. dein, after a lengthy illness.:. ' MacKenzie over the week -end. Mrs, Jim Hunter, Zion, under- Duncan MacMillan of , Detroit, wet sur. er.•y last Wednesday 'visited . this week with his brother e� h s Hospital, London. Joe •and Pat MacMillan � of ,Luck- ' L - Josep P MacMillan in Tee's in St. Mrs. George Lo'ckhart. of Kih- now and Milas Tees - loss . is in the Nora• Francis Gen. water. los Mrs: :Ronald Forster visited ctrl Hospital in' .Hamilton• �' �4•ith , fir. and � Mrs, Gordon C. Jim Snelgrove:; who is Married nt ,omor . and familv•.and Mr., f � nro �, � studying law at Osgoode Hall in of Don Mills, �h'1 h to the'former Ruth .1.oN'liston, i, n llf . Wm • 1'. S Fisher,, all . s .While e s e attended' (,rand Chapter 0:E:S. in Toronto:. Mrs Stuart • Collyer and Miss June . Collyer attended a shower last week in Mount Forest in 'hon- our of Miss Sandra Weiser whose Marriage 'will take • place early in October to Thom Collyer • of Orangeville... • Mrs Soni Reid has returned fl°ritti ,Victoria f SUNDAY . LATE SHOW, OCT. tltc le of her daughter iu are in i . Mrs. Ste'l'e Graham. pitalrzoci fit,e weeks. " Peter t +lo o to Mr. •and � " ... . 4 last .. ■ .Toronto. ;'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 'DMchen . zie and , Blair•. of Mount Forest were recent Visitors with relatives in this ,area: . Mr.' and Mrs. Bill Reed.. Pats' and Lynda of Auburn Visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W:" G. Reed: • ' Robert Rae returned • to his home last Friday .after being hos- Victoria Hospital, Lon - • Hospital ` London to DRIVE-IN THEATRE HANOVER FRIDAY, SATURDAY, -OCT. 2-3 For .Love or. Money Kirk Douglas, Mitzi Gayner, Gig Young .. Adult Entertainment Technicolor. "Grab Your Partner and 'Get Your Share of Comedy and Fun.:". The Raiders : B. Keith • Technicolor "Texas Was Doomed Until 'The Raiders: Took Over." CARTOON , don. z d i She was hos, do'. M> Isle of Sin • LANGSIDE Mrs'. Annie Swass, and Elizabeth Ann, and 'Rosemary Carr .of Tiv ' erton' visited Sunday . afternoon with Mr.,; and Mrs. Frank Miller. Mr: and • Mrs: • Charlie Tiffin and Annie Maclay recently in- spent'the week -end with Mr'- and chide: 'Mr, ' and Mrs Robert Ross, Mrs.. Sandy Murray and family Toronto, Mr.. and Mrs:: Bill Crow, at :Sharon. They: were accompanied Fort Francis; Mrs. Walter Bowen, by.Mr: and Mrs.. Russel B. Ritchie Windsor; Mrs. M. Neblets, Wind who visited with Mr. and Mrs. sor; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Edwards, Detroit; Mrs, Gordon 'Hall 'and family, Ottawa; .Mr. and Mrs. E Irw Lod Mr and Fred Fells. We are glad to report that Mrs. Ivan 'Laidlaw (Cecilia; Crowston Emerson my non; and baby " daughter' Janet Elaine Mrs. Kenneth Agnew, Milton; Mr. were able ` to. come .:home , from and Mrs, Ben Ruttel, Kincardine.' Wingham. Hospital on. Saturday,. ' INN•••••••••••••••••l0r4•6••r•••00••iNNiNN AT THE ' • P THE SQUARE. Godench, i.. • •. •: • • Showtimes .7:30 and 9:30 p.m. ' • Thursday, Friday, Saturday, . October '.1-2-3 Now Connie Stevens, Troy Donahue ' and Jerry Van 'Dyke., • In a: bright and amusing tale of ,`a resort. town „Palm: Springs . Weekend•. • Color -- • •; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October S-6-7 •' Joe. E. Brown, Basil Rathbone, Boris Karloff, Vincent Price ••• and Peter Lorre • It's a: Riot' All your favorite creeps together with funny- '•, man Joe in the smart and amusing• • • "Comedy, of Terrors" • . Thur., ' Fri., Sat., October 8-9-10 Adult ;..Entertainment' • Peter' Sellers, , Capucine and Robert Wagner , In the brilliant comedy that set the • critics cheering The. Pink':Pmither" • •. --• . Color - • Sat.. Matinee. Only — "Gunfight at• • Dodge City" • • • • i • •. color • • Coming: Elvis Presley in 'VIVA LAS VAGAS" Six Nights • A.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 ELYCEUM-Winghain! • ■ ..■ • 1 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, ; FRIDAY, SATURDAY le SEPTEMBER 30 OCTOBER .1-2 3 ■ •.■■i ■ SPECIAL A ' Hard Day's .Night usr ■ ■ ■ Starring John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison ■ • • ' : . oStar HE BEATLES. i. '. . and Ringo T �' ■ ■ ' g ., iii.. The Beatles in their first feature, length ..film. an ■ experience not to be missed. ■ MONDAY,' TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY,.OCTOBER 5-6-7 "A Global Affair" of Old' •Lake Alberta, have been 'Nil.. W. O. Hunter returned - w C _, in Luck o , visiting' with her parents Mr. and. Saturday, , to his home in for ; tho '. • Mrs. Jim Arnold. past four being in London Vic hospita r d l , � y • .;�cyY gue, : Miss Lila Humphrey wereguests orris r suffered a fractured hip Of their cousin Mr. Bert Taylor Hunte. h' h a n J n 5th and Mrs. Taylor 'of Auburn on Irk . w :. 'able to get ii the' occcasion their golden wed- H is no hos 'tris: Mr.. and - Wingham p ding anniversary, September 23r.1 q . G... Thomas Terrified. "Vila Grave Yard with a Killer ■ Starring: Bob Hope and Lilo Pulver ■ • , `Ph'is is another riotous • Hope comedy designed td please lei ■■ , ■ audiences of all ages: r ■ . M■ Coming: Thursday, FridaYr Saturday,. Monday, Tuesdayand • r • r Wednesday, 'October Bolt « . "''CLEOPATRA11 Rtr• ■••illlul"ali'iair*.'II aIasi I■■•ir■wlEBBEBBri BWn